My 1991

Chapter 67, all confused

Meng family.

It was already after six o'clock in the evening when Meng Qingchi returned home.

By this time, the festivities of the banquet had dissipated, and the yard had returned to its usual deserted state.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw her grandparents, parents, brother, sister-in-law, sister, and Chen Weiyong who had not yet left. Everyone was neatly sitting around the dining table for dinner. The food on the table was very rich, and the atmosphere of conversation was very strong. Quite lively.

Li Meng, who was sitting facing the door, had sharp eyes. When he saw his eldest daughter coming back from Guifei Lane, he immediately asked:

"Qingchi, have you had dinner?"

"Mom, I ate and came back after eating." Meng Qingchi walked over with a smile and greeted Chen Weiyong at the table as "Uncle Chen."

The sister-in-law had a very good relationship with her eldest sister-in-law. She quickly got up and got a pair of bowls and chopsticks for Meng Qingchi, and pulled her to sit next to her:

"Now that you've eaten, come with us to eat some food and drink some wine. It'll be fun for more people."

Everyone in the family was here. Meng Qingchi did not choose to leave. He sat down and said, "Okay, let's have a drink with Grandpa and Uncle Chen."

Li Meng was preoccupied with Lu An's selling of paintings. Before her daughter could sit down, she hurriedly asked, "How is Xiao An's selling of paintings? Is it true or false?"

As soon as these words came out, the group of people at the table looked at Li Meng inexplicably.

Meng Qingshui, who was most sensitive to the name "Lu An", couldn't help but make a clear voice: "Lu An sells paintings? Mom, what's going on?"

Li Meng was always impatient and didn't like to be interrupted midway. After saying "Mom will tell you later", he looked at his eldest daughter again.

Meng Qingchi knew her mother's character, and there were no outsiders here, so she didn't hide it, "It's true, I saw it with my own eyes."

Li Meng was stunned for a moment, and his tone of voice unknowingly increased: "Really? Did the two paintings really sell for 30,000 yuan?"

Thirty thousand? What the hell?

Listening to this mother-daughter conversation, others became even more confused.

Meng Qingchi glanced at his sister and said with a smile: "Mom, it's not just 30,000 yuan. Xiao An has sold two more oil paintings in the past two days, totaling 60,000 yuan."

Good guy! 30,000 yuan suddenly turned into 60,000 yuan. Li Meng was dumbfounded. He was calculating in his mind how valuable 60,000 yuan was and how many things he could buy.

Seeing that his wife seemed to be shocked, Meng Zhenhai spoke up, "Qingchi, what's going on? Why didn't I know about Xiao An selling paintings?"

Seeing that everyone had curious faces, Meng Qingchi did not whet his appetite and directly told what happened in the past two days.

For example, my mother received a call from Zhou Kun, she accompanied Xiao An back to Guifei Lane, Zeng Xin spent 30,000 yuan to buy two portraits, visitors from Shanghai, the reactions of Yu Guanzhi and Chen Quan when they saw the "eternal" works, etc. Told it exactly as it is.

I talked for about ten minutes.

And as the last word fell, the restaurant became silent.

Everyone looked at me and me, and they were all stunned, with confused and disbelieving expressions on their faces, as if they were listening to a story gathering.


This is 60,000! Not a small amount.

In the two years of the early 1990s, although the concept of "ten thousand yuan household" was far less valuable than in the 1980s, and you could even see reports of "one hundred thousand" and "million" in newspapers, the word itself It still exists, for ordinary people, and for Baoqing in remote areas, it is still a myth and a symbol of wealth.

What's the most exaggerated thing?

The most exaggerated thing is that the person who makes the money has just turned 18 and has just reached adulthood.

The most exaggerated thing is that 18-year-old Lu An is a senior in high school, but he sold 60,000 yuan through painting, a method that explores people's thinking!

If someone suddenly becomes rich by doing business, digging for gold, digging for sand and mining, they can still accept it.

Even if he makes a fortune overnight from robbery, he can still accept it reluctantly.

After all, these are within the scope of cognition. After all, although such people are rare in Baoqing City, they do exist.

Don't be surprised.

But this way of eating through art, eating through super talent, even the well-informed Meng Zhenhai, Old Man Meng and Li Meng were all frightened for a moment.

However, they all know Meng Qingchi's character. It is absolutely impossible to lie about this kind of thing, and what he just said is so vivid that they cannot doubt it.

The restaurant is very quiet and you can hear a pin drop.

The Meng family were all still digesting and looked at each other in confusion. However, Chen Weiyong, who was working in the university, was the first to react and broke the silence and asked: "Is there anyone in Lu An's family who can draw?"

Hearing this, Li Meng and Meng Zhenhai looked at each other and suddenly woke up.

Although there were still many doubts about Lu An's paintings, Li Meng immediately stood up and defended:

"Xiao An's mother loved painting during her lifetime. His uncle used to be a painting teacher in a school, and his grandfather was once a famous painter in Hubei Province."

Without knowing the specific facts and adhering to the principle of saying less and making fewer mistakes, Li Meng only focused on the key points.

When he heard that it was because of his family background, Chen Weiyong was speechless. He only thought that this young man was awesome.

Meng Wenjie, who had been holding back for a long time, asked his eldest sister: "Where is Lu An now? Why didn't he come with you?"

Meng Qingchi said: "He walked me to the entrance of the alley and left. He should have gone back to school."

The sister-in-law glanced at the sister-in-law on the right and joked: "You should ask him to come in and let us see the great painter."

Meng Qingchi glanced at his sister who lowered her head and explained: "The bus just came and he had eaten again, so he took the bus."

It was such a huge shock that the topics on the table from all over the world converged into one: Lu An earned 60,000 yuan from painting.

After the meal, Li Meng asked her husband Meng Zhenhai: "Zhenhai, do you believe this?"

Seeing that his wife was still in the fog, Meng Zhenhai said: "Qingchi has told everything, and I have seen it with my own eyes. There is nothing I don't believe.

Although this kind of thing sounds outrageous, the world is a big place and many things are beyond our imagination.

Just relax, Xiao An is someone we have grown up with. His nature is there and nothing can go wrong. "

Of course Li Meng understood this, but he was still in a daze: "That's what I said, but I just did the math. Xiao An only turned 18 last month and earned 60,000 yuan. Even if our family only has such a small amount of savings, Most of it is collected from outside.”

Meng Zhenhai smiled and said: "In ancient times, the 26-year-old Wang Bo wrote the eternally famous "Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng". Today, the 18-year-old Lu An sells paintings for RMB 60,000."

You are short-sighted. "

Upstairs, bedroom.

Meng Qingshui sat at the desk, looking at the colorful clouds on the horizon through the window, looking a little uneasy.

Her intuition told her: if this continues, Lu An will become better and better, and then he will attract more people of the opposite sex around him.

She was a little troubled now. She originally wanted to wait for an opportunity to slowly approach him and slowly find an opportunity to have a showdown with him. But the "selling paintings" thing caught her off guard and gave her a strong sense of crisis.

She knew very well that Lu An had always been very popular in school from junior high school to high school because of his outstanding appearance and good studies. There were many girls who had a crush on him.

My best friend Shuting is a typical example.

ps: Please read it!

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