My 1979

Chapter 981 Stepping Stone {1st update}

He was just immersed in his own emotions for a while, completely forgetting everything his sister and brother-in-law had done for him! When he went to Dong Jinjin's place, it was arranged by his brother-in-law. Now that he came out of Dong Jinjin's place, it was also arranged by his brother-in-law. All of this was for his own good!

Why doesn't he understand in his heart!

He saw how arrogant Dong Jinjin became in the Northeast and what bad things he did, and kept them in his heart. He was not a fool.

However, he didn't help Dong Jinjin do bad things. He was just an ordinary worker. He was just serious about making his money. What would be involved?

This is what he can't understand!

Although Dong Hao had given him many reasons when he went to pick him up, none of them could convince him completely!

He Fang probably saw what he was thinking, and patted his head angrily, "You idiot, your brother-in-law put you there because he thought you could take care of the family nearby, but in the end you only went back once a year, so what? It's better to stay here. I'll go back during the New Year anyway. Isn't it better to follow Dong Qiangjiang than to follow your sister?

Can I still treat you badly?

Don't think about things that will lead to nothing, as if we can harm you. "

"Sister, that's not what I meant." Fang Quan blushed at what He Fang said. He wanted to explain but didn't know how.

"Sister is right. There are so many of us here, why can't we make arrangements for you? If that doesn't work, go to my mutton restaurant. Are you better at roasting sheep than me?" He Long ignored Wu Chunyan's eyes and continued, " Just follow my brother, we brothers will work together to open his restaurant tomorrow. By then, we brothers will be the kings and hegemons of these forty-nine cities. And did you see on the road how big, open and prosperous this place is? It’s no better than staying in Heihe A lot, right? Water flows to lower places and people go to higher places. Isn’t this the right thing to do?”

"It's fun to be together as a family, and it's better than you being alone. Once you come here, you'll consider this place your home." He Fang didn't expect his brother to say such insightful words, and couldn't help but take a high look. Then he continued, "I won't hide it from you. Although you haven't done any bad things with Dong Jinjin, but as time goes by, you are afraid that he will expose the matter and you can't hold it back. What should I do if I jump over the wall?"

He must be trying to find a way to get help, right?

Do you think he will find your brother-in-law?

The best way to get your brother-in-law's approval is to drag you down!

You said that if you are dragged into the water, will your brother-in-law and I help or not?

Even though we knew there was a puddle ahead, your brother-in-law and I still had to jump forward. "

She rubbed it to pieces and told Fang Quan these truths that no one had ever told him before, hoping that Fang Quan could figure it out.

"Sister, I was wrong. This time I really understand." He Fang explained it in such detail that if Fang Quan didn't understand, he was really a pig!

To put it bluntly, in order to save himself, Dong Jinjin might throw him out at any time as a stepping stone. Once Li He gets involved, no one will be able to remove him completely!

He is just a valuable chess piece!

When he thought of this, he felt even more ashamed.

The old lady took advantage of the situation and said, "Think more about your brother-in-law. Who else can help you like this besides your own relatives? It doesn't matter who you are, right?"

"Aunt, I understand. Thank you, brother-in-law." Fang Quan picked up his cup and wanted to toast Li He.

Li He waved his hands and said, "Sit down, my family won't engage in such nonsense. Now that I'm here, I'll rest for a while, walk around and see more. After I figure out what to do, I'll start from the beginning again. Your brother Xiaolong has You are right, there are definitely more opportunities here than in my hometown, and as long as people are willing to work, they will never be poor."

The old lady also pointed at Wu Chunqiang and said, "Look at your powerful brother, how big a party it is to come here? Now that your sister-in-law and your little brother are here, you haven't thought about how to make a fortune, have you? Selling big steamed buns! You can't think of anything in this hometown. I never thought you could make a fortune selling steamed buns."

"Brother Qiang, here's a toast to you." Fang Quan clinked another glass with Wu Chunqiang.

Wu Chunqiang said with a smile, "Don't listen to the old lady's exaggeration. It's just better than at home. As long as you are willing to work, you can make money. With money, there is no distinction between superior and inferior people. With money, those of us from other places Those in the countryside are no lower than those in the city."

Every sentence comes from the heart.

He Fang said, "You're welcome, you should eat and don't stop using your chopsticks."

On the table, cups were being pushed and cups were being exchanged, and there was constant laughter and laughter.

Halfway through the drink, the old lady stopped Fang Quan from drinking any more, "How old are you? Why are you so addicted to alcohol? Stop drinking, eat more vegetables, and eat more."

After the old lady's reminder, everyone realized that Fang Quan was still only a half-grown boy and that he really couldn't drink too much, so they all stopped consciously.

After finishing the meal, He Fang was getting dressed in the kitchen, while Fang Quan stood at the door of the kitchen, coquettishly trying to speak but it was difficult. He probably wanted to smoke, but the old lady was staring at her tightly, but she was not allowed to. It made him restless.

"Just smoke if you want. If you smoke less, you haven't grown up yet. If you smoke too much, it's not good." He Fang looked amused.

"Sister, can you find me a house?" Fang Quan took advantage of the old lady to go out and finally took a chance to pull out a cigarette and blow out the smoke ring comfortably.

He Fang said angrily, "I need a place for you to live here, so just stay here and don't think about running around."

"Sister, I want to move out and rent a house. Wouldn't it be convenient?" Fang Quan, like He Long, couldn't stand the old lady's control.

I've only been here for a short time, but I've been trained like a puppy, and I don't even have a chance to show my teeth. After a long time, it's okay!

What's more, it's not like he doesn't understand this old lady, or he doesn't dare to live here because he knows her too well!

He Fang said, "I have food and drink for you here. Are you afraid of treating you badly?"

Fang Quan waved his hand hurriedly, "No, I can cook by myself. I really want to eat well. I'll come to you and give you a toothpaste. I'll rent a house nearby and won't run far away."

"No." He Fang was determined, "This is not my hometown. You are not familiar with the place. How can I trust you to live alone?"

She has lived with her aunt since she was a child. She has also watched this little cousin grow up, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she regards him as a biological brother.

"If it doesn't work out, I'll move to my brother's place." Fang Quan took a step back.

"Why, are you afraid that your aunt will nag you?" He Fang understood now. Otherwise, how could he not even want to live in his own home, but would rather go to He Long's place.

Fang Quan chuckled and said, "Sister, you are still wise."

"Hey, you naughty one, I can't do anything with you." He Fang thought for a while and said, "Your little brother and the others are in a community with three bedrooms and one living room, and there is no free space. There is an empty house at the end of the alley. You can move in at night. Go in and live, but you can't run around. If you want to go out and have a look, I have to help you get your temporary residence permit first."

She bought a house before she got married. After her marriage, except for the first period when He Long and his family came to live there, it was always vacant.

The pots, pans and furniture inside are all complete, not to mention that in this season, you don’t even need bedding. You just need to tidy up casually, get a bed, mat, and an electric fan.

At that moment, she tidied up the kitchen, found the feather dusters, mats, and extra fans at home, stuffed them into Fang Quan's hands, and asked him to carry them, and the sister and brother went to her house together.

"Thank you, sister." Fang Quan couldn't be more satisfied with the house in front of him.

"I have my own hands and feet. Hurry up and take care of yourself. I won't wait for you anymore." After He Fang explained, she went back by herself. There were two little naughty things at home.

However, Mrs. He was worried about it. She blamed He Fang for being unkind. How could she let a half-year-old child out?

He Fang shook her head helplessly. She couldn't tell her mother that they were going to avoid you!

Your own son is avoiding you like this, let alone his nephew!

Her mother is good at everything, but she has no self-awareness in this regard!

ps: Little brothers and sisters! Please vote! Please subscribe! Please don't let me lose! Please support the genuine version! Give old haters new motivation! Thanks!

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