My 1991

Chapter 542, for a period of ten years, the three conditions of the Yu family

Li Zaimei, Yang Qianhui knows this kind of person.

And Yang Qianhui is not unfamiliar with the Li family behind Li Zaimei. Although the Yu family is more powerful than the other party, if the other party really wants to protect Lu An, the Yu family will not completely tear their faces apart. After all, the Li family is not an ordinary family, it is not worth it.

Yang Qianhui estimated the possibility of Lu An and Li Zaimei in her heart?

If Lu An is really forced into a corner, Lu An has a great chance of taking down Li Zaimei as long as he runs to Dunhuang.

Of course, this is just an assumption.

With the existence of her daughter and the man named Meng Qingchi, Yang Qianhui has reason to believe that Lu An will not do such a thing casually.

She was a little annoyed that her daughter actually threatened her with such words.

She was a little angry that her daughter was showing her cards and wanted to protect Lu An to the end.

The mother and daughter confronted each other for a while, and she finally couldn't hold back her temper, "Mom and my family are doing this for your own good. From your perspective, why are you helping him like this? Can you tolerate those messy women he has outside?"

Yu Wanzhi said: "I can't tolerate it. I will find a way to increase my status in his heart, instead of creating a rift with him."

Yang Qianhui's voice suddenly raised several decibels, "Increase? What do you mean by increase? Does the daughter of the Yu family need to snatch men from others?"

Yu Wanzhi's face was calm, "In a sense, I am indeed snatching other people's men, and I am indeed snatching food from Meng Qingchi."

Yang Qianhui paused, she couldn't believe that her daughter would say such a thing?

In her impression, her daughter used to be extremely confident in her charm, and she even said the word snatching food from the tiger's mouth.

For a while, you looked at me, I looked at you, and the confrontation lasted for another ten minutes.

Seeing that her daughter would not compromise and insisted to the end, Yang Qianhui finally broke through the defense. She took a deep breath and asked, staring into her daughter's eyes: "It must be him? Must you not leave him?"

Yu Wanzhi said softly: "He is the child's father, and he will be a qualified and competent father in the future."

Yang Qianhui narrowed her eyes, "Qualified and competent? Do you believe it yourself? How many stepmothers will he find for the baby in the future? How many brothers and sisters will he give birth to? Have you ever thought about it?"

Yu Wanzhi did not argue with her mother, but went straight to her heart, "Your daughter loves him."

Yang Qianhui hesitated again. This was a blow to her weak spot.

If she hadn't taken her daughter's feelings and hard-earned feelings into consideration, she would have gone all out to beat Lu An so hard that he couldn't find his way. Why would she sit here and talk to him? Discuss with her daughter?

After a long silence, Yang Qianhui asked unwillingly: "Is there really no other way?"

Yu Wanzhi's expression remained the same.

Seeing her daughter like this, Yang Qianhui was so angry that she almost had a heart attack. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't push me and your father too hard, or he will suffer."

Yu Wanzhi was unmoved and did not soften her attitude at all: "If he is forced to be penniless and unable to survive by you, I will support him until he is old; if he is forced to death by you, I will take my baby to guard his grave for the rest of my life."

Yang Qianhui exploded instantly, and stood up and shouted loudly: "Do you need to guard his grave? He has many women outside, who do you think you are?"

Seeing her mother getting angry rarely, Yu Wanzhi turned her head away, leaned back on the sofa, and closed her eyes.

She used her actions to express again: You are my mother, I will not quarrel with you, but you don't want me to give in.

For a while, the atmosphere in the living room was a little weird.

One looked down at her daughter, and the other closed her eyes and rested her mind, and no one could convince the other.

Since she was young, Yang Qianhui liked to look at her daughter's face, which was pleasing to the eye, and she felt better every time she saw it.

But now, she looked at her daughter's flawless face, feeling indescribably depressed and irritated. After a while, she simply stopped looking and went to the window, looking at the horizon and trying to calm herself down.

It was unknown how long it had been like this. When the sea breeze blew outside the window and a drizzle fell, Yang Qianhui reached out to tidy up her hair that was messed up by the wind, turned around and sat down on the sofa again.

"Tell mom, what do you think?"

When she spoke again, Yang Qianhui had completely calmed down, and her tone had changed fundamentally from before. It was no longer rigid and formal, but with a negotiating attitude.

Hearing this, Yu Wanzhi, who knew her biological mother very well, did not pretend to be so. He slowly opened his eyes and said, "I want to give my child a complete home."

Yang Qianhui looked at her daughter's belly and said nothing.

Yu Wanzhi continued, "I will give birth to another child with my last name."

Yang Qianhui asked, "What if the second one is a son? Will he agree?"

Yu Wanzhi said calmly, "Then I will give him another child."

Yang Qianhui was angry and wanted to get angry again.

But this time she held back, took a breath, and asked, "What else?"

Yu Wanzhi said, "I will get a certificate with him, and then go to the United States to find a church to hold a simple ceremony. There won't be too many relatives, just our family."

Yang Qianhui was puzzled: "Why go to the United States? Not in China?"

Yu Wanzhi didn't explain, but took out a walkman from his bag and pressed the play button. Soon Luan's singing came out.

It was "Promise".

It was carefully prepared by Yu Wanzhi on the way home.

The distant bells echoed in the rain

We held hands under the eaves and listened

Imagine that the wedding in the church

was held to bless us two

After listening to the first four sentences, Yang Qianhui suddenly understood why her daughter wanted to go to the United States.

The United States was once the place where my daughter had a knot in her heart. She went there to hold a wedding because she wanted to completely untie her knot, bid farewell to the past, and start a new life.

"Promise" was specially created by Lu An for her daughter, which is of great significance. Her daughter acted according to the lyrics, which not only expressed her desire for this relationship, but also a romantic encounter worth remembering for a lifetime.

Yang Qianhui knows that her daughter has been a serious person since she was a child. As long as she is truly devoted, she likes to pursue perfection.

Going to the United States to hold a ceremony means pursuing perfection and the consummation of my relationship with Lu An.

The song "Promise" is relatively long, lasting 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

It wasn't until she finished listening that Yang Qianhui reached out to turn off the Walkman, raised her head and asked, "As far as I know, his feelings for Meng Qingchi are not inferior to yours at all, or even deeper. Will he let Meng Qingchi go and marry you alone?"

Hearing this question, Yu Guanzhi breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, realizing that this was her mother's final crux. She said softly: "I have discussed this issue with Meng Qingchi."

Yang Qianhui was not surprised at all: "What was the result of the discussion?"

Yu Guanzhi said: "We will all marry him for ten years. Whoever loses will take the initiative to end the marriage with him."

Yang Qianhui asked: "When did you talk about it?"

Yu Guanzhi didn't hide anything, "Last time I was at Nanda University."

Yang Qianhui recalled the information obtained from the investigation and suddenly remembered that the last time Meng Qingchi came to Nanda, her daughter took the youngest daughter of the Meng family to Nanda.

It was also that time that the daughter of the Huang family had a conflict with Lu An.

Yang Qianhui asked: "Does Lu An know about this?"

Yu Guanzhi said: "He doesn't need to know. If he knows, he will have a subjective tendency and will try his best to maintain a balance between Meng Qingchi and me."

Yang Qianhui was confused, "Why ten years?"

Yu Guanzhi said, "Lu An was born in 1974, this year is 1994, and ten years later it will be 2004. At that time, he was just 30. A man reaches his thirties. It is time to learn to accept the cruel fact of losing a lover."

Yang Qianhui asked: "Lu An's feelings for Meng Qingchi are extraordinary. He has an Oedipus complex. This feeling will only get deeper and deeper with time. Are you sure that you will be the one who laughs in the end?"

The confident Yu Guanzhi showed his former glory: "If I can't defeat Meng Qingchi in ten years, it's because I'm incompetent. Then I didn't lose unfairly, so why not quit to help her?"

Without waiting for his mother to answer, Yu Guanzhi said again: "We are the same kind of people. I believe Meng Qingchi thinks so too."

At this point, the mother and daughter fell into silence again.

Yang Qianhui thought for a long time and finally asked: "Put aside the matter of Meng Qingchi for now, where are the others?"

The others she mentioned were Huang Ting, Ye Run and Liu Hui, and even one of the sisters, Meng Qingshui.

In response to this thorny issue, Yu Guanzhi did not directly state her position, but told Lu An's "dream" in detail. After she finished speaking, she stopped talking and waited for her mother to digest the information in it. .

Sure enough, Yang Qianhui's face was full of disbelief, "Do you and Meng Qingchi believe this?"

Yu Guanzhi said: "I used to be skeptical, but I still believe in him."

Yang Qianhui asked: "What now?"

Yu Guanzhi said: "Meng Qingchi became pregnant at the first time, and it was confirmed that it was a twin."

Yang Qianhui, who had met more than ten people, was still a little confused when she heard the news, "When did it happen?"

Yu Guanzhi said: "It happened this month, during May Day."

Yang Qianhui's eyebrows almost stood up, "Is it really like what I dreamed of, winning in one go? How can you confirm that Lu An and Meng Qingchi didn't team up to deceive you?"

Yu Guanzhi said leisurely: "No, Meng Qingchi and your daughter are the same kind of people, and they don't bother to do such a thing."

Yang Qianhui was dubious about this.

She trusts her daughter, but she doesn't completely trust Meng Qingchi.

After all, when it comes to the relationship between men and women and the father of a child, what woman has no selfish motives?

She was afraid that the other party would not be as trustworthy as her daughter, or that the other party would do evil in secret.

Seeing this, Yu Guanzhi reminded: "Don't forget that there is also Meng Qingshui."

One sentence made Yang Qianhui's doubts disappear.

Later she began to feel uncomfortable again, "Is Meng Qingchi really pregnant with twins?"

Yu Wanzhi acquiesces.

Yang Qianhui frowned, "Look at the good things you have done, you can't catch a man. Since he has a woman and a child outside, how can he have the nerve to marry the daughter of our Yu family?"

At this moment, Yu Guanzhi said nothing more and stopped protecting her. She was also a little depressed about this matter.

She herself was like this, and it was natural for her mother to be unhappy when she heard about it for the first time.

Therefore, Yu Guanzhi chose to remain silent and let her mother complain a little to calm down the anger.

Sure enough, after scolding Lu An, Yang Qianhui gradually calmed down, then hid in the bedroom expressionlessly and called her husband and parents-in-law at home.

About 20 minutes later, Yang Qianhui came out of the bedroom, put her cell phone in her bag, and then said to her daughter: "Call Lu An and ask him to come up. Mom has something to tell him."

Yu Guanzhi, who had been secretly observing his mother's expression, knew that a turning point had come. He immediately picked up the landline phone on the coffee table and dialed Lu An's mobile phone number.

One ring and the call was connected.

"Sister Yu, I'm here, downstairs."

"Well, come on up, mom wants to tell you something."


Just three sentences before and after.

After three sentences, in less than 20 seconds, Lu An quickly appeared on the second floor and appeared in front of the two women.

Lu An put the plums in front of Yu Guanzhi, and later gave a portion to Yang Qianhui. He sat down and said to himself, "I just cleaned them downstairs, feel free to eat."

Hearing this, Yu Guanzhi did not hesitate, picked up one and bit into a small half, smiling warmly and said: "It's sour and sweet, which suits my taste. I don't particularly want to eat it now, I just love this bite."

Lu An said: "Then I will buy it for you every day from now on."

Yu Guanzhi hummed lightly and continued eating, completely ignoring the fact that his mother was sitting opposite him.

Yang Qianhui didn't eat. After her daughter finished eating two in a row, she finally looked at Lu An and said sourly: "I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup you gave Guan Zhi to protect you like this. What are you doing?" I don’t object to starting a family together, but I have three conditions. Please listen to them first and see if you can do it.”

Yu Guanzhi listened indifferently and picked up the third plum between his fingers.

Lu An sat upright and said seriously, "Auntie, tell me."

Yang Qianhui made a condition: "First point, when you appear in large public places from now on, you must be the son-in-law of the Yu family. If you want to bring a partner, you can only bring Wanzhi. Can you do it?"

This point is very critical and is directly related to the Yu family’s face.

If Lu An is interviewed by the news media or attends a high-end party in the future, if he brings another woman with him, it will be like a slap in the face of the Yu family and make people laugh at the Yu family. This is something they cannot tolerate.

Of course, they were not so tyrannical as to interfere with Lu An's affairs. Instead, they set a "prerequisite" for him, which was a large public place.

As for small occasions, as for private family gatherings, Yang Qianhui and the Yu family would choose to turn a blind eye appropriately.

Because the Yu family has the ability to nip any bad news in the bud.

Lu An wanted to say "no", but after glancing at Sister Yu beside her and her belly, she accepted.

Seeing that he had no objection to the first point, Yang Qianhui started to talk about the second point: "No matter how many children you and Wan Zhi have in the future, the second child, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, must be named Yu.

Of course, in terms of treatment, the Yu family will treat all your children equally and raise them equally, but the second one will be on the Yu family tree. Can you accept it? "

Lu An looked at Sister Yu and saw that she had quietly finished the third plum. She paused and then nodded.

Seeing that he accepted two conditions in succession, Yang Qianhui slowed down, her tone became softer, and then said: "I don't know where your "dream" came from? Is it true? Or are you fabricating it?

But obviously your plan worked! The bet was right!

Even God is helping you, using it to fool Guan Zhi and the eldest daughter of the Meng family into believing it. However, my last condition may not be friendly to you who are young and energetic. Do you still want to listen? "

Lu Anxin said, "Listen, I want to live a comfortable life after my rebirth. I really want to turn around and leave."

But after meeting Yu Guanzhi's gaze, his heart melted again. After hesitating for a while, he nodded.

Seeing that he was listening attentively, Yang Qianhui made the third condition: "I will treat what you said in the dream as true, but you are not allowed to cause trouble outside in the future. There are many beautiful women in the world, and if you have money There are talented and talented people everywhere. You must learn to control yourself and be disciplined. In the future, you can’t bring your confidante to the Yu family.”

She talked a lot, but she narrowed it down to one core theme: Love yourself, take control of your lower body, and don’t mess with new women outside.

The third condition, which Yang Qianhui, a mother, said on behalf of her daughter was to fundamentally regulate Lu An's behavior to prevent him from becoming a walking seeder in the future. In that case, where would the Yu family's face be?

Yang Qianhui believed in her daughter's charm and believed that her daughter would be able to control Lu An in the future. However, as an experienced person, she had seen more men than crucian carp crossing the river. As long as the temptation she faced was big enough, there would be no cat that wouldn't steal sex.

Therefore, she wants to help her daughter prevent all this from the source.

ps: It seems that Ye Run’s birthday event has not met the minimum requirements, please support me.

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