My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 102: Protecting the Sect [15 updates]

Now her mentality has completely collapsed. A series of encounters have made the seeds of violence in her heart continue to take root and sprout.

She knew very well what the Heart of the Void Realm represented.

If the Heart of the Void Realm were to be taken away by the people of Zhentiansi, this would be unacceptable to them no matter what.

"We have paid so much for this and have been preparing for so long. The heart of the virtual world cannot allow any mistakes!"

Gong Xi Zhilan's attitude was very resolute: "Kill! Find them all!"

"But Miss, is this too radical? Isn't it a bit bad for us to offend Zhen Tiansi like this?"

But Huang Mao was still a little worried.

It's not that they are kind-hearted and think that this will harm Tianhe.

But he was worried about Zhentiansi's revenge.

"Now, in the virtual realm, far away from the outside world, even if everyone is dead, what can they detect?" Gong Xizhilan sneered: "Even if they have doubts about us, what do they have? ..Is there any evidence that can prove that we killed the person?"

"And if we successfully obtain the Heart of the Void Realm, do we still need to worry about their revenge?"

By then, the new era will belong to their thirteen families!

No Tobishi! There are only thirteen! The noble thirteen families! Not under the door of any force or organization!

Especially that hateful man!

Gong Xi Zhilan thought of someone, and the hatred and anger in her eyes became even stronger.

She has grown up so big, has lived in fine clothes and fine food since she was a child, and has been regarded as the apple of everyone's eye. When has she ever been wronged like this?

That man threw all her pride to the ground.

If revenge is wanted, he will be the first to bear the brunt!

The current situation seems to be very clear. The fragment of the Heart of the Void Realm is not on the altar, so the only possibility is that it was taken away by one of the formations entering the Void Realm.

At the same time, before leaving, he also triggered the protective mechanism of the altar to draw out the stone men.

This made Gong Xizhilan very angry.

"Yes!" Huang Mao stopped persuading and bowed his head in agreement.

"Who is that!" Gong Xi Zhilan turned to Zhang Wuya and shouted.

"I'm here!" Zhang Wuya responded quickly.

"Next coordinates! Draw it quickly!" Gong Xizhilan shouted: "At the same time, speed up the fusion!"

"Yes!" Zhang Wuya was as if he had been injected with blood.

Time passes day by day, day and night, and the cycle begins again and again.

In the virtual world, the concept of time is very vague. People cannot use the laws of the outside world to distinguish the specific time that has passed. Only when night and day change every day, can they realize that a day has passed.

To be honest, living in this virtual world is very difficult.

At this moment, Yuan Ye was sitting in the command room on the Xuannv-class Nantian ship, drinking boiled water.

"This glass of water has been chilled for half an hour. It's just right. It's warm and refreshing. It's sweet enough to penetrate people's hearts. It's 30% sweet and 70% delicious."

Yuan Ye lazily hummed a tune and skillfully used the tea set to make water.

This is a unique virtual tea ceremony that he researched.

In this virtual world, isn't this thing better than the so-called tea?

"Come on, try it."

Yuan Ye pushed out a tea cup and came to Xie Ying.

Xie Ying took it speechlessly and took a sip.

Yes, yes.


"Are you here for vacation in this virtual realm?" Xie Ying looked at the leisurely Yuan Ye, not knowing what to say.

You could say that he was not doing his job properly, but during this period of time, he took personal command and found many places, just like the mountain peak, and collected a lot of resources. Now their Nantian Ship is fully loaded.

The harvest is very rich.

And under his command, she gradually developed a feeling, as if this virtual realm was nothing special.

Everything is too normal, there is no danger at all, even their S-168 has not suffered any casualties so far.

Because Wang Erzhu can already walk on the ground and has reached the stage of recovery.

But if you ask me if he has done anything, it seems that he has not.

Whenever you see him, he seems to be doing something else.

Either drink tea or lie down in the command room to rest.

Otherwise just sit on the deck and fish.

Xie Ying has complained more than once.

"Are you still fishing here? What can you catch? People are burned to death down here without even leaving ashes."

However, Yuan Ye just gave her a faint look in return.

Leave a message.

"You don't understand, I just enjoy the fun this process brings me."

Does it matter whether there is something or not?

Ha, it's just like he can catch fish in the normal sea outside.

"Now we have traveled to six places. Fifteen days have passed. We will leave in less than five days. As the chief officer, do you have any plans?"

Xie Ying asked.

"Is it going to end so soon?" Yuan Ye was stunned for a moment before saying, "Let's continue to the next coordinate."

There is a time limit for them to enter this virtual realm, a total of twenty days. They are mainly worried that too long will cause many unknown risks, and too short will not be able to explore anything.

Therefore, the first batch of exploration time was limited to twenty days.

Once the time is up, the Nantian ship will trigger an automatic return and automatically drive back to the entrance of the virtual realm.

Originally, the headquarters had not thought about what the first batch of formations that entered could really explore. They were just taking the lead. There would be many more formations coming to Xinhai City in the future.

By then, there will be nothing to do with their local Zhentiansi in Xinhai City.

But since Xie Ying followed the S-168 team, she felt that the first batch of explorations were not completely fruitless.

At least following Yuan Ye, she has seen a lot during this time.

"How did you find those places?" Xie Ying was puzzled by this point.

Yuan Ye can always give a coordinate very accurately, and after he sets out to rush there, there is actually something at that coordinate.

This is very strange.

"Intuition." Yuan Ye didn't say much, but replied calmly: "I have never been to this place, so I don't know what it is."

"Okay." Xie Ying didn't really intend to ask Yuan Ye anything: "Then I'll go back first."

She could only believe in the so-called intuition.

"Go ahead."

Yuan Ye waved his hand boredly.

After the person left, he sat in front of the coffee table, deep in thought, and drank the last bit of water from the cup.

After drinking and being thirsty, you will feel refreshed and refreshed out of thin air after you stop. Yuan Ye smacked his mouth, walked over, and silently locked the door of the command room.

Returning to his single bedroom behind the command room, he looked at the things on the floor and pondered.

These things he brought out from various locations.

During this period of time, their formation could be regarded as traveling through many places in this virtual realm, many mysterious places, and the harvest was not small.

But equally, he also learned a lot.

At first, he really couldn't figure out what was in this virtual realm.

"This is quite a lot of information."

He summoned the stone man with his backhand and his face was half broken.

Then he took out an ancient book with yellowing pages and asked, "Come on, tell me, tell me, what is this thing?"

"The sect-protecting formation!" He replied angrily with his face half broken.

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