My 1991

Chapter 182: Burning bridges across rivers is so awesome, guess

Chen Mai was a little embarrassed and said, "You can eat both bowls, I didn't bring any money."

Hearing this, Xu Yiyang was stunned. He glanced at Chen Mai, then at Lu An, at Lu An, and then at Chen Mai.

She couldn't help but wonder: Did the two of them know each other before?

Otherwise, this girl named Chen Mai is so cruel to others, but has a completely different attitude towards Lu An?

You must know that the boy she just kidnapped was really good-looking. Although he couldn't compare to Lu An, and he didn't have Lu An's strong artistic style, he was definitely the kind that was very popular with girls. I didn't expect him to be driven away. He was driven away.

She then began to be confused again. Since the two of them knew each other, why didn't Lu An answer when this woman came to ask her just now?

Xu Yiyang guessed again and again, and suddenly she felt a little stupid, but stupid was stupid, and she was still curious about how Lu An would deal with it?

To be honest, she was very reluctant to have Chen Mai sit at the same table with her. Both the other person's appearance and aura put a lot of pressure on her, which made her feel slightly uncomfortable after having had a smooth journey since childhood.

Xu Yiyang knew that such thoughts were wrong, but this discomfort came out of nowhere, caught him off guard, and could not be dispelled.

This was the second girl she didn't want to spend more time with since she entered Nanjing University. The first one was Su Mi from Accounting Class 1.

The first time she met Su Mi, Xu Yiyang, who was also the daughter of heaven, was stunned. From then on, she avoided him intentionally or unintentionally. Because she knew that when Su Mi was around, her light would be infinitely suppressed.

When they met by chance in the reading room, Su Mi, who had a natural temperament, seemed to be a born king. Even if she was standing in the corner of the bookshelf, no matter how low-key she was, all the eyes of the audience would focus on her. This made Xu Yiyang give birth to a child for the first time. Frustration.

That afternoon, she went back to the dormitory and was depressed for a long time. Finally, she remembered a sentence taught by her junior high school physics teacher: Same sex repels, opposite sex attracts!

I still think of what Zhou Yu said before his death: If you are born with Yu, how can you live with Liang?

If Su Mi conquered Xu Yiyang with her beauty and incomparable aura, then Chen Mai crushed her with his beauty and invincible aura.

Facing Chen Mai and Chen Mai's look, even if there was a conflict, Xu Yiyang would not be able to think of replying. This feeling made her feel so absurd!

Xu Yiyang was stunned, and Lu An was also a little dumbfounded.

What's going on with this fierce girl?

I didn't bring any money last time, so that's okay. After all, forgetting money often happened to him. Sometimes he had to take a shower and change clothes, sometimes he was walking in a hurry, and there were even times when his memory was wrong and he remembered that he had brought it with him, but ended up not bringing it with him.

But he and the other party were not familiar with each other. He didn't bring any money twice, so he was suspected of cheating. You should know that the money wasn't given last time, and the library card was still in the studio drawer.

Glancing at the bowl of beef noodles in the center of the table, he couldn't help but feel his head twitch. You've already eaten it, and your saliva is on the chopsticks in the soup. Why do you ask me to eat it?

Lu An said nothing and stared directly at Chen Mai.

Chen Mai looked at him across the table. Five seconds later, she took the initiative to unzip the bag, tilted the bag opening toward him, reached inside with her right hand, and pulled out everything inside to show him.

For example, two books, a diary and two pens, a red round mirror, a bottle of lipstick, a bottle of perfume, two packs of tissues

When they turned over two packs of tissues, the eyes of the three people on the table froze, and the atmosphere was suffocating!

There are two packs of paper towels, one pack is just a napkin, and the other pack is a sanitary napkin for women. It is still open, so it is obvious that it has been used recently!

Xu Yiyang was even more confused. The noodles held by the chopsticks in mid-air fell into the bowl unknowingly, causing splashes of red oil soup and even on his chest and clothes.

Lu An immediately froze, muttered a sin secretly, and looked away.

Chen Mai's eyes flashed. She was the fastest among the three to recover. After hesitating for two seconds, she reluctantly took out the Chanel perfume from her bag and placed it in front of Lu An.

Lu An was helpless, is this a thorn in the side, or is it a thorn in the brain? A bottle of Chanel perfume can't buy hundreds of bowls of this beef powder?

Xu Yiyang's eyes wandered for a moment, and also fell on Chanel perfume. She had heard of this perfume, which was very famous in the world. Her aunt said that she could only buy it in Xiangjiang, but even though her family was very well-off, she did not want to go to luxury. Use it wisely.

After looking at each other for a while, seeing that Lu An made no objection, Chen Mai zipped up the bag again, then stretched out his hand, and the bowl of beef noodles he had eaten returned to her, and then he lowered his head and ate it like a normal person. .

Although this girl may be considered fierce, her food and appearance are very well-educated and elegant.

It wasn't until Chen Mai took several bites that Xu Yiyang calmed down, looked at the red soup spots on his chest and clothes, and continued eating breakfast.

After a while, the store brought another bowl of beef noodles.

Luan said: "Boss, please add a fried egg for me."

Then he added: "Yes, I'll also add some spicy and fragrant dried tofu."

Before the boss could respond, Chen Mai across the table raised his head and looked at him pointedly.

Receiving the look in her eyes, Lu An was extremely speechless. With my kind face, it was so easy to beat the autumn wind. I caught a sheep and plucked it hard. In the past, I always took advantage of others for free, but I didn't expect that today I would be targeted by a more vicious person.

Sure enough, heaven is so good at reincarnation, retribution is not good!

After staring at each other for a while, he finally gave in and said to the boss who was watching the trick: "Add some spicy dried tofu for her too."

The boss grinned: "Okay, come right away!"

Xu Yiyang looked at this man and that woman, feeling like he had received a 10,000-point blow today.

The spicy and fragrant dried tofu came, and the boss gave them each a spoonful.

Seeing Lu An pay for two bowls of beef noodles in person, Chen Mai felt relieved and ignored the man and woman on the table, treating them as if they were nothing. He was enjoying breakfast alone, eating a piece of tofu for a while, and I eat an egg, and after a while I slurp some noodles with chopsticks. The look is so satisfying.

Lu An had been hungry for a long time. He opened and closed the chopsticks in the bowl and stirred it a few times. Then he started to eat. The way he ate made the two women look like they were hungry. It was so delicious.

Halfway through the meal, he reached out and put the Chanel perfume in front of him into his pocket. Although this thing was useless to him, he still had to put it away, otherwise the girl across from him thought he was easy to bully. If he took it out every time he saw her in the future, that would be fine. ?

No matter how rich you are, you can't afford to be so prodigal, right?

Sensing his move, Xu Yiyang couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Chen Mai, wanting to see her reaction? Even a fool knows that exchanging a bottle of perfume for a bowl of beef powder is a huge loss!

I went to my grandma’s house!

It's a pity that she thought a little wrong. Chen Mai was not moved at all. He didn't even raise his eyelids. He acted like you and I didn't know each other the whole time.

Men eat quickly, and Lu An ate later, but was the first to finish, explaining what it means to come from behind. After grabbing the last rice noodle, his eyes flicked back and forth between the two women, and he got up and left.

Xu Yiyang had been observing secretly. When Lu An and Xiang Xiang walked out of the store and disappeared, the man named Chen Mai didn't even look up. He was too calm.

After eating and drinking, Lu An came to the playground.

To be honest, as a monitor, I don’t even know whether to attend the recent morning self-study class, which is very incompetent.

But he was so relaxed that he didn't take it seriously and walked to the basketball court.

Li Yiran and Liu Jiaquan were also there. The latter saw him from a distance and shouted: "Lao Lu, follow on!"

After that, the basketball flew out of Liu Jiaquan's hands and flew straight towards him.

Basketball isn't what he's best at, but it's not bad. In his previous life, he loved to play, play and sing. Among the major sports, basketball was the only one he was good at.

This is okay, it was all forced out.

In his previous life, most of his friends and buddies he met when he was teaching at the university were also teachers. They had so much time as teachers that he would panic. They would like to play basketball, badminton, national football, and football when they had nothing to do. They would push him hard every time, which was too many times. That's it.

But as for basketball, he can get by. He has no interest in badminton, football and national football. The reason why he persists in basketball is that he uses it as a tool, mainly for sweating. Communicate and exchange feelings with friends, and exercise.

It’s been a year since I was reborn. I haven’t touched a basketball for so long, so I’m a bit unskilled. I took the basketball and shot it, and I immediately stopped playing.

No, people who knew him on and off the court immediately booed him.

Li Yiran even screamed: "Brother Lu, you should hide quickly. If those girls you have a crush on see, your heart will be broken. You will be single in the future!"

There is a saying, if you can play basketball in college, that is really a plus point when it comes to choosing a spouse.

Especially these days, there are no entertainment projects. Basketball plays a big role in the minds of students. Those who are good at the game often have girlfriends, and their girlfriends have great figures. They should be concave and voluptuous. One word, Run!

Even Gao Bin, the monitor of Manpower Class 1, looked at him questioningly: "Haha, Lu An, have you never touched a basketball? Are you so old-fashioned?"

His grandma is a bitch!

He was despised!

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, it's really just a sick cat, right?

I was thinking like this, but I didn't know what the strength of these people was, so I didn't dare to say anything loud for a while. I just said: "You guys fight first, don't worry about me, give me a ball, I will warm up next to you."

After watching it for a while, it turned out that these people were good enough to be selected into the business school basketball team, but he still didn't pay much attention to them.

After all, the strength that they have accumulated over decades of hard work cannot be compared to what they can do by fooling around in their spare time.

Of course, this does not include the Qingdao big man, who is 193cm tall and can shoot suddenly. That is called active and versatile. He is a complete domination of the basket.

After understanding their strength, Lu An finished the warm-up and walked over and said, "Come on, regroup, and I'll catch some fish too."

Gao Bin, the monitor of Manpower Class 1, still looked down upon him, "No, are you serious?"

Lu An whispered: "Oh! Don't come to the side with me later."

"Who's surprised? Wait, I'll beat you up later." Gao Bin was the first to step out and stood on the opposite side.

Because the Qingdao big man was too outstanding, he was excluded from the game this time and became the referee.

While dividing the teams, Lu An asked: "Is your basketball team not here yet? Why don't you see Sun Long? Isn't he known as the main shooting guard?"

Liu Jiaquan said: "Yes, we are training in two teams, Sun Long and others are in another venue."

As he spoke, Liu Jiaquan pointed to another basketball court 100 meters away.

Lu An turned around and looked over, and there was indeed a roar of joy over there.

After a while, the teams were divided, 4V4, the losers bought water, and did 50 push-ups.

Liu Wei, Liu Jiaquan and Lu An were in the same team, and there was another person.

There is a pair of Li Yiran and Gao Bin, and two from other classes.

As Qingdao big man whistled, the field instantly became lively.

At the beginning, Lu An was still uncomfortable in various ways. He was ridiculed by Li Yiran and Gao Bin. Every time he scored a goal, he would wink at him and yell at him. It was so annoying!

Li Yiran, this bastard, is even worse. He even beats his chest with his hands to celebrate like a gorilla walking!

But as time passed and the fight continued, the situation on the field quietly changed. The field changed hands. Li Yiran and Gao Bin started cheering and gradually became silent later.

On the contrary, Liu Jiaquan, who acted as the center, frequently blocked shots and successfully grabbed the ball. "Lao Lu, go on! Kill these grandsons!"


Tielu finally got his kicks, and he hit four consecutive three-pointers, which turned the team green in the face.

Lu Keer didn't know when she came to the basketball court, and there were two men and one woman beside her. Two of them were acquaintances, Tang Min, the chairman of the student union, and Zou Qiang, the vice chairman of the student union.

The other person looked familiar, but I couldn't tell his name. If I guessed correctly, he was the Sports Minister of the Student Union.

Tang Min stared at Lu An and said, "Can't you tell? He's so polite and unexpectedly good at basketball."

Lu Keer asked: "Has Lu An joined the hospital team?"

Zou Qiang said: "Sun Long forcibly added his name."

The sports minister responded: "At first I was very disgusted with Sun Long's behavior. If it weren't for the fact that Sun Long is the top scorer of the basketball team and his aunt is the vice principal, I wouldn't be able to get used to him."

Tang Min turned around: "Then you evaluate Lu An. What level is he at now?"

The Minister of Sports replied: "Judging from his performance in the past 20 minutes, Lu An should not have touched the ball for a long time, but his foundation is solid and his strength cannot be said. However, he is still inferior to Sun Long at the shooting guard position and can be used as a substitute. .”

The starting centers and forwards have already decided on their positions. Their net height and altitude are above 188. Luan, who is 176, cannot occupy these three spots no matter how strong he is.

They have already roughly felt the situation in the outer court. The center and forward are basically the same height. The School of Physics is even more outrageous. The three people in this position are all tall men over 190cm, and they are frightened when they see them. This doesn't even count the sports majors.

There is a boy in Accounting Class 1 who is very good at organization, so he naturally wants to occupy the starting position.

Needless to say, Sun Long is a player that puts Qingdao's big men to shame in terms of his wind-surging ability. The shooting guard position must be his.

Tang Min decided: "In that case, let Lu An be the shooting guard of the second team."

Zou Qiang said at this time: "I'm afraid that Lu An is just joking and won't come to the official game."

The Minister of Sports frowned: "Aren't you from the business school? You have to come even if you don't want to come. If either Sun Long or Cheng Liang is injured or has no physical strength, he is not allowed to step in?"

Cheng Liang is the point guard of Accounting Class 1. Their plan is that because Sun Long is good at scoring and organizing, if Cheng Liang is injured, Sun Long will be the point guard and Lu An will be the point guard.

If Sun Long is injured, just go directly to Lu An.

Lu Keer said: "He Wentao, you better not think too much. We can't control Lu An. We need to ask him first before making arrangements."

He Wentao is the Minister of Sports. He has heard about the dirty things between Lu An and Tang Min, but he doesn't know the details. "You three compromised? Are you such a weakling, or is he so awesome?"

Zou Qiang couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you talking about? How dare you call Tang Min weak."

At this time, the confrontation on the field was over. Li Yiran and Gao Bin, as if they were mourning for their heirs, lined up on the ground and did 50 push-ups according to the punishment regulations in advance.

Lu An kicked Gao Bin's butt: "What are you doing with your butt so high? Are you so stupid? You can't even do push-ups?"

Then he kicked Li Yiran again: "You can't beat me in basketball, and your push-ups are not up to standard. Be careful that senior sister breaks up with you, you are single."


The others couldn't stop laughing. Seeing Lu An return the words to the two of them intact, they were all crazy with joy. They all joined the queue and pointed at the four people on the ground.


After they had been playing around for a while, Tang Min and the other four came over and said in a consultative tone: "The school sports meeting will be held soon. The strength of the basketball team of the outer college should not be underestimated. He Wentao said that you are very powerful and can help us negotiate." The academy is going further, do you have time?"

"There is time, there must be time. If Brother Lu comes, I will come. If Brother Lu doesn't come, I will roll on the ground." Li Yiran on the ground was the first to shout.

Liu Jiaquan knew Lu An's temperament, so he hugged him with both hands and said, "Lao Lu, come on, we brothers will fight on the battlefield together."

The people who had just teamed up with him also knew that he was a good shot. After getting familiar with him, they no longer felt unfamiliar, and they all yelled for him to come.

We are all passionate teenagers, and playing basketball together is the easiest way to enhance our relationship.

Others may not be given face, but a buddy in the dormitory must be given full face. Lu An nodded: "Okay, when you can't find a better candidate, just call me."

When Lu An agreed, Tang Min said boldly: "I'll leave a message here. As long as you can get into the top three, you can choose any hotel outside to celebrate your success!"

After hearing the first three, everyone, you look at me, I look at you, I think it’s too difficult.

The two groups from the Physical Education Major and the School of Physics are intimidating at first glance, and the other schools are not weak. It is really not easy for the Business School to be among the top three.

Liu Jiaquan said: "Senior sister, your requirements for the top three are too high. We have discussed that if you can reach the top five, you will meet the expectations."

Lu Keer stood up and encouraged them: "You are all men, don't destroy your own prestige and enhance the ambition of others. Can you do it? You have to fight first. Don't you have Qian Wenbin and Sun Long? Isn't it possible for these two people to give him money?" It’s a surprise for everyone, what if we win first place?”

Qian Wenbin is a big guy from Qingdao. Hearing this, he scratched his head and felt a little lack of confidence.

After taking a break, Tang Min asked the Sports Minister to bring the two teams together for training and divide them into a first team and a second team to compete.

Unexpectedly, Sun Long shouted: "No, your team can't do it. I want to join forces with my master. We have agreed to show our faces and crotches together and pick up girls from outside the courtyard."

Lu An's face turned dark and he tilted his head to show that he didn't recognize this idiot.

The others couldn't help laughing when they heard it, and they were all making noises.

Lu Keer said with a smile, "Sun Long, don't make trouble. Lu An will appear on the scene with you. How can the girls from the outer school look at you? If you want to make a show of provocation, don't appear with Lu An."

Sun Long raised his middle finger: "Bullshit! You don't understand this. I, Sun Long, take action, no matter who! No matter who! It's a dragon for me to coil up, a tiger for me to lie down on! As for the grandsons of the sports majors, don't be scared." Pee, I am the king of the basketball court and no one can steal my limelight.

Besides, don’t let the wealth go to outsiders, do you understand? It's better to warm my master's bed than to cheap those dogs in the outer courtyard. "


Everyone loved to see Sun Long bragging, and the atmosphere was so good that it was so exciting.

There was nothing he could do about Sun Long's irritation, but Lu An asked him to stay with the team for training.

After half an hour of running-in training, when Lu An walked out of the venue covered in sweat, he came back to his senses and realized that there were people around him, some from his own class and more from other classes. Men and women blocked the entire venue.

After the game ended, Jiang Wan smiled and said to him: "Monitor, I didn't expect you to play basketball."

Luan smiled and nodded.

Sun Long probed his head and asked Jiang Wan and Huang Ting: "Two beauties, who do you think is more powerful, me or the master?"

Huang Ting and Jiang Wan looked at each other and said in unison: "Both are amazing."

"Depend on!"

Sun Long leaned back, twisted his butt and said: "In broad daylight, just telling lies with your eyes open, I can beat my master with one hand."

Lu An was also convinced by Sun Long's shooting skills, but he was unhappy that he was belittling himself like this, so he kicked him directly.

When leaving the playground, she saw Lu An going in the other direction. Huang Ting asked him, "You're sweating. Why don't you go back to the dormitory to take a shower and change clothes?"

Lu An waved his hand: "I have something to do, I'll be back later."

After separating from Sun Long and others, Jiang Wan whispered: "The squad leader should rent a house elsewhere."

Renting a house is not difficult to guess.

He hadn't returned to the dormitory for several nights, and Meng Jianlin had seen the scene where Ye Run took the key to find someone, so even a fool knew that he still had a place to live outside.

Huang Ting hummed and said slowly: "Maybe it's in the teacher's apartment."

She has a basis for saying that.

A few days ago, Li Yiran saw his shadow near the teacher's apartment, but it was far away, and he later lost it.

At this point, the air became a little quiet, and for a while the only sound was the regular breathing of the two people.

After a long time, Jiang Wan broke the silence and said, "Ye Run has the key, so he won't live with Ye Run anymore, right?"

Huang Ting paused, then bit her lower lip gently with her white teeth. Even though this was a low-probability guess, there was still an indescribable emotion in her heart.

Jiang Wan asked: "What if Lu An really lives with Ye Run?"

Huang Ting looked up at the blue sky and said unhurriedly: "I don't know."

Entering the dormitory building, Jiang Wan said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Isn't Li Yiran renting a room on the first floor of the teacher's apartment to practice guitar?

Using Ajuan's words to reveal this speculation to him in a roundabout way, the results should come soon. "

Huang Ting pursed her lips and remained silent.

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