My 1991

Chapter 507, Meeting of the Century

Just as Meng Qingshui and Yu Guanzhi were in a stalemate in the corridor, the studio door suddenly opened.

Open from the inside out.

Then I saw Lu An walking out of the door with a worried look on his face.

In an instant, the two women who were originally facing each other looked at him, and their eyes followed his footsteps.

Looking at the facial expressions of the two people, looking at the position where the two women stood facing each other, and combined with Qing Shui's previous phone call, Lu An guessed that they must have been talking about pregnancy just now without any effort.

It must be something about pregnancy.

Otherwise, with Qing Shui's high emotional intelligence, he and Yu Guanzhi would not have made the atmosphere so tense.

Quickly clearing up his thoughts, Lu An walked towards Qingshui in an orderly manner under their gaze.

There is no way, now Qingshui is the weak one, relatively young, and prone to jealousy, so she must be coaxed first.

As for Sister Yu, both of them already have children, and he believes that the other party can understand his difficulties.


Lu An greeted Qing Shui gently, walked over and hugged Qing Shui, and then said:

"Sister Qingchi has been waiting for you for a long time. Let's go in first."


In places with many people, Meng Qingshui usually would not openly express his anger. He would humbly humbly and then enter the studio.

At this time, Lu An turned to Yu Guanzhi and complained with a face that was afraid of death: "Guanzhi, do you want to kill your husband?"

The nickname "Wanzhi" and "your husband", coupled with his distressed expression, made Yu Wanzhi smile involuntarily:

"What? I'm not welcome?"

Lu An sighed: "You are a child, how dare I? I'm just a sophomore now, can't you really let me finish four years of college safely?"

He said this in a resentful tone.

However, there is also discussion in the resentment.

Since strength can't crush you, let's settle for the next best thing and focus on the emotional card.

Yu Guanzhi was not an ordinary woman, so she could naturally understand his difficulties.

But understanding is understanding, and what belongs to you still needs to be clearly explained and fought for.

She asked gently: "When you graduate from college, your child will be two years old. How do you want me to explain to your child?"

What Yu Wanzhi said was "children", but what she really meant was herself and her family.

The purpose of her asking this was to get Lu An's attitude.

If Luan didn't want to recognize the child, there was no need to say anything, she turned around and left, and never bothered him again.

And if Lu An loves her and recognizes the child, then the two of them can discuss everything.

Her words seemed harsh and forced, but she was actually giving Lu An a response and a choice.

Last resort.

In other words, give Luan a chance to regret.

This opportunity is fleeting and will never happen again after today.

As a veteran, how could Lu An not understand what she said?

He immediately sighed again, walked over, hugged her in the same way, and said sincerely:

"I am willing to marry you, and I also want to marry Sister Qingchi."

This is his bottom line and his last struggle and dignity.

Saying it now, rather than waiting for the girls to have a fight, is to take a precaution in advance and let Yu Guanzhi see his heart clearly.

How should I put it? This is equivalent to cheating before taking the exam. Yu Guanzhi got the answer in advance before taking the exam.

The purpose of this is very clear, which is to win over differences.

Winning Sister Yu over this card in advance is the most difficult card to master, lest she rely on her strength later to kill indiscriminately, oppressing others and leaving them with no room for survival.

The reason why he mentioned Sister Qingchi was not Qingshui, Huang Ting and Ye Run. In addition to Sister Qingchi being his favorite, he also considered that the other three girls had not experienced severe beatings from society, and it probably would not take more than a few back and forth. Will be crushed by Yu Guanzhi.

But the most important thing is that others created artificial obstacles, creating an obstacle based on the girl in front of her who likes to pursue "perfection", so that Sister Qingchi can restrain her.

As for whether Sister Qingchi can be contained?

As long as the collapse isn't severe, it doesn't matter.

Lu An had already thought about it. If Sister Qingchi couldn't suppress her, he would use this as an "excuse" to run back to Changsha frequently to enhance their relationship.

But there is a problem: Qingshui's existence may cause Sister Qingchi to face a dilemma. Due to moral ethics, she may not necessarily accept her love openly.

After hearing what he said, Yu Guanzhi was surprised but not surprised at the same time. There is just an indescribable feeling lingering in my heart, including happiness and a little depression.

What I'm happy about is: it's pretty much what I guessed. The little man is a man, he can't stop his own charm, and he's been poisoned by himself unknowingly. He cares about himself and the child in his belly.

The frustration is: Meng Qingchi is indeed his favorite. If he wants to replace his position, it is probably not something that can be done in a day or two. He has to think about it in the long term.

Looking at him meaningfully, Yu Guanzhi turned around and entered the studio without saying anything, neither saying yes nor saying no.

Seeing his back entering the door, Lu An had a headache and couldn't help but curse, "Why the hell is it so difficult to deal with?"

Meng Qingshui entered the door, and the three women who were chatting stopped their conversation tacitly.

Meng Qingchi patted his side and motioned for his sister to come over and sit next to him.

Although they had known each other before, this was the first time they saw a real person up close today. Huang Ying's eyes stayed on Meng Qingshui, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her mind.

As for Huang Ting, her eyes towards Meng Qingshui, her love rival, were much more complicated.

She used to regard Meng Qingshui as her biggest opponent.

But today I discovered that the other party was a frustrated person just like myself, caught in a dilemma between Meng Qingchi and Yu Guanzhi.


Perhaps he is the most pitiful one. He met Lu An relatively late, has no emotional alliance, and does not yet have Ye Run's cooking skills.

Later Huang Ting thought again: In the face of love, is there any difference between morning and evening?

Can you really accept that the man you love most loves your sister the most?

Maybe, is Meng Qingshui, who is also a loser, even more miserable than himself? Are you under greater social pressure than yourself?

After thinking about it, Huang Ting finally reluctantly made a decision.

When the incomparable Yu Guanzhi appeared at the door, Huang Ting stared at his lower abdomen, becoming even more determined.

Hearing the sudden silence in the living room outside, Ye Run in the kitchen peeked out of concern, and later couldn't help but murmur to himself: The biggest change is coming...

I hope you can hold on, you stinky gangster!

If the living room was relatively stable before, Yu Guanzhi's arrival undoubtedly dropped a heavy bomb on the calm lake, making the atmosphere invisibly tense.

Especially the look between Meng Qingchi and Yu Guanzhi was like a meeting of the century.

Incredibly subtle!

Food for thought!

The last time they met in Shao City, which was hit by a mudslide, the two women had a pleasant conversation because they had similar smells.

Unexpectedly, he turned around and his identity changed, becoming a love rival in a sense.

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