My 1991

Chapter 149, Spring River Flower Moonlight Night, on the importance of being able to speak (please s

The phone rang four times before getting through.


"Hey, Uncle Meng, it's me."

Meng Zhenhai put down the document in his hand, walked around to sit behind the desk and said, "I haven't heard your voice for a while. Are you still used to it at NTU?"

"Uncle, it's okay, don't worry."

For this Uncle Meng, Lu An was sincerely grateful. Even though the Meng family has a normal attitude towards their eldest sister and younger sister, they really have nothing to say about themselves and treat them like their own sons.

But then again, if the Meng family is not affectionate to the eldest sister and the youngest sister, it is not their fault.

The eldest sister has a strong self-esteem and can't stand the strange looks from the relatives of the Meng family, so she didn't like to go to the Meng family in the past few years, and only went there once every two years on average.

It's just like this. We usually don't have much contact, and the family's conditions are already favorable. We can accommodate her once or twice, but if the number of times increases, the Meng family will definitely feel alienated from the eldest sister in their hearts.

Let alone talk about it, my little sister holds grudges and hides away from you whenever you see her. How can you get people to be nice to you?

This is also the reason why Song Jia dropped out of high school in her last life. The Meng family learned about the situation later and took the initiative to persuade Song Jia once. After her kindness was rejected, they stopped interfering.

The phone call lasted a long time and they talked a lot. Meng Zhenhai also asked about his relationship with Qing Shui from a side perspective. After learning that it would remain the same, the other party didn't mention it anymore.

Unlike his wife Li Meng, Meng Zhenhai has a natural and open attitude towards his daughter's feelings: he neither blocks nor adds fuel to the flames.

In his opinion, both Lu An and Qing Shui are still young, and now is an important time to learn skills, gain knowledge, and shape personal values.

The strong relationship now does not mean that it will remain the same in the future. Is it possible that we will meet someone who changes their relationship in the future?

So in college, at least before graduating from college, he would not take the initiative to match the two of them.

If his youngest daughter still has this enthusiasm for Lu An after graduating from college, then he will find an opportunity to have a good talk with Lu An and find out what he thinks?

Before hanging up, Meng Zhenhai talked about the main purpose of the call: "Chen Weiyong and I talked about you on the phone this morning. One day you have time to buy some cigarettes and wine and go visit on my behalf."

Meng Zhenhai knew that he was not short of money, so he didn't mention anything about the money for cigarettes and alcohol, and just told him his address.

Lu An was not a newbie in society, and he immediately understood Uncle Meng's kindness. He was trying to build a bridge between himself and Chen Weiyong, with the purpose of pushing the relationship between the two parties further.

He naturally agreed to this kind of thing.

After the call ended, as soon as Lu An paid, the 33 was almost gone again, and his heart ached.

Strangely enough, he is not a stingy person and usually spends money lavishly, but he is always worried about such an expensive phone bill.

Damn it, can't wait any longer, must get the phone fixed this month.

After coming out of the office, Lu An went to the post office and purposefully subscribed to some newspapers.

He hasn't read much newspapers in more than a month, and he always feels disconnected from the outside world. He feels uncomfortable not being able to get the latest news about social developments in a timely manner.

After thinking about it, he ordered a total of 5 newspapers, two national newspapers, one from Shanghai, one from Jiangsu Province, and the last one was a local daily in Jinling.

The delivery address is the studio of the teacher's apartment. There is a ready-made inbox there, so he doesn't need to worry.

It’s just that the amount of newspapers ordered is relatively large, so it must be collected every two days.

The newspapers were ordered, and Luann once again felt the need for a bicycle.

But the next second he thought of Ye Run again.

Forget it, ask her to come with you next time and see if she wants one?

As for her lack of money?

That’s not a problem, you can give it away, borrow it, or get it on credit, as long as you cook for yourself.

I'm really not used to the food here, and I really need her skills to improve my food.

With these thoughts in mind, Lu An returned to the studio.

After thinking about it for half a month, he finally decided to paint "Spring River with Flowers and Moonlight Night", based on the poems of the poet Zhang Ruoxu.

Originally, his first idea was to paint "Twelve Landscapes", painting representative objects according to the seasons and months. Twelve months are exactly twelve paintings, which has perfect meaning.

But later he felt something was wrong and changed his mind.

As for the reason for changing my mind, I probably felt that my level of Chinese painting was not good enough to support this ambitious project.

After all, in the field of oil painting, he has improved himself to another level, but Chinese painting is still at the same level, which is really a bit outdated.

So he is waiting!

When Yu Guanzhi finds a great Chinese painting master to be his teacher, his skills will improve and he can paint with the aura of "teacher", then he will definitely be much better than he is now.

It’s rare to have a good idea or a good subject, and you can’t let it go to waste.

Once you have decided on the direction, just do it. Art requires inspiration and temporary techniques. It cannot be delayed and there is no need to prepare anything.

Spread out the rice paper, get the pen and ink ready, and start painting directly.

"Moonlight Night on the Spring River" is a work by Zhang Ruoxu, a poet from the Tang Dynasty. This poem has thirty-six lines in total, with a change of rhyme for every four lines. It creatively reproduces the scenery of a spring night in the south of the Yangtze River with a clear and life-like pen. It is like a scroll of the Yangtze River illuminated by the moonlight, and at the same time embodies the pain of farewell and lovesickness of a wanderer returning home.

He is not a novice painter. For a veteran like him, he only needs to read the poem once and he will have a general idea in his mind, and the next painting is a process of enriching the details.

The tide of the Spring River reaches the level of the sea, and the bright moon rises with the tides on the sea. The waves follow the waves for thousands of miles, but there is no moon on the Spring River anywhere.

In his conception of the whole poem, there are the Yangtze River, the bright moon, awning boats, willows, and low wooden houses on the shore.

This is a relatively large project, and it takes a lot of effort to put the delicate brushstrokes into practice and finish it in one go.

Chinese painting is no different from oil painting. It must be completed in one go and cannot be paused or modified in the middle, so it is a great test of a painter's skills.

When people are immersed in their own world, time often passes quickly.

Before I knew it, noon passed, afternoon disappeared, and dusk came quietly.

It was thundering outside, drizzle began to fall, the wind blew, the windows flapped, and Lu An was suddenly awakened.

I lowered my head and looked at the painting. It was almost finished, but I always felt that it lacked the charm and artistic conception. I stared at it and thought for a long time. Could it be that my emotional rendering was not in place?

After looking at it for a while, Lu An suddenly copied it with his right hand, and the huge rice paper turned into a ball of paper and was thrown aside.


Saying "no", Lu An locked the door and went downstairs, rushing to the classroom.

This is his habit. He will abandon the painting before it is finished, and then leave the studio without stopping, to get rid of his emotions from the atmosphere as soon as possible, so as not to affect the next creation.

It was getting late, and there was no one on the campus streets. Lu An subconsciously looked at his watch.

You won’t know if you don’t see it, but you will be shocked when you see it: 7:23

Damn it, how miserable!

At this time, the evening self-study has started early. As the squad leader, I have become the first person to arrive late and leave early in the management class 2. What a shame!

He quickened his pace and trotted all the way. It only took him 2 seconds to adapt. But when he rushed to the door of the classroom, he suddenly ran into a group of people.

A new member in the student union office raised his right wrist and looked at it, intending to ask for registration the next second.

However, the old member next to him pulled the other person in time and whispered: "Let's go."

The new member was surprised: "Don't register?"

The old member said: "What are you registering for? He is the director's son."

"???" The new member was confused.

After leaving the management area of ​​Class 2, the old members were unwilling to see the new subordinates, so they said:

"Student Union Chairman Tang Min once vowed to expel him in front of so many people, but not only did he not be expelled, he even waited and gave him a bottle of soda. Are you sure you still want to register?"

The new member reacted at this time: "Is he that Lu An?"

The old member nodded: "Who else can be so tough except him? I heard that Lu Kerer wanted to invite him to the student union twice, but he was rejected both times."

The new member didn't think about it, so he could only vent his anger by scolding: "This guy must be stupid. Senior Lu Ke'er has such a great figure, so I just agreed to it."

An old member said: "Not only did you agree, I also agreed."

Watching the two of them enter the next class, Lu An shook his head. When did he actually have the gold medal to avoid death?

But he was too proud. At this moment, counselor Wei Feng was waiting for him in the classroom.

Seeing him push the door open and come in, Wei Feng looked him over and asked, "Where have you been?"

Lu An opened his mouth and came: "Library, I lost track of time while checking information in the reading room."

Wei Feng asked again: "Which floor is it on?"

Lu An was speechless. This counselor was so serious. Looking at each other, he said without any hesitation: "The second floor."

Anyway, in his opinion, there are reading rooms on every floor. Can you still confirm where I am?

Wei Feng stared at him, unable to tell whether it was true or not, so he changed the subject: "I heard that you are in love with your class secretary?"

"Huh?" Lu An looked confused.

The whole class was equally confused, everyone looked up at him.

Lu An came back to his senses and shouted to Long Yan: "Long Yan, the counselor said that we are dating, why didn't I know? Do you know?"

Everyone was amused by this, and the classroom burst into laughter.

Long Yan ignored him and said to the counselor: "Teacher, you may have made a mistake. The person next door is in charge of Class 1, right?"

The counselor asked: "You mean Liu Wei and Yang Qian? Are they in love?"

Luan said, "It seems so."

The counselor suddenly realized: "If you don't tell me, I haven't remembered it. The two of them seem to be walking together a lot these days."

Lu An echoed: "Yes, everyone is still single, and the two of them have already shown off their affection. It's too outrageous. Teacher, you go next door to judge them."

The counselor said to him with a half-smile: "I hope you won't fall in love too early and set a good example for everyone."

Then, without waiting for his reply, he added: "The director wants to see you for something, please go to his office."

Hearing this, Lu An turned around and left.

"Dong dong dong"

Arriving at the door of the office on the right side of the first floor, Lu An reached out and knocked on the door.


A loud voice came from inside.

The door opened and closed, and he saw Lu An. The director who was reviewing documents put down his pen and said to him kindly: "Lu An, you are here, come and sit here."

Lu An didn't know what politeness was, so he sat down on the wicker chair opposite the desk. After politely calling him "teacher", he stopped talking and waited for the other person to start talking.

For a moment, you looked at me and I looked at you. The office seemed very quiet, and both of them were observing each other.

After about 5 seconds of this, the director recognized his calmness and broke the deadlock by asking kindly:

"It's been more than a month since you came to NTU. What do you think of this place? Are you still used to it?"

Hey, did you see a ghost today or something happened?

Uncle Meng asked this question at noon, and this person asked it again in the evening? What's going on?

Lu An pretended to be flattered, smiled and said, "Fortunately, I applied for this school because I liked NTU."

Look, the words are so pleasing to the ear and so artistic.

After a test from both sides, the pleasant tone of the subsequent conversation was set, and both of them felt relaxed.

When the situation unfolded, the director immediately asked with a smile: "I heard from Dean Chen of the Law School that you are an excellent oil painting?"

Lu An said modestly: "It's just random graffiti. Dean Chen has given too much praise."

Seeing him admit it in person, the director's thoughts were a lot more complicated. However, since this was their first contact, he didn't ask too much in-depth questions and just said:

"NTU is an open and inclusive school. We pursue the idea of ​​embracing all rivers and allowing a hundred schools of thought to contend. If you have any needs or ideas in the future, you can mention it to us and the school will support you."

Hey, whether this was true or not, Lu An felt warm in his heart and nodded silently.

I can only nod.

After all, in the eyes of the director, I am still just a potential stock, and I have not yet achieved success. If I talk too much or express my opinions rashly, it will be a sign of impetuousness.

Silence is golden, silence is golden at this moment.

Both parties only see one hope, so they cannot talk for too long on the topic of painting, otherwise it will be utilitarian.

Knowing this, Director Laoyouzi changed the subject and talked about the purpose of calling him here today: "This morning, the student union chairman Tang Min and the vice-chairmen Lu Kerr and Zou Qiang came to see me.

He said that he hoped that you could contribute to the business school and attend the school's orientation party. I knew that you were in a special situation and I didn't agree at the time. I just wanted to hear your opinion. "

Hearing this, Lu An couldn't help but admire secretly. Not only could she speak, but others also grasped the essence of Chinese culture. She was so smooth in Tai Chi. She obviously hoped that she would do it, but she left the decision-making power to herself and spoke. It's really watertight and sounds very humane.

Lu An didn't have the brain to rush forward, and he pondered for a while before speaking: "Teacher, I am late for my self-study tonight."

The director was stunned for a moment and nodded, indicating that it was not difficult to guess.

After all, he had asked Wei Feng to call for someone for a while, but Lu An just came, so what if he wasn't late?

It's just that the butt determines the head. Being late and leaving early is not a big deal in the eyes of the director. For ordinary students, this is a big or small matter. As for Lu An, there is no choice, only nothing.

After the preparation was completed, Lu An continued: "To be honest with you, teacher, the reason why I am late is that I have been working on a painting since noon today and lost track of time."

The word "hurry" contains all the meaning he wants to express.

Being in the system, the director is a master in wording. He immediately understood the meaning of his words and said calmly: "That's not urgent. Painting is a big deal. Painting is the most important thing."

Lu An felt a little embarrassed when he heard that the other party was so talkative. He thought for a while and said, "If I have time, as a member of the business school, I still hope to win glory for the business school."

Regardless of whether he had time or not, he said this just to give the director a step down.

Someone specifically called me here, but I got a cold "no". That was not good. The director also wanted to lose face, didn't he?

At least if he adds such a beautiful word, it means that business cannot be done with justice, but we can still get along, and we are still good buddies.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the director's face suddenly filled with smiles and said to him:

"Okay, let me know when you finish the painting, so I can appreciate it immediately."

She avoided mentioning the welcome party, but talked about it. Not only did she take care of his feelings, but she also used the opportunity of appreciating the paintings to bring the two parties closer. Oops, this director has a good level and is not in vain.

After the serious talk, Lu An got up and returned to the classroom after chatting with the director for more than ten minutes.

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