My 1991

Chapter 584, Chronicle of Events

After taking a shower and putting on clothes, Ye Run, who was overwhelmed last night, ran out of the studio without waiting for Lu An to react.

She was really scared.

She was afraid that the bastard would catch her and do bad things to her in the morning. She had experienced so many times last night, and now her thighs were numb and soft, and she couldn't lift a bit of strength.

But she didn't blame Lu An too much, because he was also a victim.

Thinking of this, Ye Run instinctively wanted to find Chen Mai to see how she was?

To be honest, she was a little angry with Mai Zi, but she was full of emotion. If Mai Zi hadn't been concerned about her yesterday, it is estimated that the gangster would have really fallen for it.

Or it can't be said that way. He is just a gangster. He was tempted by Huang Ting's body at the beginning, but who knows what his real thoughts are now?

After all, Mai Zi Wu Luan is no worse than Huang Ting in any way. Maybe he will be happy afterwards.

Halfway through the walk, Ye Run suddenly stopped where she was. After thinking for a while, she turned back to the school gate.

She didn't want to see Chen Mai.

Because she didn't know what to say when she saw him? What should she say?

Should she comfort him? He was planning to do something to her man last night.

She couldn't do it.

Or should she go to Chen Mai to settle the score? But the two were best friends after all, and it was best for Mai Zi to stop. She couldn't be so cruel.

After all, she had known for a long time that Mai Zi was in love with Lu An.

After all, Chen Mai had never concealed it from her from the beginning to the end. It was like that before she made her relationship clear with Lu An, so it couldn't be considered a love-stealing.

If it was a love-stealing, it would be for Huang Ting, Yu Wanzhi and Meng Qingchi. Thinking of this, Ye Run sighed and walked out of the school gate.

The purpose of this trip was clear, to buy medicine.

Buying drugs for after-action.

Since she broke the window paper with him, although she had already prepared for this day, last night was an emergency, and the two did not take any safety measures, so she had to take this step.

After wandering outside the pharmacy for a while, Ye Run finally overcame his inner panic and walked in with his head down.

"Hello, what medicine do you need?"

Seeing Ye Run's eyes dangling with a reserved look, as if he was looking for something, the clerk came over after observing for a while.

Ye Run, who was not focused, was startled, turned back and looked at the clerk, and finally said three words with all his courage: "After-action medicine."

Hearing these three words, the experienced clerk was not surprised, took a look at Ye Run, and skillfully took it out from a corner.

At this time, another group of people came in at the door of the store. Judging from their appearance, they should also be students from Nanjing University.

Seeing this, Ye Run did not dare to ask how much it cost, quickly hid the medicine in his pocket, put a banknote on the counter, and then fled the pharmacy with his head slightly tilted and panicked.

"Damn you, you're comfortable, but you made me suffer like this." Ye Run criticized a man as usual, and then found a quiet corner with no one around, and took out the emergency medicine.

First, she checked the instructions and usage, then checked the production date and expiration date. After seeing that everything was fine, she depressedly took the medicine according to the regulations.

As for the unfinished ones, she didn't dare to carry them with her. She looked around and threw them into the trash can.

"Hey, Runrun, why do you look so good today? What cosmetics did you use? Or did you have a happy event?"

As soon as she returned to the dormitory, Xiang Xiu noticed Ye Run's strangeness with her sharp eyes, and she looked over with envy.

Hearing this, Su Mi and Li Mengsu on the bed poked their heads out and looked down at Ye Run.

Li Mengsu followed with curiosity, "Yes, Runrun, what cosmetics did you use?"

Su Mi also pricked up her ears to listen.

The cosmetics of the devil, just when Ye Run was complaining in her heart, she felt that stuff seemed to flow out again, and she didn't know how many times it had happened. She was about to cry, and she changed her pants a lot. Later, she was annoyed and fed up, so she directly used a sanitary napkin to pad it.

Facing three pairs of curious baby eyes, Ye Run pretended to be calm, "I didn't use anything, just the English-speaking facial cleansers that Lu An bought. Maybe it's because I washed twice today and applied a mask."

The three girls had been to the studio and knew that Ye Run's facial cleansers and other things were brought back by Lu An from outside. She just used them without asking the price or the brand. Anyway, it worked and saved her money.

Xiang Xiu didn't believe it, but she didn't ask a lot of questions and couldn't find out the reason, so she had to let it go in the end.

Li Mengsu climbed onto Su Mi's bed and whispered in her ear: "I see Runrun is hesitating and seems to have something to say. Could it be the influence of that? I read in a book that doing that can beautify and make women younger."

Su Mi looked at her bestie strangely, smiled quietly and said nothing.

Li Mengsu urged, "Say something."

Su Mi said meaningfully: "What do you want me to say? Can you bear it if I say it?"

Hearing this, Li Mengsu was stunned and decisively stopped asking.

"Runrun, your letter." Just as Ye Run was chatting with a few girls, Xiao Yating came in and handed her a letter.

Ye Run subconsciously asked: "Who gave it to you?"

Xiao Yating said: "Chen Mai, I happened to meet her when I left the dormitory this morning, and she asked me to pass the letter to you."

The name Chen Mai is well-known among the girls of this class, and everyone in the dormitory is attracted to it.

Ye Run read the letter and asked, "Where is she?"

Xiao Yating shook her head, "I don't know. I saw her cousin with her. She may have left Nanjing University."

This answer did not surprise Ye Run. After all, during the chat last night, Mai Zi told her that she was leaving today to go to Germany, and the flight was at 11 am.

She raised her right wrist and looked at it. It was already 9:30. Maybe Mai Zi had already arrived at the airport.

Holding the letter, Ye Run left the 301 dormitory and chose to open the envelope on the grass downstairs.

There was only one page of letter paper in the envelope, and there were not many words.

The content is as follows:

Knowing that I can't love,

But I love deeply,

Knowing that there is no result,

But I can't take my heart back,

Knowing that I should let it go, but I just can't bear to let it go.

The biggest regret in this life is to know you and him

Then, I don't want to let you down.

Finally, I have to keep loving him without telling you.

This is the content of the whole text. Ye Run felt that the words were very familiar.

When she read it for the third time, she realized that this was a love letter written by Lin Huiyin to her lover. The front was basically unchanged. Mai Zi only slightly changed the last three sentences.

But this change made clear Chen Mai's inner thoughts, Chen Mai's sadness, and Chen Mai's paranoid personality.

Chen Mai didn't say any words of apology throughout the whole process, but this was an apology letter.

Chen Mai didn't have any intention of hiding anything throughout the whole process. He told his best friend clearly that he loved her and still loved him. He was stubborn.

After reading it twice silently, Ye Run folded the letter and put it back into the envelope. Then he took a deep breath and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky. It seemed that a plane was flying by, and his heart flew with it.

The next few days passed quickly.

Except for going to the classroom for regular classes, Lu An was basically busy with work, either going to the company or hiding in the studio to paint.

Of course, now that Sister Qingchi and Sister Yu have been liberated one after another, plus the concubine is no longer shy about eating and sleeping with him, and there is also Huang Ting, his life can be said to be full of flavor, as happy as he can be, each of them is as beautiful as a flower, each of them has a different personality, and he is really happy.

At this time, his natural talents and advantages were fully demonstrated.

For example, he was intimate with Ye Run in the morning, and he was not stuck at all when he was intimate with Huang Ting in the afternoon. Even when he went to Shanghai to have sex with Sister Yu the next day, he was so energetic and lively that Yu Wanzhi didn't notice anything wrong with him.

There was no way. After a conversation, Yu Wanzhi, who was thirty years old, felt that he was full and stuffed, and he couldn't eat too much, so he didn't doubt it.

In studying, working and getting along with his wives, time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, a semester passed, the third year ended, and the fourth year began.

In this year, Lu Anlong did several major things.

One was to hold full-month banquets for Princess Yuxi, Siyi and Cailing respectively.

The second thing was that after 6 supermarkets opened in Shanghai in September last year, Bubusheng Supermarket has been advancing all the way in Shanghai, taking root in the remaining 10 districts, which can be said to be blooming everywhere.

Nowadays, when people in Shanghai talk about shopping, the first thing that comes to their mind is Bubusheng Supermarket, and then other things.

The third thing is that my younger sister Song Jia did very well in the college entrance examination in the summer and was successfully admitted to Peking University.

When Lu An was sending her sister to school, he blocked Liu Hui at the door of the dormitory. My younger sister was very thoughtful and dragged and dragged Liu Hui to get along, so that the two who had been out of touch for a long time could meet again.

The fourth thing is that Yu Wanzhi was pregnant again in September.

This time, the famous old Chinese doctor congratulated her again after taking her pulse, saying that it was a boy, which made everyone in the Yu family very happy.

Because according to the previous negotiation between the Yu family and Lu An, the second child, whether male or female, will have the surname Yu, and the household registration will be in Shanghai, in the Yu family, and the child will be included in the Yu family tree.

Because of this boy and because of Lu An's increasingly successful career, Yang Qianhui's attitude towards him has gradually improved a lot. Not only did she smile more and speak better when they met, but she even called him from time to time and asked him to go to the Yu family for dinner.

The fifth thing is that he held an exhibition in Shanghai.

The exhibition was very successful. Not only did all the major media compete to report on it, but his social status also rose with it. He truly became a celebrity, a great painter, a nationally renowned figure, and a rising star.

At the same time, a large sum of money was added to his bank savings book.

In addition to Lu An, the person who benefited the most from this exhibition, Yu Wanzhi was also well-known in the industry and high-level circles as Lu An's wife.

This is a big deal. Those colleagues who used to be jealous of Lu An's youth now have to lower their proud heads no matter how unwilling they are to admit defeat or how unhappy they are. At least on the surface, few people dare to publicly jump out and criticize Lu An.

However, everything has its pros and cons. While this exhibition made Lu An soar, it also dragged him into the eighteenth level of hell. The Huang family knew about it.

The Meng family also reacted vaguely!

ps: Actually, the editor told me a long time ago that because of the sisters, there were too many reports and there was a risk of the book being banned, so I was asked to finish the book as soon as possible. Especially recently, someone asked a lawyer to search for legal provisions and report to the relevant agency, and the book was almost banned, but the editor saved it.

Although this book was saved, some clips of the 93 book were deleted. Because I was in poor health and had no time, the editor did it himself. At that time, the editor said that the 91 book had a very poor performance and many bad things, so you should try to end it with a perfect ending.

For these reasons, my book was blocked even if there was nothing excessive in it. This made me very irritated and I had no interest in writing. Almost every chapter was censored and blocked every day. You have seen this torturous operation. March did not lie.

In addition, there is not much follow-up content. Qingshui can only collect extra chapters. If the main text is collected, the book will be blocked. In response to your request, Li Mengsu will also write an extra chapter.

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