My 1991

Chapter 161, Encounter by chance, full of energy (please subscribe!)

Two newspapers, the one handed to Ye Run was "People's Daily", and the one Lu An brought back to the classroom was "Economic Daily".

The reason why I subscribe to these two national newspapers is that the former is to understand the latest domestic developments and national policies, while the latter is purely for making money.

After reading the news about his paintings, Lu An briefly scanned the Economic Daily and found that most of the news there were related to the current wave of layoffs, market economic reforms and the 92 Southern Tour.

Reading through it from beginning to end, just when he was about to put away the newspaper and get ready for class, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the news: Wei brothers from Wanwan launched their Master Kong braised beef noodles in Tianjin.

At the end of the news, we are also recruiting distribution agents in major cities across the country.

After reading this news, Lu An didn't feel much. He just sighed, another familiar thing was released, and he had one more choice for eating fast food in the future.

I was thinking, now that Master Kong’s braised beef is on the market, the “Uni-President” instant noodles will probably be released soon. These are two of the best braised beef noodles, and they immediately hit the market as soon as they were launched.



Lu An stopped folding newspapers, and a door suddenly opened in his mind:

Since it is the best braised beef noodles, since it has become a hit in the market as soon as it was launched, and since it is still looking for distribution agents in major cities across the country, what does this mean?

Doesn't this mean money?

Money, lots of money.

He had seen a lot of news in his previous life. These days, many dealers use sacks to carry money to purchase goods and use sacks to carry money to deposit in banks.

Opening the newspaper again and reading the news again, Lu An felt like he was getting rid of the rain and fog. Didn’t we first meet in Jinling? Don't he and his sister want to make progress?

This may be an opportunity. If you provide your own funds and they contribute their efforts, you can become a dealer and make a living.

Get instant noodles, get dealers, and then

Throughout the whole class, Lu An was distracted, digging things from his memory and planning the trend route in the past few years.

Not to mention, after being manipulated by him like this, a complete route was actually planned later.

Although it was just an idea on paper and mostly unrealistic, he still couldn't contain his excitement.

In the next few years, major domestic trends will not appear, and the more popular ones will focus on home appliances and food.

For example, Haier refrigerators, Wahaha mineral water, and various beverages.

Lu An doesn’t quite understand the inner tune of these tracks. But after reading a lot of news, I know that these few years are the golden period for dealers and the most profitable period. All you need is money and manpower. Of course, you must be able to endure hardships and have a certain degree of power.

But when we first met, we all seemed to have it.

Due to the rapid inflation in recent years, money stored in the bank has been depreciating. Using a small amount to do something and do some experiments may have unexpected results.

As for whether it will fail?

If it really fails, then it is a failure. For him, the loss is not big, it is equivalent to paying tuition.

There is so much explosive information stored in the mind for future generations. The money lost today can be earned back in large quantities by casually finding an outlet later. This is where the confidence of holding too many bombs comes from. It really doesn’t hurt.

Spend some money to experiment with your own methods and see how much gold there is in "talking on paper"? By the way, I can also test my character when I first met. This really serves multiple purposes, so I decided happily.

After being reborn, he has never found a way to make money from money. Nowadays, he rarely sees one. Although it is not that high-end, it is just a good way to practice his hands and soldiers.

After class, Lu An immediately rushed outside the school and called Chu Jian, asking him to come find him at the school gate.

Then he called Sister Qingchi, and a colleague answered the call. The other party told him: Qingchi was in the operating room and asked him to call in the afternoon.

Call me in the afternoon. I have four classes in the afternoon. Grandma is such a badass. Why is there no school as awesome as Nanjing University in Changzhou?

Otherwise, I would have gone to Changshi to study, and I could see Sister Qingchi whenever I wanted.

But the next moment he thought of Qingshui, he extinguished this thought. If he was entangled with this girl, let alone Sister Qingchi, Ye Run would probably have to stay away from him, and he would still be a bird, uncomfortable.

The third call was made to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, to Yu Guanzhi.

This time it was fast, the phone rang twice and the call was answered.


"Sister Yu, it's me."

Yu Guanzhi put down the pen in his hand and asked him: "Have you seen the news?"

Luan said happily: "I flipped through a few newspapers this morning, thank you."

Then he added: "Thank you, Uncle Chen."

The Uncle Chen in his mouth refers to Chen Quan. His relationship with Yu Guanzhi has not yet reached that level of friendship, so naturally he cannot just call him Uncle Chen.

Yu Guanzhi smiled knowingly, and then asked for his opinion: "I will help you suppress your personal information for the time being. The major domestic media will not report it, and no one will come to Nanda to disturb you.

Well, now I want to ask you, should you continue to do this in the future, or should you make it public? "

Ouch, it’s so comfortable to deal with smart people!

So damn comfortable!

He originally made this call for two purposes:

The first is to express gratitude to Yu Guanzhi. If she is a thousand-mile horse, then she is Bole.

As the saying goes, a thousand-mile horse always comes, but a bole does not always come. The "support" kindness from others is still very important to me.

He kept it in mind.

The second purpose is to live a peaceful life for a few years and let Yu Guanzhi help suppress it.

I finally came back, I finally dreamed of going back to college. Although I didn’t look down on fame and fortune, I still wanted to enjoy the wonderful life in my memories for a few years.

Campus life was an obsession he had always had in his previous life, and he did not want to destroy this peaceful and pure land. After these few years, the rest of my life will be all about the smell of copper, and I can’t come back even if I want to.

Besides, living a quiet life doesn't mean that he doesn't want to make progress. He can still excel in the field of painting, but he doesn't like the sudden spotlight life.

Lu An asked tentatively: "If I want to keep a low profile in the past few years, will it affect your promotion plan?"

Although he wants to live a peaceful life for a few years, he still needs to politely seek the opinions of his partners. This is a kind of contractual spirit.

Yu Guanzhi told: "It won't have much impact. Uncle Chen and I plan to vigorously promote it when you hold an art exhibition. At this stage, your fame is only spread in the circle."

Yu Guanzhi said this calmly, but Lu An could hear her confidence, confidence in her own strength, and absolute confidence in the strength of her family.

Without that absolute crushing strength, how could his fame be spread within the circle without leaking out?

As the country is so big, this precise control is quite difficult.

Fortunately, this is not the Internet era. As long as we control the throats of these paper media, we can really do this.

Lu An thanked him and said, "Okay, let's keep it as it is now. When I need to show up in the future, you can tell me in advance so that I can be mentally prepared."

Yu Guanzhi said yes.

This phone call took a long time. After the two of them finished talking about the business, they also talked about some miscellaneous things. It took a full 20 minutes before it ended.

Looking at the time, there was still an hour before class. Lu An was not in a hurry to enter the school. After thinking about it, he hung up the phone to his eldest sister.

But the call was disconnected after a few words. Lu Yan was still busy, as busy as ever.

Business is so good, why not hire a few more helpers?

Every time I say something like that: "How are you studying?", "How is your life?", "How is your health?", "Do you have enough money?", "You and Qingshui" How are you feeling?"

This is the eldest sister's habit of asking five questions in a row, and then she hangs up.

"Boss, how much is it?"

"26 yuan."

Four phone calls were charged 26 yuan, so Lu An ran to the next door to buy an ice cream to calm down the panic, fearing that his blood pressure would soar and kill him.

By the way, why haven't the people who installed the phone come yet?

Damn, I have gone to the Post and Telecommunications Bureau to apply several times. The aunt agreed every time and said she would arrange for someone to come, but she never came. Do you still have to sacrifice yourself?

Dissatisfied, I found a place to sit down, peeled off the ice cream wrapper, and took a bite when I met a familiar stranger, Chen Mai.

They are acquaintances because they have bumped into each other many times in less than two months since school started.

Is this the 5th or 6th time?

We say they are strangers because they are serious strangers. Apart from knowing each other's names during military training, there is nothing else.

At this time, Chen Mai was accompanied by a boy, none other than the one who was on the orientation bus on the first day of the normal university next door.

The boy held a bouquet of roses and a birthday cake in his hand, and shyly shouted: "Maimai, today is your birthday."

"Who are you calling Mai Mai? You can call Mai Mai?"

Chen Mai was walking forward in a hurry, but when he heard the sound of "Mai Mai", he exploded instantly, and he choked when he turned around.

"Well, didn't I just call you Mai when I was little?" The boy was a little afraid of her, and when he saw her turning around, he instinctively took a step back.

Chen Mai interrupted impatiently and growled: "One word for you, get out! Two words for you! Get away from me!"

The boy was frightened and took a step back, but he still refused to give in: "Maimai, "get away from me" are 6 words."

"Ha!" Lu An was delighted when he heard this. This boy was really a licker, licking him to no end.

Hearing laughter next to him, the boy glared at him with resentment in his eyes. After all, he had lost face, right?

Lu An didn't react at all to this, and was still thinking: If this person dared to prick him, could he be subdued with one move?

The boy stared at him, but where was Chen Mai?

Chen Mai took the air out of him and walked up to the boy angrily in a few steps. He first put his foot on the boy's thigh, then snatched the roses and cake from the other person's hand and threw them to the ground. Then he raised his foot and stepped on it hard. Shadow's legs went down, and the bright roses in front instantly turned into mud.

Not to mention the cake, it was already in a miserable shape with just a few big footprints.

After doing all this, Chen Mai pointed to the road ahead without saying a word, but with a very strong aura, signaling the boys to get out!

Looking down at the roses and cake on the ground, looking down at his own hard work, the boy dared not say anything in anger, and finally turned around and walked away in despair.

After the boy left, Chen Mai suddenly turned around and glared at Lu An.

She thought she wouldn't be glaring at her, but it turned out that staying here was different from the boy's resentful glare. This girl only had a fierce look in her eyes. She was obviously very angry with the man and her anger was still lingering.

The other party stood condescendingly, and Lu An sat down. In this momentum duel, he was at a disadvantage. He secretly thought that this girl must not be 166 tall?

Looking at each other, Lu An paused, then continued to take a bite of the ice cream and said meaningfully:

"I'm blind and can't see. Girl, go ahead and do your work."

His eyes stayed on his ice cream for two seconds before Chen Mai left.

Looking at the leaving figure, Lu An shook his head. This woman was so fierce and aggressive.

I just accidentally saw a trick and almost suffered an unreasonable disaster.

Alas, whoever marries her in the future will be unlucky. It's probably easy to kneel down on the keyboard and break the bowl into pieces.

After a while, the first meeting came. It looked like he was in a hurry, he was covered in sweat and there was dust on his body.

Lu An went to the side and bought him an ice cream and a bottle of water, and asked, "Did you come here running?"

Chu Jian took the water and ice cream and said, "It was hard to wait for the bus, so I ran all the way here."

Luan asked: "How are you doing picking up trash now?"

Chu Jian said: "I can barely make ends meet, but I won't starve to death."

Lu An remained silent after hearing this. After finishing the ice cream, he slowly went to buy a copy of the Economic Daily. He pointed at the news about Master Kong's beef noodles and said:

"You have been to junior high school, you can see for yourself."

Seeing this, Chu Jian picked up the newspaper and squatted on the ground to read it carefully. After reading it twice, he carefully asked: "Brother Lu, do you want to be a dealer?"

Oh, my brain is not slow to react.

Lu An nodded and said: "Yes, I have some money on hand now, and I want to get the agency rights for the city of Aurous Hill, but I have to go to class and don't have time. Would you like to come over and help me?"

Hearing these words, I was shocked at first, then my face was full of surprise, and I hurriedly expressed my position: "Yes, yes, Brother Lu, whatever you say, I will listen to you."

After staring at him for a while, Lu An said slowly: "I have thought about it. You and your sister came to Jinling because of me. Now it is not an option to keep picking up garbage like this. I just thought about it. I will provide money and ideas." , you contribute, and then set up the agency’s frame.”

Hearing that Lu An had been thinking about his brother and sister, Chu See was so moved that he didn't know what to say, but he was also a little scared:

"Brother Lu, it's okay for you to ask me to do whatever you want. My sister and I are happy to do it.

But it won't be a small fortune to win this agency. I'm afraid that I won't do it well and will lose all your capital. "

Lu An felt that this person had a sense of shame and could not do anything bad. He felt relieved immediately and waved his hand and said: "I have inquired about it. This Master Kong beef noodles has just come out and the market has not yet been launched. The agent in the city of Jinling It doesn't cost a lot of money, so you don't have to worry about it for me.

Now I want you to do two things. "

Chu Jian squatted on the ground and pricked up his ears.

Lu An said: "You used to be a member of society. Did you have people around you who were clean and hard-working?"

Chu Jian replied: "Yes, Brother Lu, how many do you want?"

Luan emphasized one point: "Be loyal."

Chu Jian patted his chest and said, "Brother Lu, don't worry. We live in the world, and our righteousness is our top priority. We can lose our lives, but we can't lose our righteousness. I don't say I know many such people, but three or five are still no problem."

Luan asked, "Where are they working now?"

Mentioning this, Chu Jian, who was still angry just now, felt a little sad: "After the Li family's defeat, we have no support, and now we are all working in various places."

Lu An asked: "Did you do the same things as before?"

Chu Jian shook his head: "Brother Lu, don't think that we are all gangsters. In fact, we are not evil-minded and don't want much. We just want to have food to eat and how much money we can earn." Let your family see you in a new light.

At the beginning, we all thought that the Li family, with such a great reputation, was doing serious business, and they were doing big things. They hired us to fish for river sand and the wages were high, so we all went there. You saw what happened next. In order not to lose our jobs, we I helped the Li family with some street work.

But Brother Lu, please be at ease. Ever since Yang Lianhua was shot, everyone has been frightened. They have all changed their minds and started a new life. Now they are working hard in various places. Some of them are married and have children, and they are even less likely to turn around. Bastard. "

Lu An's eyes lit up and he said: "It's good to have a family and have children. I'm going to be a family member. If you want these people, you know them well. Help me call 4 to 5 people over."

But before that, you have to find a way to help me get the agency rights. "

Lu An said it very bluntly. If you can't even get an agency, and you still expect him to do big things, isn't that a sweet dream?

He had experienced hardship when he first met him, so this was nothing in his eyes. Knowing that Brother Lu was testing his ability, he immediately stood up and patted his butt and said: "Brother Lu, please wait for my good news. Just go.”

This guy who belongs to the donkey will leave as soon as he wants.

Luan shouted at his back: "Do you know where to start?"

Chu Jian turned around and said loudly: "Aren't we looking for dealers? I'll look for them in the local newspaper first. If I can't find them, I'll go directly to Tianjin to block the door."

Lu An gave a thumbs up, what he wanted was this kind of energy, passion and blood, plus he was not stupid, so why worry about not succeeding in a great cause?

However, he couldn't let him leave like this, so he waved and shouted: "Come back, what are you going to talk about without bringing money?"

Chu Jian scratched his head: "Brother Lu, the money is yours, and you have to sign the agreement."

Lu An couldn't deny it and said: "If Jinling can handle it, then I will definitely sign it. If you have to go to Tianjin, then I don't have time, so you can go."

Seeing that he wanted to speak, Lu An waved his hand to interrupt: "Stop nagging, I believe you."

Hearing this, Chu Jian responded "Hey" with tears in his eyes. When he was caught and stabbed by the enemy, he never betrayed Li Rou. Unexpectedly, Li Rou abandoned him with her backhand. At that time, he was completely disappointed and didn't want to alive.

If Brother Lu hadn't saved him, he really thought he was dead that time.

When they came to the nearby China Construction Bank, Lu An withdrew 50,000 in cash, handed it to Chu Jian and said, "Be low-key when you are away. Go back quickly. If you don't have enough money, just call me and I will find a solution."

Chu Jian took the money and nodded heavily.

After leaving the bank, Luan asked: "Have you had lunch?"

Chu Jian said he came here after eating steamed buns.

Lu An asked: "Just eat steamed buns?"

I didn’t feel embarrassed when I first met: “Baozi saves money, my sister needs money to go to night school, we only eat rice for dinner every day, and we have steamed buns for breakfast and lunch.”

Lu An was silent after hearing this, feeling as if his poor life in the past was reappearing.

"Come on, let's go have a meal."

"No, Brother Lu, I have to find a way out while it's still early. I can't waste time. What if someone else gets there first?"

Lu An smiled, seeing that the other party was impatient and that he was seizing the opportunity.

Because this agent is dispensable to him, but it can change the fate of their brothers and sisters, so he cherishes it very much.

In this case, Lu An did not force him and waved him away.

I just ran a few steps for the first time and then came back and asked: "Brother Lu, aren't you afraid that I will run away with such a large sum of money?"

Lu An said calmly: "You won't."

The words "you don't know how" were spoken by Lu An lightly, but they sounded so heavy to Chu Jian's ears that he almost burst into tears again.

Suddenly thinking of something, Lu An stared into his eyes and asked, "Have you ever liked Li Rou?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Jian shook his head violently, "No, I don't deserve it!"

Seeing that Lu An was stunned, Chu Jian said: "I have someone I like, and I want to make money to go back and marry her."

Lu An came back to his senses and asked curiously: "Who is she? What makes you miss her so much?"

She blushed for the first time and said, "She is the daughter of the blacksmith in the village. We have made a private marriage."

In one sentence, Lu An couldn't help but imagine a complete story in his mind, and said with a smile: "Then you have to make money quickly, don't let the girl wait for a long time."

After talking for a while, Luan sent him away.

In fact, he was really not afraid of running away with the money when he first met.

First, he doesn't care about this little money.

The second is that Yu Wan is there, which is his confidence.

Thinking of Yu Guanzhi, he had the feeling of hugging his thigh again. Hey, this leg needs to be hugged.

ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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