My 1979

Chapter 946 Sincerely

"Is this my eldest niece?" When Li Fucheng saw the girl, his face burst into laughter and he kept saying, "She looks like my mother."

Sun Changru's expressionless face suddenly smiled and said, "Uncle."

Li Fucheng opened his mouth happily from ear to ear, and was about to close his mouth to say yes, but he didn't want to say anything after someone answered with a steady voice.

He turned around and saw a man wearing a black woolen coat behind him, followed by a secretary-looking person with a serious face, also staring at him at the moment.

Sun Changru shouted that uncle was obviously the person behind him.

"Are you from Baoguo?"

Li Fucheng was very excited.

"I am Chen Baoguo." Chen Baoguo hesitated for a while and then said, "Oh, it's you? Is the road going smoothly?"

If Li Fucheng was thrown away, the Chen family and the Sun family were one, and he would naturally be the boss.

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Fucheng said cheerfully, "Brother, are you in good health? The last time I saw you, you were still playing in the mud. You look different. I just noticed the mole between your eyebrows. , you can recognize it easily.”

"The body is still fine." Chen Baoguo's face was obviously unhappy.

"Er He, this is your second master!" Li Fucheng called Li He over.

"Hello." Li He stretched out his hand and said, "Li He."

"Oh." Chen Baoguo, still holding his hands behind his back, nodded and said, "Very good, let's go in."

The leader walked ahead.

Li He's outstretched hand was left hanging like that.

He himself didn't even remember how many people had refuted face like this since he was in Qilu!

Grandma is a bear!

Looking at the back of this cheap man, I guess he is a businessman.

The bird is not big, but the frame is not small.

The first impression is gone!

His character, Li Laoer, is that if people respect me, I will respect him!

Want to show off!

Unless it’s really the King of Heaven!

Li Fucheng probably sensed his emotions and arched his arms in a beseeching manner, probably asking Li He to give him some face.

Li and the fried rooster immediately relented.

In the elevator, the atmosphere is very silent.

Arriving at the door of the ward, Li Fucheng took a deep breath before following Chen Baoguo and others in. Li He asked Da Zhuang to stay outside and he followed him in.

In the ward, there were seven or eight people, including men and women, old and young, who looked at Li and his grandfather and grandson curiously.

An old lady with a withered face, already skin and bones.

Chen Baoguo whispered a few words in her ear. She opened her eyes suddenly and turned her head around, but she couldn't find anyone.

"Hey, here it is." Li Fucheng chuckled, but his throat seemed to be stuck and he didn't know what to call him.

"Why is your hair turning gray?" The old lady tried to stand up, "Baoguo, Jianshe, move a stool for your elder brother."

Just as Li Fucheng was about to go over and help, someone had already been helping the old lady up in front of him and putting pillows behind her back.

A stool was kicked under Li Fucheng's buttocks by a little girl, but he did not sit on it.

The old lady said happily, "This is your second brother, Baoguo, and this is your third brother's construction."

She then pointed at a woman in her forties with a round head and wavy hair and said, "This is your little sister Jianfen."

Just as she was about to reach out to Li Fucheng, Li Fucheng was already in front of her.

"Here it is, here it is."

"This is your eldest brother, Fucheng."

People in the ward just nodded at him, but no one was willing to say hello.

Li He didn't care about these reactions. After all, he was not familiar with them, and after all, he himself was not enthusiastic. But when I saw the men and women in front of me, the man was crooked and stupid, even worse than him, but the women were all exquisite and beautiful.

He confirmed one more thing.

"I came empty-handed and didn't bring anything." Li Fucheng took out his pocket, which was wrapped in layers of handkerchiefs. When he opened it, he revealed thick bills. He first twisted out two pieces, but then felt something was wrong and gritted his teeth. Counting out three, he first handed them to a little girl of seventeen or eighteen years old next to him, "I don't know what they are called. Come and take them."

The girl looked towards Sun Jianshe. Sun Jianshe looked at the dark banknotes, frowned and said, "Don't be so polite, just keep it for yourself. It's not easy for you in the countryside."

"Fucheng, I can't have it, I can't have it. I'm so sorry." The old lady said with tears streaming down her face.

Li Fucheng hurriedly comforted him, "It's not short of money. It's not short of money. What's wrong with you? Why are you just lying down?"

"I have diarrhea. I almost thought I wanted you to see your father, but I think I haven't seen you. If your father asks me how you are, what will I say?" Sun Jianfen wiped the old lady's nose and listened. He continued, "I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to see you, so I asked your niece to write you a letter. But you actually came. Now I can tell your father."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay to have diarrhea." No one accepted the money, so Li Fucheng had to put the money back in his pocket and said with a smile, "Your three eldest grandchildren and one granddaughter are all fine. You are also an old lady. , four great-grandchildren, and four great-granddaughters.”

He pulled Li He over and said, "This is your great-grandson, boss."

"Very good, very good." The old lady took Li He's hand and suddenly touched the pillow behind her with her other hand. Sun Changru had a look and helped him take out a delicate little wallet from behind. The old lady took out a hundred yuan and said, "Here it is, here it is, take it, I don't have anything good for you."

"Thank you, old lady." Li He accepted.

However, the people next to him looked at him with contempt.

Li Fucheng chatted with the old lady for a while.

Li He got to know a lot about it. After working for a long time, the old lady had three children and a daughter, and Li Fucheng was the least capable.

After the death of the Sun family man, Chen Baoguo was not young anymore. He joined the army and found a job after he was discharged. However, he was unwilling to be lonely and went into business and did well.

Although Sun Jianshe didn't read many books and was still a country boy, he had some luck because he helped an old man. After the old man returned to the city, he not only helped him recruit workers in the city, but also gave him his daughter, which is a bit legendary.

As for the youngest, Sun Jianfen, the pressure was the least. With the support of his two brothers, he not only studied, but also graduated from a technical secondary school, and went to the city naturally.

In her later years, it was inconvenient for the old lady to live in the countryside. Chen Baoguo was very filial and took her to Kaifeng.

Except for the second eldest son, Sun Jianshe, the three of them are not in Kaifeng. Chen Baoguo and Sun Jianfen are both in Kaifeng.

Although it was uncomfortable to look at these people, both the granddaughter and the daughter were sincerely filial to the old lady, and Li He couldn't be picky.

"Have you eaten yet?" the old lady asked Chen Baoguo, "Hurry up and take your brother to have a bite."

Li Fucheng said, "Eat, eat, we were already full when we came."

"My mother will cook something for you to eat when you get home." The old lady suddenly couldn't help but choked up in her throat, and said to her family, "After we get out of the hospital, let's go back and cook something to eat. It's not easy for your brother to come here, so you can have a good drink with us."

Everyone hurriedly tried to dissuade him.

Li Fucheng said categorically, "No rush, no rush to go back. When will you recover, I will go back."

Everyone frowned again.

"Okay, okay." The old lady said happily to Chen Baoguo, "Take your eldest brother and your grandnephew back first, and clean the place where the house lives."

Before Li Fucheng could speak, Li He said first, "Old lady, we have a place to live, so you don't have to worry."

He was afraid that Li Fucheng would agree regardless of the importance.

After he said this, the people next to him breathed a sigh of relief.

I am most afraid of relatives showing up in the autumn wind, especially those from the countryside.

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