My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 19 Ban the undergraduate program!

All kinds of information on the Internet are so popular that they are pouring out like a blowout.

There are so many that it is dizzying to see.

However, a big boss soon came out to analyze frame by frame, and finally confirmed that all those videos were fake, and they were basically special effects videos.

Another charming moment of contemporary internet celebrities in the era of traffic-to-death.

This has also triggered a lot of discussion among netizens on the Internet.

"My boss's direct recruitment department already has an Internet celebrity live broadcast company recruiting group broadcasters with such extraordinary abilities."

"It's not just tricks, I got them all. It's like a carnival to see the transformation, a Porsche to see the fists on fire."

"Is this becoming a trend so quickly?"

"As expected, it is indeed a pillar industry. We should also take advantage of this wave of popularity!"


There were a lot of comments. Looking at these online opinions, Yuan Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they are all fake, otherwise one would look more powerful than the other.

Yuan Ye was still thinking, he was the first to know about the revival of spiritual energy, why did so many fierce people suddenly appear?

The bottom line is, you look better than me, I don’t believe it!

Besides, it’s also very unreal.

Because people have desires.

What would an ordinary person do if he accidentally gained great power?

The result will undoubtedly stimulate the big mouth called "desire" in the heart, so that you want to swallow more.

In reality, there are so many socially unstable elements who will do all sorts of despicable things for a little profit. They will sell two parts of their conscience triangle to the devil and paint them black.

Not to mention that in today’s violent society, any dispute online can lead to all kinds of wars and even box-openings.

If you really have to wait until the spiritual energy breaks out on a large scale, you will know with your toes that it will only bring more chaos.

Yuan Ye is certain of this.

There must have been a lot of these news on the Internet some time ago, but they were probably suppressed by the relevant departments with lightning speed.

The most important thing now is to wait and see what happens and wait for a clearer and more visible future trend. In the meantime, the most important thing to do first is to accumulate strength.

The most important thing now is to go to class first.

Anyway, even if the sky falls next, it doesn't matter to him. The only thing he needs is to live stably. That's all. As long as he can maintain his stable life and develop the strength not to die suddenly on the spot, that's enough. .

Anyway, judging from the current situation, at least the superficial order of this world still exists, and the order does not necessarily collapse seriously.

Strictly speaking, he is the type of person who least wants the order to collapse.

Because disorder means chaos.

"The fact that I can still go to college means that my plan for a stable life in the future has not been disrupted."

In Beijing, at the Hanxia Supreme Decision-making House, a large stepped conference room was filled with people, all wearing black suits. In front of each person was a name tag, a teacup, and two Bottle of mineral water.

All eyes were looking at an old man on the main seat.

Surprisingly, it was the kind old man who appeared in Qianhui's ward that day!

At this moment, the old man looked extremely haggard, and you could clearly see the weakness and fatigue from the inside out. It seemed that he had just finished reading out an action.

"Leader, do you really want to do this?"

"There is no other way. First of all, the news has been confirmed. The ancient seal has been completely broken, and all the things that were suppressed have come out. The chaos that will follow will only become more and more. We must start to comprehensively cultivate talents, otherwise with the help of It is simply unsustainable for us to maintain our current strength. After all, Academician Qianhui’s research was forced to interrupt, and we simply did not have enough time to find a way to kill them through science and technology. So, the only road left in front of us now is It will be announced next, because after the road of science is blocked, only the extraordinary itself can suppress the extraordinary."

The old man said slowly: "Secondly, the danger is far more than just those things. With a large-scale outbreak of extraordinary power, new awakening extraordinary beings will definitely appear among the people. Humans are much scarier than monsters."

"But, in fact, it doesn't need to be so absolute, right?" The middle-aged man in a black suit who asked the question looked hesitant and troubled: "I'm worried that such a change will be too radical and bold, and it will inevitably make the extraordinary status certain. decline, I'm worried some people over there will be dissatisfied."

"They are dissatisfied with their situation. In troubled times, heavy punishments are required. What's more, such a big change can change the pattern of the entire world. As decision-makers, when we make decisions at this time, we cannot restrain our hands and must make the most correct decision. The first choice is to bear the brunt, we must pull up the basic strength."

The old man looked around the audience: "Now, regarding the proposal I just made, who is in favor and who is against it?"





"be opposed to."


One vote after another, in the end, the yes vote suppressed the no vote by two votes.

"Then, read out the proposals of this meeting. It is established. Article 1. Starting from today, extraordinary people will be officially named 'Spirit Warriors' and the title of extraordinary people will be banned!"

The secretary next to the old man picked up the file on the table and began to announce in front of the microphone.

"In addition, starting from senior high schools in all provinces and cities in Quanhanxia, ​​to undergraduate colleges and universities, applications for martial arts entrance are open. This proposal is mainly aimed at undergraduate colleges and universities. If the application for martial arts is approved, the undergraduate qualifications will be retained. If the application is not passed, the martial arts department will not be established. Those who do, will all be downgraded to junior college! In addition, special martial arts universities will be established in provincial capitals and municipalities directly under the Central Government!"

"Article 2: Establish the Crush Heaven Department, C.H.D., to have full-time jurisdiction over spiritual warriors!"

"Article 3: Hold a press conference to restart Academician Qianhui's research project!"

As the last announcement came out, the backstage door of the conference room was pushed open, and a figure slowly walked in.

It was a figure of a boy wearing a white coat. The boy looked very young, and there was even a childish look on his face that had not faded!

The old man's eyes were full of worry.

This was the best decision he could make, and it was also a bold attempt.

First of all, we must make use of civil forces to quickly raise a defense line sufficient to resist those awakening things in a short period of time. At the same time, the purpose of establishing a martial arts department and canceling non-martial arts undergraduate courses is to stimulate the enthusiasm for cultivation and be more able to Good to prepare for the next step to stir up the people's mood for cultivation and usher in extraordinary folk. No, the number of spiritual warriors has exploded.

Once this measure comes out, it will inevitably trigger a large-scale outbreak of civil power, which may bring a certain degree of chaos. However, in order to resist the erosion of those ghosts next, they have no choice.

Then, there was the emergence of his second measure, the establishment of Zhentian Division, which was the emergence of C.H.D., specifically to check and balance the spiritual warriors.

Then the third point is that Academician Qianhui's research must still continue. Scientific methods must not be given up. Both ends must be pursued. Before Academician Qianhui fully wakes up, the substitute plan is officially launched.

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