My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 233: The conflict at the foot of Akina

Regarding Qiu Mingshan, Xu Qingmo's deepest memory is the snake kiss flower fire blue sword snake. At that time, rare rare species, Xu Qingmo himself could not recognize these two accompanying flowers and snakes if they were not coincidental.

However, Qiu Mingshan has been open as a scenic area for many years, but there has been no news that someone was killed by the fire blue sword snake. Therefore, the fire blue sword snake is not very common in Qiu Mingshan. Even if you go again, you may not be able to meet it. Fire blue sword snake.

That night, Lin Ruochu called and made Xu Qingmo ready. Song Yinzhang really was going to Qiuming Mountain instead of Qinghui Group.

Xu Qingmo promised to be able to go out with Lin Ruochu to swim in the mountains and mountains, and it was also a good opportunity for him.

However, Lin Youxi also called and asked Xu Qingmo to go out the next day. Xu Qingmo could only say that he had a job and could not accompany her. Lin Youxi was so angry.

Xu Qingmo didn't know what happened to Lin Ruochu after licking the drink, but judging from the two calls, there was no reconciliation, because the two sisters clearly competed for their own taste.

Xu Qingmo even felt that Lin Ruochu would accompany him, in all likelihood, he didn't want to develop further with Lin Youxi.

Xu Qingmo was ready, and Lin Ruochu came to the foot of Qiu Ming Mountain.

"That Song Yinzhang said he would reconcile here?" Xu Qingmo looked left and right. Although it is morning, there are still a lot of tourists now. The hotness of Qiu Mingshan is evident.

"Well, and more than one, she will bring two juniors." Lin Ruochu said.

"Is here for inspection, or to visit the mountains and rivers." Xu Qingmo grinned, and the frame of Song Yinzhang was a bit big.

"Mrs. Song is not the same as an ordinary person." Lin Ruochu said, "When you meet, you can't speak without talking. She is very important to the company's development. Even if you come to enjoy the mountains and rivers, you and I must do well. entertain."

"Okay." Xu Qingmo was still a little uncomfortable. His feelings towards Lin Ruochu were very complicated, and it wasn't like letting him down to entertain another person.

But life is like this. Lin Ruochu has to provoke the heavy responsibility of the entire Qinghui Group. Such entertainment is indispensable. Fortunately, Xu Qingmo can follow him.

"Hey, are you Lin Ruochu of the Qinghui Group?" Suddenly a woman in a thin chiffon shirt and a certain sun hat came up and said in front of the two.

"You are Mrs. Song Yinzhang." Lin Ruochu rushed forward to shake hands.

Xu Qingmo looked at this Song Yinzhang and nodded. Although he was a bit old, he was about to be in his forties, but he was very well maintained. Standing with Lin Ruochu once, the limelight would not be depressed, but his unique temperament could be matched Lin Ruochu competed.

It's a beauty, a half-old milf, looking at the dress and acting style, but also the kind of person who is willing to live, and it will not be difficult to get along with this kind of person.

"This is our company's security minister, Xu Qingmo, and she will be our tour guide today." Lin Ruochu introduced Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo is the chairman of the Qinghui Group. Lin Ruochu and Xu Qingmo have reached an agreement. Except for Fei Huiyin, the less people know, the better. Therefore, Xu Qingmo is the director of the security department.

Xu Qingmo reached out and shook Song Yinzhang, again verifying the good guess that this woman maintains

After Song Yinzhang and Xu Qingmo said hello to each other, they said, "Well, what about Qingyin and Yunshu? All of a sudden they disappeared."

As Song Yinzhang said, he looked around, and then said to Lin Ruochu, "My daughter and nephew are young people who love to play and talk to you, but they just said they were taking pictures and don't know where to go. "

The three waited for a while. Song Yinzhang's daughter and nephew hadn't come yet. Song Yinzhang took out her cell phone to make a call, and suddenly a noise came from a distance.

"It's a soft voice." Song Yinzhang straightened and walked over.

Xu Qingmo and Lin Ruochu glanced at each other. The person who came this time was really not the master of trouble-saving. And this Song Yinzhang didn't have to talk to Lin Ruochu about work, as if they really came to play.

The three Xu Qingmo came out of the crowd and heard the noise before they squeezed in.

"I didn't do it on purpose. Why should I apologize to you? My skirt is also dirty. You must apologize to me." A woman's voice brightened.

Xu Qingmo has squeezed in. Between a girl in a long dress and a sun hat, her appearance is similar to Song Yinzhang. It should be her woman Song Qingyin.

And the young man next to Song Qingyin was talking about Song Yinzhang's nephew, Yun Shu.

"What? You actually want us to apologize to you? Have you made a mistake!" The two young girls who dyed their hair and wore punk-style leather clothes were arguing with Song Qingyin. It's because you didn't have long eyes and ran into us. Now you actually want us to apologize. Do you make sense? "

"I said it, and I didn't mean it on purpose. I'm stepping back. Who knows that you are standing behind, and then again, although I hit you, you also stepped on the corner of my skirt and put my skirt It's dirty, I haven't settled with you yet. "Song Qingyin angry.

Yun Shu next patted Song Qingyin's shoulders, while saying sorry to the two little sisters, while appeasing Song Qingyin: "Cousin, just apologize, and there will be no shortage of meat. Besides, we are here today Climbing up, why didn't you get upset at the beginning? "

"Hum, you are saying that I am wrong." Song Qingyin heard this and became even more angry, "I will not apologize!"

"Light tone!" Yun Shu's voice hit a little.

"You ... you yelled at me!" Song Qingyin burst into tears.

Yun Shu immediately apologized. At the same time, the two little sisters over there didn't stop there, and the two kept talking about the theory. They gave Yun Shu a bad deal.

However, Yun Shu's ability is not bad. At the critical moment, he took the temperamental Song Qingyin into his arms and hugged it tightly. Song Qingyin was stunned by the sudden embrace, and he kept complaining. Came down.

Yun Shu seized the opportunity and apologized to the two little sisters: "Sorry, my cousin was not intentional. I apologize to you for her. If you need compensation, you can find me."

The two little sisters snorted, "Who scares your bad money?"

However, Yun Shu was so polite, and the two of them were embarrassed to continue their investigation. After a few words, they were ready to leave.

But at this time, Song Qingyin did not agree: "The two of you stood by me, my cousin apologized to you, he was not interested in thinking about you, you really thought it was my fault, you have to show your face! "

"What do you mean!" The two little sisters were irritated and turned to stare at Song Qingyin. "If it weren't for your cousin's face, we would have heard an ear scraper to let you know what is polite. "

"Dare you hit me? You hit!" Song Qingyin broke free from Yun Shu's arms and shouted at the two little sisters.

Yun Shu quickly hugged the little girl again and kept apologizing.

It is a pity that the two little sisters were heated by Song Qingyin, and Yun Shu couldn't stop apologizing. They immediately rolled up their sleeves and rushed up.

When Song Qingyin saw the desperate looks of the two little maids, they suddenly became afraid and couldn't help taking a step back.

Yun Shu pulled Song Qingyin homeopathically, then pulled her behind him, and said to the two little sisters, "I'm really sorry, but please don't bother, this is a little compensation."

Speaking, Yun Shu took out a stack of coins from his pocket, and less than a thousand more, and handed them to the two little sisters.

Seeing such thick coins, the two little maids suddenly stunned, but the next moment, they waved the coins and flew them.

"Humiliation us with money, right? We remember you two, don't run if you have the skills!"

Then, the two little sisters scolded and left.

"What are you guys!" Song Qingyin thought the two little sisters were scared, and they were going to chase immediately, but they were stopped by Yun Shu.

"Why do you hold me, I need to teach them well!" Song Qingyin was angry.

"Light tone!" Song Yinzhang couldn't see it, and went out.

"Mom!" Song Qingyin saw Song Yinzhang, and suddenly he saw a cat like a mouse, and he dared not speak.

"Auntie," Yun Shu said politely, "it's not good for me, I don't protect the soft tone."

"It's not your fault, you did a good job." Song Yinzhang said to Yun Shu, and then stared at Song Qingyin, "Do you see what you look like, like a girl's house? Learn Yunshu more."

"I'm not wrong." Song Qingyin muttered softly.

Xu Qingmo said at this time: "Everyone, we better leave here as soon as possible."

"Who are you? Is there a part for you to speak?" Song Qingyin was nowhere to vent, and he caught Xu Qingmo.

"Stop! Impolite!" Song Yinzhang became angry, "I'm not happy to apologize!"

Song Yinzhang introduced both sides, then stared at Song Qingyin with his mouth closed.

Song Qingyin held Yun Shu's sleeves. Although he was afraid of Song Yinzhang, he was unwilling to apologize to Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo didn't care too much, he said it was all right, and Yun Shu also apologized on behalf of Song Qingyin, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

"Hello Brother Xu, what did you mean by letting us leave here as soon as possible?" Yun Shu asked.

"No need now." Xu Qingmo looked around slowly.

I saw people from all directions coming around, the number was at least 50, and the clothes were almost the same as the two little girls.

Little Taimei also came with seven or eight people from one direction, her face was elated, and she was arrogant.

"The mouse is the biaozi. You have to help me to teach her well." Xiaotaimei said.

"Don't worry, hurry up at Qiu Ming Shan to mess with you, just don't put our old drivers in our eyes, we will definitely give you this bad breath."

Seeing so many people, Song Qingyin's face suddenly became pale, clutching Yun Shu's arm tightly, and shrinking to the back.

Yun Shu patted the back of Song Qingyin's hand, and then stood out: "Sorry, everyone. My sister was a bit wrong before. I am here ..."

"Instead of paralysis for you, Xiaobailian, don't think that you can look good when you look handsome." Xiaotaimei disapproved, "I tell you, that biaozi can't save anyone today, I must tear her skirt!"

Yun Shu still wants to speak, but the rat waved his hand directly, and seven or eight people immediately fenced it around. As soon as he moved, he would jump on it.

The scene froze for a moment.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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