My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 324: Elevator encounter

Xu Qingmo slowly turned around and looked at Lin Youxi on the water bed.

At this time, Lin Youxi was soaked, lying on a surging bed, her hair was soaked, cluttered on both sides of her pretty face, her jade body was horizontally stretched, her long legs were overlapping, her face was like a smile Non-laughing teasing smile, anyone who sees this beautiful pair of lying pictures cannot hold back.

Xu Qingmo's heart was so hot that he had to say that if Lin Youxi took a flattering line, it would be hugely lethal to men.

Xu Qingmo couldn't control her steps and walked towards Lin Youxi step by step to wash her body.

Lin Youxi flashed a panic in her eyes. She did not expect Xu Qingmo to be hooked so easily, so that she was not fully prepared, but soon she bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind and looked at it charmingly. Xu Qingmo's eyes, spring in his eyes.

Xu Qingmo came to the water bed and looked at the jade man above. Suddenly a clear figure appeared before his eyes, but his eyes were pure and immaculate with a trace of fear and begging.

Suddenly, Xu Qingmo was poured from the top of his head with cold water, and drowned it all over his head, soaking the whole body and even the soul inside him.

Lin Ruochu.

Xu Qingmo suddenly woke up, what was she doing, but Xiaochu's sister was in front of her!

Lin Youxi still didn't know Xu Qingmo's change. She plucked up the courage in her heart, learned the means seen in the TV series, slowly raised her hand, held Xu Qingmo's finger, and then pulled herself.

"Wash me." Lin Youxi said, her voice was trembling. This was her first time, she had no experience at all, just relying on the so-called "demon girl" hooking methods she saw on TV.

Xu Qingmo stooped, holding one hand around Lin Youxi's neck, and one hand stretched under her knees.

"I wash you clean!"

Xu Qing Mo Road, then suddenly raised his hand, and flipped Lin Youxi directly from the water bed.

"Yi Tong", Lin Youxi fell directly into the water, exclaimed suddenly, and then suddenly drowned.

Xu Qingmo stood still on the arch bridge coldly, looking down at Lin Youxi who was struggling in the water, and finally determined that Lin Youxi was not in danger. Then he turned around and walked out the door, leaving only a sentence that was not humane: "I buy you clothes Go, hope you can wash it when I come back. "

When Xu Qingmo stepped out of the room door, Lin Youxi finally stabilized his body and surfaced. He looked at the decisive back and slammed his arm violently on the water.

The water splashed, then scattered, and fell into the pool with Lin Youxi's tears.

Xu Qingmo walked into the elevator all the time and was still a little excited. It wasn't that he couldn't forget Lin Youxi's moving posture, but he was a bit angry. Although he could also see that Lin Youxi was very jerky, but a girl made such an engaging move After all, it's a little bad.

But ... Fortunately, Lin Youxi did this to herself, and if it was to others, I am afraid no one could refuse it like herself.

However, she is even more wrong with herself, but she is her brother-in-law!

The mood was complicated, Xu Qingmo entered the elevator, and before the next two floors, the elevator was full of people all at once, he had to step back and step back to the end of the elevator.

There were all kinds of people in the elevator, including those wearing beach roads, toothpicks in their mouths, and professional women in black professional suits, but none of them spoke, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

Suddenly, Xu Qingmo noticed an unusual place.

Xu Qingmo was standing at the end of the elevator. In front of him was a girl in a dress with a good smell. On her left, she was a professional woman wearing only a white shirt. The black bara in her is quite tempting. Behind this professional woman, that is, to the left of Xu Qingmo, is a young man with dangling hands and pockets.

What's wrong is that Xu Qingmo found that the young man was pulling his hand out of his pocket, but looking at the shape, he obviously had something in his hand, and it was not small.

Is it a pistol that he wants to rob?

Xu Qingmo shook his head, and he was the first time he saw the robbers in the elevator. He was the first time he saw them, and he was ready at random. If this young man is really a robber, he can release his uniform at the first time.

But when the young man took out the things in his hand, Xu Qingmo was surprised, not a pistol, but a pair of art scissors.

What does this guy do with scissors? Do you want this robber who can only cut some paper or something?

Xu Qingmo was a little curious, calmly observed.

I saw the young man sneaky, holding scissors, covering his palms, looking around, for fear of being found, and deliberately looked at Xu Qingmo next to him.

Xu Qingmo naturally pretended to be staring at the girl in a dress in front of her, and couldn't help but breathe deeply and smell the scent of a foolish man, letting the youth take it lightly.

Finally, after confirming that he is safe, the young man began to take action. He actually used **** of the other hand to pinch the white shirt on the shoulder blade behind the female white-collar worker in front of him, and then cut a hole lightly with scissors.

Xu Qingmo was even more surprised. He had seen insignificant people, but never seen such insignificant people. He actually cut a hole like this, and then he needed to look inside the clothes?

The young man's movements are light and fast. The female white-collar workers in front didn't notice anything, obviously they had practiced many times, but they couldn't be skilled.

The white-collar woman raised her mobile phone from time to time, looked at the time, looked a little anxious, and found no abnormalities behind her.

Xu Qingmo didn't say a word, anyway, the female white-collar worker hasn't suffered much for a while, he can look again and see what kind of ghost this young man is going to do.

After the young man cut a hole, he didn't observe it. Instead, he extended half of the scissors into the hole, then crossed it and cut it horizontally, so that he could open a big mouth on the clothes behind the white-collar worker. Same mouth.

The female white-collar worker still didn't find it, but after looking at the time on the mobile phone, she stomped anxiously.

The youth hurriedly withdrew the scissors to protect the distance from the white-collar workers, so that the scissors would not touch her and avoid being found.

After my female white-collar worker didn't move, he acted again. This time, it wasn't the arrow female white-collar clothes, but the bara in her.

The white shirt of the female white-collar worker was cut a large opening, exposing the black bara clinging to her skin.

Xu Qingmo understands a bit, this young man is a bit clever. As long as he cuts off the bar of the female white-collar worker, the female white-collar worker must be panic, but she is afraid to scream. After all, when a woman finds that her underwear is sent away, her first reaction It is covering your chest, for fear of being discovered, not screaming.

If the youth is faster and more proficient, he can even pull out the bara of the female white-collar workers at once. In this case, if the female white-collar courage is smaller, she will not dare to speak out. Young people naturally seize the opportunity, make a good weixie, and even blackmail a sum of money, which not only takes advantage but also gains money.

Of course, there is another possibility. A female white-collar worker is a hot-tempered person. Even if she finds herself gone, she won't succumb to the satyr and go straight. In that case, it is the young man who is unlucky.

Either way, Xu Qingmo won't let it go on. He suddenly reached out and squeezed the female white-collar worker's buttocks as hard as possible, using a bit of strength to ensure that the female white-collar worker would have pain.

Xu Qingmo was very fast. Even if he stretched out the young man in front of the hand, he waited until he pulled his hand back and looked at Xu Qingmo in surprise.

Xu Qing reported with a smile.

"Ah!" The **** hurts, and the female white-collar yelled. This is different from the situation where she was afraid to speak because she was shy. Xu Qingmo added a heavy hand. The first reaction of the female white-collar was pain rather than being occupied. It was cheap, so he shouted without hesitation and turned around.

Xu Qingmo smiled, looking like five levels with himself, but the youth was still shocked, holding scissors in one hand, extending **** in one hand, and doing the pose of pinching bara, I didn't have time to rest assured .

The female white-collar worker was shocked when she saw the scissors in the hands of the young man, and then felt that her back was cold and she touched her hands, and she immediately understood everything.


The female white-collar worker was really grumpy, raised the handbag in her hand, and slammed it on the young man's head.

The youth responded quickly, probably because they had already thought about the scene after the defeat, and threw the scissors in their hands, then squatted down, hugged their heads, and let the female white-collar beat them.

The surrounding passengers watched this scene in shock, and some people also set their sights on the opening behind the female white-collar worker.

The female white-collar worker also felt inadequate, and hurriedly covered her back with a backhand, while yelling angrily: "Not yet!"

Everyone took out their mobile phones, the female white-collar workers were still angry, smashed the youth with handbags, and beat the youth with high heels, very angry.

Xu Qingmo looked at all of this and frowned. The young man responded too quickly. It wasn't like a temporary crime. After being found, he also made the most correct choice. And who would take the scissors to take the elevator?

Could this young man be a recidivist like the gangsters he had encountered at the Haisheng Hotel?

While thinking about it that way, Xu Qingmo suddenly felt that his pants pocket was loose, and then a small hand got into it and grasped it.

Xu Qingmo was surprised. He just remembered his passion in the iron cage with Song Yinzhang for a while, and he was suddenly attacked, so he quickly grabbed the little hand.

But the little hand just shook it, and immediately pulled away, leaving a note.

The trousers belt was loose and the trousers fell down. Xu Qingmo had no choice but to grasp the trousers with one hand and the slip of paper with one hand, while turning his head to see the owner of the little hand.

The girl in the dress didn't know when she turned to Xu Qingmo, and at this time she was showing a sweet and pure smile to Xu Qingmo. While raising her little hand, she put a deep sniff in front of her nose, showing an intoxicated expression.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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