My 1979

Chapter 974 Heaven knows and earth knows

This clearly explains why Serena Williams has the idea of ​​going public.

In terms of mentality, Yang Fugui is still better than Xiao Wei. Li He is a little more convinced. He was stunned to teach a little girl who had never been to junior high school to be able to be both literary and military. She was still holding her arms at the age of 20. I read the English book from ABCD from the beginning in the first grade of junior high school, and never cared about other people's jokes.

Of course, Serena is not the type who lacks brains, but does not have the heart. He is still very smart and has a stubborn spirit.

The most important thing, and what Li He can appreciate, is that Xiao Wei is a local aborigine, and he has already understood the advantages of the local aborigines. If there were not people like Su Ming and Shouhou, would he, Li Laoer, be able to It’s still unknown to this day.

Even if he can really put down his face and endure his patience, set up stalls of clothing, shoes and hats along the street, and sell calculators and electronic products door-to-door, he may not have the same effect as people like Su Ming. People would have to spend a lot of time just listening to his Dutch accent. After a few minutes of looking up and down, I became more than five or six points suspicious.

Even if you have extra points from a prestigious university, it's okay if you don't tell me. People might make fun of you if you mention it, "Are you a college student?" I am still a doctoral student!

In this way, he would have to spend more words and put in more effort to prove that he was a genuine and honest college student!

There are no tears after talking too much, only jokes!

However, it is different for local people like them. For those who come from other places and find it extremely difficult to find the temple gate with a pig's head, they just want to make jokes and make love with each other with a few words.

Moreover, the aborigines in Beijing and Shenzhen are different from cities like Pujiang that opened their ports prematurely. Most of the aborigines are real aborigines. They either have an unavoidable relationship with seven aunts or eight aunts, or they have three or five apartments after demolition, or even become adults. A self-built house, a first-class rental company.

Generally, people are divided into two types, one is truly rich, and the other is poor due to prodigality. There is rarely an in-between state.

Pujiang is special. Most of the people are immigrants from southern Jiangsu or other areas in the early days. The real indigenous people should be farmers in the suburbs. Most of them have their own land and self-built houses. Their accents are similar to the so-called There are still many differences in Pujiang dialect.

Of course, whether you are a real aboriginal or a fake aboriginal, the most important thing is your hukou. As long as you have your hukou, your level of chic is still different from that of outsiders.

This is a disguised so-called "localization" strategy adopted by Li He. Even in Hong Kong and overseas, he is either an overseas Chinese or a local. Just like a foreign company entering China to hire Chinese, there must be someone to lead the way. party.

Although Serena had many problems in the past few years, and Li He didn't have much hope at first, she has grown rapidly in these years.

Although the two Huang Guoyu brothers are more than smart, they are still far behind Xiao Wei in terms of playing tricks and social routines, and Xiao Wei can still suppress them.

Therefore, Li He is more confident about using Serena. On the other hand, even without Li He, Serena will become a rich man in the future with the old house at home. It’s just a matter of size. .

"I have discussed it with Huang Bingxin. He can find a sponsor for us to list in Hong Kong. Once listed, the money will pour in." Serena danced excitedly.

"Yes, the money comes quickly." What Li He actually wanted to ensure was control over the Jingmei Group. As for its subsidiary Jingmei Electric, it didn't matter whether it was okay or not. He just said to Xiao Wei, "Just think about it clearly. Make arrangements to send it over for me to sign.”

"Thank you, brother." Xiao Wei thought it would take a lot of words, but he didn't expect Li He to agree so easily.

Before the excitement at this moment could calm down, he was kicked by Li He.

"Go and do what you have to do, don't be an eyesore here."

"Hey." The dignified general manager of Jingmei Group, the actual helmsman of the future listed company, no matter how many people want to curry favor with him, it's too late!

He was actually considered an eyesore!

The frustration arises in my heart!

"Oh, that's right." Li He called to Xiao Wei who had already stepped out of the threshold, "Everyone at home will shout out tomorrow. Although it's just a false courtesy, after all, people can't be resurrected after death, but Monk Pu has no relatives, so we can't It left him too lonely.”

"Understood." Xiao Wei nodded and left after confirming that Li He didn't reply.

Monk Pu's funeral was much grander than expected. There were many people who came to express their condolences, all of whom were of high rank. Even those who didn't come were sent wreaths. They couldn't count the wreaths alone. Before, the old man and Old Man Zhu's funeral was nothing compared to this, in which elegiac wreaths from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese accounted for more than half.

Old Man Li sighed and asked Li He in a low voice, "How is it?"

"Unexpected." Li He didn't expect that such an ordinary and inconspicuous old man would have such a great influence and such a sensational effect. In fact, just looking at the domestic media, he would know that Basically all the big names who could come came one by one.

Therefore, at this moment, after Old Man Li, Li He and Li Lanye had finished worshiping, they could only retreat and make room for the people in line behind them, because there was no room to stand inside.

"This child?" Old Man Li was the first to notice that Li Lan's mood was not right.

Ever since Li Lan saw the photo of Monk Pu in the mourning hall, he didn't know whether he really understood what "death" meant or was infected by the atmosphere inside. His eyes were wet and his mouth was grinning, as if he wanted to cry but didn't dare.

"Don't hold it in." Li He patted his son on the back, "Cry if you want."

The reason why he brought his son here was because after all, he had a master-disciple relationship with Monk Pu, and he always kowtowed to express it.

Li Lan burst into tears in a daze. Maybe he didn't know what he was crying about, he just felt like crying and couldn't hold back his tears.

"Go back." Old Man Li said, "Let's just send Lao Pu here, and someone will do the rest."

Naturally, they couldn't care less.

As usual, Old Man Li still refused to go to Li He's house. Li He asked Dong Hao to take Li Lan home first, but Li Lan hugged his waist and refused to leave.

"What's wrong?" Li He suddenly spoke softly to his son, and said kindly, "Ask your Uncle Dong to take you home, and tell mom that dad is going to drink and he will be home later."

Li Lan remained silent and buried his head on him, refusing to let go.

"You!" Li He wanted to get angry, but suppressed it. He felt that his shirt was wet.

"You should send him back first. He deserves a meal of wine." Old Li touched Li Lan's head and said, "He is a good boy. Your master did not treat you well in vain."

"Let's go." Li He picked up Li Lan and found his car. After getting in the car, he fell asleep on his shoulder soon.

After returning home, He Fang noticed that Li Lan's eyes were red and swollen. After putting him on the bed, he gently closed the door.

Then he turned around and reprimanded Li He indiscriminately, "You are becoming more and more insignificant now! If you are caught and scolded for nothing, it shows that you are capable, right?"

"It's better than hitting him every day when you have nothing to do, right? I didn't even move a finger." Li He didn't explain, this was not his style!

Li Laoer wants to prove with facts that he also has backbone and cannot be manipulated by women!

"I spank my children for their own good! I have never scolded a child for no reason like you! Children also need self-respect!"

"You know how to quibble." Li He asked back, "Spanking the child will make the child have self-esteem?"

He Fang said calmly, "Li Laoer, do you just want to quarrel with me?"


This attitude?

Prelude to the storm.

Li He weighed it up and made a quick decision, "I didn't scold him."

"Can he cry without scolding him?" He Fang naturally didn't believe it.

"How can he feel better now that Monk Pu is gone?" Li He said angrily, "You really treat your son as a fool."

Before He Fang could finish saying the word "you", he walked out of the yard with his head held high and promised Old Man Li to go have a drink.

When we arrived, Zhou Ping had cooked the food himself and had already laid out a table full of dishes.

The dinner was not at a restaurant, but at Shoushan's home. Apart from his aunt, he was the only one living in the house. He did not live with his daughter and son-in-law. Although all the family property was given to his daughter and son-in-law, he still abided by his marriage. Daughters are naturally from other people’s families.

What's more, he didn't want to live with his daughter's mother-in-law and sisters-in-law. What he wanted was the pride and tranquility.

"You are so lonely and miserable." Old Man Li said rudely after a glass of wine.

"What do you know? You have a son, and you are not living alone?" Shoushan is no longer the Shoushan he was before, and he now dares to refute.

Like him, Old Man Li doesn't live with his son, and only gets together during the Chinese New Year.

"I'm living with my grandson." Old man Li actually expressed appreciation for Shoushan's attitude.

He is also too lonely, and there are fewer and fewer people who can argue with him.

"Who is Monk Pu's illegitimate son?" When Li He thought of this question, he couldn't stop his curiosity and wanted to find out the truth no matter what.

"Is this happening?" Shoushan also wondered, "Why didn't I know?"

"Hehe. You'd better not know." Old Man Li chuckled, "If word spreads, Monk Pu will not let me go even if he is a ghost. Don't affect his son's future. It's not bad to have a scholarly family on his resume. Yes, in fact, God knows this and earth knows it. Old Pu himself and his son know it, Old Man Zhu and I know it, and there is no fifth person in the world who knows it."

"I missed it." Shoushan corrected proudly, "How could the monk's woman not know? After all, she gave birth to her own child."

"Yes." Li He looked at Old Man Li's calm expression and was a little unsure.

Is there really such a ridiculous thing?

Old Man Li said, "I am determined to keep this matter in my stomach for the rest of my life. Old Man Zhu didn't say anything until he closed his eyes, and Monk Pu didn't say anything either, so I won't say anything either. You better not ask. I'll just tell you. After all, his son actually came here today and you greeted him face to face, although his attitude was not very friendly."

"Are you kidding? There are so many people saying hello today. Xiao Wei, Su Ming, Chen Kui, Minister Wang, Minister Xu, and Director Wu. I know them all and have said hello to them all. They are all very polite. Only" Li He's heart skipped a beat, "Zhu Xuanlong"

Zhu Weiqi's father and Old Man Zhu's son.

To him the nose is not the nose, and the eyes are not the eyes.

Old Man Li smiled and said nothing, "I didn't say anything."

"This is absolutely impossible!" Li He vowed, "Monk Pu has such a good relationship with Old Man Zhu, how could he cuckold Old Man Zhu? Moreover, when Old Man Zhu passed away, at the funeral, Zhu Xuanlong and I returned the funeral because of the burial site. There was a quarrel about the issue, and Monk Pu also spoke to the side at that time. The expressions of the two of them were very normal, there was nothing weird at all, how could they be father and son!"

He made up a lot of things in his own mind and thought it was ridiculous!

"What a cuckold, it sounds so ugly." Old Man Li glared, "You just say some unreliable things."

"Then tell me, don't let me guess." Li He now wanted to pull out Old Man Li's beard. This ambiguous attitude was so provocative!

Once people's curiosity comes up! The thirst for knowledge is simply inflated!

"I have to keep it a secret." Old Man Li still shook his head.

Shoushan patted his head and said, "Don't mention it, Zhu Xuanlong and Monk Pu look a little bit alike. But if you want to say that Pu Beile has such a dirty look, I absolutely don't believe it. He is a charming and suave person." , you won’t be so mean, let alone Old Man Zhu’s wife.”

He pointed to his head, "This is not normal, people don't leave the house all year round."

"You still have some brains." Old Man Li praised.

"Hey, I'm begging you, please stop telling me." Li He got a little angry, "It must be Zhu Xuanlong. How complicated can things in this be? Just tell me, and we will definitely promise not to tell anyone."

"Even if I kill you, I won't tell you." Shoushan nodded in agreement, and his curiosity was no less than that of Li He.

Both of them looked at Old Man Li eagerly.

Old Man Li chirped, drank a glass of wine, and said with a smile, "Actually, this matter can be said to be simple or complicated."

"Say it." Li He urged, not wanting to see him being so irritable.

Old Man Li continued, "Zhu Xuanlong is indeed the son of Monk Pu. He is not the son of Old Man Zhu, nor is he born to Old Man Zhu's wife. He has nothing to do with the Zhu family at all.

When the Japanese Ben people arrived in Changsha, old man Zhu was so frightened that he stopped working as a good education director and came here. Do you all know about this? "

"I know, I know." Li and Tong Shoushan nodded eagerly, hoping that Old Man Li would be less verbose.

Old Man Li continued, "On the way to escape, his son was just one month old. He probably couldn't withstand the bumps and was not acclimated to the climate. The good boy died after only three days. Oh, this is terrible. How can his wife suffer? After getting this kind of stimulation, coupled with the heart and soul suffering all the way, after two encounters, my brain didn't react, and I was in a daze. No matter what I asked, I kept saying 'son, son'."

He lit a cigarette and continued, "That time in the Qing Dynasty has long since disappeared. Although Monk Pu didn't have much income, he still had a lot of money and his airs were still there. He also married a kiln sister. He had three times and two times. I don't know how he got pregnant. Then Women are also desperate for their lives. They insist on giving birth regardless of whether Monk Pu is happy or not.

As a result, the child was born, and Monk Pu turned around anxiously. How could he be a person who could bear such restraints? Besides, although the Japanese had surrendered, his prospects were still worrying, let alone being hindered. He was thinking about how he would not be able to live in his upright and prime years. regeneration?

He asked me and Old Man Zhu to discuss a solution and think of a way to give it away.

Although he has a fun-loving temperament, he is still his own flesh and blood, and he does not dare to entrust us with anything. For several days, we did not think of a suitable person.

As a result, Old Man Zhu gritted his teeth and hugged him, which saved his wife from talking about her son every day. It not only eased her longing for her, but also helped Monk Pu solve his troubles. Why not? Not to mention, after the child was carried over, his illness became better. Although he was still nagging, the child was really held by one hand and had never been cold or hungry. "

"Is it that simple?" Li He didn't believe it.

Old Man Li said disdainfully, "What do you think?"

Li He continued to ask, "What happened to that woman?"

"Old man Zhu's wife died when Zhu Xuanlong entered elementary school. She relied on medicine all year round. The medicine is one-third poisonous. People can't stand the medicine." The answer was Shoushan.

Li He waved his hand, "I'm talking about Zhu Xuanlong's mother."

Old Man Li shook his head helplessly and said, "Why did I say that woman didn't want her life? Monk Pu wanted to give the child to the Zhu family. She was brave, so naturally she was very unhappy. The night she was forcibly taken away, she threw herself into a well and fished her out. When I came up, my body was soaked and swollen, but my eyes were not closed."

Shoushan said, "I know the person who threw himself into the well. It was rumored at that time that he was a servant with unclean hands and feet. He was afraid of being involved and was afraid of committing the crime and threw himself into the well."

"Hey." Li He finally recalled what Old Man Qin said. From the Li family to the Yu family, there was no one who was not cannibalistic. He originally thought that the kind monk Pu was an exception, but he was still too simple.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Monk Pu destroyed an innocent life, maybe more than one, in his hands.

ps: Two-in-one chapter, I have been busy these days, I will make up for it later.

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