My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 163 The gray fog dissipates


Xie Ying could only nod.

This is true.

After all, what should I say about Yuan Ye? She still understands it quite well.

You said he was a loser, that's true, but you said he was trustworthy or not. I don't know anything else, but Xie Ying knew very well that from what she had seen so far and what she had experienced, Yuan Ye was definitely not the kind of person who couldn't tell the difference. A person who is clear about importance.

He still has a good sense of when to do something, and what should this person say? Although his mouth is a bit poisonous and he can often choke people into speechlessness, every time he encounters a problem, no one else can solve it, and he is always the one standing in front of him.

If he really found something else, he probably wouldn't keep it secret.

And just like what he said, what's the benefit of keeping it secretly?

"So, this matter has been revealed." Yuan Ye looked at the bustling station and said: "I have completed my mission now, and there will be no special business in the next period of time. When I was in Xinhai, I honestly served as the captain of the S formation. There may be many areas for cooperation in the future. For the sake of old friendship, you can take care of me more in the future and give me less work. .”

Now, everything is on track, and what follows is a relatively peaceful life.

The most I do every day is patrolling and maintaining the security issues in my own jurisdiction. This is the largest workload.

Others don't like him.

The things have been uploaded, and the rest will be left to the higher authorities to worry about, and then there will be something researched, such as what innovations and changes will occur because of these data that will cause the existing cultivation system to be turned upside down.

Then he can just keep up, and he will be responsible for sitting back and enjoying the results. There is no need for him to study it himself.

There are so many formations entering the virtual realm. Even if they want to kill them, they can't think of them.

But at this moment.

Ding ring ring ring——

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call."

Xie Ying's cell phone rang.

Yuan Ye didn't take it seriously, but planned to continue preparing for the reconstruction of the station.

However, Xie Ying picked up the phone and looked at him.

"What are you doing? Aren't you answering the phone?"

"Looking for you."

The phone was handed to him.


Yuan Ye was confused: "You're looking for me? Then why is this call coming to you?"

"My dad's phone number." Xie Ying just said this briefly.

"What does your dad want from me?"

Yuan Ye was confused, but still picked up the phone: "Hello? How are you?"

"Hello, is this the captain of S-168, Yuan Ye?"

What came from the other end of the phone was a magnetic voice, which could be heard as coming from a middle-aged man.

"It's me." Yuan Ye narrowed his eyes and became more defensive: "Does the leader have any instructions?"

He didn't know much about Xie Ying's father, but he knew more or less that Xie Ying was a second-generation spiritual person and came from a blood family.

His father is also an employee within the Zhentian Division, and he is also from the headquarters.

Much information is unclear, but Yuan Ye is sure that the other party is definitely not that simple.

In other words, he is his immediate boss.

Yuan Ye has always been very simple and clear about his attitude toward his superiors.

You won’t say anything, you won’t offend, you won’t stand up, you won’t disobey your boss, and you won’t leave too much of an impression on your boss.

Being noticed by his boss, no matter what kind of attention it is, is not a good thing for him.

Why would the other party call me?

Could it be that there was something wrong with the report?

No, no, no, it's definitely not because of this.

Yuan Ye believes that he has handled the protection of his information quite well.

He didn't show any flaws, and even the channel for submitting the report was messy. The virtual address was wrapped with a layer of virtual address, and then there was a layer of false information inside, and then there was a layer of misleading instructions. , wrapped up layer by layer, the other party will definitely not be able to trace him.

In addition, with so many people entering the virtual realm this time, what evidence does the other party have to prove that they are related to him?

So it's probably something else!

I guess you want me to take care of Xie Ying or something?

However, the next moment, the other party's words directly broke his assumption.

"It's actually not good to call you just after I came out of the virtual realm, but the headquarters just happened to learn something recently. We have no clue here, so we want to call you to understand and ask. Let me ask you what you think."

said the other end of the phone.

About the virtual realm?

Yuan Ye narrowed his eyes and felt alert: "Excuse me, what does the leader want to know?"

"How much do you know about the virtual realm? Or, to put it another way, have you ever sent an email to the headquarters?"

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Zhiyi suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

The hairs on my hair stood on end.


Why can I ask this about myself?

He has obviously added so many locks and has paid great attention to them.

"No." Yuan Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "I don't know what email? Leader, have you found the wrong person? All my reports have been uploaded through the intranet. We have not discovered anything about this virtual realm. For any additional clues, you can ask Xie Ying about this."

"Really? But the mailbox of the headquarters received an email. The information above is all about the exploration and discovery of the interior of the virtual realm. The content obtained is very relevant. If the information is true, it will soon implicate the entire Lingwu. Times are changing, so I hope you can speak freely and tell everything you know."

"I don't know." Yuan Ye replied: "There are so many formations in the virtual realm, why does it have to be us?"

"Because now only one of your formations has come out, and the rest of the formations are all missing."

The other party replied with a low voice.


At this moment, Yuan Ye fell silent.

His eyes were full of shock, and his hands were shaking.

Of course, the thought that kept lingering in his mind was not about the email, but what the other person said.

They were the only formation that came out of the virtual realm.

This was like a heavy hammer, knocking hard on the door of his heart.

"Another formation."

"There is no news." The other party's answer was very low, and the news was very heavy.

Yuan Ye said nothing and looked up at the gray fog that filled Xinhai.

Under the gray fog, the entire Xinhai is like an isolated island, unable to see the outside world or the inside clearly.

It's like being wrapped in a layer of unknown.

No one knows what is happening now in the gray fog.

But Yuan Ye only knows about the virtual realm.

This seems to be a very ordinary journey.

There doesn't seem to be any danger, except for some rules and regulations, which are different from usual, but given the time arrangement, it can be accepted smoothly.

There are no monsters or strange races in it.

Even except for him, no one has access to information about the Xuanjie Immortal Clan.

Logically speaking, this should be a virtual realm without any danger.

But now the news he heard seemed to be very different from what he thought.

They were the only formation that came out of it.

"They should still be alive, right?" Yuan Ye said reluctantly: "With so many formations and so many people, maybe they are lost in the gray fog? After all, the area covered is so large, how can they actually come out?"

However, at the same time.

"Captain! The gray fog has faded! It's starting to disperse!"

A team member suddenly came forward to report.

Yuan Ye instinctively raised his head and looked forward.

At this time, the station had no fences, all the buildings were destroyed, and the entire Xinhai had a wide view.

And just ahead, the gray fog slowly dissipated, finally revealing what had been shrouded inside.

Yuan Ye's eyes saw clearly, and his pupils shrank instantly.

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