My 1991

Chapter 518, Showdown with Yu Wanzhi

One night passed, the sky outside was still so blue, the sun was still so lovely and red, and the morning air was still so fresh.

Meng Qingchi was still so dignified and quiet.

The only difference was that the look she looked at Lu An finally had something bright and she was no longer entangled.

There is no need to suppress and control anymore.

"Stop making breakfast, I'll take you to visit the snack street in Jinling." Lu An saw her wearing a scarf and preparing to make breakfast by herself, so he pulled her and ran straight to the door.

Meng Qingchi was dragged away and couldn't react, "I didn't bring my bag."

Lu An said: "I won't take it with me anymore, I have money on me."

Meng Qingchi shook his head: "Sister is going back to Changshi the day after tomorrow. We will go directly to the Bubu Sheng flagship store in Suzhou and enter Shanghai from there in the afternoon."

Lu An stopped and said, "Time flies so fast?"

Meng Qingchi smiled and said, "Then do you still want to eat the breakfast that my sister made for you?"

Lu An closed the door, turned around and said, "Eat it, you'd be stupid not to eat it. Even if there are tens of thousands of breakfast restaurants in Jinling, none of them are as delicious as my sister Qingchi's."

Breakfast is not as simple as cooking rice.

There are three dishes in total, stir-fried pork, spicy chicken and green beans.

"Sister Qingchi's cooking is so good, it's so appetizing." Lu An wasn't boasting, it was really delicious. He finished two large bowls of rice in one go.

Meng Qingchi was in a good mood and teased him in a rare way: "Ye Run's cooking skills are not good?"

Lu An was ashamed, and later said bravely: "That's fine, but your styles are different."

Sister Qingchi's cooking skills are similar to her personality. She is mildly spicy at best, does not pay attention to stir-frying, and pursues health preservation.

The little wife is different. She is delicious, spicy and fragrant. She has completely inherited the heavy taste of Hunan cuisine.

When Meng Qingchi saw that he didn't deny Ye Run in front of her, he suddenly felt something in his heart. It seemed that the tall and thin girl's status in Xiao An's heart was not low.

They are all smart people, and these things can only be ignored, otherwise it will affect the relationship between the two of them. After Meng Qingchi tentatively mentioned it, he stopped pestering him and turned to other topics.

After breakfast, the two of them cleared away the dishes and then left the teacher's apartment.

When he went down to the first floor, Meng Qingchi stopped and looked back at the studio on the second floor, feeling a little strange.

I don’t know when will you come again next time?

Maybe next time I come to Jinling, I won’t spend the night here. In a sense, if he really gives birth to twins for Xiao An and proves that Xiao An's dream is consistent with the comments made by the monk of Jiming Temple, then this place will be Ye Run's territory from now on.

As a veteran, Lu An almost guessed what this sister was thinking when he saw her actions, but he chose to pretend to be dumbfounded. After all, Ye Run is also his woman. The less Sister Qingchi sets foot in this place in the future, Ye Comrade Run felt better.

It seems that a new house is on the agenda and cannot be postponed any longer.

After leaving Nanda, the two went directly to Suzhou, Zhenjiang, Wuxi and other places. Due to lack of time, they could only talk about it later.

Seeing the boss bringing Meng Qingchi over intimately, Yang Xue was startled, and then entertained the two of them enthusiastically, during which she also complained a little to Lu An:

"Boss, you're not fair. I stayed in Xinjiekou for a whole day yesterday and didn't even come to Suzhou. The employees all have opinions."

Lu An smiled and said: "My fault, my fault, I really can't escape it. I learned last night that you won the first place, didn't you rush here early this morning?"

Then he asked: "How is the business situation this morning?"

Yang Xue said happily: "The turnover has exceeded 1.5 million, which is slightly better than yesterday morning. Today's sales are expected to hit a new high."

Lu An couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Well done."

I walked around the flagship store in the name of the boss, stopping and walking in the middle, and it took more than 40 minutes to complete my sense of presence.

Yang Xue, who had been accompanying her at this time, looked at her watch and said, "Seeing that noon is almost over, why don't you eat first?"

Lu An looked at Meng Qingchi, who smiled and nodded.

Originally, she was more inclined to go to Shanghai to have lunch with her younger sister, but as the boss of the company, it was necessary for Xiao An to get along with his subordinates, so she stayed.

During the meal, while Meng Qingchi went to the bathroom, Yang Xue quietly asked: "Miss Yu is pregnant?"

Lu An asked back: "Who did you listen to?"

Yang Xue glanced in the direction of the door and lowered her voice, "This morning, Miss Yu's mother called specifically to ask about my situation. Although her words were vague, I still understood her."

Lu Anxin was shocked, stopped her chopsticks and asked, "How did you answer?"

Yang Xue shook her head: "I said I didn't find anything strange."

Lu An lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked: "Why do you think Aunt Yang asked this?"

Yang Xue seemed to have known that he was going to ask this question for a long time, so she spoke simply:

"Ms. Yu hasn't been home much in recent times. Except for occasionally visiting her grandfather, she basically doesn't have meals with the elders in the family. This abnormal behavior has aroused her mother's suspicion."

Luann fell silent.

More than two months had passed since the mudslide incident, and Sister Yu's morning sickness would come from time to time, so she had no choice but to avoid the house like this.

Before long, Meng Qingchi came back and appeared at the door. Yang Xue, who originally had something to say, decisively changed the topic and took the initiative to talk to Meng Qingchi.

After the meal, the two of them did not stay in Suzhou and drove straight to Shanghai.

But at a fork in the road, Meng Qingchi suddenly said to him, "Xiao An, you go to Wan Zhi's place first. Sister has something to tell Qing Shui. Let's have dinner together in the evening."

Now that the relationship between the two is very close, Meng Qingchi no longer hides it from him, but reveals the reason. She wants to talk to Qing Shui alone about him, and it is not appropriate for him to show up now.

Lu An knew it was powerful, but he was still a little worried, "Qingshui her"

Meng Qingchi looked out of the car and said after a while, "Do you believe me, sister?"

Lu An nodded, "Letter."

Meng Qingchi looked away and looked at him steadily, "Sister has sense and will handle it well. Don't worry about Qingshui. She should have already guessed the outcome."

Lu An was silent and said later: "Then I will go to the villa to wait for you. See you in the evening."


After watching him get off the car, Meng Qingchi said to Lu Qing who was driving: "Go to the Medical University."

After the Audi left, Lu An dialed Yu Guanzhi's phone number:

"Sister Yu, I'm in Shanghai."

Yu Guanzhi asked: "Where are you now?"

Lu An said: "I came from the direction of Suzhou, at a fork in the road..."

After hearing his detailed address, Yu Guanzhi put down the document in his hand, stood up and walked around and said, "Wait for me where you are, I'll be right over."


Lu An hummed and hung up the phone.

This is the city center, and he is not afraid of personal safety with people coming and going, but all he thinks about is Yang Qianhui.

Whatever is coming will come, and there is no way to hide. He is already prepared to be cut to pieces, but no matter what happens, he is not afraid of being scalded by beating a dead pig: if the other party goes too far, he will never compromise. .

If you have the ability to physically destroy me, if you can't, then there's no way he can give up on other women.

Afraid of being bored, Lu An bought a newspaper from a nearby newsstand and read it while waiting.

About 20 minutes later, a Mercedes-Benz stopped next to him.

The car window rolled down, revealing charming faces, "Little man, get in the car."

Lu An was speechless. He got into the passenger seat with a newspaper in hand and complained while fastening his seat belt:

"I'm calling you a little man outside. If someone hears me, they'll think I'm just a freeloader."

Yu Guanzhi smiled knowingly and refused to answer the question. Instead, he asked, "Did Qingchi leave you and go to the Medical University alone?"

When this matter was brought up, Lu An was no longer in the mood to joke.

Raising the window glass, Yu Guanzhi started the car and drove forward. After driving for a while, she suddenly said:

"It seems that you have indeed won the clear pool, little man, congratulations."

Lu An deliberately guided, "This is God's will, do you believe it?"

Yu Guanzhi said: "I believe in Meng Qingchi."

Lu An's eyelids twitched, "Why do I feel that you really want me to choose Qingshui?"

Yu Guanzhi rolled his eyes at him, "Do you want to hear the truth?"

Lu An asked casually: "What is the truth?"

Yu Guanzhi looked forward, "The truth is that you will protect us and my mother for the rest of your life."

Lu An turned his head and looked out of the car, "Look at what you said, it makes me seem like I don't want to guard you two."

Seeing him getting into trouble, Yu Guanzhi did not follow him, but kindly reminded him: "Although you chose Qingchi, you still have to pay attention to Qingshui's feelings."

Lu An remained silent for a while, then said after a while: "In the next two years, I will be away from Shanghai for most of the time. Qingshui still has to trouble you to take care of me."


He doesn't need to say anything about this, Yu Guanzhi will do his best to do it.

What's more, from her perspective, Qing Shui is now out of the ranks of love rivals, and the gap between the two women will naturally dissipate a lot.

Of course, Yu Guanzhi didn't completely believe in this man with a criminal record, maybe he was ambitious.

It's just that the relationship between the four of them has finally eased a bit. If Lu An didn't blatantly violate moral ethics, she wouldn't have mentioned it rashly.

After a long silence, Yu Guanzhi talked about Yang Qianhui, "My mother has already contacted Wu Dan and Yang Xue. She probably has some concerns about our baby."

Halfway through her words, she paused and then said: "She must be suspicious. I'm afraid she will suddenly go to Jinling to find you, so I plan to go home tomorrow. What do you think?"

This trip home means a showdown.

She could no longer hide it any more and planned to have a showdown with her family.

The reason why I specifically asked for his opinion was that I respected him as my wife.

The second is to give him a warning so that he can be mentally prepared for this.

Lu An subconsciously asked: "Why tomorrow?"

Yu Guanzhi said: "There is no reason. If you delay it for one more day, the probability of her coming to you will be greater."

Lu An thought for a while, then turned around and asked, "Can you wait until Sister Qingchi leaves Shanghai before going back?"

Hearing this, Yu Guanzhi couldn't help but look at him several times and remained silent.

Lu An held his forehead with his right hand and sighed: "Are you jealous too? I thought that at your level, you wouldn't be jealous."

Yu Guanzhi said Nuonuo: "I am also a woman."

"Come on, is it because the target is Sister Qingchi?"

Lu An tore the window paper and continued: "After Sister Qingchi leaves, I will go back with you."

Yu Guanzhi turned her head to look at him again, and asked with trembling eyes, "Aren't you afraid of my parents anymore?"

"Afraid! How could you not be afraid?"

Lu An made no secret of his timidity, "But what's the use of being afraid? For you and the child, we have to move forward even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead."

Then without waiting for her to reply, he murmured to himself: "Seriously, it's not easy to get into your bed. I've only had sex with you once, and I've been scared for months."

Yu Guanzhi smiled when he heard this and said solemnly: "My father, please don't use bad words."

Then she asked: "If my parents force you, how will you respond?"

"I didn't respond much. I told you the answer in the corridor of the studio. I am willing to marry both you and Sister Qingchi." When it comes to the core issue, Lu An cannot back down, nor can he back down.

Although it was a bit shameless, the situation did not allow him to have any more choices.

After hearing this, the expression on Yu Guanzhi's face did not change, as if he had already deduced various versions of the answer in his mind, and his answer was obviously what she expected.

She didn't make any comment on Lu An's skinny face, but asked very seriously: "Marry me, little man, are you willing to marry me?"

Lu An faced her and nodded solemnly: "Of course!"

These four words made Yu Guanzhi feel much better. She pondered for a while and said, "Since you choose to face it with me, then we won't go home directly."

"Not going home?" Lu An was stunned and didn't understand for a moment.


Yu Guanzhi explained: "If you stay in Shanghai for two more days, she will naturally come looking for you."

Lu An understood now that this sister was afraid that she would not be able to let him go to Yu's house, so she specially changed the battlefield.

After he finished digesting the information, Yu Guanzhi asked curiously: "How did you deal with Meng Qingchi?"

Lu An was a little confused, "What's done?"

Yu Guanzhi said: "She didn't object to the matter between Ye Run and Huang Ting?"

It turns out that's what happened. That's just right. Lu An can get it done once and for all. Anyway, convincing Sister Qingchi is persuasion, and persuading the sisters in front of him is also persuasion. He immediately told the story of the dream and the twins in detail.

Yu Guanzhi was speechless for a long time after hearing this. It wasn't until he entered the villa area that he asked, "Do you often have this dream?"

Luan chose to tell the lie to the end, "Do it."

Yu Guanzhi asked: "Then do you think dreams will come true?"

Lu An was nagging like a magician, "I have had the same dream countless times, and the content is the same. I think this is fate, destined by God."

Turn left and go straight for 300 meters. Yu Guanzhi parked the car in the courtyard of the villa, loosened his seat belt and asked, "Are you sure it's fate? Isn't this an excuse for you to be carefree?"

He hit the nail on the head, but Lu An persisted: "Wouldn't you know if it's fate or not after half a year?"

Hearing this, Yu Guanzhi fell silent.

Regardless of whether it was destiny or not, she had already felt the little man's strong will from the conversation just now: that is, he would not accept her interference in his relationship with Meng Qingchi.

She even guessed Lu An's so-called destiny intention, which was to use the child to completely trap Meng Qingchi, create an established fact, and then use it to contain herself.

All said and done, the passionate little man still couldn't bear to part with his confidante, for fear that he would use any means to force them to leave.

ps: New January, please subscribe! Please give me a guaranteed monthly pass!

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