My 1991

Chapter 114, Evil Rumors (Please subscribe!)

The bus was very lively.

Because selling paintings for money is so unusual, and 20,000 yuan is so eye-catching, a whole busload of people got involved.

Lu An was very angry and full of vanity when he heard this. Hey, I promised to be low-key, but what about being low-key?

But I never imagined that I would become a celebrity overnight.

"Master, step on it."

Arriving at the entrance of the alley, Lu An stood up and shouted.

Bah! The brakes made a loud sound, and Lu An disappeared at the entrance of the alley as soon as he got off the car.

"Hey, look, this man really lived in Guifei Lane just now?" The young woman next to her saw that Lu An had really entered Guifei Lane, and she immediately became more convinced about selling paintings for money.

Seeing this, the bus became more lively, and the conversation became even more heated.

The bus is lively, and Guifei Lane is equally lively.

For some unknown reason, Matchmaker Wu and Li Dong’s mother got into sex again. They started quarreling, and then the two sisters-in-law got into a fight in the alley. There were scratches all over their faces and necks, and their hair fell all over the floor.

The two women were about the same size and had been feuding for decades. They fought with ferocity, and for a while they were evenly matched.

But in the middle, Matchmaker Wu and his son entered the scene, and Li Dong's mother was immediately at a disadvantage and was pinned to the ground and slapped wildly.

At this time, Li Dong and his son were making fresh seafood in the Zijiang River. After learning the news that their family members had been beaten, they went crazy with anger. The father and son violently staged a boxing and martial arts hall.

When Lu An came back, the fight had come to an end. Matchmaker Wu's man and his son were tied to a telephone pole without any hair; Matchmaker Wu was pressed into a water tank. If everyone hadn't held on tightly, they would have crushed Matchmaker Wu to death. Yes.

Someone called the police, and the police almost walked into Guifei Lane with Lu An, investigated, and took the parties involved back to the police station without saying a word.

Lu An found Ye Run in the crowd and asked, "What is it about today?"

Ye Run whispered: "What else can we do? We just bicker every day when we meet. But I didn't expect Matchmaker Wu's man and son to be stimulated and get involved."

Luan asked: "What excitement?"

Ye Run said: "Li Dong's mother said that Matchmaker Wu's son looks like the deputy director of a cigarette factory."

A neighbor next to him interjected: "Not to mention, it's really similar. I've seen the deputy director of the cigarette factory. He has double eyelids and thick eyebrows. He has a big face. It's easy to distinguish him from the matchmaker Wu's small eyes."

Hearing this, Ye Run didn't want to discuss too much, so he pulled Lu An aside and said, "Li Dong's mother was beaten too badly today. There is no good spot on her face. The doctor also said that she may need stitches in the corner of her eye. We have to persuade Li Dong later to stop being impulsive."

Luan looked directly at the other person.

Ye Run said worriedly: "Li Dong shouted just now that he would kill Matchmaker Wu and his family. I'm afraid of him."

"Don't worry, it won't happen. Li Dong is just talking out of his mouth for a moment. He will be fine after his anger subsides."

After 10 p.m., both families were released.

Lu An and Ye Run brought some fruits to visit No. 8, and then asked Li Dong: "What did the police station say?"

Li Dong looked depressed: "What else can you say? We want us to reconcile privately."

Ye Run asked: "Your mother was injured, did you pay compensation?"

Li Dong said: "They paid 300 yuan,"

Lu An and Ye Run looked at each other, not knowing the details. They didn't know what to say.

Lu An said: "Let's go to my place for a drink and sleep with me tonight."

Li Dong said harshly: "I will commit murder when I drink."

Lu An was speechless and immediately took back his words. At this point, I don't dare let him drink even if I kill him.

That night, Lu An solved two sets of questions and didn't sleep until two in the morning.

When he woke up the next day, he immediately asked someone about the news, and was relieved when he learned that Matchmaker Wu and his family were still alive and well.

The memory is indeed correct. If the historical trajectory is followed, the two families will have to fight at least three times in the next year. They will fight until the cigarette factory starts to lay off workers, and until the affair between Wu Matchmaker and the deputy factory director completely breaks out, the two families will end. Family feud.

Time flies by so fast, and before I know it, more than half of May has passed.

In the past half a month, two major events happened in No. 1 Middle School that shocked the teachers and students of the school.

One is that Liu Hui and male Shaoqing were recommended to Tsinghua and Peking University.

Liu Hui entered Peking University, and the male Shaoqing went to Tsinghua University. Thousands of students were greatly excited by this news. The two people looked at each other with completely different eyes. They were envious, a little admirable, and even more jealous.

Why have everyone worked so hard to read books for more than ten years? Just for the college entrance examination and the single-plank bridge.

But now that the two of them passed ahead of schedule and went to two of the most prestigious universities in the country, who dares to say that they are not feeling sad?

The second thing is related to Lu Ann.

Around 10 a.m. on May 13, the school received a call from Nankai University.

In a conversation that lasted for more than ten minutes, the other party clearly expressed his desire to recruit Lu An to the Department of Oriental Art of Nankai University.

The school's Academic Affairs Office was a little confused. After repeated confirmations, they found that they did not call the wrong number, nor did they call the wrong person. The person they wanted to recruit was Lu An, the top liberal arts student in the school.

The dean of academic affairs personally asked: "Why is it the Department of Oriental Art and not other majors?"

Fang Yan told him succinctly and concisely: Nankai University values ​​Lu An’s oil painting attainments and believes that they are worthy of vigorous cultivation.

Oil painting skills? The dean of academic affairs was even more confused. After ending the call, he hurriedly called Zhou Jingni over and asked urgently: "Lu An can draw?"

Zhou Jingni nodded: "Yes."

The dean of academic affairs asked: "Oil painting?"

Zhou Jingni nodded again, "Yes, oil painting."

The dean of academic affairs asked again: "The level is very high?"

Zhou Jingni said with a smile: "Recently there is a rumor circulating in Baoqing that a painting sells for 20,000 yuan. Has the director heard of it?"

"Yes, I heard it more than once."

Then the dean of academic affairs opened his mouth wide and asked in shock: "No, Xiao Zhou, no, is this rumor true? Is it Lu An?"

Zhou Jingni said seriously: "It's true, I saw it with my own eyes."

Then she asked: "Director, why do you suddenly ask about this?"

Although she was a small class teacher, her family was not simple. The teacher often relied on her father to make ends meet, so she patiently explained the admissions process of Nankai University.

Then he said: "Xiao Zhou, go and call Lu An and ask him for his opinion."

Zhou Jingni said: "Lu An probably won't go."

At this time, a female teacher next to me who had been listening to the Book of Heaven for a long time couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you go? Nankai University is such a good school."

Another male teacher said: "Lu An's grades give him a chance to get into Tsinghua University and Peking University. If he were my student, I wouldn't be willing to let him go."

Lu An was called, but as all teachers expected, he refused outright.

I thought that the matter was over, but the excitement was yet to come. I rejected Nankai University first, and then got a call from the admissions office of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. The purpose was to recruit Lu An.

Now everyone in the Academic Affairs Office is in trouble. How good is Lu An at painting? Even the Central Academy of Fine Arts came?

The dean and Zhou Jingni looked at Lu An and wanted to know how he would choose?

Lu An still refused: "Teacher, I have studied for so many years and want to go to college normally. Drawing is just my hobby."

This is not his pretense, this is his true answer.

In his opinion, painting can only be regarded as a hobby. If it is regarded as a full-time job, over time, he will gradually lose interest in doing it.

In other words: hobbies can often bring out the best in nature, while careers are prone to worries about gains and losses, and even anxiety, and gradually become a stagnant pool of water.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has a huge amount of information about future generations, and everything is so awesome that painting naturally becomes less important in his eyes.

Luan can draw?

Lu An sells a painting for 20,000?

Lu An rejected the special admissions from Nankai University and Central Academy of Fine Arts?

These four pieces of news washed over the entire No. 1 Middle School teachers group like waves.

If the principal hadn't personally given instructions to the teachers to keep it secret, it would probably have affected all students.

Even so, there were still well-informed people who knew about Lu An's rejection of Nankai University and the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

While eating in the cafeteria at noon, Wang Lina and Nan Shaoqing appeared in front of Lu An.

Wang Lina first walked around him three times like looking at a peep show, and then asked: "Lu An, everyone says you can paint. Are you very good at painting?"

Lu An hummed: "It's okay, I can draw your boyfriend as your boyfriend, but I can't draw him as Li Dong."

Li Dong complained: "If you draw her boyfriend, just draw her boyfriend. Why do you want me to do so?"

Lu An and Wang Lina said together: "You are ugly."

Lu An felt unhappy when he said this. This big mouth completely disrupted the rhythm of his life.

Wang Lina looked down on him with contempt.

Wang Lina nodded: "Then you can really sell a painting for 20,000?"

Lu An refused to admit it: "It's just false rumors. Do you believe this?"

Wang Lina looked suspicious.

Lu An tugged on his clothes: "Look, look at it. The total of my outfit does not exceed 30 yuan. Do you think a painting can be sold for 20,000 yuan?"

Wang Lina whispered, "But there are rumors about this in Qianzhen, and I asked Fangyuan, and she said your family is building a new house."

Come on, it seems that this girl has already confirmed it.

Lu An distanced herself a little and said to the male young lady on the side: "Your wife is almost biting my ear, but you are still indifferent. Are you a man who can tolerate this?"

Wang Lina didn't care about these words at all, but looked back at her boyfriend with relish.

The young man didn't let her down: "Don't try to sow discord, I'm watching."

Lu An sighed, these two people are really incompatible, they are a perfect match.

Wang Lina asked again: "Lu An, is it true that you rejected Nankai University and the Central Academy of Fine Arts?"

Lu An didn't bother to quibble about this and said yes.

Then he reached for the male Shaoqing's rice bowl and scooped up all the stir-fried beef into his bowl.

The young man was not angry either. He picked up the rice bowl and went back to the stir-fry department to buy a new one.

At this time, Wu Ying and Liu Hui who were passing by also joined in the fun. Wu Ying stopped and looked at Lu An: "They all said you want to get into Tsinghua University and Peking University, right?"

Lu An was about to faint. Why did the gossip become more and more wrong and sinister as it spread?

But he is self-aware. With mathematics standing in the way, Tsinghua University and Peking University are simply out of the question.


Lu An shook his head, and then stretched his neck to take a look at Liu Hui's bowl: "Ah, you are doing this and that, you are already at Peking University, why are you still eating some carrots and cabbage? I can't even make a profit.

Look at the male young lady, she is much more corrupt than you. She goes to the stir-fry shop all day long to eat. "

Liu Hui smiled sweetly, reached out his chopsticks to the bottom of the bowl, rummaged through it, and gave him a piece of chicken breast.

Ps: Well, why do you think Meng Qingshui traveled through time? ? ?

March's original intention was that her sister attracted Lu An when she was 21 years old. Meng Qingshui was wondering if she would be more charming like her sister when she turned 21 and attract Lu An's attention again.

In short, it must be clarified: this book is about the male protagonist being reborn, not double penetration.


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