My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 225 Why did you come in?

It's Yuan Ye's turn soon.

"What are you looking at? Let's go!"

One of the escort members stepped forward and pushed.

It's just that he couldn't push Yuan Ye at all. Instead, he staggered and almost fell down.

Yuan Ye looked back and didn't say anything, but took the initiative to move forward.

"You're pretty smart, kid!" The team member was a little annoyed and snorted.

"Okay, lock him up there." Fang Xiang gave the last instruction and disappeared.

Along the way, Yuan Ye and the two were escorted into the building. After entering, they discovered that this was actually the place where prisoners were held in this station.

It was strictly guarded all the way there, with many soldiers stationed there. People were locked up in every cell, with five or six people in each cell.

But no matter how Yuan Ye looked at these people, they didn't look like prisoners. They looked very ordinary. There were even old women who looked helpless. Their clothes were in tatters and covered with dirt. They were sitting on iron bars. Behind the fence, the look was sad.

There were no spirit-sealing handcuffs on his hands, and he seemed not worried at all that the key Lingwu criminal would escape.

As soon as they saw the visitor, all kinds of accusations broke out.

"I was wronged! I didn't do anything bad at all! Let me out quickly!"

"I really haven't!"

"I am innocent, you can't do this!"

"Zhentiansi! How could you do this to us? I am very disappointed in you!!"

"let me out!"


"Quiet the hell!" the escort yelled.

One even walked up to the fence and kicked a woman who was picking up the fence.

The woman who was not handcuffed was kicked to the ground, clutching her stomach in pain and breaking into a cold sweat.

The other prisoners in custody stepped forward to help him one by one, while looking back at him.

Yuan Ye understood, it was a look of hatred.

There is also a look of loss of trust.

Perhaps what they lost was not their trust in these people, but their trust in the three people of 'Zhen Tiansi'.

Yuan Zhiyi felt a little heavy.

It seems that the situation is slightly complicated.

It turns out that the outside world that I have always been unwilling to contact, the corner that I have never understood, is actually like this? Is this kind of thing still happening?

And there is one thing that is very unreasonable, because logically speaking, this kind of iron fence cannot stop the spirit warriors. The raw materials of the spirit-sealing handcuffs are also extremely precious. It is impossible to be so luxurious now to use this kind of material to make cells.

In Yinhai District, in a single-family villa in a high-end community, Xie Ying was frowning and looking at her mobile phone, somewhat puzzled.

What was displayed on her phone was Yuan Ye's chat box.

Because Yuan Ye can't be contacted!

It makes no sense. Generally speaking, Yuan Ye has a strange brain circuit on one hand and is difficult to get along with on the other. But the problem is that he will not ignore people.

In Yuan Ye's words, this is the most basic courtesy.

No matter how perfunctory he is, he will still give you a '1'.

But until this morning, no matter how she sent messages to Yuan Ye, the other party did not reply.

Originally, she was thinking that it was now a holiday and the martial arts exam was coming soon, and she was bored at home.

Unlike Yuan Ye or Li Qihe, she can go home to spend time with her family. She has no relatives in Xinhai.

So she was still thinking about whether the three of them should make an appointment to get together during the time before returning to school.

Have a meal, or go out to play or something.

After all, I have been busy with work, and various major events have happened in Xinhai during this period, so I have never been idle.

But no one was found.

"Let's go to his house and have a look." Xie Ying made a decision immediately.

She has the address of Yuan Ye's home, and she can also visit him.

As soon as he said he was going to leave, Xie Ying began to prepare. The first thing was to buy something and bring it for a visit.

Hey, I didn’t expect it, Yuan Ye, my sister came to visit you!

However, what she didn't know was that Yuan Ye was not at home at this moment, but was taken to a cell.

It was different from the other cells he had seen before. The cell he was taken to now was at the innermost of all the cells, twisting and turning, and finally came to the last room.

It is still an iron fence, but it is located at the end of the corridor. There are no other cells in the entire corridor. There are cameras all around the corridor, and there are many soldiers guarding it.

Behind the iron fence are eight iron beds, but there are more than ten prisoners squeezed inside.

On each hand, there is a single-ring spirit-sealing handcuff, which is the same as the bracelet, but one on each hand.

When they saw people coming from outside, they didn't cry out like other cells, or beg for release, but looked at the escorts with different eyes.

This is a ferocious look, a look that chooses people and devours them.

Just like dormant hungry wolves, they have no chance, but once they find an opportunity, they may launch a ferocious counterattack like a wolf.

Among these people, Yuan Ye saw a familiar person.

It was the big man who smelled of sea that he had just seen outside. He was sitting near the corner of the toilet, sitting quietly, with his head lowered and his eyes covered by his hair.


The iron door of the cell was opened.

"Be honest with me!"

"Get in!"

Some of the team members went in to look at the prisoner, while others pushed Yuan Ye and the two forward.

Then a team member walked to the innermost bunk and whispered a few words to a prisoner.

The prisoner nodded, then looked at Yuan Ye with a sinister smile.

After they entered the cell, they felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and finally felt relieved. They quickly exited, then closed the iron door and locked it layer by layer.

Finally, the person disappears.

Yuan Ye looked at the surrounding environment, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Of course, everyone was looking at the two of them, except for the big man just now.

After a few A-450 members disappeared, a few people stood up from the bedding on the ground.

Each of these people wore single-ring spirit-sealing handcuffs and walked to the corner of the toilet, where the big man was.

Then the punches and kicks started.

The sound of the fist hitting the flesh was extremely real, and the big man didn't scream or beg for mercy, at most he grunted twice.

"You're so tough, aren't you? You're a deaf person, aren't you? You can't understand people, right?"

The prisoners who surrounded him cursed each time they were beaten.

"You really think this is outside, don't you? You are a tiger or a dragon, and you don't answer any questions!"


The big man hunched over and said nothing.

Seeing this scene, the driver next to Yuan Ye was moved. He took a step forward and vaguely protected Yuan Ye behind him.

"Why did you two come in?"

At this time, someone finally spoke.

It was the sound coming from the innermost bed among the eight beds.

This bed is facing the sunlight coming from the top skylight. It is different from other beds and places that are dark and damp. Even the bedding on it is brand new. Unlike other beds, the bedding is covered with dirt and inexplicable marks, and the pillows are still scattered. Holding several packs of opened cigarettes.

The ferocious-looking man with a scarred face and single eyelids was half-lying on the bed, half-lying on the bed. He raised his head slightly and looked at Yuan Ye and the two with a slightly disdainful look.

There were even two prisoners behind him pressing his shoulders and beating his back. (End of chapter)

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