My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 235 Death Penalty Execution Report

"Boss? Boss? You haven't calculated the cigarette money for me yet."

In the supermarket, a customer stood outside the counter and asked tentatively.

Because in his eyes, the supermarket owner, who had looked unattractive just a moment ago, was sitting at the counter playing with the computer, picking his feet, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and picking his nose.

Although he looks young, with his crossed legs, one hairy leg and flip-flops, he looks like a perverted and obese boss who might occasionally play with butter and read erotic novels.

She was even chatting with him about whether the beautiful woman who just passed by on the street had a 36D.

But just after the fat boss answered the phone, he stood up and his demeanor completely changed.

The Divine Lord exuded an oppressive aura, with an angry look on his face.

"No need to look for it, I have something urgent now." Li Qihe put down his phone and said hurriedly.

After saying that, under the dumbfounded gaze of the customers, he jumped out of the counter and ran out of the supermarket.

It wasn't that he was surprised by the fat boss's physical skills.


"No. It's you who wants the change!"

But the next moment, the fat boy boss grabbed a coat from the clothes rack at the entrance of the supermarket and put it on himself.

The customer was speechless for a moment.

This is a cloak of Zhentiansi, and it is full of exquisite dark patterns and epaulettes.

A big word "Zhen" is embroidered on the back, which clearly shows that this is not the cloak that ordinary Tianzhensi personnel should have.

Li Qihe was about to explode now.

Because the call he received was surprisingly from Yuan Ye.

In his heart, Brother Yuan is his faith, and Brother Yuan's orders are all his principles and the goal he follows throughout his life.

He was still thinking about charging forward for Brother Yuan soon and getting good results in the martial arts exam.

Even in his heart, Brother Yuan is sacrosanct and invincible.

But now he actually received a call. Someone actually dared to make trouble with Brother Yuan? ?

Immediately, the appearance of the entire street changed instantly.

Countless passers-by, unknown and unremarkable, were mingling among the crowds on the street, even those who should be wandering around, and their eyes suddenly changed.

One by one, they tore off their regular uniforms, revealing the uniforms underneath, and gathered around them.

Li Qihe looked at these familiar faces.

Originally, Xie Ying suddenly came to him a few days ago and told him to gather S-168's manpower at all times, maybe it would be useful when, but he was still a little confused.

Until now, he may have understood a little bit.

Li Qihe stood in the center of everyone and said, "Are you all assembled?"

"Ready at all the time!"

Everyone shouted in reply.

"Activate emergency registration. The captain is in danger. Activate the first level of combat readiness within the team." Li Qihe said coldly: "After confirming the position of the captain, move forward. If you encounter anyone who blocks you, kill him! If you encounter enemies, kill him!"

In an instant, like a precision machine, a team member took out an instrument and turned it on. A red dot accurately appeared on the map on the screen.


This was the sound of a long line of cars approaching. These cars were originally parked in inconspicuous corners of the neighborhood.

The customers in the supermarket were almost dumbfounded.

Is this fat boss so strong?

The atmosphere in A-450 has solidified to the extreme.

Yuan Ye sat on the front of the shop with a golden sword, looking at the people rushing over, and Fang Xiang with a gloomy face.

Fang Xiang looked ugly and asked, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Yuan Ye's attitude was always as calm as ever: "Didn't you bring me back? Now I'm telling you, I'll give you a chance to pick up my phone and take pictures of it, or you'll be responsible for the consequences."

"I'll paralyze you!"

"How dare you talk to our captain like this when you are about to die!?"

"Damn, I've never seen such an arrogant person."

"Captain, kill him?"

All the A-450 team members cursed loudly.

The way they behave is completely different from the S-168 team members who are strict in discipline, stick to the bottom line, and look like soldiers of the people.

They don't look like soldiers, but more like those gangsters on the street, with a lawless and arrogant attitude.

For example, Yuan Ye felt a very familiar feeling, a very familiar feeling of disgust.

This reminded him of those people from the Thirteen Families of Tobishita not long ago.

This state is exactly the same as theirs.

At this time, a prisoner suddenly stood up with a fawning look on his face, and then trotted up to Fang Xiang with a bowed waist: "Captain Fang, do you think what I did can take into account what you said? I can join the Zhentian Division. Bar?"

Yuan Ye recognized this prisoner, and he was clearly one of the sincere followers of Brother Mouse in the shop. He was even the one who bullied Hong Xi the most.

"Well, you're good!" Fang Xiang nodded with satisfaction: "I'm sure, come here, please open his spirit-sealing handcuffs!"

At Fang Xiang's order, a team member immediately stepped forward and opened the two handcuffs that looked like bracelets on the prisoner's hands.

For a moment, the prisoner felt surprised and felt his long-lost strength.

came back! They are really all back!

He was completely different from before, with vigorous power filling his body, and he was once again that arrogant spiritual warrior!

Looking back at the spirit-sealing handcuffs on the ground, there was a hint of gloom in his eyes.

He never wanted to see this thing in his life.

Then, he put on a uniform and blended in with the team members.

It blends in neatly with this group of people without any sense of being out of place.

At this moment, Yuan Ye finally understood how these members of A-450 came to be.

"Fang Xiang, the rules of this Zhentian Division are strict. The selection of team members must follow a strict 18-point inspection and test system, right? And they must have no criminal records within three generations. The information must be reported to the headquarters. You just let people join in so hastily. ?" Yuan Ye asked, crossing his legs.

"Bold! Can you call the captain by his name?"

Perhaps because the handcuffs were removed, or perhaps because the skin on his body gave him confidence, the prisoner suddenly dared to point at Yuan Ye's nose and curse.

At the same time, his eyes were very sinister.

He hated Yuan Ye so much that this guy didn't even give him any face, and even beat him up some time ago.

He now wishes he could kill this bastard.

However, Yuan Ye acted as if he had not seen this person. He was completely in the air and did not shift his gaze. Instead, he continued to look at Fang Xiang: "I have already given you the opportunity."

"Do you really think of yourself as a person?" Fang Xiang sneered: "Tell me, what on earth do you want to do? How dare you hide your mobile phone privately? Do you really want to die quickly?"

Is he afraid? Of course he is not afraid.

As a resident captain of the Zhentian Division, he still has to maintain his position, there can be no mistakes, and everything must be perfect.

Therefore, he didn't move Yuan Ye, but since he was going to move, it was best to disappear without anyone noticing, without any worries.

Just today, the execution report he submitted has just come down.

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