My 1979

Chapter 999 Demolition changes destiny

No one in the couple is willing to attend their son's parent-teacher meeting. Li Lan's school is the highest example of education quality in the country. The parents of the students are either rich or noble. Many of them are either friends of the two of them, or colleagues or classmates. It’s great, look at your son again!

I can’t take it out!

So even breaking the sky won’t work!

No matter how much maternal love there is, no matter how much fatherly love there is, the couple just don’t want to go!

"If you don't go, I will!" The old lady couldn't stand it anymore!

These are your parents!

It can't be like this!

Her little grandson is no worse than others!

The only weakness is that he has a weak temper. Actually, he has it in his heart, but he just doesn't like to talk.

The old lady was very clear about this, and she knew the child better than the couple.

Li He smiled and said, "Auntie, I'll trouble you."

He Fang said, "No matter what the teacher says, you just accept it and don't have to hold it back."

Now that the old lady is going to attend Li Lan's parent-teacher meeting so arrogantly, the couple simply wants it and has no reason to object!

It's said to be a parent-teacher meeting, but grandma is also a parent!

Nothing wrong!

Who keeps parents busy with work?

"I'm not a fool, I want you to explain!" The old lady was angry. She originally decided not to talk to him anymore, but she still touched Li Lan's head and couldn't help but said, "What a good boy, he's even louder than you were when you were little. "

She felt sorry for her little grandson, who was very considerate of her, and would think of her whenever he had something delicious to eat. He was extremely considerate.

The couple looked at each other without saying a word, but just laughed at the old lady.

The next afternoon, when school was about to end, the old lady took Zhang Bing to school and attended Li Lan's parent-teacher meeting openly.

What the couple didn't expect was that the old lady came back happily, and Li Lan still held the trophy and certificate in her hands.

The old lady said, "Our eldest grandson is the most beautiful today, and the teacher always praises him."

He Fang didn't believe it. She asked what the certificate was. The old lady couldn't explain why. She could only take the trophy and certificate from Li Lan. After a quick look, it was clear that it was related to Go.

As a top student in Go, Li Lan is listed as a successful case in quality education and extracurricular activities by the school, just like those children who have obtained national or urban achievements in music, art, and dance.

He Fang smiled and said to her son, "What did I think? Don't be proud."

"Hey, it's not bad." From Li He's heart, only science and culture are the primary productive forces, and he still treats the rest with contempt as heresy.

Picasso is great, Van Gogh is great, but what about Beethoven?

I still don’t know him, the richest man in the world!

He, Li Laoer, is not someone you can just get to know if you want to get to know him!

Outside the back wall of the yard, there was a burst of firecrackers. He Fang asked, "Is the Che family marrying a wife or a daughter? Is there such a big movement?"

These words are a bit disdainful to the Che family.

"The Che family is being demolished and moved." The old lady has been here for so many years, and her level of gossip is as good as anyone else's. The neighbors are very familiar with her, and sometimes she is better informed than her son-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"You don't have to do this when moving, right?" Li He was also puzzled.

"I heard that the demolition not only divided the house, but also got a lot of money. In short, the Che family got a lot of money, and of course they have to have a nice pomp." The old lady said with a nose and an eye.

"Demolition changes destiny!" Li He had to be convinced, the gap between people was too big! If Li Laoer hadn't been reborn, or if he hadn't read some books, he would just be making ends meet!

He Fang said with a smile, "Wealth is wealth that can be guarded. If you can't guard it, you can only be free for a few days."

"That's true." Li He has actually seen this kind of example of wastage. Although there are not many demolitions in their area, they are actually not few. The demolished households suddenly became rich overnight. The world is in a state of flux, and I was about to plan the imperial hegemony while talking and laughing, but unfortunately my posture was wrong. Before the excitement of joy had passed, I suddenly realized that the little money was not easily spent, and it was gone in a few moments, and it went away as quickly as it came.

The old lady said worriedly, "Our house won't be demolished, right?"

She is comfortable living in this big courtyard, so she doesn't really care about the Tongzi Building in the community.

"No, there are no dilapidated buildings in our row, and there are no private buildings built indiscriminately. They cannot be demolished, so don't worry." Li He is full of confidence. In the entire Sanmiao Street, almost everything that can be demolished has been demolished, but most of them are those that affect the city appearance. The old and dilapidated houses in the cityscape, as for their row, belong to the luxury areas of the past, and the quality is very high. From the perspective of cultural relics, it is natural for them to stay.

"I have to go and find out when I have time." It was good that the old lady didn't bring up this topic. When this topic was mentioned, He Fang was worried for no reason. She was also unwilling to live in a community house without having her own big yard.

"Whatever you want." They didn't believe it, and Li He couldn't explain it.

Due to the demolition, many migrant workers came, some came to the construction site, and some took advantage of the houses to be vacated and offered free accommodation. It was not that Li He didn't trust anyone, but just for safety reasons. Everyone in the family told them that the two children must be under their noses and they could no longer play alone at the door like before.

This suggestion was agreed by everyone in the family. The safety of the children must be taken seriously, at least until the demolition and resettlement here are completed before we can relax a little.

When Old Man Li came back, he was accompanied by a young man with a fair face and a well-proportioned figure. He spoke broken Mandarin and had trouble greeting Li He.

Li He shook his head and smiled bitterly. With his Chinese proficiency, what hope could he have of studying in a university in China?

However, in fact, when Li He thought about it again, in the eyes of Old Man Li, his achievements and so on were just a cloud. The old man just hoped that his grandson would have the ability to take over the family business.

"Have you decided on a place to live? I have more houses here. I'll sell you one." Li He was sincerely thinking about the old man.

Old Man Li smiled and said, "I don't want to live in a place like this. If I want to, I will go to Xishan to build a villa. In the past, only the emperor was qualified. From now on, I will live like an emperor."

"The emperor also has seventy-two concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards." Li He never forgot to tease.

Old Man Li smiled and said, "You kid, you don't know how to talk all day long."

"The completion of your villa didn't take a day or two. You can live here first."

Old Man Li waved his hand, "Do you think I can come back without preparation? I will take you to see my villa tomorrow."

Li He smiled and said, "I wish I could have it!"

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