My 1991

Chapter 145, everything is ready (please subscribe!)

It's just getting dark, and it's the peak time for people to come and go on campus.

Walking along the way, I saw several pretty girls, phew! Nanyuan No. 8 is indeed the largest concentration camp for goddesses in East China. It’s not in vain. Come more often if you have nothing to do.

When you are in a good mood, your thoughts will be active, which means that you are full, warm and full of lust.

"Who to call this time?"

The dormitory aunt had a big mole under her mouth and was chewing pumpkin seeds. When she saw Lu An coming over, she asked him with a bleating smile.

"Auntie has a really good memory." Leaning against the window, Lu An complimented her freely.

"This is my specialty. I can remember all the boys and girls who are good-looking or ugly, or who are more frequent." The dormitory auntie started selling melons and boasting about herself.

Lu An smiled and asked: "That's right, then what level does my face compare to Auntie's?"

The dormitory aunt didn't expect him to ask such a shameless question, so she immediately laughed, fished it out with her right hand, grabbed a big handful of pumpkin seeds and gave it to him, "I grew it at home, try it."

Lu An took it with a flattered look, said thank you, and then chatted with others while eating melon seeds.

The dormitory aunt looked at him carefully and gave him an answer later: "Tsk, tsk, your appearance is designed to bully girls. I have worked here for more than ten years and I find that there are a few like you every year." Yes. It’s really strange.”

Luan pretended to sigh, "I thought I had the best life."

The dormitory aunty said with a big mouth, "Then I can't go against my conscience."

Okay, this doesn’t sound right. Lu An said, “Call 301 for me.”

Before he finished speaking, the dormitory auntie had already opened the microphone and shouted: "Ye Run from 301! Ye Run from 301! There is someone looking for you downstairs."

Luan: "."

Mmp, if I go here a few more times, I guess I won’t have any privacy in the future.

It happened to be a coincidence that when Ye Run came down, Chen Mai happened to come back from outside, but this time this girl was not alone. She had two companions by her side.

Ye Run looked at Chen Mai curiously.

Chen Mai glanced coldly at the packed lunch box in Lu An's hand, then walked straight past the two of them and walked into the dormitory building.

Ye Run took the lunch box and murmured in a low voice: "It's the fourth time we meet, we are so destined."

Lu An hummed and joked: "I'll chase her after the 10th time."

Ye Run shook his head, "I don't think you can catch up."

Lu An reached out and pushed her arm, "You look down on me so much?"

Ye Run swayed and spoke in dissatisfaction. After glancing at the aunt in the dormitory, he took a step closer and threatened him: "If you still dare to touch me, I will go to the girls' dormitory to spread the rumors between you and the Meng family." Regarding the ambiguous relationship between sisters, which girl dares to be nice to you?"

Lu An put his hands behind his back, unmoved, "Look at what you said, you are really promising, and you dare to threaten me. Let me tell you, if there are any rumors in Nanda that are not good for me, I will treat it as you spreading it. When the time comes, I will have to let you repay the debt."


Seeing that he refused to eat, Ye Run, who couldn't fight, suddenly became angry, turned around and left with the lunch box.

I was so angry that I forgot to say thank you.

After Ye Run left, the dormitory aunt said to him secretly: "The girl just now is called Chen Mai, and the dormitory is 409. There are often boys who want to pursue her."

Lu An was speechless. This aunt had so much free time, she was really suitable to find a bad old man to join the group to keep warm.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the dormitory aunt shouted to him: "Why don't you ask those boys if they have caught up with them?"

Lu An turned his back and waved to say goodbye.

As for asking?

Such a cold girl, such a fierce girl, why do you ask?

Thinking of what Yu Guanzhi said today that he would hold an art exhibition for himself within four years, he felt really excited. He turned at the intersection and went to the off-campus grocery store to buy a calendar.

322 Tang Ping was alone, immersed in writing letters.

Lu An walked in and asked, "Old Tang, why are you alone in the dormitory? Where are the others?"

Tang Ping said: "They went to the restaurant with 317."

Lu An asked: "Why didn't you go?"

Tang Ping said: "I lost the fist fight, so I stayed in the dormitory waiting for you to come back."

Lu An climbed up on the bed and hung up the calendar, "It's getting late, so go ahead."

Tang Ping asked: "Brother Lu, aren't you going?"

Lu An replied: "I've eaten. I walked a lot today. I'm tired and don't want to move anymore."

Unexpectedly, Tang Ping said directly: "Then I won't go either. I haven't finished writing my letter yet."

After hanging up the calendar, Lu An glanced at it several times, feeling excited and feeling like time was waiting for me. For the art exhibition, he decided to work hard starting from today.

Well, forget it today, it’s not too early, it’s time to take a shower and go to bed, let’s do it tomorrow.

Everyone may be out crazy during the holidays, but there is no one in the bathhouse.

When the wash was halfway through, Tang Ping also came over with a basin of clothes.

Lu An asked: "Have you finished writing the letter?"

Tang Ping was depressed: "No, I have written the letter four times, but it doesn't feel right."

Lu An looked at him and said, "Written for girls?"

After looking around and seeing no one, Tang Ping said, "A high school classmate."

Luan looked at him again and wisely did not ask any further questions.

Taking a shower in early autumn is so cool. When you pour a few buckets of water on it, your soul almost comes out. It’s so refreshing.

After flushing five buckets of water, Tang Ping suddenly stuttered and asked, "Brother Lu, have you ever been in love?"

Luan said, "No."

Tang Ping said "Oh" and said nothing further.

Lu An glanced at him, "Next time if you want to ask me for advice, just ask me directly if I have slept with a female compatriot?"

Tang Ping's eyes widened.

While he was still in shock, Lu An stabbed him directly: "Did you sleep with a girl?"

Tang Ping waved his hands in panic: "No, she took the initiative to write to me."

"Oh." This time it was Lu An's turn to say oh.

He thought that Old Tang was still too young, and it was not very interesting to tell the truth in just one sentence.

Seeing that he stopped talking again, Tang Ping asked guiltily: "Brother Lu, if I don't want to reject her, how should I reply?"

Lu An asked: "Do you want to be a scumbag and hang her up?"

Tang Ping was about to faint and whispered: "I also have a crush on her."

Lu An said: "Then you answer: Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue during the winter vacation is beautiful, and you plan to go there part-time as a monk.

You gave her the time and place. If she wants to go further, she will definitely come to Hengshan to offer incense. "

Tang Ping chewed on these words and then fell into deep thought.

After returning to the dormitory, Tang Ping wrote hard and quickly wrote a letter.

Lu An was watching all this on the bed, and a feeling of confusion passed through his heart. He just casually fooled him, but he didn't expect that Old Tang would take it seriously and return it.

Later, Meng Jianlin and the others came back.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Fang Yun showed off to Tang Ping, patted Tang Ping on the shoulder and said: "Old Tang, if you don't go to dinner today, you will really lose 10,000 yuan. That new classmate Huang Ting is so beautiful as a fairy, so beautiful." ”

Tang Ping asked: "Better looking than Jiang Wan?"

Fang Yun gestured with his fingers, and then said: "If I don't tell you, I'll choke you to death! I won't let you eat."

Liu Jiaquan asked Lu An: "Lao Lu, when did you come back?"

Lu An said: "Just arrived at the dormitory."

Liu Jiaquan imitated Fang Yun and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Then it's such a pity that you missed your first meal with Huang Ting."

Luan: "."

Li Yiran was carrying a guitar on his back, sat down next to Lu An and said: "Brother Lu, I bought the guitar. I haven't opened it yet. I will sing the first song for you."

Lu An took the guitar and tried it out. It was surprisingly good: "How much did it cost?"

Li Yiran said: "More than 1,700."

Upon hearing the number 1700, the dormitory fell silent for a moment, and everyone came over to stare at the guitar.

Meng Jianlin stretched out his hand and touched here and there, smacking his tongue and saying, "Old Li, this is just a piece of wood and 6 beef tendons. Why is it so expensive?"

Luan: "."

Li Yiran also touched it lovingly: "This is an imported product. There are cheap ones in musical instrument stores, but I didn't buy it."

Liu Jiaquan stared at it for a long time and said angrily: "I saw Lao Lu singing so coquettishly during military training. I originally wanted to learn from him.

But you successfully persuaded me to give up. This is not playing guitar, it is burning money. My family has been busy up and down the mountain for a year and I can't save so much money. I learned it after I was stupid. "

The words reached the hearts of others, who nodded together.

Li Yiran felt that it was a bit too high-profile, and his old face was burning with pain. He quickly changed the subject and said: "Brother Lu, if the new guitar is a good sign, why don't you play a song."

"Let's play one!"

"There has to be one!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the dormitory building agreed and pulled up stools to watch in a semicircle.

While Lu An was tuning the music, he asked Li Yiran: "Whose song do you like best?"

Li Yiran asked: "Leslie Cheung's silence is golden. Brother Lu, can you sing?"

How could you not sing such a classic song?

Lu An nodded, adjusted the tune, and sang attentively:

The night wind is blowing, looking back at the past and the future alone

I used to be full of anger

False accusations and accusations

The five people listened very carefully, and felt very complicated and envious.

After the song ended, Li Yiran suddenly said: "It's a pity that I'm not a woman. If I were a woman, I would definitely fall in love with Brother Lu."

Lu An felt bad after hearing this. He threw the guitar to him and cursed with a smile: "Go to hell, don't come in front of me and say such disgusting things."

Watching the two of them talking and laughing, the others were sitting like wooden logs without realizing it. But Fang Yun said: "If I could play guitar, I would never dare to chase a woman without me."

Liu Jiaquan didn't believe it: "New Huang Ting, do you dare?"

Fang Yun hugged his feet, "Why don't you dare? It's one thing whether you can pursue him or not. I've never been timid."

That night, while Lu An was teaching Li Yiran how to play the guitar, he also listened to several people bragging about how to chase girls.

From Jiang Wan to Huang Ting, to Chen Mai, to Su Mi, these young guys became more and more cheerful as they chatted, and they were still making a fuss at three in the morning.

Lu An was confused by this. Damn it, it turns out that he is not the only one with a mouth.

The next day, the animals of 322 slept in collectively.

Anyway, the class has not officially started yet, and there is no need to take the exam. It is rare to have two days of rest after military training, so everyone stayed in bed as hard as possible.

"Lu An from 322! Lu An from 322! Someone is looking for you downstairs."

Fang Yun reacted the fastest and got his head out of the quilt: "Lao Li is chased by girls every day. Brother Lu, have you started too?"

Lu An opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling for a while, then slowly got up: "I'm not as energetic as Lao Li. I guess someone is looking for something to do with me."

Meng Jianlin got up and said, "Sir! I don't believe it. I want to go and have a look with you."

Luan smiled and let him follow him downstairs.

It turned out to be her, the young driver who drove Yu Guanzhi yesterday.

Seeing Lu An and the driver leaving the dormitory, Meng Jianlin behind him cursed bad luck, turned around and ran back to the bed to sleep again.

Li Yiran asked him: "How is it? Is she a beauty?"

Meng Jianlin thought that his trip would not be in vain, so he said deceitfully: "She is a beauty, even more beautiful than the senior sister who is chasing you."

After leaving the dormitory, Lu An asked: "You didn't go back last night?"

The female driver replied: "Miss Yu has arrived in Shanghai."

Hearing this, Lu An stopped asking and followed the other party to the teacher's apartment.

The female driver took out the key from her pocket and opened the rightmost door on the second floor. She walked in and said, "This is a layout of three bedrooms and two living rooms. It is also the largest apartment here. What do you think, Mr. Lu? If you are satisfied, I will It was converted into a studio.”

Lu An walked around and found that the lighting, space and surrounding environment were all good. He confirmed and asked: "Sister Yu arranged it?"

The driver nodded: "Miss Yu, I hope you have a good creative space. If you are not satisfied here, we can go outside the school and have a look. There is a two-story independent courtyard there with a garden and a backyard."

Lu An asked: "Is it far?"

The driver told the truth: "It's about 200 meters away from the school gate on Hankou Road."

It sounds quite close at first, but if you run too much every day, you will be tired and inconvenient. And the security is definitely not as good as on campus.

Thinking like this, Lu An gave up the idea of ​​going to take a look and said gratefully: "Thank you for your hard work, that's it."

Then he asked: "How much is the rent?"

The driver politely replied: "I don't know about the rent. Miss Yu discussed it with an old professor. She has paid the rent for four years."

Lu An was surprised: "Already paid?"

The driver said: "Pay it."

Then she added: "Ms. Yu felt that Mr. Lu would definitely choose this place, so she paid in advance."

It is comfortable to get along with smart people, and Lu An is too lazy to be pretentious. Compared with the interest relationship between the two of them, rent is just a trivial matter, just drizzle.

Since he had this intention, he accepted it generously.

After the house was settled, Luan went out of his way to change the locks.

When he had fixed the lock and was about to go to the city to buy painting tools, the female driver came again.

This time she didn't come alone, she was followed by a string of porters.

At a glance, there are easels, brushes, paints, and even rice paper and ink for traditional Chinese painting. And there is more than one kind, there are a lot of raw and cooked propaganda from various big brands.

However, there is only one kind of ink: Yidege’s classic Yundouyan.

This is the best Chinese painting ink on the market.

Luan once again sighed at the strength of his thighs, and he felt so damn happy.

Instructing everyone to put things in their accustomed places, he finally ran outside the school and thanked the other party very well on the phone.

After hearing a series of flattering words without any emphasis, Yu Guanzhi held the tea cup in his right hand, laughed silently for a long time, and finally asked: "What is the style of your Chinese painting?"

Wen Xuanzhi Yayi, Lu An immediately understood her thoughts, she must be looking for a teacher for herself.

So he said: "Self-taught people don't stick to any rules."

Yu Guanzhi said: "Okay, if you have time, paint a landscape painting as soon as possible. I can use it."

When it came to a major matter, Lu An didn't dare to be careless, so he immediately patted his chest and said, "I'll give it to you within this month."

"Well, I look forward to your masterpiece."

ps: 11,000 updates have been made, please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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