My 1979

Chapter 935 Good Life

If it were in the past, Li He didn't think it was looking for trouble, but thought it was a disguised form of care. For a man without a woman to control him, most people would live like a dog.

So everyone is desperately thinking about getting out of singles.

Life is very strange. Sometimes, things that seem to be dazzling and unparalleled, and things that you want to get even if you give up everything, will feel that they have completely lost their luster when you look at them after a while or from a slightly different angle.

"The mulberry leaves have not yet fallen, but their leaves are lush; the mulberry leaves have fallen, but they have yellowed and fallen!"

Lying on the bed, this sentence suddenly came to Li He's mind.

But seeing pieces of mulberry leaves that were once green have now turned yellow and withered in the wind, which implies that the woman is getting older and the color is fading. In fact, it means that the man likes the new and hates the old quickly.

He and He Fang have only been married for a few years, and it is impossible for her to age so quickly. In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, He Fang should be becoming more mature and temperamental.

He still loves her so much, still likes her so much, this has never changed.

But he found that he was not very willing to chat with her, and even felt tired occasionally.

But he found that he liked chatting with Yeats or others. This was a fresh and novel experience.


He committed the common sin of all men in the world: he likes the new and hates the old.

There are simply too many men like Chen Shimei who "talk and laugh at the boss's banquet. They make their vows and never think about the opposite."

He angrily put the quilt over his head and slapped himself hard on the face several times.

He once again felt the profoundness of Chinese traditional culture. Our ancestors knew everything about human nature!

"What's wrong?" He Fang asked concerned.

Li He shook his head, "It's okay."

He Fang said, "School starts, I'll take the kids and leave first?"

Li He nodded, "No problem, I've asked Dong Hao to pick him up, and Lao Ding and the others will probably be there soon."

Not only Li Lan, but also Li Pei and the others are approaching the start of school.

Perhaps out of guilt, Li He worked hard that night.

In the morning, he got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and had breakfast. He didn't find anything else to do, so he just walked around the beginning and end of the village.

Although the situation is much better than in previous years, there are still very few families who can build tile-roofed houses at this time, and there are still only a few families, which still appear to be a bit dilapidated.


"This pig is so fat."

He greets people when he meets them. He wears bright clothes. His family is one of the few in the village who don't wear patched clothes. What's more, as a family that can eat meat every day, as a representative of the promising people who got rich first, he went When you go to the village, you will naturally gain respect from everyone.

Regarding the future, most people have expectations. They will eat meat every meal, make a new quilt next year, and build a new house like Li's family.

The biggest prospect is for someone like Li Hui or Zhao Di to have enough money to buy a car and make money by trucking. This is the fastest way to get rich that they can access and directly feel.

Those who were unwilling to accept the current situation either found small jobs nearby, or went south to work with a woven bag with a quilt on their back.

Li He unknowingly walked to the door of Liu Chuanqi. Liu Chuanqi was holding his grandson and feeding him eggs. When he saw Li He coming, he gave the child to his daughter, threw the cigarette and said, "Sit down."

"Hold a meeting in your village and build the road to the commune." Li He blew out smoke rings and said, "Estimate how much it will cost and it will be mine."

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