My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 313 Entering the virtual realm again!

Belonging is yes. Great progress has been made. Belonging is yes.

Time, like Yuan Ye's gentle elder sister, is gone as soon as she says goodbye, and everything is like a passing cloud.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

In the past two days, the officials have also demonstrated extremely amazing processing efficiency, minimizing the impact and consequences of the virtual realm.

All victims were given the most appropriate placement, and their families also received relevant compensation.

Logically speaking, the government does not need to provide this part of the pension, because strictly speaking it is a force majeure natural disaster. If it were placed in some Western countries, this matter would be over and there would be no compensation. What about the follow-up treatment of the victims’ families, but Hanxia has always been a very humanitarian country. When faced with this kind of situation, it generally does not ignore the victims’ families and the victims’ compatriots, so it also provides corresponding pension.

Then, the surviving people were properly resettled, and very thorough psychological counseling was also arranged.

After all, if such a big thing happened, it would be completely impossible to do nothing.

This incident has not affected the lives of ordinary people in Xinhai. Everyone's life is still what it should be. It's just that all the major roads leading to this area are densely blocked by Zhentian Secretary. .

Although the people are very curious, no one can get an insight into what is happening or what is going on.

They will never know that today is a very important day, because today, there will be people who will put their own life and death aside, and for the sake of their peace, resolutely step into this forbidden land that is equivalent to a place of death for humans.

"Attention all units, the convoy ahead is cleared."

"Yes! The passing license plate number is New A·Town 7888! It is allowed to pass!"


On the heavily guarded thoroughfare, there is basically a sentry post just a few dozen meters away, with armed personnel patrolling and standing guard.

There are also spiritual warriors wearing Zhentiansi uniforms, exuding a faint spiritual energy. It can be seen that the atmosphere everywhere is extremely tense.

A convoy of four vehicles passed through the main road.

The first one was a military green military off-road vehicle with a Zhentiansi license plate and an eye-catching spray painting of the unit it belonged to.

The words S-168 seem very strict.

The second car was an Audi commercial vehicle.

The third car is a car. It shouldn’t be called a car, or it shouldn’t be called an ordinary car!

Because it is linked to the fourth car.

To be more precise, the third car is the front of the car. It is very big. Even the heavy truck in front of it may be the same size as its little brother.

If you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that the front of this truck is very similar to the front of the log transport truck during the military parade.

Then what followed was a heavy carriage, and behind the carriage there was still a locomotive pushing forward.

It's like it's impossible to pull things in the carriage without two large heads.

The motorcade was extremely spectacular, and was greeted with salute by all sentry personnel wherever it went.

After driving all the way to the destination, the convoy stopped, where everyone was already waiting in advance.

The top leader of Xinhai Zhentian Division, Di Chunji, and all the senior officials of Zhentian Division.

The captains of all formations, plus a large number of high-level spiritual warriors.

Of course, all members of S-168 were also present.

Even Qian Hui was at the scene, while Xie Ying was standing in the crowd with an extremely complicated expression, followed by Li Qihe.

Under everyone's gaze, after the motorcade came to a stop, the car door was opened.

Two people came down from above.

Surprisingly, it was Yuan Ye, and Yuan Xinyan, the cheap brother and sister.

At this moment, Yuan Ye had already changed into a Lingwu tactical uniform, while Yuan Xinyan was wearing convenient light clothing.


The cover of the huge log transport truck was lifted, and the behemoth hidden inside instantly revealed its true appearance.

With its huge size and streamlined design, it shone with a cold light, like a large battleship.

It’s the Nantian Ship!

However, compared to the previous Nantian Ship, this Nantian Ship obviously has many differences.

For example, it is larger, the design is smoother than before, and there are more various lines connected to it.

Astonishingly, it is the latest model of the improved Nantian ship that was newly installed on the S-168 some time ago! It is not yet in large-scale deployment.

"Disconnect for maintenance!"

There are dozens of workers in work clothes and strict protection inside the carriage running various equipment.

At the moment when the order was given, all the various lines and pipes connecting the Nantian ship's hull were cut off bit by bit.

Various lights on the Nantian ship began to light up automatically, the engine began to point downward, flashing a light blue halo, and strong airflow began to blow.


Wang Erzhu led all S-168 members to come forward and salute.

"You are really good at causing trouble. After not seeing each other for a few days, you caused a lot of trouble." Xie Ying stared at Yuan Ye and said with a headache.

"Brother Yuan." Li Qihe didn't say much.

Although the two of them didn't say much, Yuan Ye was very clear about their thoughts.

"I won't need you this time. The character this time has nothing to do with you." Yuan Ye refused directly.

"But Brother Yuan." Li Qihe wanted to argue again.

But Yuan Ye just waved his hand gently: "I know that no matter what tasks we performed before, we always worked together, but this time is really different from any other time before. This is not the time for you to be willful."

Li Qihe also stopped talking.

Just when Xie Ying was about to say something else, Di Chunji stretched out his hand and held her shoulders tightly: "Don't be willful. Yuan Ye is right. The situation is different this time. Even if you follow, It’s no different than a burden.”

It's okay for Yuan Ye. As a space system, his upper limit is very high, he has enough life-saving ability, and has miraculous effects.

But what are these? Do you still need to say it?

One is the normal level, which is in line with one’s own realm.

The other one is simply a hindrance, even reaching the Star Glory level is too difficult for her to follow?

The consequences are simply unimaginable.

"Let's go." Yuan Xinyan sighed.


At this moment, no one said anything. Di Chunji took the lead and gave an order with a dignified military salute. Everyone around him stood up straight and saluted.


The Nantian Ship finally started smoothly at this moment, and with boundless power, it flew directly outside the virtual realm.

Yuan Ye grabbed Yuan Xinyan's shoulders.


The next moment, the two appeared on the deck of the Nantian Ship.

The Nantian Ship slowly rose, getting closer and closer to the Thunder Sea above.

Yuan Xinyan stretched out his hand and waved it gently.

I saw that the sea of ​​thunder in the sky instantly separated a path as if it had intelligence.

Among them, the dark hole exuding boundless pressure and occupying half of the sky was slowly twisting. (End of chapter)

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