But fortunately, they were fully prepared to allow him to seamlessly take on the role of substitute.

Otherwise, those 'friendly countries' who are eyeing the situation will not be so easy to fool. They are all very clever. If you are not careful, they may really see some clues, which will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

And what is said to be complete preparation is actually deciphering a bunch of information in my elder sister's mind.

Originally, according to the senior management's thinking, the original intention of doing this was to get more valuable information, information that could support his identity, such as some research ideas and positive knowledge.


The boy raised his head slightly and looked at the ceiling melancholy.

Things were found, but there weren't many valuable things.

Some very outrageous things, things that have nothing to do with science and research at all, including those two so-called secret codes, were also among the messages that were deciphered.

Even after it was deciphered, the relevant researchers were puzzled and began to doubt their own abilities and suspected that they had deciphered it wrong.

After all, have you ever seen a top scientific talent memorize the most efficient three-field clearing rule in his mind?

There are also various fragments of thoughts.

"It takes time for sound to spread. When I talk to you face to face, I am in the past and you are in the future. Then if the order of my words is reversed, I am talking to you in the past."

"Many people cannot see the future, but they actually see the future."

"Only when people wake up will they realize that they have slept. When you wake up, you wake up from a dream. So at the moment of death, will we also wake up from a dream?"

"The moment I die, there may be a state funeral and a memorial service, with the Hanxia flag covering my body, and then maybe my idiot brother will also accept interviews again and again. Just because of my bad money, maybe he will be full of money. He said sadly, "My sister is dead." Then Lu Yu asked him on the other side: Oh, is it serious? Then he answered seriously, and Lu Yu asked again: Is it true? I don't believe it."

"The Master said on the river: The deceased is like a man who does not give up day and night.

The Master said in the middle of the river: Help! Help!

The Master said at the foot of Sichuan: Gulu gulu gulu. "

And then there are some footage.

It was a girl in the ward, alone, typing in Morse code, and arguing passionately with the raindrops falling from the heavy rain outside the window.

Researchers were too embarrassed to translate those Morse codes because the curses were so unpleasant.

There is also a girl in the ward, competing nervously.

what match? A game where one person is both the referee and the player.

"I announce! The 965th 'World Lonely Championship' has begun!"

After a series of intense competition, the final champion was defeated by the girl with difficulty.

Then the girl stood in front of the window, and the dragon roared for a while.


And so on.

The last sentence of the notepad ends with a plan.

A complete Disneyland itinerary.

In the end, these things all came into the hands of boys because they did not contain the scientific knowledge and research direction they needed.

The senior officials found it unbelievable, so the final value of this book was only when it returned to the family.

Originally, the boy also felt that this thing would probably not play any role in his life. At most, he would take it out and take a look when he was thinking about his sister.

I just didn't expect that this book would be useful so quickly.

At the same time, looking at the ‘○’ in the chat box in front of him, he seemed to understand something.

Now the whole world is trying their best to study the crooked circle she accidentally drew, and decipher the code in it.

After all, in the scientific world, ○ is indeed the most mysterious shape, which even contains the laws of the universe and even maintains all current scientific theories.

Once upon a time, the boy thought so too.

But until now, he suddenly knew that maybe everyone was wrong?

So, the person opposite should be very important to my elder sister, right?

Then, he has to maintain this relationship for his sister!

On the other side, Yuan Ye was relieved.

It seemed that the Qianhui he was communicating with now was undoubtedly the real deal, because no one else could get those codes right except them.

Then the only thing left is that you were deceived.

Yuan Ye replied: "Are you not healthy? Are you not in good health? Are you sick, that's why you didn't reply to me? Is it because there is something wrong with your body?"

The other person was silent for a moment before responding: "No."

Five equal parts Shang Yang: "Really? I don't believe it."

Qianhui: "."

The chat ended simply like that. After all, Yuan Ye was also going to class. If he was caught secretly bringing his mobile phone to class, the consequences would be serious.

They made an appointment to play games together tonight.

School time is extremely boring, and soon it's time to finish school.

Before leaving, Tang Lina walked into the classroom and announced something.

Tomorrow the school will conduct a large-scale physical examination, and everyone must participate.

Yuan Ye didn't think it was anything. After all, physical examinations were very common in schools. They were just used to fool around with them from time to time. Some superficial physical examinations were used for written work, and they could be done quickly.

The most important thing now is that he needs to deal with a very important matter.

That’s a big purchase!

Where the world will go next is still unknown. The order may collapse, or it may not, and a large-scale crisis may break out, or it may not. In short, the main theme is a Schrödinger's crisis.

So facing the unknown future, Yuan Ye felt that he needed to stock up on some supplies.

After all, if something happens to you and you stock up on supplies, you won't die in an unknown way if something happens in the future. It just so happens that you still have a basement in your home.

It was originally used to store sundries, some things left behind by my parents when they were still working in China, and some items that had been discarded before.

Normally no one would enter this basement.

It can be made into a refuge.

Instead of going home with Tang Lina and walking out of the campus, Yuan Ye opened his mobile phone and looked at his electronic wallet.

I saw a five-digit balance lying quietly in the balance.

These were all Yuan Ye's daily savings. As for the sources, they were all legitimate sources, and the dividends given to him by Li Qihe was one of them.

Yuan Ye found a large shopping mall and made a large purchase.

He bought a lot of things such as salt, cooking oil, some shelf-stable and long-term food, enough to feed three people for two months, a lot of bottled water, some drinks, and some tools.

After loading a full cart, the staff at the shopping mall looked at him and almost doubted his life.

Is this here to purchase goods?

Yuan Ye's goods were loaded into a small truck at the shopping mall, and he promised to deliver the goods to Yuan Ye's home.

But the mall staff thought it was outrageous. Only Yuan Ye felt that these things were not enough.

It's only been two months, which is actually not safe.

If my own funds were not limited, I would prepare more things.

Alas, I am poor. As expected, as a student, I am the poorest stage in my life. I don’t have much financial resources and I can’t save much money. When it comes to using it, I will be very stretched and it will not be enough at all.

But while he was waiting for the goods to be loaded.


Unlocked achievements: [Survival maniac (city-level achievement), you are prepared for danger in times of peace, purchase a large amount of materials for possible crises in the future, and leave yourself a retreat, simple-level underground fortress construction drawings +1. 】

Yuan Ye's eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn't this exactly what I need now?

At this moment, a commotion suddenly broke out in this commercial street.

Suddenly someone in the crowd screamed.

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