My 1991

Chapter 19, means

Back in the classroom, Lu An hid the geography paper in the desk.

A score of 63. I have never had such a low score in my life since I was in preschool. It is so embarrassing. I left it at my grandma’s house.

A few minutes later, Zhou Jingni followed into the classroom. She walked back and forth in the classroom aisle with her hands on her chest, glancing at Lu An from time to time.

Out of a woman's intuition, she felt that Lu An was different today than before.

But what's the difference?

For a moment, she couldn't describe how ugly she was.

If I have to say something, this kid seems to be much braver.

What he said to himself in the office before was completely different from the dull boy he used to be.

However, in Zhou Jingni's opinion, a more lively Lu An is better, which will help alleviate his mental weakness.

But there was one thing that gave her a headache.

It's just that this boy is too good-looking. From time to time, girls secretly insert love letters into his textbooks. There are girls from his own class and girls from other classes. Some of them are good-looking and have good family conditions.

She knew in her heart that intercepting love letters like this was not a long-term solution. She could stop it for a while, but not for the rest of her life.

The closer they are to the college entrance examination, the less scrupulous those girls become, and they tend to be much more courageous than usual.

For example, in the first class she taught, there was a top boy who was seduced by a very beautiful female classmate. As a result, he was distracted for several months, and in the end he just barely stepped on the line, which she regretted infinitely.

What made her even more regretful was that the pretty girl did very well in the exams and went to a key university in Shanghai. She broke up with the boy before the semester started, causing the boy to almost commit suicide.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening again, she deliberately tested Lu An's reaction with two love letters this morning.

However, the current situation is not bad, and this kid is still determined.

At 6:40, morning self-study officially begins, and everyone in the class is here.

Zhou Jingni took a roster and stood on the podium: "Everyone, please be quiet and say two things."

"The first thing is that the scholarship test results have come out. Mary Liao and Yang Chen did very well in the test. Their total scores exceeded 612 points and they won the first-class scholarship."

As soon as these words came out, the whole class was in an uproar and all looked at Lu An.

They couldn't believe it, even Mary Liao and Yang Chen couldn't believe it. Lu An, who had been pushing them since the first year of high school, didn't do well in the exam? Didn’t get the ironclad first-class scholarship?

Zhou Jingni glanced at Lu An, who was calm, and continued: "The second thing is, today is September 25th, and this month will be over soon. In the past few days, everyone should seize the time to review and welcome the first month of senior high school in four days. Test."

She said: "This monthly exam is different from the past. It is very important. The school will give you questions according to the college entrance examination model, and the difficulty of the questions will be slightly higher than the college entrance examination. You must be mentally prepared."

Four days later, it will be September 29th.

Lu An wailed secretly, let alone 4 days, even if it took 4 months, his results would not be back.

Damn it! Others were reborn as the richest man when they came back. Why did I come back and be tortured?

Grandma is such a bear, this is the wrong way to open it up. In the end, he could only comfort himself with the thought that he would see his elder sister and sister soon.

"Ye Run and Li Dong, come to my office."

After explaining two things simply and clearly, Zhou Jingni called Ye Run and Li Dong into the office.

"You and Lu An have a good relationship. We often go to and from school together. Have you noticed anything wrong with him recently?" Zhou Jingni asked when the two came in.

Li Dong shook his head violently: "No, everything is normal. He plays tricks on me every day. I was played by him yesterday."

Zhou Jingni looked at Ye Run.

Ye Run recalled it and said, "I seem to be more cheerful than before, and I am more willing to talk to strangers."

Zhou Jingni asked her: "Do you know the reason?"

Ye Run also shook his head, but later said: "Teacher, Lu An has set up a bicycle repair stall. In order to make money, talking to strangers may be a last resort."

Zhou Jingni paused and asked, "When did this happen?"

Ye Run said: "Just these two days."

Zhou Jingni looked at her: "Tell me in detail and tell me everything you know."

Ye Run explained it in detail.

After listening, Zhou Jingni fell into deep thought. She raised her head to look at the two of them for a long time, and finally her eyes fell on Ye Run: "This time Lu An only scored 63 points in geography."

Ye Run said!

Li Dong's mouth opened wide and his eyes were as wide as those of an ox.

Zhou Jingni said: "Ye Run, would you like to change seats with Yang Jiale and sit with Lu An?"

Ye Run almost understood why the teacher asked him to sit with Lu An and agreed.

Zhou Jingni glanced at Li Dong: "Li Dong, you go out first."

Li Dong turned around and left.

When people walked through the door, Zhou Jingni said to Ye Run: "Please help me pay more attention to Lu An.

See if there is any discomfort in his body? Or maybe something happened at home and he needed money urgently, etc."

Ye Run nodded.

After giving instructions, Zhou Jingni looked at Ye Run for a while and said abruptly: "Your grades are very good, and the teacher is very optimistic about you.

If this situation continues, the top ten key universities in China are very promising. You have to hold on tight and don't fall in love, you know? "

Ye Run's face turned slightly red.

He looked at Ye Run again for a while, until he was so scared that he waved his hand: "Go ahead."

When he saw Ye Run, he became his deskmate.

Lu An just glanced at Miss Zhou in front of her suspiciously and didn't ask anything.

In the next few days, he attended classes during the day and memorized textbook knowledge.

In the evening, I mainly focus on brushing up on topics.

Occasionally when my hands feel itchy, I use a pencil to draw a quick sketch on paper.

I remember when I was chatting with a noble person in my previous life, I talked about what sketching was?

The noble man said: Sketching is when cars drive by on the road, people walk by, and you quickly draw it.

This was the first time Luann had heard the concept. That night he thought about it for a long time and fully understood the saying "Sketching depends on speed but not on hand, training the eye does not require training the hand".

Since then, his sketches have undergone earth-shaking changes. To borrow the original words of the noble man: Concise and vivid, you give the sketches a soul.

After his rebirth, the first sketch he drew in his homework book was of Meng Qingchi.

He didn't know why he suddenly painted Meng Qingchi, but he could clearly express her moisturizing taste on paper.

"Can you still draw?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind him.

Lu An was speechless. The girl was so elusive this week. She suddenly jumped up to her many times without paying attention.

"The painting is very good." Zhou Jingni did not ask who was painted on the paper, but made a rare comment.

Seeing that the other party was aiming at himself after evaluating the painting, Lu An rubbed his temples with his hands: "Teacher, I have a headache now, so I can only listen to good words."

Look, these words are spoken by human beings?

Zhou Jingni was only 26 years old after all. She almost became angry. She gave him a cold look and finally confiscated the sketch.

Lu An watched her leaving without saying a word. After thinking for a while, he picked up the math problem and started working on it.

His top priority now is to become familiar with mathematical formulas and their usage, and then answer as many questions as possible.

Fortunately, he had a solid foundation and had taught at the university for so many years. He was used to the classroom atmosphere and was able to review fairly easily.

This made him quite satisfied.

Four days passed by in a flash. During this period, in addition to studying, he also took some time to run to Ms. Zhou's office every day to find some of the latest newspapers.

There is no way, there are no mobile phones or Internet these days, so communication basically relies on shouting.

Even if you have a landline, it's expensive as hell.

Local calls actually cost one yuan a minute, and a pound of fucking meat only costs three yuan.

You have to wait to make a call here, and you have to wait to answer the call there. A few dollars are just gone. This is a living robbery.

Anyway, before the bag is full, he will not spend this waste of money. It is better to buy some meat and beat the teeth as a sacrifice.

ps: During the testing period, please read more!

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