My 1979

Chapter 957 Ideas

"That's good." Li He nodded.

Pan Guangcai and his wife happily gathered around their big card, their eyes narrowed happily and their mouths never closed.

Li Zhi held a cigarette in his mouth and expressed his disdain for the two couples. As a representative of those who do not bother, he is just like those who insist on collecting duck and goose down, braiding their hair, focusing on waterproofing and plugging leaks, and shaving their hair. It is okay to endure hardships and work hard, but want to It is too difficult for them to do profitable business!

The word "stable" always comes first!

"Cutting hair into braids, specializing in long hair, recycling old electrical appliances, replacing scissors, and changing basins. Collecting beer bottles and spicy wine bottles and selling them."

Instantly, it feels like the industry span is huge, but for them it is stable!

Small capital, big profits!

It’s so hard to get them to take some risks!

Even when we were doing stocks and bonds, we were all based on the 100% affirmation of Li Long, Liu Laosi and others!

But operating a truck like Li Hui is not 100% risk-free. He was once beaten up on the road and almost couldn't come back!

For those who seek stability, they are not willing to learn.

"I can't even catch dead mice, but I still want to catch alive ones. I'm just dreaming." Li Zhi gave what he thought was a fair evaluation.

"Who can guess accurately what is dead and what is alive? You will know only if you do it. If you do it, you may have a chance. If you don't do it, you will definitely not have a chance." Neither Li He nor Li Zhi knew how to discuss the problem with Li Zhi.

"Strengthen the bold to death, starve to death the timid." Li Zhi didn't want to refute Li He's face, so he spoke absentmindedly.

The collective car buying incident in Lizhuang created a sensation in the neighborhood. On the one hand, making money is on the other hand. On the other hand, there are few men who don't like cars. With a big truck, your social status will rise straight up!

On the day Li Long came back with Huang Bingxin, there were people at the door of Li's house all day long.

For most people, it is too difficult to come up with this down payment!

Li Long was tired of borrowing money, and the initial excitement was gone. In just seven or eight days, he had already lent out more than 100,000 yuan! He can't borrow it anymore. If he borrows it out again, Duan Mei will have to fight with him every day, and this life will be impossible.

Li He understood his brother's difficulties, so he found Liu Chuanqi and borrowed money in the name of the village.

"It's a fund, don't you understand a fund? Let me put it simply, I pay and you lend. The interest doesn't have to be too high, as long as it doesn't exceed five cents. The proceeds are used in our village primary school. Do you think this is okay?"

"This is great!" Liu Chuanqi's eyes lit up and he said with a smile, "Money begets money very quickly. In fact, the school doesn't need that much money at all. There is still a lot of money left from you. As long as you return the book once , I will give you your principal, and the remaining interest will continue to accrue interest.”

"You and Lao Xi figure it out for yourself." It doesn't matter whether Li He wants the principal or not. He said with a smile, "There's only one thing. I'm afraid it won't be easy to collect the money if you let it go!"

Liu Chuanqi's eyes widened, "Who dares to pay less? I have been a brigade cadre for thirty years, and no one dares to default on their debts! Otherwise, I will skin him!"

Li Zhuang has been in power for more than thirty years, and he has this confidence!

But his authority does not stop at Lizhuang. There is no one within a few miles who does not know Liu Chuanqi!

Li He explained, "I'm just afraid of encountering deadbeats. There are a lot of cheaters, and there are also many who are unclear."

Liu Chuanqi said, "No, they are all from the neighborhood. Who doesn't know the background of eight generations of ancestors better than the other? What a leper, there is no way to get money."

"Let me give you one million for the first payment." Li He thought for a while and said, "The first condition for lending is that he must have a driver's license. If you don't have a driver's license, don't let him go."

As for where the five or six hundred yuan for learning a driver's license comes from, he has no control over it.

"This is too much. You still have about 100,000 yuan to give to the school. If you give another 100,000 yuan, you can make up a total of 200,000 yuan. This will be enough." Liu Chuanqiu has long been numb to Li He's generosity. .

"I'm going out soon, and I can't take care of it later. I'll give you one million first, and that's more or less."

Li He just decided.

During the few days that Huang Bingxin stayed at Li's house, his whole body was covered with swelling, and he even had some allergic symptoms. The pimples on his face were all lumpy, and he felt like crying without tears.

"Why are there so many fleas!"

"I don't think so." Li He teased, "You have fresh meat all over your body, so mosquitoes and fleas like it the most."

"Mr. Li, do you have any other instructions?" Huang Bingxin couldn't stay any longer. Not only were there so many fleas, but also head lice were flying everywhere. He wanted to take a bath and wash his hair, but in this spring season, the temperature was not high. Ah, let alone taking a shower, I just don’t have the courage to wash my hair.

Li He understood, and it was not difficult for him. He smiled and said, "We will discuss with Dongfeng Factory again. The price is still a bit high and needs to be brought down. According to the current trend, we have to digest more than 10,000 trucks a year. It accounts for 10% of his annual sales. If we pay this price, it shows that they don’t trust us at all. Also, let’s tell Yang Yong that our heavy-duty truck must be put on the schedule as soon as possible.”

"This is natural." Huang Bingxin is not stupid. Li He does not need to explain these things. "And not everyone wants a big truck. From economic and cost considerations, there are also many people who buy small trucks."

"Then I have nothing to say." Li He turned around and asked Lan Shifang, "What about you, what should you do? You still have to stay here for a while."

"I told Pan Song about the establishment of a customer service complaint system you mentioned last time. We are studying it. I will observe it for a while before going back."

Lan Shifang is different from Huang Bingxin. He feels that he enjoys staying here. The food and drink are good, and the air is good. It is no different from returning to his hometown. The only difference is that he cannot see his wife and children.

"Yes, not only banks need to build a credit reporting system, but your logistics company must also build a credit reporting system. We will not keep the kind of drivers who are asking for credit cards." Li He said firmly, "You need to establish business connections with these drivers and send them to Give them the job, and they will be rewarded if they do well, but if they misbehave with customers and play tricks on customers, they will be punished, so the complaint mechanism is very important."

There are too many unruly drivers, cheating and cheating are commonplace, and customers are often deceived.

Lan Shifang said, "The jobs we can assign are limited. After all, we have so many cars."

Li He shook his head, "You only have a total of more than 10,000 vehicles. Can you cover the whole country? No, I think the most important thing for you in the future is to play the role of a platform. The whole country needs a game of chess."

"This." Lan Shifang didn't expect Li He's ambition to be so big.

"That's all."

Li He couldn't think of any important clues, so he could only take his time.

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