My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 98 Empty 【15 updates】

No one knows, only they themselves know that this time they entered this virtual realm with a strong purpose.

They have what others don't have and know what others don't know.

There are thirteen families, and their plans are very big.

They don't need the prefix "feixia".

"As the blood family with the longest inheritance, we are actually suppressed by the Zhentian Division. This is unacceptable to us." Gong Xi Zhilan said with an ugly face, fulfilling the mission of a character like her. , talking to himself without logic, throwing away settings.

Okay, actually it’s really frustrating.

However, they still chose to be patient, because as long as their goal was achieved, the situation would inevitably be reversed, and by then, there would be no need to continue to act based on Zhentiansi's face.

Now, the fruits of victory are in sight.

"Now, go to the island!" Gong Xizhilan ordered with high morale.

"Oh!!!" Everyone in the control room looked very excited.

Although Gongxi's family is not the only one among the thirteen families under Feixia, and they are not monolithic. There are also quite a few disputes over some minor and minor matters on weekdays.

But standing in front of the general direction, they are now a community of destiny. They are tied together, so they should be advancing and retreating together and have the same interests.

They are one.

Zhang Wuya stood there holding the tea, not even receiving a straight look, neither advancing nor retreating.

"Ms. Gongxi." Zhang Wuya murmured.

"Who is that? Go get ready." Gong Xi Zhilan ordered directly without even looking at Zhang Wuya.

"Okay." Zhang Wuya put down his tea cup and could only follow him out.

It's okay, they need him now, and he plays a great role, the biggest role in the entire team. There will definitely be opportunities in the future.

And the most important thing is that only in this way can we prove that Miss Gongxi is a good girl!

Zhang Wuya's brain circuit is extremely developed, and this disdain for him is what attracts him the most.

Yes, that kind of cold look, that kind of disgusting look.

So cool!

Zhang Wuya suppressed the excitement in his eyes.

If she agrees casually and falls for some small passion, it will only prove that she treats everyone like that.

But this is not the case. This only proves that Miss Gongxi is a very proud girl. She has her own arrogance in her heart, and she cannot let any boy into her heart casually.

Yes, she must be a very innocent and pure kind of girl.

Whether she is a real girl or not is no longer important to Zhang Wuya at this moment.

Does gender matter? unimportant.

Isn’t this just a sweet little wife who can’t get pregnant?

Zhang Wuya was full of longing for his future and followed the large team off the Nantian Ship.

Soon, they arrived in front of the entrance. Zhang Wuya was shocked when he saw the continuous large group of buildings built on the mountain.

"Is this the true face of the virtual realm?"

Sure enough, transcendence is the ultimate destination, and the world he heads for in the future will have more magnificent waves.

Gong Xi Zhilan was also very excited: "It's them! It's really them!"


"Brothers!! Get in!!"

"We are developed!!!"

"Hahahahaha, the Thirteen Families are the winners in this virtual realm!"

Gong Xi Zhilan's eyes also flashed with a hint of sinisterness: "Zhentian Si, you must not have thought that there are such big secrets in this virtual realm."

To actually pay so little attention to this virtual realm, and not even send anyone down from the headquarters, this can only show that Zhentiansi really doesn't know what this virtual realm means.

They don't know any more information!

Thinking about it, they were able to know some things only because they accidentally discovered some ancient books and deciphered them.

They already knew this before they went to Zhentiansi headquarters.

It was because there were so many things involved in this virtual realm that the thirteen families could not resist the huge attraction brought by the opportunities contained in it, so they decided to take the risk and go to Zhentiansi.

There are people at the title level at the Zhentian Division headquarters, and they know this.

But no one expected or knew that there were actually three.

Although there were only two people who came forward that day, there was no doubt that the space blockade that day was not the work of Zhijian and Dixing.

After all, being able to reach the title level is already a famous top powerhouse in the entire past extraordinary world, and his reputation has long been spread far and wide.

And the last breath, according to the description of the elder who went for hair care that day, most likely belonged to that person.

Because it seems that only that one person can do this kind of thing of hard locking the void, directly stopping the rules of the entire space.

If it's really him, then

"Could it really be Haokong?" Gong Xizhilan looked ugly.

But it doesn't matter. They can go forward with risks, even if they are temporarily suppressed by Zhentiansi, because there are enough benefits in this virtual realm.

Now it seems they don't know.

Although there are many powerful people in the Zhentian Division, they are basically all in the headquarters. If they are dispersed, the area they have to govern will be too large. Each area will not be able to allocate many backbone forces. The dispersed force will be Very limited.

Just like here, the people in Xinhai City who entered the virtual realm this time have the strongest combat power of the Silver Moon level.

If you don’t even have a Solar Level, how can you compete with them?

Although they did not choose to send powerful people above the silver moon level to the virtual realm in order not to alert the enemy.



Gong Xi Zhilan looked at Zhang Wuya who was holding a compass next to her.

Soon, she looked away again.

And Zhang Wuya naturally noticed that line of sight.

Miss Gongxi looked at him!

She was really looking at him!

What does this mean? It means you are attracted by his handsomeness!

It means that you are interested in yourself!

It means that he actually has a great chance!

Zhang Wuya smiled.

Next, with the mentality that they were bound to win, Gong Xizhilan and his party entered the mountain peak.

Originally, they had no doubts about whether they could get the benefits here. After all, they chose to enter with a purpose. The purpose was very clear from the beginning. With the help of the information gap, no one can definitely and They fight.

But something strange happened.

After they entered the building complex, they began to search.


"Report, Miss Gongxi! There is nothing here!"

"Report! Nothing found here!"

"Not here either."

They found nothing.

It was completely empty, as if they had entered an empty and useless map.

It's like an empty city.


Gong Xizhilan slowly made a question mark.

Then, until she led the people, they easily passed through the mountain top, arrived at the main hall, and entered.


All empty!

"Ah?" Gong Xizhilan was dumbfounded.

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