My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 320 Infiltration

Let him drink this stuff. It doesn't look like it's drinkable.

When he thought of the fresh pus that had just been scraped off, Yuan Ye began to doubt his life.

It's really not that he is squeamish, nor is he used to staying in his comfort zone.

To be honest, Yuan Ye is already the kind of person who has strong adaptability. He is not unable to adapt to various extreme environments and some relatively poor conditions.

But now does this thing really not cause problems when drunk?

"Okay, nothing will happen. All we need is their DNA, so there's nothing we can do about it, but these things have been completely exhausted as soon as they go in, and nothing is left." Yuan Xinyan explained helplessly One sentence.

At the same time, she added: "This is our best way to quickly figure out anything we want to know. People outside can't delay it."

This sentence immediately silenced Yuan Yeqian.

Yes, what Yuan Xinyan said is right. They can wait, but people outside can't wait. What if they don't complete the task so quickly and don't get the information they want, but in the process, the Lei Hai that blocked the entrance will If it is eliminated, what should we do?

Then someone else launches a major counterattack and invades the present world without any intelligence, lack of data, and even basic strength. What will be the consequences?

What will happen to Xinhai?

What should we do with so many people living in Xinhai?

There is no doubt that the first people to suffer must be ordinary people.

And there are many people Yuan Ye cares about there, so what should they do?

So they have no time to waste, time will not wait for them at all.

"Okay." Yuan Ye took a deep breath and could only take the test tube.

His hands shaking when he picked up the test tube were shaking like chaff.

Swallowing, he tried hard to convince himself that there was happy water in it, there was happy water in it, it was no big deal.

"You drink half of it." Yuan Xinyan said.

Then, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, Yuan Ye swallowed half of the medicine in the test tube with his head down.

At this entrance, Yuan Ye almost went dark.

Because first there is the stench, a very ugly odor, just like licking the joints of an old man who has not bathed for decades. Then there is the rotten smell, and then there is stickiness and a slight salty smell. Son.

how to say? He felt now that he was holding the goblin and licking the pus. It was exactly the same feeling.

A person's instinctive reaction is to vomit it out, which makes him forcefully suppress this instinct.

"You lied!! Ugh-gudong-" Yuan Ye covered his mouth with his hands and glared at the cheap lady angrily.

Who said there was nothing left? Doesn’t this leave the taste behind?

Is this any different from drinking goblin pus raw? There is no difference.

This physical discomfort has been cured. Normally, who can withstand this?

Yuan Ye forced himself not to spit it out. At this moment, he felt as if he had lost his soul. He put down the test tube, knelt on the ground with his hands on the ground, and then gasped for air.

Yuan Xinyan knelt down to take the test tube, and then drank it in one gulp without hesitation.

During the whole process, she just frowned slightly.

Finally, something magical happened.

After Yuan Ye took a breath, he suddenly frowned.

He felt that his body began to undergo some unspeakable changes.

First of all, the bones started to rattle and make bursts of noise.

Then there was a tingling feeling coming from inside the body from the inside out.

Then, he stood up involuntarily.

With a whoosh, his height instantly shrank by a section.

Then came the crushing pain, the numbness, and his muscles began to twitch.

Yuan Xinyan was not much better. From her body, Yuan Ye could see the whole process very clearly.

First of all, Yuan Xinyan's skin is turning green and rough at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then little bits of scales, like the probes of small cockroach larvae that are several hours old, are sprouting out quickly. The whole process is almost obvious. If there is a trypophobia patient here, he will have to pass away on the spot.

Then, the clothes on my body began to loosen - because my body could no longer support the clothes, I was too thin and short.

Yuan Ye knew that the same thing was happening to him.

This process lasted for about several minutes before it ended, and Yuan Ye felt that his senses were normal.

But in the final analysis, it was not very normal, because he found that his perspective on the world was different, and the perspective in front of him became extremely small.

Yuan Xinyan covered the loose combat uniform that was about to fall off with her hands: "Okay, it's over."

It could be heard that even she felt relieved.

"Finally." Yuan Ye felt relieved.

Then, he was stunned for a moment.

The language the two of them were communicating with now was clearly the language of goblins.

Originally spoken with a human body, I feel that this kind of language is very anti-human and very harmful to the body.

But now that I say it, that feeling is gone, and instead it becomes extremely smooth.

At this moment, he finally understood why the spies were so difficult to find.

This is not a disguise at all, but a true incarnation of that race from the inside out.

Everything about me is the same as yours, no matter how you check, it's the same.

How do you find out? Is it really that easy?

Moreover, I really have to admire those spies who are on the front line for mankind. They are the real heroes. Today, Yuan Ye has experienced how difficult it is for them.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Yuan Ye also asked, holding his clothes.

Under Yuan Ye's questioning, Yuan Xinyan glanced directly at the goblins who were immobilized not far away.

He had a bad feeling at that time.

Sure enough, Yuan Xinyan said: "Let's go, take it off."

"What did you take off?" Yuan Yezhan asked tremblingly, somewhat hoping that his guess was false.

"Clothes! Otherwise? Aren't you wearing this to expose yourself?" Yuan Xinyan glared at him and started to take off the dirty and smelly clothes.

Yuan Ye had no choice but to resist, so he could only follow along.

After a while, they took on a new look and became two completely different people.

"The most important thing now is to stay away from this area first, then look for settlements, settle down first, establish a foothold, and then start spying on intelligence."


The two of them discussed the countermeasures and knew that this was not a place to stay for a long time, so they quickly left the place.

After the two left, a moment later, a flash of lightning flashed on the immobilized goblins.

The leading Goblin was confused at first, and then asked: "What happened?" (End of Chapter)

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