My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 13 My fist can also catch fire?

"I don't understand what you're talking about, young man. If you don't buy it, there are people queuing up behind you to buy it. Don't delay my business! Don't delay people's shopping either!"

The old man stared at Yuan Ye with a defensive look on his face and already started to chase him away.

At the same time, his eyes also stayed on Tang Lina from time to time.

"Don't be anxious, old man. Are you worried about why you're so anxious?"

Yuan Ye was not in a hurry to reveal anything, but looked at the old man with a smile.

"If you are not in a hurry, why do you rush us when no one else does? When we do business, we all focus on being friendly and making money, right? Well, let me ask you a question, do you think she looks familiar?"

Yuan Ye made room for Tang Lina who had just walked up, pointed at Tang Lina and asked.

"I've seen it before, what's wrong?"

The old man's eyes were flustered for a moment, but then he quickly regained his composure and asked, "Little baby, how did you like the squid and shrimp you bought from me last time? Was it delicious? Come and buy some more this time?"

It's okay not to mention it. When it comes to squid and shrimp, Tang Lina's face turned livid again.

Tang Lina was not as roundabout as Yuan Ye. Instead, she came straight to the point: "Uncle, there was something wrong with the squid you sold me last time! Your squid has been soaked in caustic soda! I need you to give us a proper explanation, otherwise we will We reserve the right to resolve the matter legally and directly call the police."

Fortunately, I didn't eat the bowl of noodles this morning, otherwise I know what problems would have occurred.

In a place like Xinhai City, if you sell soda squid on the coastline vegetable street, you can just say that you have no conscience!

"You said my squid has been soaked in caustic soda? Do you have any evidence?" The old man stood up in a hurry: "You guys leave quickly! I won't do your business anymore! You are not welcome here!"

With that said, the old man was about to start chasing people away.

There are also many tourists in the surrounding area. As soon as many people hear the word "caustic soda", they come up to watch the excitement.

After all, watching the excitement is engraved in one's bones and cannot be changed easily.

Yuan Ye stopped talking, because if something like this happens, you shouldn't argue with these old gangsters.

It won't make sense if you reason with them. They won't listen at all. They will only use their own tricks to bring you to the same level as them, and then use their incomparable wealth of experience to defeat you.

So when faced with this kind of thing, just call the police and deal with it directly, and then notify the industrial and commercial administration department.

And in broad daylight, with so many people watching, this old guy definitely didn't dare to do anything excessive.

In fact, it was indeed the case. The old man could only grit his teeth and stare at them fiercely.

Since this is a bustling area with a huge flow of people every day, plus a mixture of good and bad people, there are all kinds of people, so there are fixed special police field stations nearby, as well as people from the market supervision and management department stationed there.

Soon, people from the police and market supervision department arrived.

Since Tang Lina was the first person involved, she was called to understand the situation.

Yuan Ye testified as a witness.

Since there were many people around, the impact was quite bad, so the relevant departments took a very positive attitude towards handling it.

Immediately, the preliminary results detected using the quick test card were obtained.

These squid have indeed been soaked in a large amount of alkaline substances, with a pH as high as 13.7!

In the words of the staff present, this is already a strongly alkaline product and is not something that humans can eat.

But as for whether it is caustic soda, it is not known for the time being, and this will be further transferred to a testing agency for inspection.

However, it is a pity that the relevant departments cannot take any coercive measures against this old man.

Because you don’t know whether he is using industrial caustic soda or food caustic soda!

Yes, yes, that’s right, caustic soda is also used in food and is a legal additive.

In other words, as long as this old man insists that he is using caustic soda for food, he will be fine.

Because according to existing regulations, caustic soda is used as a processing aid for food, and there is no limit standard or even testing standard!

In other words, it's not illegal.

Unless you have proof that he used industrial caustic soda.

Or if someone has already eaten it and had an accident, then it would constitute the crime of producing and selling poisonous and harmful food.

But there is another saying that is very good, that is, when things take a turn for the worse.

Just when the old man insisted that he was using caustic soda for food, the staff present found a bag of industrial sodium hydroxide in his basket.

That is, industrial caustic soda, even packaged.

Immediately, the relevant departments took quick action, and Tang Lina was also cooperating with the investigation and inquiry.

During this process, Yuan Ye became bored.

He began to look around at his surroundings.

Logically speaking, this place is located on the coastline and should be one of the most scenic places in Xinhai City.

Because there is a seawall here and you can directly see the sea. In the past period of time, Yuan Ye also liked to come here to relax.

But this time when he came to Coastal Vegetable Street again, Yuan Ye discovered something different.

For example, the surrounding area is actually surrounded by thick steel plates.

The coastline is completely invisible.

The fishermen selling seafood nearby also looked sad.

And the most important thing is that since arriving here, Yuan Ye has always felt a special feeling.

He looked in a certain direction in the distance, always feeling like he couldn't help but want to walk there.

It was as if something was calling me.

This is a very strange feeling. He can't explain the principle or the truth.

Finally, the results came out, and the old man was taken away directly by the police and handcuffed into a police car. It is estimated that what awaits him next will be a very handcuffed and tortured career as a sewing machine.

Maybe one day in the future, Yuan Ye can personally use the umbrella made by this old man, who knows.


Unlocked achievement: [Light of Righteousness (District Level Achievement), you successfully solved a violation of law and discipline, and the criminals received their due punishment, aura +10, constitution +10, and patience +10! 】

"What's going on?" Yuan Ye became confused again.

This is not the first time today.

It's understandable that he can achieve great results. After all, he has already gained some acceptance of his current blind box opening life.

But why are the rewards for some of the achievements he completed starting from today a bit weird?

They are all attributes that are incomprehensible.



Could it be related to the recent rumors?

Do you want to become one of those so-called extraordinary abilities?

Can his fists catch fire?

If this is the case, it is not impossible. After all, if those rumors are true, then it is really unknown what the world will become in the future.

There will definitely be many more unknown dangers.

Although I am not happy to face such a world, if it is unavoidable, it is good to have some confidence to protect myself.

Regardless of anything else, at least he can protect the people and things he cares about.

For example, Tang Lina.

Another example is Qianhui.

He had heard Qian Hui's voice before, it was very weak.

Such a weakling will cry for a long time after being punched, right?

So it needs to be protected even more.

Give it a try!

Yuan Ye looked at his fists and exerted force.


I have been accumulating power for so long that my veins are popping out, but there is still no response.

"The finishing move is coming!"


He punched the wall again.


It hurts.

Yes, it seems that I am overthinking it.

That's right. Players who can't win a bottle again, who can't get more than 10 yuan in scratch-off tickets, and who have to live on minimum living allowances when playing games and drawing cards, should be more confident about themselves.

Forget it, don’t worry about it anymore.

But just then.

"Let's go back."

Tang Lina came over and took her revenge smoothly. The expression on her face was also very happy, and she came up to tell Yuan Ye to go home.

If it were the past, Yuan Ye would definitely have left directly.

But today

"You go back first, I'll take a walk around the area."

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