My 1991

Chapter 151, If ​​life were just like the first time we met (please subscribe!)

On Thursday, there are no classes in the 3rd and 4th periods in the morning.

After class 1 and 2, Lu An, who was thinking about the landscape painting "Spring River Flowers and Moonlight Night", planned to go to the library to see if he could find relevant information about Zhang Ruoxu in the Tang Dynasty?

Painting cannot be done casually. The brush must be filled with your own emotional color to make the painting have aura and make the painting come alive.

"Lu An, Zhang Xiaoquan and Zhou Juan in class have a dance rehearsal this morning. Do you want to go over and have a look?"

Seeing him getting up to leave, Jiang Wan in the front row asked at the right time.

Zhang Xiaoquan and Zhou Juan's duet folk dance was the only survivor among the four programs in the class to survive until the end. As an entertainment committee member, Jiang Wan is very attentive. She has to go to the scene to accompany every rehearsal. Even if she can't help with anything, she will buy bottles of water as much as she can. Come on!

Lu An felt very ashamed when he mentioned this matter. He was too thorough as a hands-off shopkeeper.

Seeing that he was busy and the hesitation in his heart, Zhou Juan jumped out and said considerately:

"Brother, you should go and do your own thing first. We have to rehearse tomorrow. If you have time, come over and take a look. Xiaoquan and I have very thin waists."

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard it, and they were all happy.

Hearing this, Lu An nodded without pretense: "Okay, I will come over tomorrow when I have time."

After watching Lu An go down the corridor and leave, people from 322 and 317 followed Zhou Juan and Zhang Xiaoquan to the training ground.

There is nothing fashionable these days, and good folk dances are also very entertaining in their eyes.

the other side.

Although I arrived early, there were more people in the library than I expected.

The library is very large, with a new book corner, display center, periodical reading area, and classic book lending area on the first floor.

After walking around the first floor, I found that it didn't meet my requirements, so I went up to the second floor.

There is a journal reading room and Wu Jianxiong Library on the second floor. Lu An looked around and thought that it was too damn big. It was really troublesome to find something. Could it be that the historical materials he was looking for were recorded on the third floor?

Thinking like this, Lu An unknowingly arrived at door 302 on the third floor.

Before he came here, he heard someone mention that there were hundreds of thousands of books in the liberal arts lending room. What he was looking for should be in there, right?

Gate 302 is the only entrance. After Lu An passed through, he was immediately stunned by the rows of heavy bookshelves inside.

Oops! The collection of books is quite large, and it seems that there may be hundreds of thousands of volumes.

Walking inside, Lu An found the historical area according to the guidance.

There are no bookshelves in the first row.

In the second row of bookshelves, I found a series of books from the Tang Dynasty.

Finally, he had a clue. With a happy mood, Lu An moved to the third row of bookshelves.


As soon as his right foot stepped into the entrance, Lu An stopped, and his whole body was frozen in place as if struck by lightning.

Suddenly looking at the figure between the rows of books, his little heart suddenly beat loudly. If he hadn't held back, it would have almost jumped out of his mouth.

This is a feeling I haven’t had in many years. It dates back to the last time.

How far back, Luan couldn’t remember the exact date.

At this time, there was a girl with long black hair and a natural temperament in the middle of the entrance, slowly reading a book.

He is of average height, about 164 to 165 cm.

A brown woolen fluffy coat was draped lazily on her body, looking very casual, like the darling of nature. It fit perfectly with the entire row of bookshelves without any sense of disobedience.

Aside from his good looks, what attracted Lu An the most was his temperament, which was pure and simple, clean without a trace of impurities.

When he first saw this girl, Lu An's first instinct was that she had some similarities in temperament with Yu Guanzhi. But at the second glance, I felt that the two people were completely different.

I quickly searched for appropriate adjectives in my mind, and finally two words popped out of my mind: noble and bookish.


It is the noble spirit and the pure spirit of books.

This is what the girl in front of me and Yu Guanzhi have in common.

It's not simple. These two mysterious and mysterious things appear in one person at the same time, which shows that his upbringing and cultivation are very good, otherwise he would not be able to develop such a temperament at such a young age.

The girl was still looking down at the page, unaware that a man was looking at her 5 meters away.

At a certain moment, the girl who broke away from the book seemed to feel something. Her fingers paused on the edge of the page, and then she raised her head.

Caught off guard, Lu An looked at each other before he could avoid it.

I felt guilty in my heart, it was always bad to stare at people like this, it was always rude.

However, this girl's eyes seemed to be full of strange charm, and he forgot to move away for a moment.

When he lowered his head and couldn't see his eyes, he only felt that the other person had an indescribable beauty; but when he raised his eyes, Lu An felt that her gaze penetrated through his pupils and reached into his soul. Almost in an instant, all his emotions were soothed.

After two seconds, the girl calmly took the initiative to look away.

She first quietly put the books in her hands back on the bookshelf, then turned around and walked in the other direction of the entrance with light steps.

until disappear

The person was gone and Lu An came back to his senses. He couldn't help but slap himself on the forehead. What the hell was he doing?

It's not like I haven't seen women before, looking for books, looking for books.

After some searching, Lu An finally found the information he wanted.

Zhang Ruoxu, a native of Yangzhou, was a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

He once served as a military officer in Gunzhou, and together with He Zhizhang, Zhang Xu, and Rong Rong, he was known as the "Four Scholars of Wuzhong". "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night" is his representative work, which is known as the pioneering work of Tang poetry. "Gaiquan Tang".

The historical records were very detailed, which made him very happy. In his view, only by understanding an author's creative background can one understand the emotion of the other person's work, and Lu An can better relate to it and draw a satisfactory aura.

After all, Zhang Ruoxu was not an emperor, and no matter how detailed the historical materials were, the length would not be very long. However, Lu An was fascinated by it, and it was not until he finished half the book that he realized that he had gone off topic.

Fortunately, it was not in vain. His mind was now filled with the delicate ideas of "Spring River, Flowers and Moonlight Night".

After thinking about it, Lu An realized that he had found what he was looking for and couldn't stay any longer. He immediately put the book back and walked toward the exit.


I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something?

When Lu An just walked out of the alley, the girl he had seen before also happened to come out of the next door. The row of bookshelves was not thick, so the two of them bumped into each other.

In other words, Lu An, whose mind was full of landscape paintings, was a little distracted. He rushed a little too fast in a hurry and knocked people over.


The two books in the girl's hands fell to the ground with a crash, and Lu An knocked her whole body against the bookshelf. Her somewhat weak body fell against the bookshelf, and finally she fell to the ground with a thud.

"Are you OK?"

Lu An was numb and hurriedly tried to reach out to help her up.

The girl may have been hurt by the fall. After sternly stopping his hand from touching her with her eyes, she turned away and slowly stood up with her hands on the ground. Later, she bent down to pick up two books and walked away silently.

The other person walked a little slowly, and his body seemed uncoordinated. Thinking back to the tears in his quiet eyes just now, he was worried that he might have broken a bone, right?

Without any time to think, Lu An followed and asked from behind: "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

The girl ignored her, slowly came to the door of 302, and then stopped moving.

Seeing the two people standing in front of the table as if they were possessed by evil spirits, the aunt who managed the reading room looked back and forth at the two people with strange eyes.

Then he asked: "Are you new students? You have to show your library card and register the books before you can take them away."

The girl looked out the window and said nothing.

Lu An was a little hesitant, smiled politely at his aunt, and left directly.

Hearing the footsteps walking away, the girl glanced at his back, put the two books on the table, took out her library card from her pocket and handed them over.

The fact that people didn't want to interact with him didn't affect Lu An's mood at all. At this moment, he was humming a tune and rushing to the studio happily. He wished he could finish the ten-minute journey in one second and finish the painting in the next second.

There is still no special preparation. The rice paper is spread out, the pen and ink are ready, and it is started directly.

The moon, the river, the lone boat, the willows, and the low thatched houses on the shore.

Today is different from the past few days. Lu An is full of inspiration, and the brush is very confident in his hand. All kinds of landscapes are flying gracefully, and they are completed in one go, vividly on the paper.

When the last stroke was finished, Lu An breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the painting with great satisfaction.

The emotions he wanted to express were all painted on paper. Lu An felt that this landscape painting could be among the top three of his traditional Chinese paintings.

Even first place is not a bad idea.

After staring at the work for more than ten minutes, Lu An was still a little excited.

The excitement gradually subsided until the school horn sounded.

I raised my left wrist and took a look. I was dumbfounded. My grandma was such a badass. It was already 5:30 in the afternoon and the eighth period was over.

I accidentally missed 4 classes and all the afternoon classes. I don’t know if the teachers named them?

I don’t know what the classmates will think of this monitor who takes the lead in absenteeism?

But no matter what, I finally completed the task today, which is a happy event after all. With these thoughts in mind, Lu An locked the door and went downstairs, rushing out of the school.

Call Yu Guanzhi as soon as possible.


After the call was connected, a waxy voice came from the other side.

"It's me, Sister Yu, are you busy? I didn't disturb you, right?" Lu An asked after hearing some noise on the other side of the phone.

Yu Guanzhi said: "Fortunately, I'm in the restaurant."

Then she asked, "Have you had dinner?"

Lu An replied: "Not yet. I have to tell you something and I'm going to eat. The landscape painting you want is already ready. How can I give it to you?"

Yu Guanzhi asked: "Just finished painting?"

Luann is right.

Yu Guanzhi pondered for a while and told him: "I have something to do recently and I can't leave for the moment. I asked Lu Qing to pick it up from you. What do you think?"

Lu Qing is the female driver.

Who takes and does not take? Naturally, he had no objection. After the two parties agreed on a time, they quickly hung up the phone.

After staying in the studio for most of the day, Lu almost fainted from hunger and had to eat quickly.

For the sake of convenience, Lu An chose to eat cold noodles at a roadside stall instead of going to a restaurant.

"Huh? Master, you are here too."

ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

(I don’t know if there will be any at night?)

Also: Zhou Juan is not Xiao Shiyi, I only wrote her for later use.

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