My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 254: Xia Xiaotong's old classmate

Xu Qingmo still remembers Xia Xiaotong's home. He drove all the way to Xia Xiaotong's neighborhood and saw Xia Xiaotong standing at the door of the community.

"Big Brother Xu, You Xi and I told you to pick me up, thank you." Xia Xiaotong smiled when he saw Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo also laughed: "Get on the train, You Xi are waiting for us at the cinema."

"Uh-huh." Xia Xiaotong nodded and was about to get in the car, suddenly remembered something, opened his bag and looked at it, his face suddenly became red, and he whispered to Xu Qingmo, "I have something left at home, I'll get it . "

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Xu Qingmo said.

"No need, I'll get it myself, it will be fine soon." Xia Xiaotong said, and turned and ran away.

Xu Qingmo watched Xia Xiaotong's awkward running posture and realized something.

Although Xia Xiaotong was quiet, she was not a kind of awkward woman. Her legs were obviously awkward when she ran this time. I thought it was relatives who came here. I forgot to bring my aunt's towel, so I refused to let Xu Qingmo follow.

Xu Qingmo looked at it. This is a very old neighborhood. There are no parking spaces. The cars are parked on the side of the road. Xu Qingmo also parked the car and then got out and stretched out.

Sitting in the car all the time, my body can not relax, a little uncomfortable, which is one of the reasons why Xu Qingmo is unwilling to buy a car.

Soon, Xu Qingmo saw Xia Xiaotong stepping out of the community, and the flushing on his face had not completely subsided yet.

"Xia Xiaotong!"

When Xia Xiaotong walked in front of Xu Qingmo, a man and a woman suddenly came out from the community and saw Xia Xiaotong, and the woman among them suddenly shouted.

Xu Qingmo took a look. This woman is not big, it feels about the same size as Xia Xiaotong, but the makeup is very strong, and it looks a bit like a human. She looks like a woman standing under a red light late at night, very charming, beside her. , Is a man about six or seven years older than him, with a big belly. If it wasn't for his cheeks, others would even think he was pregnant.

Men are obviously not women's godfathers, but it's strange that the age gap is so wide.

"Ding Chenchen, you are back." Xia Xiaotong said immediately when she saw the woman, and it seemed that she also knew the woman.

"We haven't seen each other for many years. When I last saw you, it was three ... four years ago. At that time, you were still in the same class with me. I was a big class flower, and you were a small class flower." The woman named Ding Chenchen said "Where do you work now?"

Taipan flowers? Small class flower? After hearing this, Xu Qingmo was surprised, and looked at Ding Chenchen again, and found that the woman was really okay. If she reapplied a light makeup, the beauty would not be considered, and it would never be ugly like this.

However, to say that she is a big class flower, even more beautiful than Xia Xiaotong, that is a nonsense. It is estimated that the name of the big class flower and the small class flower, and I do n’t know who she listened to, and kept it in her heart. I haven't forgotten after so many years, I saw it when I saw Xia Xiaotong, and you still don't have the meaning of me.

"I'm still at school." Xia Xiaotong said.

"Still going to school? What university?" Ding Chenchen scorned.

"Jinling University." Xia Xiaotong obediently said.

"Jinling University." Ding Chenchen's voice was a little bit smaller. Jinling University is still very famous in Jinling City. Even people who don't study also know that Jinling University is a good university.

"Can your family afford college?" Ding Chenchen once again dismissed and looked at Xu Qingmo next to Xia Xiaotong with strange eyes, but Xu Qingmo's clothes were not brand-name, not the image of her godfather, and suddenly she didn't understand.

"I have a scholarship, so don't worry about tuition." Xia Xiaotong whispered.

Ding Chenchen stagnates again, not knowing what to say.

Xia Xiaotong said, "This is you ..."

"This is my husband, let's come back to buy a house." Ding Chenchen said proudly, holding the man around him, "This broken community is too small, I can't turn around, I am not used to living, but I have already bought a house Yes, just in Country Garden, within the Fourth Ring Road, a large house of 100 square meters, and a bathtub. "

"You're all married." Xia Xiaotong was surprised when he heard that Ding Chenchen married the man around him, but soon realized that something was wrong, "Congratulations."

"Huh." Ding Chenchen was even more proud. If she had a tail, she would be upright. "My husband, Zhao Zihua, Lin's Group have heard of it? He is the manager inside."

"Lin's Group! That's a big group, your husband must be very powerful." Xia Xiaotong said with a smile.

"Of course." Ding Chenchen smiled, and then turned his eyes to Xu Qingmo. "Is this your boyfriend? Where do you work? It won't be a student like you."

When Ding Chenchen spoke, a comparative meaning was clearly revealed. She saw that Xu Qingmo was not wearing very well. It was like comparing her with her husband to Xu Qingmo. This made her live better than Xia Xiaotong.

Xia Xiaotong did not know what to say. He neither immediately denied it, but did not admit it. He just stood there and peeked at Xu Qingmo with the light of his eyes.

When Xu Qingmo saw it now, he knew that Ding Chenchen called Xia Xiaotong to compare them so that he could show his strength. If he didn't help Xia Xiaotong, he would use Xia Xiaotong's own quiet temperament and not know how to be insulted.

So Xu Qingmo laughed and reached out to embrace Xia Xiaotong's waist and said to Ding Chenchen: "Hello, I'm Xiao Tong's boyfriend, Xu Qingmo, I'm not a student."

The moment Xia Xiaotong was stunned by the landlord of Xu Qingmo, the whole body trembled, the battle was unstable, and he almost fainted. Xu Qingmo clearly saw that her neck became red immediately.

Xu Qingmo said this, Xia Xiaotong did not deny it, but nodded his head slightly, it was considered to admit it, although Ding Chenchen would not doubt, her action was more for her.

"Looking at you, it's not for reading. Where do you work?" Ding Chenchen looked at Xu Qingmo.

"I'm in the Qinghui Group." Xu Qingmo said, but he did not say that he was the chairman of the Qinghui Group, which is a confidential item, and it is impossible to say to people like Ding Chenchen.

"Qing Hui Group?" Ding Chenchen read it for a moment, then turned his head to Zhao Zihua, "Have you heard of this group?"

"No." Zhao Zihua shook his head. "I know all the top ranked groups in Jinling City, but I don't have any impression of this Qinghui Group."

Zhao Zihua said, his eyes have always been on Xia Xiaotong. Xia Xiaotong's temperament and appearance are not comparable to Ding Chenchen. Although Ding Chenchen has always said that she is a large class flower, Xia Xiaotong is a small class flower, but now they are in front of each other. Zhao Zihua is not blind. Natural energy can be distinguished, but he is not full of scum. He has not yet thought of Xia Xiaotong. He just wants to show his strength in front of Xia Xiaotong. He wants to compare Xu Qingmo in particular. This is Men's normal psychology.

"That's a small company." Ding Chenchen dismissed.

"The Qinghui Group has just been established. It is normal for you to have never heard of it." Xu Qingmo said.

"Small companies have no future. It doesn't look like you have gone to college. You can only do some hard work in it. How much money can you make from exhaustion? Now Xia Xiaotong is still a student. You have no sense of oppression. When she graduates, you will know that your salary cannot afford even a toilet in Jinling City. "Ding Chenchen smiled." Xia Xiaotong, don't say that I and you are old classmates, do n’t help you, husband. See if you, your company, can find a leisure job and let my old classmate's boyfriend go in. "

Zhao Zihua touched his head, revealing a distressed expression: "Well, our company recruits people very strictly. Not everyone needs them. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter our company. This is what big and small companies do. Small companies do n’t ask for academic qualifications. As long as ten people can enter, our company is different. At that time, they had to go through layers of written interviews. There is no certain level. Do n’t think about it. ”

After making a pass, Zhao Zihua felt almost the same. Then he turned and said, "But, I still have the right to plant a person in our company. As long as I say a word, the personnel department must give me a face. I remember that our company just lacked a security guard to see the gates. So, you go to the Lin Group to find me the day after tomorrow, and I promise to get you in. It can be considered to help the old classmates in the morning. "

The two sang one and one, while showing how good Zhao Zihua's work was. On the one hand, he constantly degraded Xu Qingmo, and finally boasted that his power was great, just like two clumsy clowns performing self-directed performances.

No matter how simple Xia Xiaotong was, at this time, she also saw that this Ding Chenchen wanted to show it intentionally. She smiled helplessly, glanced at Xu Qingmo, and saw that Xu Qingmo was also a careless smile. She also worried that Ding Chenchen would cause Xu Qingmo's dissatisfaction.

"Thank you, but Xu ... But Qing Mo's job is very good now. You don't need to change jobs. We have your kindness."

Although Xia Xiaotong did not know the specific work of Xu Qingmo, she knew that Xu Qingmo's work could not be too bad.

Ding Chenchen heard Xia Xiaotong's words and was suddenly surprised. She and Zhao Zihua said so much that she wanted Xia Xiaotong to be grateful to Dade for expressing her gratitude, and then she sarcastically stated that she was wise to drop out of high school. In the end, she didn't ask her, but what she didn't expect was that Xia Xiaotong refused.

Ding Chenchen was even more angry. In high school, Xia Xiaotong was recognized as a class flower. She can only be regarded as an ordinary beauty. However, another boy in the next class chased Xia Xiaotong and was rejected by Xia Xiaotong. He chased her again in order to show that he was right. Xia Xiaotong dismissed her and said that she was a big class flower. Xia Xiaotong was a small class flower. As a result, she was firmly remembered, and Xia Xiaotong was always jealous in her heart.

"Don't be too busy to refuse. Be a long-term person. Don't think that the security guard at Lin's Group is not good. You need to know how big the company is. Is the future comparable to your small company? Even if a small company is a manager, what's the use of it? People won't look at you outside, but if you say that you work in the Lin Group, it's different. I advise you, consider it carefully Lin's group, with my husband covered, it will not be a problem to be the captain of the security team in a few years, it is not several times better than your broken company. "

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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