My 1991

Chapter 102, small scene (please subscribe!)

After the Lantern Festival, No. 1 Middle School ushered in the scholarship examination.

This is also the last scholarship exam for senior high school students. After this time, they will face the college entrance examination and go their separate ways. So everyone seems to have a sense of ritual and takes it seriously and carefully.

"Good morning, Luann."

The location of the first examination room is fixed and will always be on the far left side of the fourth floor of the laboratory building.

When he and Ye Run came over early, they found that the door to the examination room had not yet opened, and there were several people standing in the aisle outside chatting together.

At a glance, oh, they are all liberal arts students.

For example, there are Liu Hui, Tang Jian and Wu Ying.

And this is what Liu Hui said to Lu An.

Seeing Liu Hui taking the initiative to say hello, the people in the aisle stopped chatting and looked at Lu An. They were actually quite curious and wanted to know what Lu An had experienced in the past semester.

Why are my grades like a roller coaster?

They had all heard rumors more or less in school, and some of them were even slanderous and gloating rumors.

The pressure of studying in the senior year of high school was so great that one of the two mountains that had been weighing on everyone suddenly fell. Everyone seemed to have suddenly found an outlet in their hearts, and they almost made rude remarks behind their backs.

Of course, there are those who secretly feel happy, and there are also those who feel regretful, such as Liu Hui.

After all, since the first year of high school, the two of them had been sitting in the front and back rows of the examination room, which had never changed. But suddenly the back seat was replaced by someone else. Liu Hui felt uncomfortable and even felt a little empty. Afterwards, she Attribute this sign of yourself to: lips are dead and teeth are cold, rabbits die and dogs are cooked.

She even wrote this in her diary: In the cold moon palace, the rabbit fell behind, and only Chang'e remained.

That's right, she calls herself Chang'e, and Luan is the rabbit.

Facing this girl whose smile was as sweet as eating candy, Lu An still liked her very much, "Thank you."

However, the relationship between the two was not that familiar. After greeting each other politely, they each looked at each other blankly, not knowing how to talk to each other next. After all, this is how I came here in the past few years.

They looked at each other awkwardly for a second, and then Liu Hui pretended to be like before, chatting with his good friend Wu Ying next to him as if nothing had happened, and continued the previous topic.

The turning point is so stiff, but it’s so smooth at the same time.

"Luann, Luann!"

Just when he and Ye Run were about to pass by a few people and go to the other end of the aisle to bask in the sun, another voice came from behind, the voice was loud and a little resentful.

Lu An knew who it was without looking back. She must be the young man's girlfriend.

Seeing Wang Lina walking straight over, the aisle was silent again, and many eyes turned to Wang Lina. Then someone counted, and everyone quietly pricked up their ears.

"Lu An, I've been calling you from behind since you came out of the cafeteria. Why didn't you respond? Don't tell me you didn't hear me?"

The two came from the same junior high school and the same town. Although they didn't interact often, they still had a sense of intimacy every time they met, like a fellow countryman meeting a fellow countryman, so Wang Lina never used politeness and politeness towards him.

When everyone arrived, there was no place to hide, so Lu An had to turn around.

"Tell me, did you hear that?"

Wang Lina was like a hot-tempered leopard. Although her face was full of smiles, her tone was very aggressive.

He was so angry that he rushed into the sky!

Lu An nodded: "I heard it."

Wang Lina asked: "Then why are you ignoring me?"

Lu An glanced at the young man who was following him, and said helplessly: "Oh, don't be so greedy. You already have a boyfriend as awesome as the young man, so stop flirting with me, he will be jealous. "

Wang Lina turned around boldly and asked the young man: "Will you be jealous if I talk to Lu An?"

The male Shaoqing said with a smile: "Don't be jealous, Lu An doesn't have that ability."

Luan: "."

Ye Run: "."

Liu Hui: "."

A group of melon-eating people nearby said: "."

Everyone was speechless and had a better understanding of this couple's love than Jin Jian.

Wang Lina tilted her chin at Lu An proudly: "Did you hear that, not all girls like your pretty face. Every time I see your face, I want to tear it off with my hands and sew it on a stool."

Lu An asked the young man: "Did you wear a belt today?"

The young man asked: "Okay, what do you want to do?"

Lu An said: "Your mother-in-law is making a lot of noise, so tie her up with a belt."

Before the young man could say anything, Wang Lina had already encouraged her boyfriend. She pointed at Lu An and said, "Young man, hit him. He called me a dog."

The young man opened his mouth and smiled innocently, trying to pretend to be stupid and get by.

Seeing that her boyfriend was indifferent, Wang Lina reached out and patted his chest: "Nan Shaoqing, are you a man? If you don't dare to fight, I will leave with Lu An."

The aisles erupted in laughter.

It was customary to make a fuss when meeting, and then Wang Lina got down to business: "Lu An, you have met Li Rou, right?"

Lu An hummed: "She didn't tell you?"

Wang Lina replied: "I told you, but have you contacted her recently?"

Lu An shook his head: "I have been busy and haven't contacted her."

Wang Lina asked directly: "Let me ask you, tell me truthfully, you have met Li Rou, how do you feel about her?"

Luan thought for a moment and said, "I know what you mean, but I really didn't think about her that way."

Wang Lina said: "But she really likes you."

Lu An was speechless. He didn't know Li Rou and had no say in this matter.

Seeing his appearance, Wang Lina looked at him for a while, and finally sighed: "Li Rou's family seems to be in big trouble."

Recalling what Zeng Lingbo told him last time, when he saw a group of people being chased and beaten by the river for the first time, Lu An thoughtfully asked, "Did you just get into a relationship with a competitor?"

Wang Lina said: "Yes, their family has been having a hard time recently. Li Rou has been in a bad mood. If you have time at the end of this month, you can come with me to see her."

At this time, the young man next to him also interjected: "Lu An, Li Rou really likes you, I can testify to that."

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone nearby fell on Lu An. They all knew that he was popular, but they didn't expect that even girls from other schools were pursuing him.

Lu An ignored the six or seven pairs of direct glances and said truthfully: "I have something to do and I have to leave Baoqing at the end of the month. Let's talk about it later."

Wang Lina didn't quite believe it: "Where are you going? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Lu An half-truthfully said, "I'm going to Changshi to check if there's anything wrong with my head."

He was indeed going to the Chang'an Market, but instead of going for a physical check-up, he was going to the Shanghai Stock Exchange instead. The stock subscription warrant lottery was on March 2, and he couldn't miss this feast even if he died.

Everyone knew that he suffered from mental weakness. Wang Lina didn't know how to continue talking. In the end, she had to say: "Then later, I will find you when I have time."

Lu An could no longer refuse this time, "Sure, I'll wait for your news."

The invigilators came, there were two of them.

One is Teacher Sun, the head teacher of the liberal arts experimental class next door, and the other is the chemistry teacher of the science class.

Teacher Sun opened the door and asked Lu An: "Lu An, I haven't seen you in the first examination room for a long time. Are you ready this time? Are you sure you can regain your original position? Or even get first place?"

He smiled and said: "This, let's talk about it, let's talk about it."

He also wanted to make bold words, but in front of so many people, it was better to take it easy. If he broke his promise, he would be laughed at.

Although he has a big heart and is immune to most strange looks, he still needs to be brave, right?

The scholarship exam is much more difficult than usual in order to widen the gap between students and improve everyone's grade.

No, he was doing well in Chinese, but when it came to mathematics, he was having a hard time.

In the past, he could still figure out the direction for the next two big questions, but now he has completely finished it.

Teacher Sun deliberately hit him as he passed by, reached out and turned over the test paper, and smiled: "Are you going to make Teacher Zhou angry to death?"

Lu An is very powerless, and I don't want to make her angry, but I really won't.

His final exam score was 8th, and the examination room was in the second to last position in the second group. The girl on the right was 5th in the school. They didn't use anything to block it. Lu An's eyesight was so good, as long as he stretched his neck to see, he could still see. have witnessed.

However, he gave up after taking one look. It is not a life-or-death exam like the college entrance examination, so it cannot be a bad character.

Raise your hands later.

Upon seeing this, Teacher Sun asked: "Lu An, what can you do?"

Lu An asked: "Can I hand in the paper in advance?"

Teacher Sun was surprised: "Are you done?"

Lu An opened his eyes and told lies: "It's done."

Teacher Sun stared at him teasingly for two seconds, and finally turned his back and said, "There are rules in the school. In principle, you are not allowed to hand in papers in advance."

In principle, it's not possible, but that means it's possible. Lu An understood these words instantly, picked up the pen and paper and left.

Seeing him leaving, the girl on the right and the boy behind him both looked at him inexplicably. Unbeknownst to others, these two people knew that he still had two big questions that he had not yet touched.

As expected, Zhou Jingni came to see him in the afternoon.

When she met, she asked: "Teacher Sun said you can't do the last two big questions?"

Teacher Sun really has a bad mouth. You have such a big mouth. Can you drink your wife's mountain spring water in one gulp? Lu An cursed in his heart, but said with a shy smile:

"Teacher Zhou, I know you are full of anger now, but if you scold me now, I will probably not be able to do well in the next exam, and I will even pull you back, so we don't have to accept other people's instigation."

Zhou Jingni laughed angrily: "I know you are not short of money now and are richer than me, but your first-class scholarship still has 800 yuan, which is equivalent to half a year's salary of mine. You can give it to me if you don't want it."

Lu An said like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I will do it next time, I will do it next time."

Zhou Jingni was depressed. If her eyes could kill, someone would have been scratched by a thousand cuts.

Seeing this, Lu An quickly changed the subject: "Teacher, your cousin is not divorced, right?"

Zhou Jingni was indeed led astray, and she didn't feel strange when he asked her like this, "No, we had a quarrel once, and now we've reconciled."

Hearing this, Lu An was completely relieved.

To a certain extent, Yu Guanzhi and Chen Quan were recruited by Zhou Kun, and they were kind to him. Therefore, he always remembers the good things about the other person, and naturally hopes that his family will be harmonious and happy.

Except for the difficulty in mathematics, which I won’t mention later, I returned to Sunshine Avenue.

Oops, the problem was so smooth that he almost felt dizzy.

One day later, the rankings came out.

Ye Runzai took a pen and wrote on the paper: You scored 601 points, sixth in the school.

The score was 10 points lower than the final score, but considering it was a scholarship exam, Lu An was still very pleased. He didn't do well in math, but he still managed to get 6th place in the school, which was an improvement of 2 places from last time.

To be honest, it was pretty good and he was very satisfied.

Luan asked: What about you?

Ye Run wrote: 592 points, 9th place.

LuAnn: Congratulations.

Ye Run glanced at him: I don't know if I should congratulate you?

Lu An: I also have a scholarship, so congratulations.

In the end, Ye Run didn't congratulate him and turned back to work on his questions.

Yes, this is a spirited girl.

a week later.

As soon as the school bell rang on the second day of the evening, the school started broadcasting.

After the dean hummed twice, he announced the status of the scholarship winners over the radio.

First-class scholarships for two students each in arts and sciences, each worth 800 yuan.

There were 5 second-class scholarships each, worth 500 yuan, and Lu An won the last spot by scrambling.

Ye Run wrote a note at this time: Congratulations.

She won a third-class scholarship worth 200 yuan.

Lu An replied: Congratulations, I’ll treat you to dinner later.

Ye Run directly exposed his thoughts: It's okay to eat, but don't ask me to do it, otherwise I would rather die than eat.

Lu An was happy and replied: Don't be so stubborn, I'll go get a big goose and stew it in an iron pot.

Ye Run glanced at him and didn't agree, nor did he say no.

In the last three days of February, the school conducted the first mock exam of this semester.

Same as last time, except for the math, which was a bit awkward, everything else went smoothly and I felt that I did well in the exam.

After the exam, I left the exam room and met Meng Qingshui at the entrance of the corridor.

Also with her were Li Shuting and Wu Yu.

Seeing him, Li Shuting subconsciously paused back.

Meng Qingshui and Wu Yu seemed to notice that their best friend was strange, and they stopped in unison.

Eyes crossed.

No, looking into each other's eyes, Lu An originally planned to just glance at them, not say hello to them, and pretend not to recognize Meng Qingshui.

He was afraid that Meng Qingshui and Li Shuting would completely break up, and he was also afraid that Li Shuting's finally calmed down mentality would go wrong again.

Unexpectedly, Li Dong, who was walking at the back, asked Meng Qingshui in a desperate manner: "We are stewing goose in an iron pot this afternoon. Do you want to come over and eat together?"

There was a sudden sound, and four pairs of eyes looked at Li Dong in unison, making the latter shrink his neck in fright. He was almost stupid, thinking how could he offend these empresses?

The air suddenly became a little quiet...

Luan is so angry! I really want to slap this fool to death. He really doesn’t care about anything.

Well, I couldn't pretend anymore. When Lu An was about to send out the invitation, he didn't expect Liu Hui to answer from behind.

She smiled sweetly and said, "Li Dong, please don't repeat it. Mr. Lu has already invited me."

As she said that, she winked at Lu An and said, "Let's go. In order to save my stomach for Mr. Lu's stewed goose in an iron pot, I haven't even eaten lunch yet."

Lu An was a little confused, but then he realized it and grinned: "Let's go, I will cook today, and I will make sure you have a full meal."

Lu An and Liu Hui walked down the stairs side by side, and when they turned a corner, they disappeared.

Ye Run's reaction was not slow. He quietly tugged on Li Dongyi's sleeve and followed him away.

Hearing the sound gradually fading away, the three women who were still there looked at each other for a few seconds. Wu Yu immediately acted as a lubricant:

"Mom, you scared me to death. I thought Li Dong was calling Shu Ting. I just wondered, Shu Ting, when did you become so brave? You dared to contact Lu An before the college entrance examination was over."

Without giving the two of them a chance to think wildly, Wu Yu pulled them forward: "Today is my 19th birthday. Let's go buy wine. We won't come home until we get drunk tonight."

ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

(Are the two books published too close together? You haven’t jumped out of the previous book yet. Don’t deliberately substitute it. This book is a brand new idea in March. You are welcome to taste it slowly...)

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