My 1979

Chapter 996 Zhang Xiaohui

Tang Liwen was holding an enamel jar and a pair of chopsticks, standing helplessly among a group of men speaking with accents from all over the world.

After finally getting a bite of food under the care of Yang Xuewen, suddenly there was another heavy rain, and there was no time to hide. The weather in Shenzhen is like this, one after another.

Rainwater bibimbap, so good!

Not to mention, he was soaked like a drowned rat. He didn't bring any change of clothes, and he was in a remote countryside with no villages or shops. He didn't even have a place to buy clothes, so he had to make do with something from Yang Xuewen. Wearing protective clothing and protective shoes, at this moment, except for the glasses on the bridge of his nose, he is no longer much different from a migrant worker.

Looking at the spiders busy spinning their webs overhead, it was destined to be a sleepless night.

For Li He, this was also a difficult night. He suddenly received a call from Zhang Shusheng, and the strange tone made him feel uneasy.

At a KFC store he had made an appointment with, he saw Zhang Shusheng, who was still so bright and charming.

What made him feel cordial was that there was a pink little girl standing next to Zhang Shusheng. She probably couldn't walk yet. She could only hold the chair with one hand and hold a French fries in the other hand. It was all ketchup. When I saw him coming, I looked around curiously, and then continued to eat my own fries.

"Here?" Zhang Shu said with a smile, "Sit down, what do you want to eat?"

"No, thank you." Li He felt something strange and teased the little girl, "I can't believe your daughter is so old. Come on, call me uncle?"

He felt a little uncomfortable, she ended up going with another man!

Zhang Shusheng corrected, "If I really call you, I should call you dad, right?"

"Nani?" Li He suddenly lost his composure!

Can't tell if this is true or a joke!

Zhang Shu laughed and said, "Look, I scared you. Come on, you have so much courage?"

"This joke cannot be made casually."

That's good!

That's good!

Li He breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm not kidding." Zhang Shusheng said seriously, "She is indeed your daughter."

"How is that possible?" Li He Leng sweated.

His night was clearly the result of alcohol, how could such a coincidence happen!

A baby comes out accidentally!

He can't stop shouting!

Zhang Shu said, "How is it impossible? Do you think I am such a casual person?"

"No, no!" Li He waved his hands hurriedly, looked around, and then whispered, "That's not what I meant. What I meant was that we all drank too much that night, I thought..."

"What do you think?" Zhang Shusheng interrupted him, "You think I want this child? Just because I am determined not to get married again in this life, so I naturally need a child. From a eugenics perspective, you Not too bad either.

We have created a life perfectly. This is a miracle, not a bad thing. We will watch her grow up, which is also happiness. "

"Thank you for the compliment." Li He looked at the little girl and felt sad. Why had he inexplicably committed another sin?

"I never thought of looking for you."

"I'm sorry." Li He had already said this to several women.

Now that he said this, he felt even more embarrassed and ashamed!

This family of scumbags in the world!

Zhang Shu said with a smile, "You are such an interesting person. You are already cynical in big places, but you are serious about small things. The contradiction is so ridiculous."

Li He sighed and said, "This is not a small matter, let alone a trivial matter."

Zhang Shusheng smiled and said, "Forget it, I'm not a resentful woman. I just came to inform you that I'm leaving."

Li He was stunned, "Where are you going?"

"America, the visa has been issued and I will be leaving in a few days."

"What about the child?"

"My brother and sister-in-law have been homeless for so many years. They originally wanted to adopt a child, but I happened to be pregnant again, so they supported me in giving birth, so the child now calls me aunt." Zhang Shusheng affectionately touched the little girl's head. He said, "So I hope you won't disturb her in the future and never let her know the truth. It would be cruel to let her know that she was abandoned by her biological parents. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood." Li He did not have the courage to say loudly, I will take care of this girl!

He can't do it!

He dare not take the risk of marriage failure!

He admitted that he was selfish!

"Are you curious why I'm still telling you?" Zhang Shusheng was still smiling.

"I'm listening." Li He was a little curious. Since she wanted her daughter to live in a dream world all her life, she naturally shouldn't tell him.

Zhang Shusheng said word by word, "That's because I hope you can discipline your dandy sons well so that they don't deny each other when the time comes. The circle is really too small."


As we all know, he only has one son!

"That's what I said." Li He retorted with intention, but lacked the confidence.

"Also, my daughter won't ask for a penny from you. My brother's conditions are not bad, and my sister-in-law and I dote on her. As long as she wants it, they will give it to her." Zhang Shusheng said very straightforwardly.

"I understand. I know exactly what to do."

This means that whoever dares to deal with Zhang Shulin in the future will take away her daughter’s property!

Li Laoer certainly can't sit back and ignore it.

"The last sentence, I just want her to be happy and happy! Never disturb her!"

Li He nodded, "My daughter, of course I also want her to be happy. Can I hold her?"

Afraid that she would disagree, he quickly added, "Just for a moment, she is my daughter."

Zhang Shusheng thought for a while, "Okay, take it easy."

Li He stood up, took out a tissue, wiped the child's hands carefully first, then carefully wiped the corners of her lips, touched her hair and tender face, held her in his arms, and suddenly felt as if he was holding the whole world. .

This is the feeling of blood connection.

Zhang Shusheng couldn't help but feel soft when he saw this scene, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

But he still said firmly, "I have said everything that needs to be said, that's all. I look forward to the opportunity to meet again in the future."

Pick up the child and leave.

"Wait a minute." Li He shouted.

"Is there anything else?" Zhang Shusheng did not look back.

"What's her name?" Although Li He promised not to disturb the child in the future, he didn't want to meet without knowing each other.

"Zhang Xiaohui!"


"Zhang Xiaohui!" Zhang Shusheng repeated it again, and then left without looking back.

Only Li He stood at the door of KFC, watching the couple's retreating figures. He couldn't open his eyes under the scorching sun.

He didn't go home directly, he just smoked a cigarette on the road, kicking the trash can and the tree. Having one more daughter means one more concern.

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