My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 247: Mysterious base

"... It is a snake called Fire Blue Sword Snake. The whole body is alternated between Fire Red and Azure Blue. It has a special connection with the Snake Kiss Flower. The place where the Snake Kiss Flower appears must be guarded by the Fire Blue Sword Snake. Yun Both Shu and Song Qingyin were poisoned by mistakenly collecting snake kiss flowers. "

On the way down Qiu Ming Mountain, Xu Qingmo talked with Lin Ruochu as he walked.

Lin Ruochu listened quietly, a little curious, and some incredible.

"Do you know what I encountered under that cliff?" Xu Qingmo faced Lin Ruochu and walked back down the mountain. "You may not believe it. I saw a huge ape, like King Kong ..."

Xu Qingmo said, and then found that Lin Ruochu's expression was a bit wrong, so he asked, "How? I say, you won't believe it."

"No, I believe, is it covered with long hair all over, but you don't need to use your hands to walk like a human?" Lin Ruochu stared blankly behind Xu Qingmo.

"Yes, it's very human, I feel IQ is not low ..." Xu Qingmo said half of it, suddenly realized something, turned his head slowly, and saw that the great ape was coming from a distance, step by step!

The giant ape actually climbed up from the cliff!

Xu Qingmo quickly stopped beside Lin Ruochu and touched the emei spunlace in his sleeve.

It doesn't look like that cave. The giant ape can't beat Xu Qingmo, but he can also attack Lin Ruochu. Xu Qingmo's pressure is much greater.

However, at this time Lin Ruochu reached out and held Xu Qingmo's shoulder, then walked to Xu Qingmo's body.

"Beware." Xu Qingmo couldn't help it.

"It's not malicious." Lin Ruochu looked at the giant ape and said without fear.

The great ape came to Lin Ruochu's body at this time, but he did not use force, but squatted down, watching Lin Ruochu with begging eyes.

Xu Qingmo couldn't figure out, what did the giant ape mean? However, he is still on guard, even if the giant ape suddenly rises, he has no time to protect Lin Ruochu.

The giant ape slowly reached out his hand and stretched out his large hand in front of Lin Ruochu.

Lin Ruochu hesitated, then slowly stretched out his hand and placed it in the palm of the giant ape.

The giant ape's huge hand was grasped, and just when Xu Qing Moxin was about to take a shot, it released again, then turned around, took a few steps, and turned his head to look at Lin Ruochu again.

"It wants us to keep up." Lin Ruochu said, and then went up.

Xu Qingmo also followed, and now it seems that this giant ape is indeed not malicious, anyway, if he keeps up, don't worry.

However, Xu Qingmo thought that before, in the dense forest, the giant ape just caught Song Yinzhang and Song Qingyin, both of whom were women, but he didn't care about Yun Shu, and just grabbed Song Yinzhang and Song Qingyin into the cave and surrounded it with vines. Get up, not to hurt.

Now come to Lin Ruochu again, maybe there is any special purpose for the giant ape to find a woman to ask for help?

Xu Qingmo and Lin Ruochu followed the giant ape to the edge of the cliff. The giant ape looked down at the cliff and looked at Lin Ruochu before finally glancing at Xu Qingmo and then jumping directly off the cliff.

"Ah, it jumped, how can we follow it." Lin Ruochu said.

"Have me." Xu Qingmo touched his nose. The giant ape knew that he could take Lin Ruochu down.

"You?" Lin Ruochu looked at Xu Qingmo in surprise.

"Well, do you choose to be carried or held by me." Xu Qingmo said.

"Did you carry Song Yinzhang or hold her?" Lin Ruochu asked suddenly.

Xu Qingmo suddenly lags, did not expect Lin Ruochu to ask such questions.

At this time, the giant ape did not see Lin Ruochu following, and climbed up the mountain again, exposing half of his body, looking at Lin Ruochu.

"She went down with you, but I didn't want to," Lin Ruochu said to Xu Qingmo, and walked straight to the side of the giant ape.

The great ape quickly bowed his head, let Lin Ruochu sit on his shoulder, and then protected one hand behind Lin Ruochu and jumped down again.

Xu Qingmo touched his nose. Is Lin Ruochu eating Song Yinzhang's vinegar?

Xu Qingmo had to jump on the cliff alone, and the giant ape below was more flexible than him. Lin Ruochu sat on its shoulder, just like King Kong and the heroine in the movie.

But Xu Qingmo could see that this giant ape was female.

Soon, the giant ape was carried underneath the dense forest by Lin Ruochu.

The giant ape stopped and turned to look at Xu Qingmo who was still jumping on the cliff.

"Don't worry about it, let's go first." Lin Ruochu took a picture of the giant ape.

The great ape understood, turned directly, and ran into the dense forest.

Xu Qingmo had no choice but to continue to follow up, but found that the giant ape did not want to bring Lin Ruochu into the cave, but came to the edge of the cliff where the cave was located.

The giant ape squatted down, lowered its head, and after Lin Ruochu jumped to the ground, he held a huge rock on the ground and pushed it up.

Soon, the boulder rolled away, revealing a black hole in the back.

Xu Qingmo was startled, did not expect that there is a secret passage here!

The great ape turned to look at Lin Ruochu, and then got into the secret road again.

Lin Ruochu also went up.

"Worry," Xu Qing said.

"It's okay, I feel it, it is asking for us, there will be no malicious intentions." Lin Ruochu said, and then resolutely walked in.

Xu Qingmo also followed in. The secret road was actually a crack in the body. There were marks of rough expansion on both sides.

The situation inside the crack was very complicated. If Lin walked unsteadily at first, he would fall when he twisted. Fortunately, Xu Qingmo was behind him, and stretched out his hands to pinch her waist.

"I'll take you down." Xu Qingmo said in Lin Ruochu's ear, then he held Lin Ruochu up.

"No, go and hold Song Yinzhang." Lin Ruochu was a little angry and wanted to break free.

"Don't make trouble." Xu Qingmo was uncharacteristically speaking, speaking in a domineering tone, and then ignoring Lin Ruochu's struggle, directly holding it in his arms and walking down quickly.

Lin Ruochu was held in his arms by Xu Qingmo, but he struggled a little at first, but gradually gave up his resistance, and allowed Xu Qingmo to hold her and chase the giant ape step by step.

"Oh!" The sound of the giant ape landing came from below.

Xu Qingmo noticed that the road conditions ahead might change.

But when Xu Qingmo saw it clearly, he was surprised. He thought of many possibilities, but did not expect it to be this kind.

There is a huge rift in front. After the rift, there is a larger space. The giant ape enters that large space and jumps down to release such a loud sound.

After Xu Qingmo entered the crack, he was surprised to find that it was an artificial space.

Xu Qingmo hugged Lin Ruochu, jumped down, and then put Lin Ruochu down. The two looked at this huge space together.

This is a large man-made space, as big as the church's auditorium, and the top is very high. I do n’t know if it was because there was such a hollow mountain here. Constructed so intentionally, the giant ape is moving in it anyway, and it is not crowded.

Xu Qingmo's crack was on the top of the large space, like a lightning, tearing the concrete ceiling.

There are two passages at each end of this hall-like space. I don't know where to go, and there are room doors on both sides, but it's covered with dust and it seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

"Here in Qiumingshan, I haven't heard of any military base." Lin Ruochu said.

"Maybe a secret base." Xu Qingmo said, "the lighting system has not been completely damaged."

The entire hall was lined with huge rows of lights, but now only two are on, and the rest are off.

Lin Ruochu looked at the giant ape.

The great apes came to the door of a room. The doors of the two rows of rooms were normal in size and only humans could enter and exit. However, the one in front of the giant ape was cut open by it.

Xu Qingmo and Lin Ruochu walked in, only to find that there were beds in it, and some futons on it, but there was no figure. It seemed that this was a dormitory before.

The great ape looked lovingly at the dark shadow on a bed.

Xu Qingmo saw it, but it was a little ape.

The little ape doesn't know how old it is, and now it is as old as a child, but it is very weak at this time, lying on the bed, breathless. Only when the giant ape came, opened his eyes and reached out to touch it.

The giant apes touched the little apes and let them look at Xiangru Ruochu beggingly.

Before Lin Ruochu moved, Xu Qingmo went up first.

The great ape quickly stopped, and his teeth were squinting with vigilance.

"I'm not malicious, I might be able to help you." Xu Qingmo spread his hands.

But the giant ape still didn't believe him, just looking at Xiang Lin Ruochu.

Lin Ruochu also came over and said to the giant ape: "He is not malicious, so let's see if we can help you."

The giant ape gave way.

Xu Qingmo also doesn't understand why this giant ape believes in women rather than men, is it because it is a mother? Then this **** discrimination is too serious.

The little ape was shocked to see human beings, but it couldn't move weakly now, so it was at the mercy of Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo took a brief look. The little monkey was purple and his state was similar.

Xu Qingmo looked, and sure enough, two small thumb holes were found in the leg of the little ape. This is undoubtedly the bite mark left by the fire blue snake, and the shape of the fire blue sword snake that bit the little ape is not small, maybe This is the fire blue sword python that Xu Qingmo saw before.

"This is the poison of the fire blue sword snake." Xu Qingmo said, "Yun Shu has also been bitten, the rescue team injected snake venom serum, stabilized the injury, and sent to the hospital."

"Sera of snake venom. When the rescue team came to Mount Qiuming, they put a few on the mountain top temple!" Lin Ruochu said.

"I'll get it, you ..." Xu Qingmo looked at the surrounding environment.

"You go, I'm fine." Lin Ruochu said, and then patted the great ape, "It will protect me."

"I'll go back quickly." Xu Qingmo nodded, walked out of the room, and wanted to jump up the crack in the ceiling, but because the ceiling of the hall was raised, there was no lameness around, even if he had amazing jumping power, it wouldn't be possible to pull onion in dry land Go up.

Just when Xu Qingmo was in trouble, the giant ape came out and crouched in front of Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo froze, then no longer hesitated, stepped on the shoulder of the giant ape.

The giant ape suddenly stood up and sent Xu Qingmo to a high place. At the same time, Xu Qingmo jumped up, climbing his hands to the edge of the crack, then jumped up and disappeared into the darkness.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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