Because something like this happened and there were so many people at the scene, it was absolutely impossible to completely block the spread and fermentation of information. When there were more people, there would be more news.

Soon, discussions about this matter emerged one after another on the Internet.

As for public opinion on the Internet, the official approach neither suppresses nor makes a statement, but acquiesces, as if they have not seen it at all.

Because according to the official attitude, this kind of thing is not easy to control. Before the public opinion is distorted, it is the best way to let the public discuss it. Only when the public opinion is distorted to a certain extent, the official will stop to refute the rumors.

And it just so happens that we can take this opportunity to make the people aware of the existence of strange races.

Although society as a whole can still maintain stable operation, there will not be much change, and there will be no real fatal threats.

But these are the result of many spiritual warriors resisting at the front, so that the rear can live a stable life.

But times have changed, and more similar things may happen one day in the future, because officials can never guarantee that accidents will not happen.

As long as there are people around, there are countless ways for things to go.

Then there are still many possibilities for unexpected accidents to occur in the future.

The risk has always been on the rise.

Therefore, the public must be vaccinated at this stage.

Only by applying pressure can we stimulate the production of more fresh blood. Without pressure, we will only die faster and accelerate our death.

Now, human beings should realize who their enemies are. This does not mean that they are necessarily safe.

At this time, the Internet is full of related discussions.

"Why is it Xinhai again? How many times has this happened?"

"Can Xinhai still get better? I thought the situation would be better this year, and I planned to travel to Xinhai. And after Xinhai is directly under the jurisdiction, it will definitely be promoted, and it will be more suitable for settlement. Basically, you don't have to think about it. There will definitely be many people settling there. , but something happened again at this juncture.”

"It's not Xinhai's fault, okay? What does this have to do with Xinhai? It's the fault of the weird race. Who would have thought that there would be a virtual realm of weird races here? The local Zhentian Division has tried its best to contain it, right? They haven't appeared yet. How many victims are there? Isn't this the best result? And at this time, who can be sure that there are no virtual realms hidden in your hometown that have not exploded? Race? Not even?"

"Yes, this is the reason why times have changed. What is wrong is that those weird races have nothing to do with Xinhai, but the Xinhai authorities. We have to praise them. It is thanks to their timely response that they curbed the development of the matter. , this also shows us the mission and difficulty of spiritual warriors. Now I want to ask, do you still think that the regulations that give privileges to spiritual warriors are bad regulations? Can you do these things? Can we protect people under such environmental conditions? Can’t we? If not, can you shut up? Really, the Internet has allowed me to witness what species diversity is.”

"Come on Xinhai!"

"Weird race, don't forget that these are our enemies."

"Since ancient times, our country has a saying that is very good, that is, people who are not of our own race will have different minds. Now it is a good proof and portrayal. We see others as monsters, and others see us as monsters. There is no fundamental difference between the two sides. It is not a kind of creature. Once it appears, it will definitely be in a die-hard position with us. "

"But what I didn't expect was that there would actually be people raping such creatures. What are they trying to do?"

"It's normal. In a big forest, there are all kinds of birds, not to mention there are so many people in the world. There will always be some scum. In reality, are there less people who put down their bowls and curse after they are full?"

"Not to mention other places, just on the Internet, are there very few people who are born with no spine or with weak spines?"

"These are the most hateful people. Judging from the data and case details disclosed by the authorities at this stage, if it were not for those rapists, this incident would not have happened. The rapes played the most important role."

"Traitor of humanity."

"You can't say it so harshly. I don't think you can beat everyone to death with one stick. Similarly, I think this sentence also applies to other races. There are many other races. How can you guarantee that there are no innocent people among them? Wan Is there a race that is friendly to humans? I think it is absolutely possible. It is better to work together than to fight, and people will die in a fight. War is very bad. We should oppose war. We can try to dissolve both sides. It is best to accept and cooperate with each other to coexist.”

"Actually, I think so too. The person above said what is in my heart. Why must we fight? The people suffer in war. We can send out friendly signals. Be sensible and don't be diodes. Today's Internet That’s it, I’m too violent and I’m going to hit you at every turn. Are you going to hit me?”

"Is there really a reasonable person out there? Is there such a thing as a reasonable person? It really is the diversity of species."

"Stay away. When you are killed by the weird creature, it's best if the blood doesn't splash all over me. I don't care about you else."

"Is there really someone raping someone in the comment section?"

"It doesn't happen if someone is raped, it's just that some people are born with softer bones."

"Can you understand what it means to be naturally opposed? If we don't kill them, they will have to kill us. They can't survive without killing us. Can you understand this problem? To take a good route, the first thing is that we must There is room for friendship, but do you see it now?”

There is a lot of noise on the Internet, and there are all kinds of opinions.

But fortunately, in public opinion this time, not many people have a negative attitude towards Xinhai, which has to be said to be a good thing.

The emergence of the strange race has indeed made most people aware of the problem, and also aware of who the primary enemy they face now is.

I also know that in fact, human beings are not sitting back and relax now, but there are people standing in front of them. There are always such a group of people who take the lead and can work hard for the safety of most people.

Turning your attention back to Xinhai, everyone in Xinhai is now in danger, and Happy Valley has been sealed off.

The terrifying thunder sea is raging, and at the same time, there is also a lot of pressure.

Because they have to consider one thing, that is, it is impossible to block forever. So, what should they do when the blockade is not closed?

"The only way is that we must take the initiative and fight in!" (End of Chapter)

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