My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 170 Everything expected

"Village Party Secretary?"

Yuan Ye was a little surprised: "Since he is a village cadre, why didn't he follow the people when they evacuated? How could he appear at the original location?"

When it comes to evacuation, it is possible that some people did not follow the large troops and stayed in place. There are so many citizens in Xinhai, and it is indeed impossible for the Zhentian Division and the major departments to ensure that all people are evacuated. .

There will always be some remaining victims, and subsequent search and rescue operations will mainly focus on searching and rescuing these people.

But now that the deceased was a village cadre, it should be impossible to miss him. Why didn't he evacuate with him?

"He was on the evacuation list, and the deceased was assigned a temporary tent and a living area in the area of ​​Camp 164."

The police officer replied: "We visited and investigated, notified the family of the deceased, and confirmed that the deceased was in the evacuation team at the time."

"Then why did he come back?" Yuan Ye asked.

"I don't know the reason. I asked the family members and they don't know either," the police officer replied.

Yuan Ye nodded and was silent for a long time.

Next he asked the police officer to take him to meet the family of the deceased.

The family members of the deceased also came to the scene of the crime and are crying in the background.

After seeing Yuan Ye, the wife of the deceased cried to Yuan Ye and complained in various ways that the deceased died early. He had done all the good things in his life, so he shouldn't have died so early. God was unfair, God had no eyes, and so on.

The son of the deceased was a young man who looked as thin as a monkey, with yellow hair, and looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Regarding Liu Pinxin's death, his son had no expression.

However, when Yuan Ye asked for the reason, he still didn't find out anything.

Returning to the place where the crime occurred, it was still the same as before.

No murderer was found at the scene, and there was no murder weapon.

The police officer came forward with a report: "According to the investigation, the deceased Liu Pinxin had a good reputation in the village, he was kind and generous, and he never indulged in corruption. His contribution to the poverty alleviation work in the past was also important and outstanding, and he was a good person. Tamura has brought in a number of very impressive projects to help local people get out of poverty."

"Is he a good person?"

Yuan Ye took the report and pondered.

He has not forgotten that this is not a simple criminal case.

If it were an ordinary criminal case, the police would have successfully solved it on their own and would not have asked them for help. Their presence at the scene would always only mean one thing, and that was a case caused by spirit warriors.

Lingwu case, then it means that it is a human being.

It was induced by humans, and aura was detected at the scene, so it was considered a homicide.

But if the report is true, the deceased was a good man.

So why did the perpetrator kill him?

And one question is, why did the deceased appear here? Why did he come back when he had obviously evacuated?

It is also possible that many people have returned to their original residences. These people generally have a nostalgia for the property they lost in the disaster and everything in the past, which is understandable.

After all, everything they once owned was reduced to nothing in an instant under the disaster. Not everyone can accept this calmly, and it is still an unacceptable catastrophe for many Xinhai citizens.

However, it is obvious that the investigation of the case only needs to be left to the police. Their main responsibility is to solve the problem of force, not to solve the case, which has nothing to do with them.

There is only one thing they need to do, and that is to subdue the perpetrators violently, as well as destabilizing factors.

As a result, the police at the scene began to investigate, while Yuan Ye watched from the side and helped make some suggestions from time to time.

Soon, the case was revealed.

"Our forensic doctors have conducted detailed identification of the wounds on the deceased and the scene. The situation is somewhat special." The police officer said: "It is strange that the injuries on the deceased do not look like injuries caused by any murder weapon. The wounds on the chest and abdomen There were multiple irregular wounds on the body and both legs, which were more consistent with the source of injuries caused by wild beasts. The tissue was severely torn and there were bite wounds.

There were also many footprints at the scene, which looked like traces of animals. "

The wounds of the deceased do not look like they were man-made!

More like the damage caused by a large carnivorous beast!

There are even signs of gnawing!

In addition, a lot of bloody footprints composed of blood stains were found at the scene. Yuan Ye also took a look and found that they were indeed animal footprints, and there were also a lot of hairs. These hairs were extremely rough and did not look like human hair.

"Has spiritual energy? An animal wound?"

Yuan Ye frowned.

Could it be an attack by spiritual creatures?

Although it is said that the revival of spiritual energy has definitely affected more than just humans, there have been few cases of animal spiritual energy so far.

Could it be said that as the recovery of spiritual energy deepens, the influence of animals also intensifies? Isn't this a man-made case?

Is this village party secretary just unlucky and suffering a disaster?

"After preliminary investigation, the hair DNA identification results show that it belongs to a wolf!"

But, where did the wolf come from in Xinhai?

Xinhai is a coastal city on a peninsula. It has no rainforest itself. Chengdu is very modern and there is no such thing as wolves.

On the other side, off-road vehicles were driving on the ruined road.

A girl in ordinary clothes, without makeup, sat in the back seat, accompanied by only two capable women. Along the way, she was also worried about the devastation around her.

She was holding a mobile phone with an address in it.

"How long until the destination?"

she asked.

Now at this time, all the navigation information is useless and has lost its effect. The landscape of Xinhai has been directly changed by countless ruins, and it can only rely on the military navigation in the car for guidance.

"Already arrived."

As she asked the question, the vehicle stopped.

The girl was stunned for a long time before walking out of the car.

Although I came here and saw so many ruins along the way, I already had a certain degree of psychological expectation for what I would see in the end.

But when Ta Dangta saw the final result, it would still be difficult for her to accept this result.

What she saw in front of her eyes was the ruins of a three-story building. Half of the first floor had collapsed diagonally, and more than half of the wall on the second floor had fallen off. All the way to the third floor, the furniture and things inside were scattered. Everywhere.

She had imagined similar scenes countless times. When she came to his world, she would see him opening the door for her at his home, and then showing an unexpected expression.

And ask: Who are you? I feel like you give me a very familiar feeling.

Then she would reply half-prankly: I am Qianhui!

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