Of course, after these few days of contact, she felt that Yuan Ye's team was that everyone here was ridiculously strong, and every member of his team was like a god.

Even sister Xie Ying is very strong!

It's just an auxiliary ability, and even if it's an auxiliary ability, haven't I never played it before? Aren't you still being defeated by others?

So she is the only real weak one.

But after meeting these people in Yuan Ye's team, she also made up her mind that she would become such a person one day!

But now Yuan Ye actually said that even if he was as strong as Li Qihe, he still had a history that he couldn't bear to look back on?

Under Lin Xuanxuan's gaze, Yuan Ye slowly spoke.

There was no psychological burden on him to talk about Li Qihe's tragic past.

Who doesn’t know that he was frustrated before? Only Hong Yanpei doesn't know yet.

Ever since Hong Yanpei joined the group, Li Qihe has completely changed from his usual behavior, with as many sluts as there are sluts.

Anyway, he usually looks handsome as he pleases, and the cape has never been taken off from his body.

If he hadn't known that there were several sets of replacements, Yuan Ye would have doubted whether the cloak would go rancid on him?

Hong Yanpei was also present at this moment. When she heard that Yuan Ye was about to talk about Li Qihe's past, her eyes also lit up and she flashed some interested glances.

Yuan Ye was unambiguous and immediately started talking about Li Qihe's past bad things.

At this moment, Li Qihe, who was still looking after the store at his home supermarket, also sneezed inexplicably.

"Ah sneeze!"

Li Qihe sniffed: "Who is thinking, my boss's total is 16.5, just scan there, thank you."

He looked at the time. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Watch for another two hours. When my mother comes home from get off work, I can take over and then I can go and play with classmate Hong Yanpei!

Oh, of course, there is also Brother Yuan and Xie Ying, that’s for sure.

When he thought of this, he kept having a silly smile on his face.

I don’t know what classmate Hong Yanpei will think of the egg tarts he made yesterday. What do you think?

Full of expectation, Li Qihe began to hum a tune happily. No. 4 didn't know it, but now he was being opened by his beloved relative and friend Yuan Ye.

On the other side, in the living room of Yuan Ye's home, a series of cheerful laughter sounded at this moment, and the air was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Lin Xuanxuan was amused: "Hahahahaha, is it true? Adjutant Li still has such a past?"

Even Hong Yanpei was very interested: "Then what? Then what?"

There was a gleam in her eyes.

Originally, Li Qihe, to be honest, put a lot of pressure on her.

He is very kind-hearted and patient, and he also gives her various things.

Every time she wanted to send it back, but the other party didn't seem to care.

I just feel like I’m not from the same world, which is very stressful.

And the most important point is that Li Qihe appears to be very powerful and a pure soldier. I feel that the meaning of his existence is given to him by himself, just to serve Yuan Ye and to serve the town. Tiansi.

As for her, she is just a team member. I hope she can integrate into the team quickly so that she can be more effective.

It gives people this feeling.

But today after some explanation by Yuan Ye.

It turns out that Li Qihe has an unknown side.

Xie Ying nodded cheerfully: "Why not? I can prove it. On the first day I arrived, I watched a big show. Yuan Ye took the lead in doing bad things, and then the two of them were punished together. There was no big show at that time. A large-scale spiritual energy recovery, but what impressed me very deeply is that even though the spiritual energy had not been revived on a large scale at that time, Yuan Ye still carried spiritual energy."

Xie Yingyi glanced at Yuan Ye pointedly.

Why did she visit Yuan Ye's thatched cottage so tirelessly in the first place?

Isn't it because she is so curious that why can the spiritual energy be seen on the other party even before the large-scale unblocking?

Although it was still negligible at that time, it was there, and the prototype had already emerged.

Then when the seal was fully lifted, the spiritual energy in his body suddenly soared to an unparalleled level.

This progress was so fast that she, a member of a long-established blood family, was dumbfounded.

Why does this kind of thing still happen?

Then, there are all kinds of things that everyone knows and enjoys.

Then there is Li Qihe.

At that time, Li Qihe perfectly matched the feeling of fat and nerdy people knew him to be, which was completely different from now.

Yuan Ye waved his hand nonchalantly, and finally even pulled out a photo from his phone. This was a photo of Li Qihe.

He handed it over for everyone to see.

"Hahahaha, shit!" Xie Ying laughed heartlessly and slapped the table wildly.

Even the other two burst out laughing.

The person in the photo is Li Qihe taking a photo with Yuan Ye. This is them on the rooftop.

It was a souvenir taken by Yuan Ye after he rescued the person.

In the photo, Li Qihe was seen crying, even with snot bubbles on his face, looking desperate.

Yuan Ye even remembered the scene at that time.

At that time, he told Li Qihe that he would take photos of him when he was most embarrassed, and then play them on a loop at the wedding when he gets married.

The main reason was that Li Qihe was really defiant at that time. Even after being rescued, he still wanted to die. He also let Yuan Ye talk to him for a long time, even asked him to give him a massage, took him back to his home and took care of him all night, and just stared at him. Let’s talk about it after making sure that he won’t seek death.

This day is destined to be the day when Li Qihe's image is completely lost, and people have a new understanding of Li Qihe.

Hong Yanpei also said with a gleam in his eyes: "It's actually quite rare. He is very cheery now. Normally, this means he is working hard to become stronger and has not been knocked down by his past misfortune."

Lin Xuanxuan also had some changes in her mentality: "It turns out there are people like me."

"So, can you tell me now what happened? Don't think that your own affairs are unimportant."


She nodded and finally blurted out everything that happened in school today.

It also includes words from her and the dean of students.

The cause of everything actually starts with the subsidy for extremely poor students that she applied for last semester.

This is also normal. Normal schools generally have such provisions, and will provide certain benefits to some students whose family conditions are particularly difficult. The original intention is to respond to the national call and make it easier for poor students to study.

Obviously, Lin Xuanxuan signed up, and she also met the requirements of this regulation. (End of chapter)

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