My 1979

Chapter 98 Cold

As a result, people said that because of his stiff body and slow reaction time, he was not suitable for martial arts training, so he gave up the idea of ​​practicing martial arts as soon as possible.

He was a little disappointed.

Later, another guard gave him a bad idea and said, no matter how hard you practice, your air will only be the same, so why not practice something practical?

The guard pointed at the chun tree in the compound and said, "You kick and hit that tree hundreds of times every day. Over the course of a year, your reflexes will improve, and so will your speed and strength."

It is also more resistant to beatings.

Li Hedao, aren't you fooling people?

The guard said, I'm serious. Are you talking about strength, speed, or skill? If you are suddenly strangled by someone's neck, hugged to the ground, and slapped on the face, and you can remain calm, your hands are not shaking, your legs are not weak, your brain can still think, and you can instinctively fight back, you will After leaving the army, dealing with three or five hooligans is still not a joke.

The guard finally said that if you practice skills, your flexibility and coordination will not be good. It is only right to quickly practice speed and strength.

Li He was deceived like this. With a dream of martial arts, he would walk in the small park every day and practice kicking and hitting for more than 20 years.

In addition, I seem to have learned a few tricks, and it's really fun to pinch someone.

Of course, his fighting principles still adhere to the principle that if there are bricks, don't use a stool, and if there are stool legs, don't use empty hands.

So later on, the small park was full of old men and old ladies kicking trees and playing in the early morning. It was not without reason. Even if they could not become martial arts masters, they could at least make their leg joints sweat and prevent them from diseases such as rheumatism.

Of course, fights in daily life are not like those in movies.

In fact, due to limited physical capacity, most small-scale violent conflicts will end within tens of seconds, and the hitting part is mostly the head. The difference is whether it is with fists or feet.

A good body is so important to a person, so even though Li He knew that he could not become a martial arts master, he still decided to pick up what he had lost before.

I took a quick shower and changed my clothes.

I heard the tap in the kitchen faucet, and when I entered the house, I saw that the faucet was dripping.

He turned off the main valve, found a wrench to turn on the faucet, found a bottle cap, reamed a leather ring and weighed it, and it was done in a few minutes.

When she arrived at the living room, Fu Xia had already placed the dishes and chopsticks.

Fu Xia served a bowl of porridge to Li He, "You are so good. I haven't fixed that faucet yet. Brother, it's different if you try. If I give you a salted egg, it'll be oily. It's delicious."

"What about old man, why are you out so early again?" Old man Li now leaves early and comes back late every day. Occasionally he will bring back one or two small items to show off to Li He.

From the sister-in-law of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty to the eighth aunt of Yuan Datou, they went back and forth to Li He.

He didn't care about the history behind these things, and he just asked how much they were worth. The two of them obviously had nothing in common.

"The old man told me to breed the dog Nasha." Fu Xia seemed embarrassed to say it in the middle of her sentence.

"What?" Li He seemed to feel that the lackey was only for breeding pigs. This dog was everywhere in the streets and alleys, and there was no need to go out.

Perhaps to ensure the purity of the bloodline.

"This is what I said myself, go to the south gate."

Li He found that Fu Xia's face was moisturized and her eyes were brighter. Not only was she energetic, but there was also a trace of satisfaction that could not be concealed between her brows.

He drank the porridge in a hurry, licked the rice grains from his mouth, and cracked open a salted duck egg.

When he saw the egg yolk, a stream of clear butter immediately emerged from it. To avoid dripping out, Li He stuffed it into his mouth. It turned out to be a bit salty, so he only bit half of it and put the remaining half in the bowl.

He has never been polite when eating, and sometimes he consciously wants to correct it, chewing slowly instead of gobbling it down, but in the end he finds that it is difficult to correct his subconscious thoughts.

"My ideal is to be able to eat meat every day when I grow up."

If an irrelevant truth from childhood can be regarded as an ideal, then the gap between ideal and reality is too small.

It’s not really gluttony, it’s probably because I couldn’t get enough food and clothing in the early days, so I kept satisfying my appetite and unconsciously trapped in the most basic human desires.

After wiping his mouth, he pushed the rice bowl on the table, "Okay, you stay at home and look after the door. I'll go to school and come back for lunch."

"Your pants are torn. Why don't you change them? I'll mend this one for you." Fu Xia pointed at Li He's pants and said.

He looked down and saw that the legs of his trousers were frayed from being stepped on the canvas soles for a long time. He smiled and said, "No need."

After breakfast, he rode his bicycle to the school. He mainly went to the school mailroom to see if there was any letter from Zhang Wanting. It had been a long time since he had sent his letter, and in terms of time, he had almost replied to it.

During the summer vacation, there are still groups of students coming in and out of the majestic gate of the school.

Several security guards were hanging around the door.

The school's mailroom is a dilapidated old Soviet-style building. The outer walls and floor are covered with thick cement, and there are so many holes that they can be used as marble holes.

The door of the mailroom is still open. Even if the students are on vacation, there are still leaders of the family area living in the school and they need information.

Daily newspapers and documents must be delivered.

Li He entered the room and said hello, "Sister, I'm looking for my letter."

A woman wearing short-sleeved work clothes asked, "Where did it come from?"


The woman moved out a cardboard box and turned the box upside down. With a clatter, all the letters were piled on the tattered writing table in the room.

"All the international mail is here. Look for it yourself. If you find it, come to me to register. Did you bring your student ID?"

Li He nodded and continued to look for letters.

After browsing for a while, I naturally saw a lot of postcards, from the United States, France, Australia, Vietnam, and so on.

Some are directly in Chinese, some are in English, and some even use code words. The so-called code words are a bunch of numbers, an agreed upon book, how many pages and lines, find the word and spell it out.

After all, it was someone else's postcard, and he would only read a few words while flipping through it.

Not only look at the beautiful paintings on the back of the postcards, but also the various things written on them.

"Greetings from the paradise of freedom. I'm here waiting for you." This one comes from the United States.

“Beautiful and breathtaking.” This one comes from New Zealand.

"I will never change my love for you" is from West Germany.

I went through a lot of letters and postcards. Finally, I didn't give up and looked through it again. I still couldn't find my letter. It would be a lie to say I wasn't disappointed.

He could only sigh. It seemed that Zhang Wanting hadn't replied to him yet.

I had no choice but to ride my bicycle out of school and prepare to take a walk to Su Ming's new clothing store under the rising sun.

At first glance, most of the people doing business, setting up stalls and opening shops on the street are young people.

It is "natural" for people who have just emerged from the 1960s and 1970s to be afraid of something happening.

As Li He was riding his bicycle back from school, he happened to think that Su Ming's store was on his way back.

I rode my bike and turned several corners, looking for it along Xingfu Road.

Li He didn't know the specific location or the house number, so he could only look around from house to house first.

I stopped the car suddenly and wiped my sweat with the hem of my shirt. It was really hot and I couldn't stand it anymore.

But there are still many people on the street.

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