My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 315 Infiltration Plan

The most critical point is that the Sun Yao-level creatures guarding here did not feel anything unusual about the arrival of Yuan Ye and Yuan Xinyan's Nantian Ship.

To be fair, isn't the Nantian ship they are currently riding on conspicuous?

That is absolutely impossible. Not to mention the size of a Ford-class aircraft carrier, it is absolutely impossible for such a behemoth to appear majestically at the entrance. If it is not discovered, it is absolutely impossible.

It’s impossible that things that have not come up in CT since ancient times will still happen here, right? Is this reasonable?

These creatures were as motionless as if their souls had been extracted.

Not to mention Yuan Ye, Yuan Xinyan would naturally find it strange.

Yuan Ye cast a look and asked with his own eyes what was going on, and what should they do?

If you follow Yuan Ye's approach, the safest course is to do it without stopping. Since there are no too tight defensive forces around, then kill them all.

Although this will also lead to the defenders who may come back to take over the post later to find that their own people are dead, but at the very least, they will not know who did it.

Even if there is any suspicion that someone from outside the virtual realm has come in, it is only a strong suspicion.

Then they can hide themselves in the dark to a certain extent without being exposed.

Then find a way to hide and act in secret. First find the safest way to find out the other party's details and strength.

Next consider in-depth actions.

This is what Yuan Ye thinks is the best approach.

He expressed his thoughts to Yuan Xinyan.

However, Yuan Xinyan shook his head at his suggestion: "It doesn't have to be like this, we have a better way."

"Huh?" Yuan Ye was stunned.

Better approach? What is meant?

"We don't have to rush to expose ourselves. Since they are indifferent to our arrival, then something must have happened below. We can go down first to take a look at the situation."

Go down and take a look at the situation?

Is there just a chance for the other party to have time to respond? What if they were really careless and didn't pay attention to what was going on above? If they gave them time to react, wouldn't it give the other party a chance to spread the news and call in a large force?

Thinking of the opponent's terrifying strength and the dispatch of tens of thousands of sky-level warriors, Yuan Ye felt shuddering.

Before he has a thorough understanding of the opponent's strength, he is not inclined to take such risks and adopt such radical plans.

"No!" Yuan Ye rejected the idea directly.

Why did he come here? Wasn't it just to support his cheap sister? Also to be able to complete this task more carefully?

He puts safety first, and the outcome of the mission comes second in his mind.

In his opinion, the safest way is to let Yuan Xinyan take action and completely eliminate the defenders before they can react.

However, Yuan Xinyan smiled: "Don't be so cautious. Just listen to what I have to say first. I kept them for a reason."

"What's the reason?" Yuan Ye asked with a frown.

"First of all, you should also know that we humans have been in contact with strange races for a long time. We have been in contact before the spiritual energy was revived." Yuan Xinyan said.

"I know that." Yuan Ye nodded. Now he is no longer a novice who just joined the Zhentian Division. He doesn't know anything about some things.

"But you probably don't know that our battle has been going on for a long time. There are many battles in various senses, overt and covert, and there are many weird races. There are several weird races at the moment, and we humans don't know much about them. It’s surprisingly high, even including culture, language, social structure, and even in-depth study of their civilization. It can be said that you have a good understanding of it. Do you know why?”

Yuan Xinyan asked rhetorically.

Yuan Ye did not speak, but waited for Yuan Xinyan's answer.

Yuan Xinyan: "Because of infiltration and reverse infiltration, these weird races are obsessed with evil and have always had a strong obsession with the present world. Their offensive against us is greater than anyone imagined. They are on the front line of our humanity. Later, many conflicts broke out. I can tell you clearly that at this stage in the world, among us humans, there are many people from strange races. Remember, it is their people, not those they bribed, who directly infiltrated in. of!"

"Are you a foreign spy?" Yuan Ye frowned.

He once thought that since someone was raped, there must be infiltration within the top brass of the human race.

But now Yuan Xinyan's statement seems that the situation is much more complicated than he imagined.

Can strange races transform into humans and infiltrate them?

"And in the same way, why we also understand them equally well, that's because not only are they infiltrating, but our true nature is also infiltrating them!"

Yuan Xinyan's words are not shocking and he will die.

Even Yuan Ye's pupils shrank when he heard this.

"I know you are confused, why are human races and alien races so different, but they can penetrate each other? I can only say that there are many things that you haven't understood yet, and it's normal for you not to know. Just like now, you don't understand, You would think that killing the defenders with thunder and then covering up the traces is the best way, but what if there is a chance to infiltrate the alien race itself? "

"Then we can complete the task more safely and find out their details." Yuan Ye took a deep breath.

To be honest, Yuan Xinyan's words completely subverted his views.

He still couldn't figure out how to infiltrate?

But I have to admit that if they can personally infiltrate into the alien society, then their risk of exposure will be greatly reduced.

As long as you are careful in the early stage and figure out some things step by step, you can quickly figure out what these weird races are, as well as their cultural form, plus more things that can even determine the situation of the battle.

Perhaps it can play a vital role in how to fight against this strange race.

"Go down and follow me."

Yuan Xinyan said.

The next moment, she jumped.

Yuan Ye immediately reached out and grabbed her hand, and the two of them flew into the air.

Yuan Ye summoned the hole in the alien space and took back the Nantian Ship.

Yuan Xinyan was in mid-air, looking at the defenders below, with a silvery light shining in her pupils.

In an instant, the defenders below all stiffened and froze on the spot.

"Go down and move quickly." Yuan Xinyan commanded.

"Okay." Yuan Ye nodded and took out his signature steel bar directly from the alien space.

These steel bars were originally collected from the ruins of the school. Because these ribbed steels were unexpectedly easy to use and were large in quantity, he continued to use them.

In an instant, the threaded steel bars were inserted into the ground below with a whoosh, right in the faces of the defenders. (End of chapter)

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