My 1991

Chapter 24, Mahjong Diary

A long time after the white dew, even though the season has passed the autumnal equinox, Baoqing City, surrounded by mountains, still looks like summer, with scorching air and very sultry heat.

It's just that the continuous maple forests in the mountains began to change their appearance, from green to red.

The length of the night has also shortened significantly.

Thinking about the relationship between Zeng Lingbo and Wei Fangyuan, it was easy to take the bus for half an hour, and they soon arrived at Guifei Lane.

When I got off the bus, I ran into Aunt Wang and Shao Fen. Both of them were talking hard, and there were several groups of people standing in front of their respective stalls.

"Brother, you are back."

This was Aunt Wang's joking nickname for Lu An's handsome appearance after she got to know him well.

"Hey, Auntie, Sister Shao Fen, your business is good." He greeted the two of them with a smile, and Lu An passed them and walked towards the entrance of the alley.

Oh, what the hell!

As soon as he turned into the alley, Lu An almost bumped into the oncoming Widow Zhang.

The latter was carrying a hot water bottle at this time, and she was wearing a red cheongsam that set off her graceful figure.

Feeling his gaze, Widow Zhang walked over and quickly touched the base of his thigh and said, "Auntie will come to see you tonight."

Other sisters-in-law teased her just for fun, but this one meant it. Lu An said, "I have hepatitis."

Unexpectedly, Widow Zhang sneered and said, "That's nothing, I'm not afraid."

For the sake of lust, he was not even afraid of hepatitis. Lu An did not withdraw: "The infection is your fault. I am afraid that you will also harm Liao Shiqi."

Widow Zhang sneered even louder and walked out of the alley.

During the day, there are only a few old, weak, sick and disabled people left in Guifei Lane, and all the serious laborers have left to earn money.

Arriving at house No. 9, Lu An looked around, took out the key from his pocket and opened the door. As soon as he stepped in with his right foot, he found a letter and a stack of math papers under the door.

He was a little curious. Forgetting the letter, why was there still a math test paper?

Didn't this happen in your previous life?

The mathematics paper was very new, it smelled strongly of ink, and it was very thick. There were 22 papers coded together, and it was marked Huanggang Secret Paper.

Lu An flipped through the test paper several times and searched every corner, but he couldn't find anything missing, not even a single mark.

Then he turned his attention to the letter.

The envelope was a very common yellow-brown color and felt a bit tough. When I opened it, I saw that there was a beautiful postcard inside.

There are words on the back of the postcard, written in beautiful square font: Luan, can I like you?

Just one sentence, not even a signature.

Lu An stared at it several times to identify it, but he couldn't figure out who this was from his memory.

After pondering for a long time, he took the postcard and test paper into the room.

After checking the main room and the two rooms and finding no abnormalities, Lu An went out again, first looking for Li Dong at the opposite door.

As a result, Li Xia, who was doing English questions, told him: "My second brother goes out early in the morning these days and doesn't come home until evening. You come to see him at night."

Luan asked: "Do you know where he went?"

Li Xia shook his head: "I don't know. He is mysterious all day long and doesn't tell anyone."

Lu An asked again: "Have you seen anyone come to see me in the past few days?"

Li Xia still shook his head: "I didn't pay much attention, but Widow Zhang often appeared from the second-floor window and glanced into your yard. She obviously didn't give up on you."

Luan looked straight into her eyes.

Li Xia took a breath, patted her heart and whispered, "I didn't see it with my own eyes, I overheard it when my mother was gossiping with the neighbors."

Lu An pointed and said, "You got 5 of the 7 questions wrong" and then left.

Li Xia bit the cap of his pen and looked down at the seven English questions he had just finished in confusion.

House No. 12, Guifei Lane, is a relatively cold southern house.

There are about 10 families living there. After passing through the corridor, patio, and living room, and climbing up the stairs to the second floor, a small house of more than 20 square meters is Ye Run's house.

The four walls are made of wooden boards, and there is a long window with a fancy lattice. Often there is no sunlight after ten o'clock in the morning. In winter, it is cold to the bone and very uncomfortable.

Lu An successfully found Ye Run this time and asked straight to the point: "Comrade Ye Run, have you been at home these days?"

Seeing that it was him, Ye Run put the Chinese book in his hand on the table, stood up and poured a glass of cold water.

When he finished drinking the water, Ye Run, who was still immersed in the book, had not fully recovered:

"I've been at home, what are you...?"

Luan asked the previous question: "Did you see anyone coming to see me?"


When she mentioned this, Ye Run reached out and patted her forehead, and said with a smile: "I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me. The head teacher came to our Royal Concubine Lane on the 1st and tried to find you but couldn't find you."

Lu An asked Teacher Zhou why he came to find him? Knowing everything.

Isn't it just for the monthly exam results? Anyway, he can't compete for that in a short time, so he feels that he can hide if he can at this stage. When he knows the politics and history by heart, it's not appropriate to go back to the first examination room by himself. of?

Then he asked: "Has anyone else looked for me?"

Ye Run spoke quickly this time: "Yes, your cousin Lu Xueping also came to see you two days ago. When he saw that you were not at home, he came to me specifically and asked me to give you a message."

Luan asked: "What words?"

Ye Run was naughty for a moment, imitating the other person's tone and said: "Hey, I'm going to suffer. When this kid comes back, you ask him to find me. I have something to ask him to help."

Lu An asked: "That's it?"

Ye Run nodded: "Just one sentence."

Lu An asked again: "Did Lu Xueping bring a woman here this time?"

Ye Run replied: "No."

Lu An finally asked: "Besides the head teacher and my cousin, has anyone come to see me?"

Ye Run recalled it carefully for a while, and finally came up with the word "no".

Lu An said thank you, turned around and left.

When he was about to walk out of the door, Ye Run shouted from behind: "Lu An, are you going to set up a stall later?"

Lu An replied: "No, I plan to go to my cousin's house."

Ye Run asked: "Will you come back tonight?"

Luan said back.

Ye Run found the key, locked the door, and followed out: "I've been reading all day, and my brain is a little foggy. I'll go help you set up a stall, just to get some fresh air."

Of course it is good for someone to make money for themselves. Lu An thought for a while and asked: "You are so free, why won't your mother come back today?"

Ye Run said: "My younger aunt gave birth to a boy, and my mother went away to fight her pregnancy. She won't be able to come back for a few days."

Therefore, it is a custom for pregnant women to gather together to visit relatives who have given birth to children.

As Lu An walked down the stairs, he said, "I remember your mother's family seems to be from Yueyang, right?"

"Yes, from the Miluo River in Yueyang." Ye Run said.

After helping Ye Run set up the bicycle stall, Lu An took the bus to the family building of the city TV station.

The TV station is not very far from Guifei Lane, only 6 stations away. If we usually take a shortcut on foot, it only takes ten minutes.

However, taking a shortcut requires passing through a red light district. After Lu An walked through it once in his sophomore year of high school, he never dared to leave easily again.

Damn it, those hairdressing girls standing at the door are so enthusiastic. They pull left and right, raise and lower their hands, and their weight increases by 2 pounds at a speed visible to the naked eye. If you are not a scumbag, it is best not to go to that area.

Arriving at the family home of the TV station, Lu An walked to the third floor on the familiar road, and then stopped in front of the door of the second room on the right side of the corridor.

"Dong dong dong!" He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" came a female voice from inside.

"Aunt Sun, it's me, Xiao An."

Lu An is familiar with everyone here.

Aunt Sun is Lu Xueping's TV station colleague. I heard that she was divorced because she could not have children. The two of them are friends and confidants, and they share a living room.

"Xiao An, you're here." Aunt Sun opened the door from the inside with a lukewarm attitude and let him in.

After changing his shoes, Lu An didn't find Lu Xueping in the living room, so he asked: "Aunt Sun, is my cousin not at home?"

Aunt Sun said: "I'm not at home. I haven't been back for two days."

Haven't been back for two days?

Then why does he want to come here by himself?

Didn't figure it out.

Seeing that the woman in front of him didn't seem to want to talk to him anymore, Lu An stopped questioning, took out the key from his bag and walked directly towards the door of his uncle's bedroom.

Speaking of keys, it’s all tears.

He had listened to Lu Xueping's slander before, saying that the uncle and nephew were a family and had a deep relationship, so they should exchange keys in case of emergency.

When Lu An first came to Baoqing City, he was soft-edged and had little knowledge. He had no idea what the gangster had in mind, so he agreed.

Unexpectedly, this nod would make him miserable. Every now and then, he would see the other party taking a woman back. He would just take the woman back and drive him away every time.

Later, he couldn't bear it anymore and moved out of Meng Qingchi and threatened the other party to return the key.

Seeing this, Lu Xueping offered to pay "rent" at 5 yuan each time.

For the sake of money, Lu An decisively lost his backbone and has compromised until now.

Opening the door and closing the door, he entered the bedroom.

The bedroom is large, at least 15 square meters. There is a section separated by wooden boards in the middle, which can also be regarded as two rooms. There is a bed in the back, a desk in front, and a bookshelf filled with books.

Lu An stood at the door and looked around. Not to mention, the house was quite clean, with a faint scent of mugwort, and it didn't look like a man's residence at all.

Crossing the bed, he appeared in front of the desk and found an open and unclosed diary on the desk. There is also a Yongsheng brand pen placed in the center of the diary.

He glanced at the diary by the way and immediately felt happy.

This page is a mahjong diary, recording my uncle’s daily mahjong life throughout September.

On September 5th, I lost 34. I didn't choose the right position and my back was against the door.

On September 6th, we lost by 31. They brought a woman over, and I just looked at the woman.

On September 8th, I lost 27. The cards were too bad and it was not a technical problem.

On September 9th, I lost 7 yuan. Fortunately, my family did not lose.

On September 10th, I lost 22, and that woman came to the poker table. I was embarrassed to win, so I gave up. It was not a technical problem.

On September 13th, I won 94 and went to the Royal Concubine Hotel to celebrate for a night.

On September 14th, I lost 51. I won’t play in this room next time.

On September 15th, if you lose 13, it’s okay. If you lose less, you’ll win.

On September 16th, I won 96. Today I wore red shorts to attract wealth. I took my female card game friends to the Royal Concubine Hotel to celebrate for a night.

On September 17th, we lost 21. We didn’t perform well tonight. We will continue tomorrow.

On September 18th, I lost 51. I hate mahjong and will never play mahjong again. Tomorrow I will find a girlfriend and go to Guifei Lane to change my mind.

On September 20th, I won 201. The weather cleared up and the rain stopped. I felt like I could do it again.

On September 23rd, I lost 80, my mind was not on the cards, and I was ripped off by my girlfriend during the day.

On September 25th, I lost 18. I didn’t even want to drink the coffee, so I gave it to someone else.

On September 26th, I lost 42. I will become more courageous with every setback.

On September 27th, I lost 128, and I want revenge.

On September 28th, lost 253, died in battle! Goodbye my poker friends, goodbye female poker friends! do not forget me.

ps: Please read it!

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