My 1991

Chapter 494: Storm is coming (please subscribe!)

Lu An, who had made many guesses and was unsure of the Yu family's attitude, told Yang Xue before leaving:

"You can call Sister Yu as usual and see what she says?"

Yang Xue immediately realized: "Okay."

There was nothing he could do about it. In his previous life, he was just a grassroots professor and had no chance to contact such a big family. He couldn't figure out the specific way of thinking of people like them at the top of the pyramid, so he couldn't accurately pinpoint Yang Qianhui's true thoughts.

Hey, Lu An suddenly realized something. Yang Qianhui's surname was Yang, and Yang Xue in front of her was also surnamed Yang. Is this a coincidence?

He turned around and asked, "Your surname is Yang. You and Aunt Yang have known each other for a long time?"

Meeting his gaze, Yang Xue answered quite frankly, "We are from the same place. We are fellow villagers who came from Wufu. We are from the same ancestry and can be considered relatives in a sense."

Hearing this, Lu An suddenly realized that no wonder Sister Yu sent her to help him. It turned out that there was such a relationship.

But now that the matter was over, he didn't say much, let alone send Yang Xue back to Shanghai.

Otherwise, what would Sister Yu think at this juncture? What would the Yu family think?

It was getting late. After leaving BuBuSheng Supermarket, Lu An took the car directly back to Nanda University.

Just after entering the campus, I unexpectedly met Tian Wenjing, who was walking hand in hand with a boy on the corridor, talking and laughing.

Seeing Lu An, Tian Wenjing was stunned for a moment, and then greeted generously, "Squad leader, have you just come back from outside?"

"Well, let's take a walk. When did you talk about it?" The two of them were familiar with each other, so he asked curiously without any worries.

Tian Wenjing said: "We got together years ago."

Lu An smiled at the boy and said hello politely. After the two exchanged a few words, he left.

Less than half a year after Meng Jianlin and Tian Wenjing broke up, they started talking to each other, and the speed was not unpleasant.

He was even thinking: Seeing Lao Meng and Li Shishi in the same dormitory together, wouldn't Tian Wenjing be in a revengeful relationship?

If that were the case, that would be tragic.

Back in dormitory 322, Tang Ping was there as usual. This time he was not writing love letters, but listening to tapes with his eyes closed.

Hearing the movement at the door, Tang Ping opened his eyes, "Brother Lu is back."

"Old Tang, why are you alone in the dormitory again? Where are they?" Lu An pulled up a stool and sat down.

Tang Ping said: "Lao Fang went to law school, and the others went roller skating with the junior girls in their dormitory."

Luan asked: "Why don't you go?"

Tang Ping rubbed his head: "I'm not interested in that."

Lu An understood. Old Tang, who has a fiancée, is not interested in skating so much as he is not interested in school girls. He is unmoved in front of beautiful women and can be regarded as a good man.

Half an hour later, the others came back.

As soon as he entered the door, the livid-faced Meng Jianlin said hello to Lu An and Tang Ping, then climbed onto the bed and lay motionless on his side with his back to everyone.

Later, I learned from Li Yiran that when they returned to school, they also met Tian Wenjing and her boyfriend.

But at this time, Tian Wenjing was no longer simply holding hands, but hugging and gnawing with her boyfriend in a corner.

Liu Jiaquan even suspected that Tian Wenjing was waiting for Lao Meng to kiss on the grass near the boys' dormitory, and deliberately let Lao Meng see it.

Several people looked at each other for a while, fearing to irritate Lao Meng, so they skipped the topic wisely. Li Yiran sat opposite Lu An, probed his head and asked:

"Brother Lu, from what Wang Yi said, are you deliberately avoiding Li Yue?"

Lu An said calmly: "It's not really hiding, it's just that I'm not interested. School girls are not my cup of tea."

He didn't bother to explain too much, so he just tried his best to suppress it. He believed that these words would soon reach Li Yue's ears and make her stop thinking about it completely.

Fang Yun, who finally came back, joked: "Brother Lu, I'm not interested in you, Li Yue. How about conquering Su Mi? Looking at Nanda, you only have this condition."

Lu An smiled and said, "Sure, no problem. One day I will get drunk and have a dream."

In the following days of March, Lu An kept going back and forth between his dormitory, classroom, library and studio.

Except for attending classes and going out to shoot scenes, I almost cut off contact with the outside world and concentrate on painting.

Although this process was very boring, the effect was unexpectedly good. The twelve landscape strips unknowingly added "Households on Boats", "Pine Forest Wooden House", "Yuhua Terrace", "Lotus-Scented Carp" and "Mountains Remaining". "Xiaxia" five oil paintings.

Of course, he not only focused on oil painting, but also practiced Chinese painting, but after three or four paintings, there was no one that he was particularly satisfied with.

"Buzz buzz"

"Buzz buzz"

Just when Lu An put down his paintbrush and drank tea to rest, the Nokia on the coffee table rang. He took it and looked at it and found that it was Qingshui's phone.

"Qingshui, it's time, have you had dinner?"

"No, I'm with Sister Yu and we were about to eat. I was talking about you just now and suddenly I missed you so much that I secretly called you."

Meng Qingshui was in the toilet at this time. He glanced outside and said while covering his mobile phone with his right hand.

This girl is pregnant and still looking for Qingshui?

Do you really think that Qing Shui's medical studies are so easy to fool?

Just thinking about Lu An made me a little scared, but she pretended to be calm and asked: "Today is not the weekend, why did Sister Yu come to find you?"

Meng Qingshui told him: "Sister Yu said she was passing by on business and asked me to have a meal with her."

Then she asked with concern: "It's so quiet, are you painting in the studio again?"


Lu An hummed and said, "I've been very inspired recently. I can stay in the studio when I have time. You don't have to worry about me."

She would be lying if she said she wasn't worried. She was worried that he might have physical problems if he stayed up too late. Meng Qingshui called him more this month than in the past and often asked him to take a rest.

Knowing that there was nothing he could do to persuade her over the phone, Meng Qingshui simply suppressed the matter for the time being, thinking that it was almost the end of the month and her sister would come over soon. Then she would have a good talk with her. He didn't listen to himself, but always listened to her. My sister's, right?

In fact, she wanted to mention Lu An's health problems to Yu Guanzhi, but at this juncture, Meng Qingshui swallowed her words several times.

But what she is most concerned about right now is whether Sister Yu is pregnant?

Sister Yu came to Shanghai Medical University three times this month, but every time her performance was very stable, just like in the past, and there was no difference.

She thought she would have morning sickness, but she didn't see it. This made Meng Qingshui particularly confused. She once wondered if she had thought too much and guessed wrong?

Since Yu Guanzhi was waiting at the dining table, Meng Qingshui briefly chatted with him and ended the call.

After washing her hands, she walked outside and asked with a smile: "Sister Yu, I haven't seen you eating spicy food for a long time. This restaurant has launched a new dish, spicy chicken. Do you want to try it today?"

Yu Guanzhi said gently: "Okay."

The test failed, and Meng Qingshui was a little depressed, but when she ordered the food, she specifically told the store not to put too much chili pepper, just a little spicy.

Although she was jealous, she thought of how much Sister Yu was good to her and how important she was to Lu An, so she couldn't act harshly, as that would most likely hurt her harmony.

Yu Guanzhi naturally saw a series of Qing Shui's subtle movements, and she vaguely understood Qing Shui's deep meaning without even thinking about it.

However, since she came to Shanghai Medical University, she was fully prepared for all possible situations.

According to Wu Dan's words, just avoiding him was not enough. After weighing "seeing" and "not seeing", she chose to see him once a week as usual.

As for whether Qing Shui can find any clues?

Will you have morning sickness during the meeting?

She left it all to God's will.

The reason for this was because something that happened in the Yu family recently changed her mind.

Yu Guanzhi's grandfather suffered a stroke. Even though it was not particularly serious, it still caused some damage to his body.

Based on this, the original plan to run to the deep city for shelter had to be shelved.

Not to mention that her grandfather had loved her since she was a child. Even if other elders in the family were ill, she could not ignore them and leave.

Regarding this matter, Wu Dan had a lot of emotions, "You met Lu An, you were buried with him in the ground, and you became pregnant for him. It seems that there is a thread in the dark that is manipulating you. Everything that happened to you seems to be... It’s destiny, I feel like you can’t escape from the center of this vortex.”

Yu Guanzhi thought for a long time, and finally said, "Since you can't escape, then you won't escape."

Wu Dan glanced sideways: "Meng Qingchi will be here soon. Do you plan to meet her?"

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange is my home market. If distinguished guests come from afar, I will naturally show my kindness as a landlord." Yu Guanzhi said very frankly and sincerely.

When she encountered an accident in Shao City last time, Meng Qingchi rushed to the scene as soon as possible, and even entertained herself and her parents at Meng's house. In addition, the two had known each other for almost three years. Due to emotions and reasons, she couldn't help it this time. Shrinking and not showing up.

Appropriate compromise is fine, but blindly escaping is not her style.

These words silenced Wu Dan, an outsider. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

At the end, she sighed and said: "I will put down all my work at the end of the month, and then I will accompany you to Jinling."

Seeing Guan Zhi raising his head and staring at him, Wu Dan half explained and half mocked: "I'm not doing it all for you. I especially want to see how Lu An should face Meng Qingchi? How should he face you? How should he deal with Meng Qingshui? Relationship with Huang Ting"

Before Wu Dan could finish her words, Yu Wan shut her up angrily with one sentence, "This is our family matter, why are you meddling in it?

You should stay in Shanghai and help deal with my mother. If anything happens to her, I can be prepared in advance. "

Wu Dan fought hard, "It's rare to have such excitement in life, Wanzhi, you can't do this to me."

Yu Wanzhi was unmoved, "It's settled, I'll let you be my child's godmother in the future."

The word "godmother" made Wu Dan's heart beat instantly: "Really?"

Yu Guanzhiwen smiled and nodded.

"Sure, for the sake of my precious child, I won't bother with that this time." Wu Dan was always pleased to think that he would soon have a goddaughter or godson, and he would be a son of the Yu family. This weight was extraordinary. .

Thinking of Qing Shui and Sister Yu eating together, Lu An suddenly felt that the Longjing in his hand was tasteless.

He felt like a monkey walking on a tightrope and could fall into the abyss at any fucking moment.

Ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

(Strive to write another chapter)

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