My 1979

Chapter 915 Fujita

Li He said, "In other words, we are the second shareholders after all?"

Jin Lin and Qi Hua nodded together and replied, "Yes."

Qi Hua said, "People from Nippon Fujita Stone Co., Ltd. have come to consider the acquisition. Moreover, Sisha has been suspended for more than a year now. The workers are making trouble. If we don't give them any advice on how to deal with it, it will become even more uncontrollable."

"Fujita?" Li He felt like he had heard this name somewhere before and continued to ask, "Have you not conveyed our Dida Group's intention to acquire it?"

Qi Hua said, “The conditions they proposed were not generous, and could even be considered harsh. They did not intend to acquire Sisha wholly, and they were not prepared to take over Sisha’s liabilities and employees. They wanted to establish a joint venture with Sisha. All the products produced by the joint venture will be sold by them, and they will also receive a technology commission of about 3 points."

"Is this also called an agreement?" Li He couldn't help but sneer.

Qi Hua cleared his throat and said, "Fujita Stone Co., Ltd. is not large in scale, with fifty or sixty employees, and its annual output value is about 200 million. It is considered a typical medium-sized enterprise, but it is backed by the Nippon Fujita Group. This It is one of the top ten chaebols in Japan and a Fortune 500 company."

And Fujita?

Now he finally remembered!

Wasn't the thing in Old Man Zhu's hand snatched from them?

It’s really not that enemies don’t get together!

The wind is blowing harder and harder in the north, the snow is getting denser and denser, the sky is gloomy, and the sun is hiding somewhere, giving people a depressing feeling.

The best hotel in Zichuan is called Haitian Hotel. It is only four floors high and is a Sino-Hong Kong joint venture. It provides a one-stop service from dining to karaoke and accommodation.

At this time, Li He was sitting in the hotel box drinking tea leisurely, but suddenly received a call from Guo Dongyun.

"Mr. Li, Soros United Hedge Fund has begun to short a listed company under Yindao Trading." Guo Dongyun said on the phone without being in a hurry, as if he had expected it.

After all, she had tricked the Quantum Fund so badly in the British Pound Battle. It would be a problem if she didn't seek revenge on her, and as expected, it happened now.

Li He said with a smile, "If he dares to go short, I will take over and lose all his pants."

He also had this mental preparation. Sooner or later, he would have to pay back those who came out to fool around. Killing people kills each other, and the way of reciprocity is ignored.

"Mr. Li, Moody's in the United States has downgraded this company's senior unsecured debt rating to "B3". The rating outlook is maintained at "Negative", considering that its financial position has weakened to a level more commensurate with a "B3" rating. So I have asked the company's management to prepare for the annual investor meeting. On the surface, the company's current production and operations are normal and stable, its performance has grown significantly year-on-year, its operating cash inflow is sufficient, its debts have never been overdue, and there have been no major adverse changes in its solvency. "

"There's no need to go to such trouble." Li He interrupted forcefully, "Soldiers are coming to hold back the water and the earth is covering up. A few freshly graduated MBA graduates are pointing out the country in front of me. They are not worthy."

The reason why most listed companies cannot stop trading is insufficient capital liquidity.

Dealing with one another is nothing more than a game of money, and what he doesn't like most now is money.

Even those American vulture groups, such as amerson Analytics, who like to fish in troubled waters and are good at ants biting elephants, are not afraid of him and still let him wear pants and go out as he pleases.

"Spread the news to me and let Lao Yu, Lao Shen, and Huang Bingxin, including all our companies at home and abroad, refuse to cooperate with Moody's in any form in the future and refuse Moody's ratings!"

Such rating results confuse right and wrong.

For rating agencies, they are either adding insult to injury or making things worse. To put it bluntly, they are just a faggot.

Take the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis and the European debt crisis as examples. Before the crisis, rating agencies were dedicated to tracking and observing various economies on the planet. Why didn't they issue early warning ratings?

Since Moody dared to team up with Soros to deceive him, he had no reason to be humble.

"I understand what you mean." Li He wanted to confront you head-on, but Guo Dongyun did not object. What she did before was nothing more than a normal company process. Now that Li He took the initiative to say not to take the ordinary path, she was too late to be happy, because they had this Confidence.

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