My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Chapter 258: : When you come back

  This noon, Mi Cai and I each drove a car back to Suzhou. She went to Zhuomei non-stop, and I went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables, and then returned to the old house.

  I want to make her a practical dinner tonight.

  After washing all the vegetables I bought, I cleaned the house, watered the withered flowers and trees on the balcony, and finally went to Mi Cai’s room.

  I sat on her bed, looked around, and finally found two neatly arranged gasoline-powered racing cars and two guitars in the corner next to the closet.

  These are the gifts we once gave each other, carrying our happiness and some sorrows, but they are still the same as before, while Mi Cai and I have gone through a reincarnation.


  About five o'clock in the afternoon, Mi Cai finally finished her business and returned to the old house. I happened to be sitting in her room and lighting a cigarette.

  Before she entered the room, I stubbed out the cigarette **** as quickly as possible, then opened the window again, picked up a pillow and fanned it desperately.

  Mi Cai called my name outside the door, but I didn't answer her, trying to delay and destroy the evidence of smoking.

  I only heard her footsteps getting closer, and then the door was opened. When I saw me suddenly, I was startled, and then said: "Why are you in my room?"

"Looking for something."

  Mi Cai looked at me suspiciously: "Didn't you hear me when I called?"

"No ah…"

"how is this possible?"

   "I was sleepy looking for something, so I lay on your bed for a while, of course I didn't hear you calling me."

  Mi Cai walked a few steps closer to me, frowned and said, "Are you smoking in my room?"

   There is no point in denying it any longer, so he poked his neck and said, "It's smoked, you can figure it out."

  Mi Cai unexpectedly did not blame her, and said to me with a smile: "You are deliberately trying to find the feeling of arguing with me back then?"

   I thought Mi Cai was looking for me to step down, so I nodded quickly.

  She immediately sank and said, "Get out for me..."

   "Are you serious?"

  Mi Cai didn't talk to me too much, and pushed me out of her room with brute force.

   "So barbaric!" I sighed as I stepped back.

   "Who told you to smoke in my room!"

"I was wrong."

   "What's wrong?"

   "I shouldn't be smoking in your room!"

   "How do you say I should punish you, a habitual offender?"

  I replied without thinking: "Kiss me."

  Mi Cai pouted and looked at me...

   "Since you don't want to, then I will punish myself."

After I finished speaking, I embraced Mi Cai, and then kissed her lips. She didn't dodge, so we kissed again. She was still so jerky, but it didn't stop me from being fascinated by the package. In the warmth of oneself.

   When I couldn't extricate myself, there was a sharp pain in my lips. I didn't struggle, but endured the pain and looked at Mi Cai who was close at hand.

  She finally opened her mouth and let go of me. I subconsciously touched my lips and asked her, "Why did you bite me?"

   "I'm leaving tomorrow."

   "Is there a connection between the two?"

  Mi Cai nodded, and said: "Yes, when you can't help but strike up a conversation with other women with your mouth, you have to remember how painful it was to be bitten by me today."

   "It doesn't hurt, why don't you take another bite."

  Mi Cai squinted her eyes, and leaned towards me. I covered my mouth and took a step back, and hurriedly said, "Pain, pain, pain, stop biting!"

   Mi Cai stopped, and I said to her: "What if you strike up a conversation with other men abroad? Do I have to bite you back?"

"I do not know."

   "Then I have to bite you back."

  Mi Cai looked at me speechlessly, then nimbly dodged my counterattack, so we spent the last night before parting in this playful way.

  But the kind of heart-wrenching reluctance did not weaken at all, and continued until the next day.


In the waiting hall of the airport, Mi Cai and I ushered in the last moment of parting. She took out a bunch of keys from her handbag and handed them to me: "This is the key to the old house. When you have time, remember Go help those flowers on the balcony water some water."

   "I moved to Xitang to raise it."

  Mi Cai shook her head and said, "There must be some flowers and plants in that room."


  Mi Cai smiled and said: "With the company of these flowers and plants, the house will not be lonely!"

  I nodded, and finally asked her the question that had troubled me for a long time: "Can you tell me why you bought that old house in the first place?"

  Mi Cai thought for a while before replying: "I'll tell you when the day you marry me."

   "I'm really curious, why do I have to wait until that day?"

   "Because I tell you on that day, it will be very meaningful."

  I was looking forward to such a day in my heart, and the voice announcement of boarding finally sounded in my longing.

   Mi Cai took the suitcase from me, this time we really have to say goodbye.

   "Zhaoyang, I'm leaving."


  We seem to be deliberately trying to downplay the sorrow of parting, so Mi Cai waved to me and walked towards the boarding gate.

  I watched her leaving back with rapt attention, and suddenly felt heart-piercing again. This feeling was only experienced by Jian Wei when she went to study in the United States.

I finally couldn't control myself, ran to catch up with her pace, then hugged her tightly from behind, almost choked up and said to her: "When you come back, it is already early summer, remember to wear a beautiful dress." white dress...because I haven't seen you in a dress yet."

  Mi Cai nodded heavily, but didn't look back at me.

  The voice announcement sounded again, I had to let go of her, and she walked forward again.

Just when I thought I had no chance to see her face again, she turned her head, with tears in her eyes, she smiled and said to me: "Zhaoyang, when I come back, I hope to see a confident you!"

  I nodded and reminded her again: "Okay... don't forget to wear a beautiful dress."



  Outside the fence of the airport, I watched the passenger plane carrying Mi Cai rush into the sky.

  Finally, in the uncontrollable sadness of parting, I lit a cigarette for myself, looked up at the sky, as if I saw her in a beautiful dress in the clouds, and wondered if she also saw a confident me.

  I am looking for Jian Wei, hoping she can provide me with some help in advertising channels, because the "perfect travel plan" I have formulated requires high-quality advertising channels to spread.

  At this moment, I don't want to be bound by too much of the past, and the relationship with Jian Wei is only a friend who can help each other in the mall.

I know that my former self would have disdain to do this, but after experiencing a series of recent events, I have realized: I really need to make a change, this change will let me say goodbye to the self-deception and many worries in the past, Then face Jian Wei more frankly, face her own career, and finally make herself more confident.

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