My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 137 The second epic achievement

As the giant ship rushed out, there was also a gap in the gray mist that was briefly opened. I don't know how many people passed through the gray mist at this moment and got a glimpse of the true appearance contained in it.

At this moment, it was like time and space had frozen, because what people could see was a series of palaces, all magnificent and magnificent, and there was even a big sun hanging among them, emitting a golden light.

But before anyone could take a closer look, the gray fog filled the air again, covering it up again. Only a dilapidated giant ship was left. After breaking out of the gray fog, it lost power in an instant. The eight ships on the ship The blue fire of the huge engine disappeared and fell from a high place, making a huge roar.

At this moment, just like a plane crash, the huge aerospace ship crashed to the ground, gliding and leaving a mark on the ground, as if it had been plowed. The giant ship slid on the ground for a long distance, and the asphalt road was plowed. It shattered into pieces, rocks flew all over the sky, crashed into countless buildings along the way, and then collapsed.

Everyone was stunned and speechless.

Where does such a thing exist in the worldview and cognition of ordinary people?

It is completely beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

The huge aerospace ship, with a strong sci-fi atmosphere, slid out of the gray fog.

There is also what was revealed the moment the gray fog was dispersed.

That large stretch of palaces, magnificent and magnificent, and the bright sun.

This is not their real world sun! Because the sun is still hanging in the sky now!

In other words, at that moment, they saw two suns!

Inside the S-168 giant ship.

All members of S-168 are sitting in the same cabin. There are hundreds of seats in the cabin and have complete protective measures. At this moment, all team members, including the senior management, are sitting in their own positions, fully protected.

The moment the bump ended, the protection bounced off and Yuan Ye stood up from his position.

He was still breathing heavily.

It's getting harder and harder to do.

Yuan Ye's face was very ugly, because others didn't know it, but he knew very well that ever since his conflict with Ouyang Yu ended in his victory, a series of extremely strange things had happened one after another.

The first is the fusion of the fragments of the heart of the virtual world.

He went to Yunding Heavenly Palace and fused the last fragment of the Heart of the Void Realm.

Originally, he didn't know what this thing did and what it would bring.

But just after the integration is over.

He could feel that a series of amazing changes had taken place in his alien space.

The first is the size of the space, which expands like a balloon.

After his breakthrough in the alien space, the size of the space has already expanded. Now the content is much larger than before, which is considered a big breakthrough.

But it's not that outrageous, it's only two hectares in size.

It seems very big, but in fact, if you compare it to a square space, it is not that outrageous. Many middle and high school schools only cover an area of ​​two hectares.

So when he was fighting Ouyang Yu, he had to drain the opponent's water while fighting.

But just after he fused the last fragment, his alien space changed.

He himself doesn't know how much space there is now, and what is the specific size of this space.

Yes, as the controller and owner, he himself cannot sense it.

His alien space is currently filled with a species, that kind of gray fog!

The moment he fused the last fragment, a strange gray mist erupted from the entire virtual realm.

Yuan Ye didn't know what the gray fog was at all, he just felt that it exploded overwhelmingly at that moment.

Then, the virtual realm changed!

It was a bloody sun at that time, and it was sunrise. In other words, it should be night in the virtual realm.

But the moment he finished fusing the fragments and opened his eyes, it was daybreak.

Yes, night turned into day in an instant, but the sun was still hanging in the sky and had not set down the mountain.

However, this time it was emitting dazzling golden light, a bright sun.

Afterwards, his actions began to become normal.

Walking and movements are no longer reversed from left to right, and speaking is no longer reversed from left to right.

He took out the compressed biscuits again for testing. This time, he was full and he could feel a strong feeling of fullness.

how to say?

Yuan Ye thought carefully at that time.

It was as if he suddenly returned to the feeling in the fantasy world of the Mysterious World.

Everything is normal, there is no difference at all, and there are familiar sights and scenes.

He once thought that he was affected by the fragments again and fell into a new round of illusion.

However, if you feel it carefully, you will find that it is not.

And the most important thing is that the moment he opened his eyes after fusing the fragments, his blind box system came alive again.

As we all know, after entering the virtual realm, his achievement blind box was just like dead and never appeared.

The only time it was triggered was when he fell into an illusion.

Facts have proven that achievements triggered in fantasy can be used in reality and are effective.

But after waking up, the blind box was still not alive.

Until the last fragment enters the body.


Unlocked achievement: [Pioneer of World Completion (Epic Level Achievement), congratulations, you have found the missing corner of the world, let it return to its place, and successfully collected the fragments of the Heart of the Void to merge into a complete Heart of the Void. , your aura is +4800, and the new domain control rate is 100%. You control this new domain. At the same time, the chaotic energy affects your inner space, giving your inner space a chance of change! 】

Familiar pictures, unfamiliar content.

At that moment, the achievement popped up again.

And the content is highly shocking, the kind of thing that makes people stunned at first glance.

"Epic achievement?" Yuan Yeren was stupid.

Since he started opening blind boxes, he has achieved epic achievements.

Just one, which is what is now called the day when the seal is broken.

No one knows that he is the culprit, only he knows it.

But such a big thing is indeed worthy of an epic achievement.

It was he who completely changed the world structure, and it was he who turned a bunch of struggling power banks into generators.

This is something Yuan Ye doesn't want to admit. After all, he has always believed that he is a very ordinary person.

And now, this is his second epic achievement.

"Pioneer to complete the world?" Yuan Ye was confused.

What does this mean?

Didn't he just explore a virtual realm? Doesn’t it mean that the virtual realm and the real world are not connected?

Why is there such an achievement now?

He explored an imaginary realm, fused the fragments of the imaginary realm's heart, and ended up with an achievement that completed the world?

Could it be that the world they currently live in is really incomplete?

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