My 1991

Chapter 89: Being in the limelight has gone viral (please subscribe!)

Lu An's eyes immediately straightened.

There are twelve or three fish in this net bag. The largest grass carp must be eight or nine pounds?

Lu An was surprised: "Why did you catch so many fish in one night?"

Zeng Lingbohun said nonchalantly: "How much is this? I said I released all the small fish, do you believe it?"

Luan said yes.

Believe it or not, there is no fish smaller than 3 kilograms in this net bag.

Uh, you can't say that. That carp shouldn't weigh more than three kilograms.

I saw Zeng Lingbo running to the path and getting two handfuls of palmetto leaves, and stringing the two largest fish through their gills.

Lu An asked: "You gave me the fish, your grandfather won't settle the score with you, right?"

This reservoir was contracted by Old Zeng's father.

At that time, I was so excited that I contracted the contract for 10 years. This year is the third year.

But his father is a professional gambler who makes a lot of money from loan sharking and debt collection. How could he do this himself?

After working hard for two months, the novelty disappeared, and then I stopped paying attention to it.

According to his father's words, the contribution and income are not directly proportional, which is a disgrace to the working people, hey, loss of status!

Since then, the huge reservoir has been taken care of by the Zeng family’s grandparents.

"Settling accounts?"

Zeng Lingbo slapped his neck, pointed at the reservoir and spat out feces: "How dare they? I am the only grandson in the Zeng family. If they dare to settle accounts with me, believe it or not, I will jump into this reservoir. They will beg my father to complain without any hesitation." grandmother?"

Lu An laughed when he heard it. Knowing this young man's character, he was too lazy to be pretentious and reached out to take it:

"Okay, since you are so awesome, I would be embarrassed if you didn't do it."

As he spoke, he edged the carp with his right foot through the net bag and said, "This carp looks beautiful. Take it to my house. I'll make a grilled fish hot pot later and let's have some wine."

Zeng Lingbo had never heard of grilled fish hotpot and asked, "Is that delicious?"

Lu An squinted his eyes and said, "It's just a fish whether it tastes good or not. It's not yours if it's wasted. You won't feel bad if you sell your farmland. Why are you so entangled?"

Zeng Lingbo slapped his thigh: "Yes! You are my brother, you are absolutely right! Then I have to hurry up and catch another carp. If I waste one carp, I can still eat another one."

Bah, look at this prodigal thing.

The corner of Lu An's mouth twitched, "No need to fish anymore, grass carp can also be used to make grilled fish hot pot. If you don't trust my skills, just pick a few more and come back in the afternoon."

With that said, Lu An trudged away carrying two large grass carp.

Zeng Lingbo looked at his back, then at the grass carp in the net bag, and finally slapped his thigh: "Grandma, you're a bitch! I was fucked by this bastard, it's my fish all night."

My aunt's house is in Geshan'ao, just across a mountain along the outlet channel of the reservoir. It sounds a bit far, but it's actually less than 2 miles away.

My sister-in-law lives in the same village as my eldest sister-in-law. She was the matchmaker for my sister-in-law to get married.

Lu An had just appeared at the entrance of the brick kiln, and the sharp-eyed aunt had already started to greet him.

"Yo yo yo, the great painter is here. Come over here and show me. This is the most promising young man in the eighteenth generation of our old Lu family."


Looking at what he said, he not only scolded the eighteen generations of the old Lu family in one sentence, but also showed off his own painting.

Lu An said to the aunt who was walking over in a hurry: "Auntie, you used to use these words to praise my dad all the time."

The aunt said angrily: "Those who are dead don't count."

Lu An's eyelids were twitching. The dead were not counted. Then weren't all the eighteen generations of the old Lu family dead? What's the point of comparing that?

My aunt helped lift the two big fish, fiddled with them and asked, "Where did you get two such big fish?"

Lu An said: "I know that you and my eldest uncle both like to eat fish, so I bought it specially."

Auntie patted his arm happily and said, "If you have good things to do, I still think about you. It's not in vain that I love you."

Lu An followed and walked home: "That's right. If you don't care about my aunt, who else should you care about? My aunt loves me the most in this world."

The aunt turned back and scolded with a smile: "Slippery, be careful Lu Yan gets jealous after hearing this."

Lu An said leisurely: "No, I also bought a carp for her. I'm leaving it at home. I plan to cook it for her when I get back."

He met Liu Yang and his son head-on. He looked at each other and the other side looked at him.

At this time, Li Mazi from the same village shouted to Lu An under the brick kiln: "Great painter, I heard that you make money from painting? Is it true?"

Hey, hey, how can I reply to you?

Could it be that I told you that I earned 60,000 yuan from selling paintings? I’m afraid you won’t be able to keep it.

Before Lu An could reply, my sister-in-law came out of nowhere and said, "Can that be false? My Xiao An is the most capable. He can build a house after selling a painting."

Yes, each of these two aunts is better than the other. The parties involved in building the house are still confused, but they have already decided.

At this time, another helper wiped the soot from his face and shouted: "How much did that painting cost?"

My sister-in-law twisted her buttocks and crotched her waist. Although she liked to show off, she was very smart: "You are a charlatan and ask so clearly what you are doing. Anyway, you can't afford it. Just wait and see. We will start construction after the Chinese New Year and start a new project." house."

Lu An walked over and said, "My good aunt, can you please keep your voice down, keep your voice down, and be low-key?"

My sister-in-law smiled mysteriously: "Why are you keeping a low profile? I'm promoting you. My aunt will give you a surprise during the Chinese New Year."

Lu An was curious: "What's the surprise?"

My sister-in-law pulled him and looked at him from left to right, "What's the point of calling it a surprise if I tell you? Let's keep it a secret for now."

Seeing this, Lu Anquan was just happy to hear it, but didn't take it too seriously.

After putting down the things, my sister-in-law poured a cup of hot tea and asked, "Did Lu Yan tell you about building a house?"

The bullshit has been blown out for me, so you finally know whether to ask me about this client.

Lu An took the tea, took a sip and held it in his hand: "I mentioned it this morning, but sister-in-law, why are you more interested in building a house than me?"

The aunt came in and said, "Of course your sister-in-law is interested. Ever since your father hanged himself on the beam, she has not dared to go back to her parents' home these years.

Every time I go back, I have nightmares for a month. Naturally, I hope you will demolish the old house and rebuild it as soon as possible. "

Speaking of this, Lu An fell into silence, and he could understand what his sister-in-law was going through.

When the newly married girl happily returned to her parents' home, she opened the door and suddenly saw two legs dangling in the air. She looked up suddenly and found that her brother had hanged in front of her. She collapsed and collapsed. I cried bitterly on the ground all afternoon.

The eldest uncle came back from outside, and the younger uncle also followed.

The five people sat around and discussed for a while, and finally decided on the matter of building a new house for Lao Lu's family.

My younger uncle is a bricklayer, and others help. I buy the red bricks from my aunt.

The eldest uncle picked at the shrine, took out an almanac, looked at it carefully and said:

"The sixth day of the first lunar month is good. It's a good day to start construction and get married and move. I think it will be the sixth day of the first lunar month."

Seeing the four elders looking at him, Lu An nodded and said: "Okay, then I will listen to my uncle and decide on the sixth day of the lunar month."

There was lively chatting in the room, but the corner of the brick kiln outside was deserted.

I saw a thin and dry old man pulling out the cigarette pipe from his mouth, banging it hard on the corner of the wall a few times, holding the cigarette holder in his mouth and blowing hard, and then said:

"I just made a special inquiry. This Lu An is indeed very capable. God will reward him for his food. He has sold at least this amount by painting."

As he said that, the thin old man stretched out three fingers on his right hand and said, "Thirty thousand!"

Liu Yang listened to what his father brought back and looked at his father's three fingers with a dull look in his eyes.

The thin old man couldn't bear to see him like this, so he turned his head and sighed in a low voice: "Idiot, the Lu family looks down and out now, but after all, there was a person like Lu Jiajun.

Although he has hanged himself, the foundation is still there. Now his son Lu An can make money selling paintings at the age of 18, and next year he will be a college student, which will make him really prosperous. "

After a pause, the thin old man changed his tone and said, "With Lu Yan's outstanding appearance, there will probably be countless people who want to come to marry her.

And the conditions of our"

After all, the thin old man couldn't say the second half of the sentence. Finally he stood up and patted his son on the shoulder, sighed again, and left.

It's not that he, as a father, doesn't care about his son, it's not that he doesn't like Lu Yan, but Lu Yan's appearance is just too outstanding. Lu An inherited his father's business, met the weathered dragon at a young age, and rose to prominence. Yes.

If the Liu family is so poor, what qualifications do they have to compete with the Lu family, which is about to prosper?

In the opinion of the thin old man, it is nothing more than a dream.

The old father came and the old father left. Liu Yang remained silent and continued selling bricks in the kiln. His hands and feet were very smart.

Although it was still a bit cold at noon, and there was still thick snow on the fields and hills, the warm sunshine shone on me, making me feel very comfortable.

After lunch, my uncle and sister-in-law contacted the masons, carpenters and other craftsmen to prepare to start work on the sixth day of the new year.

The eldest uncle and his wife continued to put their minds into the brick kiln.

And the cousins ​​were not at home. Lu An was bored and walked around the brick kiln for a few times. After finding that there was no suitable job for him, he returned home.

"You are quite punctual."

As soon as he arrived at the intersection, Lu An saw Zeng Lingbo squatting at the door of his house, holding a bag of sour powder bought from the canteen across the door.

Seeing him coming over, Zeng Lingbo, who was so drunk, didn't bother to open his mouth and just picked up a new bag of sour and sour powder from the stool next to him and threw it to him.

A few minutes later, Zeng Lingbo, who had eaten three packets of sour and sour powder in a row, said, "It's from Mr. Ge. Although this stuff is cheap, it tastes really exciting and addictive."

Lu An also ate two packets silently, then got up, unlocked the door and entered the house.

Zeng Lingbo followed him through the door, subconsciously looked up at the beam, then shrank his neck and said:

"Lu An, your house is too small and there is no space to make things. Why don't you go to my yard to make grilled fish hot pot?"

Lu An ignored it and went straight to the back yard before saying, "I'm too lazy to move today, so just leave it here. When the wooden house is renovated, you won't be afraid."

Automatically ignoring the unreliable matter of renovating a wooden house, Zeng Lingbo was very stubborn: "I'm not afraid. I'm full of courage. I even gave your father artificial respiration at that time, and you forgot about it?"

Luan raised her eyelids and glanced at him.

This damn guy is also a talent. When he was a few years old, he learned how to do artificial respiration as shown on TV. Now that he finally knows it, he must be scared.

When you say grilled fish, you really mean grilled fish, unlike later hotels that used fried fish to fool diners.

Build a simple stove with adobe bricks, put some charcoal in it, and lay a few iron pieces usually used to smoke bacon on it, and get started.

Seeing the fish meat simmering with oil and listening to the sizzling aroma of charcoal fire, Zeng Lingbo, who was squatting on the ground, said at this time: "Now I kind of believe that you can really grill fish."

Lu An brushed oil all over the back of the fish, turned it over and brushed it again, "Then Yang Lianhua didn't give you any trouble later, did he?"

"Bah! Looking for trouble with me? She can't even protect herself now." Zeng Lingbo is a typical person who doesn't remember to fight, and now he is starting to be arrogant again.

Lu An asked along the way: "What's going on? Something happened?"


Zeng Lingbo was always very excited when he mentioned the gangster incident in society, dancing and saying: "You know that bird man when I first met him, he is Yang Lianhua's patron.

A while ago, I saw a group of people being chased and hacked by another group of people by the Zijiang River. Hey! That scene was really exciting. "

Recalling that Li Rou said that Chu Jian was one of her brother's subordinates, Lu Anduo asked, "Chu Jian was hacked? Do you know what happened?"

"I know, I know too well."

Zeng Lingbo gloated: "I even inquired specifically about it. I heard that the sand mining company where Chu Jian works has been fighting with a competitor over a certain river section. They have fought twice. The other party is very powerful and they have never fought twice."

Lu An glanced at him: "How do you know such details?"

Zeng Lingbo said in an awesome tone: "My dad has a friend in Baoqing. I went to his house as a guest last week. He told me."

Lu An understood clearly, "Is your father's friend also a bastard?"

Zeng Lingbo hehehe: "It's no need to ask. Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. If my father is a bastard, the other party must be a bastard as well."

In the evening, Lu Yan and Song Jia came back from town.

As soon as she entered the door, she smelled the smell of fish. Lu Yan came to the backyard and asked: "Xiao An, where did you get this fish?"

Before Lu An could speak, Zeng Lingbo immediately showed off his fishing skills and babbled eloquently for three minutes.

Song Jia's eyes shone as she stared at the grilled fish, and suddenly asked: "Brother, can I call Jingjing here?"

Lu An nodded: "Go and call."

Zeng Lingbo shouted to Song Jia who was about to go out: "Sister, can you call your sister Fangyuan over?"

Song Jia glanced at Lu An and saw that he didn't respond, so she asked, "What if Sister Fangyuan doesn't come?"

Zeng Lingbo started to pay bribes, "Don't you want to learn to ride a bicycle? My bicycle is yours during the winter vacation."

After hearing this, Song Jia left happily.

Luan said at this time: "There are too many people, and one fish may not be enough."

"It's up to me how big of a deal this is."

Zeng Lingbo took care of everything, beat another big grass carp to death, removed the scales and disemboweled it, drank it in one go, and then put it next to the earthen stove: "My dear brother, is it enough now?"

Lu An said leisurely: "When I came back in the afternoon and passed by your house, I seemed to see your grandma beating tofu."

Zeng Lingbo understood, got up and ran out, complaining as he ran: "You have so many shitty things to do, can you finish it all at once next time?"

When the person walked away, Lu An turned his head and asked the happy elder sister next to him: "Sister, what happened today is done?"

There were outsiders just now, so Lu Yan never said anything serious. Now she nodded happily: "It's done. The boss lady told me a lot of tips. I found that it's not as difficult as I imagined."

Lu An complimented her at the right time: "They say nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a person with a will. My sister is so smart, so of course nothing will be difficult for her."

Lu Yan didn't know that her younger brother was cheering her up, so she said heartily: "Xiao An, it costs 3,500 yuan, which is a lot of money."

Lu An stopped what he was doing: "Is it so expensive for just one store?"

You must know that in the first half of the year, Meng Wenjie helped his wife's family build a shop in Longhui County for only 270 yuan per square meter.

The price of 3,500 in town is already outrageous.

Lu Yan knew that her brother had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "The upper and lower floors of the shop belong to the proprietress, and they were sold to me together, including the five sewing machines and all the cloth inside.

I made a preliminary estimate and found that the cloth alone was worth about 1,200 yuan.

In addition, some miscellaneous things including furniture were packed for me. "

When he heard that there were 5 sewing machines and so much cloth, Lu An suddenly knew that he had been a little reckless just now, and asked: "Then did you agree?"

Lu Yan looked at him and said, "I told her to think about it and give her a reply within three days."

Lu An understood a little bit what the eldest sister meant. She earned the money by herself, and she had to wait for him to let go.

Thinking of this, he suddenly panicked. He pretended not to care and said: "Sister, this is your fault. My boss lady has been treating you well all these years. What else are you thinking about? I just accepted it and settled down as soon as possible." Keeping the bag safe is the right thing to do.”

Lu Yan was very moved and asked seriously: "Then I really agree?"

Lu An said: "Ying, I will go with you tomorrow, and we will sign the contract directly."

Lu Yan was filled with joy when she heard this.

After a while, Song Jia and Jingjing came back.

Zeng Lingbo, who didn't see Wei Fangyuan, was very frustrated: "Sister, where is your sister Fangyuan?"

Jingjing interjected: "Sister Fangyuan is not at home, she went to her uncle's house."

Zeng Lingbo was discouraged all of a sudden, and looked sickly when he ate fish and drank wine later, but he still managed to get himself drunk.

"Sister, give me a hand and I'll carry him back." Zeng Lingbo was not particularly tall, but he was strong and heavy.

With the help of Lu Yan, Lu An took great pains to send him to Zeng's house 150 meters away.

On the way back, Lu Yan asked: "Xiaobo likes Fangyuan?"

Luan hummed.

Lu Yan asked again: "Fang Yuan doesn't like Xiao Bo?"

Luan hummed again.

Lu Yan thought of something and looked at her second brother who looked very good: "Have you met anyone you like in school?"

"The school doesn't have it," Luann said.

Hearing this, Lu Yan stopped asking and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She never went to junior high school, let alone high school, but she always heard others say that early love in middle school affects learning the most.

Although she knows that her second brother has always been sensible and sensible, she can't help but be a little worried, right?

After dinner, the three Lu brothers and sisters continued their daily lives.

Lu Yan is knitting a sweater on the side.

Lu An and Song Jia were reading and doing questions on the Eight Immortals table.

In the meantime, Wei Fangyuan, who had returned from his uncle's house, came to look for him.

As soon as Lu Yan opened the door, she rushed in and asked impatiently: "Lu An, can your paintings really be sold for money?"

Luan turned to look at her.

Wei Fangyuan came closer: "They say you sold a painting for 30,000 yuan. Is it true?"

Lu An was confused. One painting sold for 30,000 yuan. How could he not know?

He asked, "Where did you hear that?"

Wei Fangyuan said with a blushing face: "It's rumored outside that it's crazy, and it's even spread in the village!"

Hearing this, the three brothers and sisters in the room looked at each other. There was no need to guess, it must have come from the eldest aunt and the younger aunt.

Thinking about building a new house on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year and thinking about the eldest sister buying a shop, Lu An did not choose to correct it, but made mistakes.

In Wei Fangyuan's incredulous eyes, he nodded: "That's what happened."

"Oh my god, Luan, why are you so fierce!"

Although Wei Fangyuan had already believed most of it on the way here, after all, it was groundless. Moreover, she knew that Lu An could draw and write well since she was a child.

But after receiving the recognition from the person involved, she couldn't help but exclaimed.


Ouch, I'm so old, why do I still feel so accomplished when I see such a little girl's adoring eyes?

Wei Fangyuan seemed very excited at the moment, even more excited than Lu An, the person involved. She quickly grabbed his arm and asked, "When did this happen?"

Lu An smiled and put her on the bench and told her: "Only in the second half of this year."

This year?

She immediately associated painting with Lu An's grades fluctuating in the second half of the year. However, due to the presence of Lu Yan and Song Jia, she did not ask.

Lu Yan found a clean enamel cup, poured her a cup of hot water, and asked, "Fang Yuan, has this news reached your uncle?"

Wei Fangyuan came here at a trot, and now she happens to have a dry mouth.

After drinking more than half of the cup in one breath, she said, "Yes, I learned about it from my uncle. He asked me if it was true."

Song Jia leaned on the table, her eyes flashing: "Sister Fangyuan, how did you answer?"

Wei Fangyuan said crisply: "I'm telling the truth, what else can I say if I don't know."

Song Jia pursed her lips, "It's really boring. I thought you, Sister Fangyuan, would praise my brother to the extreme."

Wei Fangyuan glanced at Lu An, drank the remaining hot water in the cup, put down the cup and said, "You don't need to praise your brother. Every household in the village is talking about your brother tonight. If you don't believe me, go ahead." Walk outside"

"Lu An, Lu An! Come out and take a few steps to show everyone what a great painter looks like."

"Come on, come out and take two steps, take two steps!"

Before Wei Fangyuan could finish saying "Go outside for a walk", he heard someone shouting loudly at the intersection.

Lu Yan stayed at home the longest, and she knew who it was when she heard it: "Uncle Fangyuan's voice."

Luan heard it too.

Wei Bin is a crossroads entertainer with a very recognizable voice. Everyone spent most of their time after dinner listening to his bragging.

However, although this man liked to brag, he was actually a Chinese teacher in the town. Later, he seized an opportunity and directly pocketed one-third of the real estate in the town.

Many people were hooting outside, and the hooting was getting louder and louder, getting closer and closer to the door.

Thinking that her brother was going to be in the limelight, Song Jia was excited and worried and asked anxiously: "Brother, what should I do?"

Seeing the three women looking at him in unison, Lu An was very calm, took out 100 yuan from his pocket, opened the door and walked to the canteen.

ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!


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