My 1991

Chapter 433, Yu Wan’s Return (7)

Zhurong Peak, with an altitude of 1300.2 meters, towers into the sky and dominates the south sky. It is the highest peak and main peak of Nanyue Hengshan Mountain. Watching the sunrise in summer and snow in winter are probably the most beautiful scenery on it.

Lu An and Yu Guanzhi walked up the winding mountain road from Nanyue Temple, passed the Banshan Pavilion, and not far from Yehou Academy, they arrived at the legendary Nantian Gate.

The two of them took a short rest here and went to the Temple of Wealth and the Temple of Longevity.

In the longevity hall, Yu Guanzhi seemed to remember the twitching of his right eyelid again. He not only offered incense to the Bodhisattva, but also knelt on the futon and prayed for a long time.

During this period, Lu An vaguely heard the sisters chanting his name. Could it be that they were praying for his birthday? keep us safe?

After staring at her profile for a long time, he didn't say anything in the end. He just secretly thought that he had climbed more than halfway. Although the road was icy and slippery, nothing would happen. It seemed that his right eyelid had jumped. This happened purely by chance.

For him now, since the miracle of rebirth has happened to him, he does not dare to completely deny superstitions and legends.

How do you say that?

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist. Even if you take a step back, you don't have to believe it, but you must maintain corresponding awe.

On the right side of Nantianmen, there is a stone carving of "Shoubi Nanshan". This is why Hengshan is also called "Shouyue", which means to protect the world and the longevity of Nanshan.

The reason why it is called this is because Hengshan corresponds to the Zhen star among the 28 stars, and there is a small star next to the Zhen star called "Changsha Star", which is in charge of the longevity of the people in the world.

Yu Guanzhi pulled him to take a group photo under the stone carving. Then she touched the stone carving and looked up and asked, "Lu An, how high is this stone?"

Lu An raised his head and said, "3.99 meters."

"3.99 meters? Why is it such a number? Is there anything else to pay attention to?" Yu Guanzhi asked keenly.

"You guessed it right, there really is."

Lu An explained the origin of the number to her: "3 is the homophone of mountain, 99 means Double Ninth Festival, Nine Nine Returns to One. In our folk culture, 9 is the ultimate number, and 3 meters 99 means long life and longevity higher than the mountain. "

After resting for about 20 minutes, the two continued to climb along the gravel road. In the middle, they entered the Main Hall and the Heavenly King Hall. After about 70 minutes, we finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

Looking at the bright red sun in the east, Yu Guanzhi seemed a little excited. She stood on the top of the mountain and said:

"There is a saying that goes like this, you can never climb mountains in your life, but you must have a mountain in your heart."

Lu An nodded, feeling that this was extremely reasonable, and stretched out his hand, "Give me the camera, and I will take a picture for you."

Yu Guanzhi said yes, then stood facing the sun and asked him to take a photo of his back.

On the last stretch of the road from the Holy Emperor's Palace on the top of the mountain, the two met a "peace stone" on the roadside. Seeing her, Yu Guanzhi seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and most of the worries in his heart disappeared.

After crossing the Ping'an Stone, the two saw the gold-lettered signboard "Nanyue Hengshan" on Zhurong Peak. It also stood on a huge stone. The characters were carved and traced with a layer of red paint. Go back up a long stone staircase and you will arrive at the Holy Emperor's Palace.

It was full of people at the moment, and the two of them waited for a long time before they had room to squeeze in. After bowing and offering incense as usual, Lu An unknowingly came to the "connection to the sky" on the east side.

As soon as he reached this point, he couldn't help but stop. His eyes crossed the mountains and fell to the ancient town of Nanyue below.

When he visited Nanyue in his previous life, he had considered one question: How to integrate natural scenery and national oil painting?

In his previous life, he was standing here at the "Jietian" stone, looking down at Nanyue Ancient Town. This idea came to him. At the beginning, he had some thoughts that were about to move. Maybe it was too complicated, or maybe his level was not enough, and it was vague. I can touch it, but I always feel like there is a layer of veil between it.

I never found out the true meaning.

In the more than ten years since then, he has been to Zhurong Peak several times, but he still has no success and cannot find the answer in his heart.

This is also the reason why he wants to climb Zhurong Peak again after his painting skills have greatly improved in this life.

Seeing Lu An standing there meditating facing the Nanyue Ancient Town at the foot of the mountain, Yu Guanzhi also followed him and stood beside him to admire the scenery and mountains below.

After a long time, she asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Lu An didn't seem to hear her question. His mind was already full of houses in Nanyue Ancient Town. Out of his instinct for painting, he slowly simplified the houses near and far, leaving only black and white in his mind.

The black dots represent houses, which is an imaginary effect after simplification.

Except for some blank spaces, there are white walls. This is similar to the whiteness of the saint in "State of Mind".

The difference is that "State of Mind" is an artistic conception painting, focusing on a state of mind.

But this "white" is the epitome of simplicity. Thinking about this, Lu An fell into a mysterious world, as if he had caught it. A voice told him that he was about to be caught.

Seeing how he sometimes frowned and sometimes showed a look of surprise in his eyes, Yu Guanzhi knew that the little man next to him must have had inspiration again, and couldn't help but feel happy for him.

In this happiness, there is also a hint of admiration and pride.

I admire his talent!

So proud of his talent!

I don't know how long it took, but when the wind started blowing in the mountains, when the sun was covered by clouds, when Yu Guanzhi wanted to turn around and tell Tang Xi to find an umbrella to protect him from the rain, Lu An suddenly moved.

He suddenly turned around, hugged Yu Guanzhi next to him, spun him around three times, laughed loudly and said, "I found it! I found it!"

The second time I was held in a circle by the little man.

The first time was at a hostel house and the second time was at the top of a mountain with lots of traffic.

It was the first time for him to be held in the arms of a man in front of so many people. Yu Guanzhi's face was slightly flushed, and a touch of red could not help but appear on his white jade neck.

But aside from these, she was more impatient: "Do you want to sketch it?"

Unexpectedly, Lu An shook his head this time, and once again asked the camera to point at the bottom of the mountain and took a few photos:

"No, the painting is already in my heart."

He's not talking big, he really doesn't need it!

Because this is not the first time I have come here, nor twice or three times, but many times. The general appearance of Nanyue Ancient Town has long been in his mind. Now that the road is simple, he has found the true meaning, and naturally he will no longer stick to the formality.

After hearing his confident answer, Yu Guanzhi did not ask any more questions, but whispered softly: "Little man, let me down."

Lu An was so excited that he couldn't help himself and blurted out: "Don't let me go."

After looking at each other for a long time at close range, Yu Guanzhi said meaningfully: "You will fall like this, which is not a good thing."

Lu An tightened his clasped hands and defended himself, "I am a passionate person."

Hearing this, Yu Guanzhi fell silent.

If he was a loyal and honest person before meeting him, then Yu Guanzhi would never be able to accept his philandering.

But she knew that he was an unreasonable person, but she didn't take precautions, which led to one wrong step and the next, and she made the mistake now. It's too late to say anything now.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and there was also drizzle. Lu An was a little depressed and complained: "This rain is coming all the time. Isn't the climate on the top of the mountain changing too fast?"

Yu Guanzhi was a woman and was naturally sensitive and prone to overthinking. She felt that this was an accident, which reminded her of the twitching of her right eyelid. She quickly urged, "Others are starting to go down the mountain, so let's go down too."

Lu An had no shaft, so he led her down the mountain.

However, this time the two of them did not think about going down the mountain on two legs. On the way up the mountain, they had seen the scenery and took the photos. There was nothing left to remember in a short period of time. Only fools would bother to leave the shuttle bus without taking it. Walking.

There were many people who had the same idea as the two of them, and the shuttle bus became a hot commodity for a while. Lu An, with his tall figure and the help of Lu Qing and the three girls, finally managed to pull Yu Guanzhi onto a shuttle bus.

Surprisingly, the driver was a woman.

What is even more surprising and frightening is that the winding road down the mountain explains what the eighteen bends of the mountain road are, what the cliffs are, and what the nine-turn ileum is.

Seeing the shuttle bus that was about to stand upright, the people in the bus were stunned! Some girls who were timid were even scared to tears.

The veteran driver Lu An was no exception. He held on to the handrail and felt a chill in his heart. He secretly thought that the road down the mountain in the future would not be so steep or narrow. It was so damn scary!

A middle-aged man who suffered from motion sickness vomited three times in a row and turned his stomach inside out. He couldn't help but ask the driver, "Master, how many years have you been driving this route?"

The female driver didn't look back: "This is the first year."

Luan: "."

With the sound of "First Year", the car suddenly became silent. Many people probably regretted it to death. If they had known this, they might as well have walked down the mountain.

Surprisingly, there was nothing unusual about Yu Guanzhi the whole time. He kept looking at the scenery outside through the car window without saying a word.

Lu An's body couldn't help but sway as the car followed him, and he finally asked: "Sister Yu, aren't you worried?"

Yu Guanzhi smiled weakly and said nothing.

In fact, she was a little worried before getting in the car, but after the car started moving, she was no longer afraid. She didn't know why?

The process was quite exciting. Amidst the yelling of people in the car, the bus finally drove smoothly to the bottom of the mountain. At this time, many pilgrims expressed fear: They would rather walk a few more steps in the future than dare to take the bus.

After getting off the car, Yu Guanzhi looked back at Zhu Rongfeng behind him for a long time, not knowing what she was thinking.

Lu An guessed that it had something to do with "fate", but he didn't mention it too much. After all, the group of people had landed safely, which meant that the theory of the right eyelid twitching was self-defeating.

Back in Nanyue Ancient Town, Yu Guanzhi suddenly looked at his trousers and said, "Your trousers got some prickly grass seeds on the mountain roadside. Do you want to buy transparent tape to glue them off?"

Lu An lowered his head and took a look, "Okay, I bought these pants not long ago. This is the second time I've worn them. I really can't bear to throw them away. I just don't know if there is any transparent tape sold nearby?"

Yu Guanzhi thought for a while and said, "Follow me. I remember seeing it in a store last night."

It was true as she said, transparent plastic was indeed sold, and the store was not far from Yuemin Hostel.

After returning to the room and removing the grass seeds with tape, Lu An asked: "Sister Yu, we have been here for three days, when are we leaving?"

Yu Guanzhi closed the window, "It looks like it's going to rain heavily. If you're not in a hurry to go home, just stay for two more days. Since I have nothing to do recently, I can come here and watch you paint."

Lu An said: "Spring has already begun, and it is spring now. It rains every two days, and it may not stop at once."

Yu Guanzhi understood, stared into his eyes and asked: "School is about to start, do you want to take the time to go back to accompany Meng Qingchi?"

Lu An was a little embarrassed when his little idea was exposed, but he was embarrassed for a moment, and then nodded frankly, "I usually don't have time, and it's rare to come back during the winter and summer vacations."

This was his sincerity. Sister Qingchi would not allow him to return to Changshi on weekdays, and he had made a promise to this. This commitment remains valid throughout college.

And with Qingshui and the Meng family around during the winter and summer vacations, he couldn't spare much time to spend time alone with Sister Qingchi, which made him feel itchy.

Her eyes stayed on his face for a while, and then Yu Guanzhi looked away, saying nothing, and stood up to pack her things silently.

Seeing this scene, Lu An felt a little guilty. The relationship between the two was no longer pure, and had even become semi-public with each other. It was self-evident why Sister Yu came to Nanyue Mountain specially.

But now he is only thinking about running towards another woman. To say how comfortable Yu Guanzhi is in his heart is probably not possible even for a heartless Ma Daha.

Of course, what Lu An did was actually intentional.

There was no way, Yu Guanzhi's own charm was too great. When Lu An realized that his feelings for her were changing rapidly, he felt some inexplicable pressure. Just like what she said on Zhurongfeng Mountain, "You will fall, which is not a good thing." In order to prevent the two of them from losing control, he wanted to escape temporarily.

In addition, the Yu family is a giant to him. Once the two of them get together out of control, and if something comes to light in the future, he is not sure he can handle it.

Therefore, he chose to use this method to hint to her that he could not treat her wholeheartedly in this life.

In fact, he had already given this hint once on Zhu Rongfeng. The phrase "I am a passionate person" was intended to inoculate her, hoping that she would not take any measures against the women around her.

I hinted twice before and after. I wonder if this sister understood?

However, he was inclined to think that the other party had already understood, otherwise he would not have packed up his things so simply.

After moving the clothes and souvenirs into the Audi, Yu Guanzhi said abruptly, "I'll go to Shao City with you and take Qingshui away tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Ah?" Lu An looked at her in surprise, a little unbelievable and a little moved.

He had treated her like this just now, but she ignored the past grudges and chose to fulfill him instead. For a moment, he was stunned and speechless.

After a long time, Lu An sighed and said, "It's because I'm too small."

Yu Guanzhi smiled knowingly and said with a very understanding look, "Don't put too much pressure on me."

Don't put too much pressure on her. When she said this, it was like a disguised response to his previous words and his worries: she would not take strong measures to deal with the women around him.

Of course, there is also the possibility that she is a little frustrated. After all, the effort and the reward are completely out of proportion. If it were an ordinary woman, she might automatically shrink back.

He didn't know what the sisters were thinking now, but he had no choice. Before one's own strength is not strong enough, there is no way to cover everything and meet the needs of every confidante.

After settling the bill at the hotel, the two cars left Nanyue Ancient Town one after the other.

Yu Guanzhi seemed to know that he was full of guilt now, so he took the initiative to get into his Audi car to comfort him. After driving more than 30 kilometers, Lu An asked to ease the silent atmosphere, "I know you like to drive. Do you want to enjoy the mountain road?"

Yu Guanzhi looked outside through the car window. There was a mountain on the right side of the road, a small hillside on the left, and a river at the bottom of the hillside. There was a large farmland beside the river.

She was eager to ask: "Are there usually many cars on this section of road?"

Lu An said: "Fortunately, this area is relatively remote. The nearest village is still 2 miles away. There are very few cars on weekdays."

Hearing this, Yu Guanzhi was instantly moved, "I'm tired of driving in the city. I'll try the mountain road. If there are big bends or dangerous areas ahead, you have to tell me in advance."

Lu An smiled and said, "Don't worry. Although this is a mountain road, it is relatively flat. There are basically no dangerous areas like you mentioned."

At this point, he added jokingly, "If there is a dangerous road, I will not dare to let you drive because I care about my life."

Because it was pouring rain outside, Lu An parked the car on the side of the road without getting out of the car, and just exchanged seats in the car.

Because the atmosphere was not right, the two of them did not change seats and became one as before.

When the tiger running behind saw the Audi car in front suddenly stopping, he thought that Miss Yu and Mr. Lu were in great spirits and wanted the car to dance again, so he wisely prepared to reverse the car and move back a little.

However, before Hu Touben could back up, the Audi car in front moved again. The three women looked at each other and accelerated to follow.

After driving about 500 meters, Lu An asked: "How was the experience on the mountain road?"

Yu Guanzhi smiled and said, "I don't feel it yet."

Before she could finish the words behind the word "no", Yu Guanzhi's right eyelid suddenly twitched violently. Before she could realize what was going on, she noticed that the trees on the mountain on the right were shaking violently, and then the next moment she saw A mountain fell from the sky and hit the Audi car.

"My right eyelid jumped, so that's what it is." Yu Wan heard an unknown voice in her heart and subconsciously wanted to step on the accelerator and speed up to escape, but in the end she took a step slower. Only a dull sound of "plop" reached her ears, and the world immediately fell into darkness.

In the few tenths of a second before she fell into darkness, she instinctively turned her head to look at Lu An, and grabbed it with her right hand. Even if she was going to die, she wanted to hold the little man's hand and die together.

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