The first day of the martial arts examination has become the most popular event at the moment, and almost the whole world's eyes are fixed on this matter.

Of course, it is impossible that there will be no mistakes. For such a big event, there will be more or less things that are not handled properly.

But overall it went very smoothly.

Many reporters also began to gather around various examination rooms to catch candidates.

The second day of the preliminary test soon came.

The competition between two people in Yuan Ye's team, Li Qihe and Xie Ying, is today.

Naturally, Yuan Ye also went to watch, but today he was sitting in the audience. Although the organizer and Di Chunji also invited him to sit in the leadership seat, after all, Yuan Ye's identity has been made public now, and there is nothing wrong with him sitting in that seat. inappropriate.

But in the end he chose to sit in the audience.

Next to him was Li Qihe's father, his cousin, Tang Lina, and Gouzi.

That's right, as a kitten who is not afraid of people at all, the dog was naturally picked up.

But I don’t know why. Ever since that day, it has never looked good when it saw Yuan Ye. When it saw Yuan Ye coming, it pointed its big butt at Yuan Ye. Yuan Ye wanted to reach out and hug it, but he resisted. , just not allowed to be hugged.

Yuan Ye didn't force it.

Regarding yesterday's game, Tang Lina was naturally the happiest one. She has had a smile on her face since yesterday and has never been down.

Li Qihe's father naturally knew them all. After all, Tang Lina was their former class teacher and often visited the home of Li Qihe, the problem student.

It goes without saying how big Li Qihe's original problem was, right? They were so big that they were ready to jump off the building. If it weren't for Yuan Ye, they would be gone now.

So after getting to know Li Qihe well, Li Qihe often took Yuan Ye home to have dinner with him. This was a back-and-forth trip, and Father Li was also very grateful to Yuan Ye.

Li Qihe would speak softly. In fact, it had no reason to do with his family. Li Qihe and his family loved him very much. It can only be said that he lived in a wrong era. People in this era often treat people around them for various reasons. Respond with malice, and make no secret of it.

Father Li was already sweating nervously. While praying to pass, he looked nervously at the stage.

This mentality made Yuan Ye a little confused about what to say.

He could only comfort: "Don't worry, Uncle Li, there is nothing unexpected."

Although Li Qihe's strength is considered to be very rubbish here, if it were moved horizontally to a group of candidates in the martial arts test in the school, it would not be said that he was not strong enough, but it could only be said that the adults were beating up the children.

Just like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, there is no suspense between the two sides at all, and the gap in strength is too disparate and huge.

Facts have fully proved that some of Yuan Ye's previous worries were completely unnecessary. The so-called opponents did not exist at all.

All that needs to be seen now is which step Li Qihe has achieved and how much his strength has increased.

Soon, it was Li Qihe's turn to play.

Li Qihe is different from Yuan Ye, he is more showy.

After all, Yuan Ye is still very low-key and has no idea of ​​being in the limelight. He is more showy. From the beginning to the end, he even wears Zhentiansi's cloak.

Can you imagine? A group of students were taking exams, and then suddenly, a man wearing a Zhentiansi uniform and carrying a lieutenant rank on his shoulders appeared in the field and wanted to take the exam with them.

This is completely numbing.

Fortunately, Li Qihe's opponent was a seed player, not an ordinary student who was not well-known.

That was a seeded player from No. 16 Middle School. From the moment he saw Li Qihe, his eyes flashed with fighting spirit.

"Geniuses are not afraid of the challenges ahead, otherwise they will not achieve anything in this life. You may be very strong, but as your opponent, I will not back down. My biggest dream is to join Zhentian Division in the future and protect me one day. The majesty of the human race protects the hundreds of millions of people in Dahanxia. I will do anything for this dream. Please sharpen my sword for me first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was indeed no fear in his eyes, but he looked directly at Li Qihe.

Yuan Ye, who was in the audience, naturally heard these heroic words and couldn't help but nod.

"This kid is quite talented." He commented.

"Don't forget that the people you are mentoring are also your peers." Tang Lina looked at Yuan Ye's mature look, which was clearly out of this level, and touched her forehead.

But Yuan Ye was right. He really thought that this was indeed a talent.

This has always been the case in his mind. How should one define whether a person is a genius? What does the so-called genius look like?

Is it enough to just have talent?

It is not enough. Yuan Ye believes that if a person has talent but does not have a matching temperament and perspective on things, he is not worthy of being called a genius.

Therefore, he never thought that he was a genius. At most, he had some strange skills, because he lacked the spirit.

Li Qihe's opponent is called Yue Canglan, the first seed in the 16th Middle School.

Originally, his opponent should be Liu Li, but Liu Li was actually involved in a case related to Fang Yuanshan, was taken away for investigation, and was immediately disqualified from the exam.

And this new opponent

I come from No. 16 Middle School. This is not a good school. Before the revival of the spirit, No. 16 Middle School was the very bottom of the general high school. It was even famous for the number of bad students in the school. There were bad guys everywhere, and people who studied seriously were not There are many, many roasted chickens and stir-fried roasted chickens.

Even after the spiritual reform, the environment in No. 16 Middle School has not improved at all. It is as messy as it should be.

I didn’t expect that this kind of school could actually teach students like Yue Canglan? It's quite shocking.

I just don’t know what the ability is.

Soon, the answer was revealed.

"Sixteenth Middle School, Yue Canglan, mid-level Silver Moon level, ability, self seed, myth seed, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva!"




Yuan Ye sat up from his seat all of a sudden, dumbfounded.

Many candidates had the same reaction.

What the hell is this? Does this kind of ability exist?

You must know that Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva is not some unknown person.

This is such a god! God from the Buddhist system.

Gods and humans were not the same species in the first place, but now they have become a kind of ability?

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Mahasattva is the right attendant of the Supreme Buddha Amitabha in the Western Paradise World. He is also known as the Great Effort Bodhisattva. Holy”.

Li Qihe is in danger.

Yuan Zhizhong was also a little unsure.

This would be easy to say if it were any other ability. Just hearing about this ability would sound very perverted. As expected, after there are more spiritual warriors, all kinds of weird abilities are available, and all kinds of weird abilities can be seen.

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