It happened in a flash, the moment Yuan Ye opened his eyes.

Hearing Yuan Ye's words, the thunderstorm spear in Yuan Xinyan's hand stopped abruptly. At this time, it was only less than half an inch away from the throat of the alien title level. Seeing that the lightning was about to spread to the opponent's skin, even if it didn't formally touch, the scales on the opponent's skin began to blacken, curled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and emitted burnt smoke.

The alien title level hadn't reacted yet, and was still instinctively closing his eyes and trembling in fear.

After a long while, he didn't feel the death that came as promised, and then he opened his eyes in doubt, looked at the two people with a face full of horror, and swallowed his saliva.

It's a pity that his strength was as high as the middle of the title level, but he still had no power to fight back in Yuan Xinyan's hands, and even his life was at risk of being controlled by others.

After seeing Yuan Xinyan stop in time, Yuan Ye also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't kill the other party, and fortunately his breakthrough process ended in time.

"You said he has a Void Heart?" Yuan Xinyan hesitated.

If so, how did Yuan Ye feel it?

"Yes, I have a way to sense it, because to be honest, I have a Void Heart in my body now, but this Void Heart is very special and has no use on weekdays." Yuan Ye nodded.

For his sister, there is naturally nothing to hide about this matter.

What's more, Yuan Xinyan must know more about the Void Heart than him in terms of the degree of understanding. It is better for him to say it out than to understand the use of the Void Heart faster and figure out the situation of this unusual Void Heart.

"So that's it." Yuan Xinyan suddenly realized and relaxed his brows.

This is also a good thing.

Her brother has a Void Heart, which is good in any way, and she will not ask how this Void Heart came from. After all, everyone has their own fate. What's more, the stronger her brother is, the better it is for her.

After all, only when Yuan Ye's strength becomes stronger, she can relax. She finally recognized her brother, so she naturally did not allow him to be in any danger.

"Then let him live." Yuan Xinyan said, turning his eyes to the other dozen or so titled ones, and his eyes instantly revealed murderous intent.

The remaining alien warriors were not so lucky.

At the same time, she was also very angry.

"It seems that the strongest of this race is only a middle-level titled one, not even a high-level one, let alone the peak of the titled one." She said very irritably.

So in this case, why did they still be cautious before, fearing that something unexpected would happen, and endured the burden for so long?

If she had known that this race was so bad, she would have solved it directly and forcefully.

"Actually, it's better this way. There's nothing we can do about it." Yuan Ye could only comfort her: "After all, we are new here, and we don't know anything. It's better to be safe than sorry. After all, many things are just a matter of what happens?"

Yuan Xinyan was silent.

Because what Yuan Ye said was right.

Now they know that this race is only strong on the outside but weak on the inside, that's right.

But before they came in, they still knew nothing, they had no information.

It's very dangerous to act rashly at this time.

What if the other party's situation is different from what you think?

You know, many of the strange races in the virtual realm are never known to humans. Similar cases have happened before. There have been virtual realms with human strongmen's hairstyles before, and they entered them.

That virtual realm is the same as the goblin virtual realm, and there are completely races that humans have never known.

But the situation at that time was completely different from now.

The human title-level strongman at that time did not choose to report it, but entered it very confidently.

The next situation is a past event that everyone in the spiritual martial arts world knows at this stage.

The human title-level strongman died in it, and his head was chopped off and placed on the entrance of the virtual realm. Every strange race strongman who enters and leaves the virtual realm will step on it.

This race directly dispatched several peak title-level warriors and hundreds of title-level warriors to forcefully invade the world.

This is also the most threatening and terrifying weird race faced by the human race so far.

Their race name is called the Gendaya civilization.

But the human race prefers to call them the three-eyed civilization.

That virtual realm is located in the center of the Sahara Desert, which is itself located in an absolute dead place. For countless years, creatures are rare. Even the Berbers, a native ethnic group living in the Sahara, have never been able to reach such a deep place.

To this day, that place is an absolute forbidden area for humans.

Whether it is ordinary people from various countries or extraordinary people, as long as they reach that area, they will be expelled.

Therefore, in the face of an unknown civilization, it is absolutely necessary to remain in awe and act cautiously. This is not cowardice, but responsibility for one's own life, as well as the country, and even humanity itself.

But there is still a big question that Yuan Ye and Yuan Xinyan have not figured out.

"But why are the Goblin's titles so strange?" Yuan Ye asked a soul-searching question.

"I don't know." Yuan Xinyan shook his head.

This is indeed true. These Goblin titled levels are very strange.

Because according to their exploration and understanding of the Goblin race during this period, the lifespan of Goblin is there, and the extraordinary strength is also there.

Compared with human spiritual warriors, their gods are not a little weaker at the same level.

Whether it is the corrupted traitors outside or their own gods, from Yuan Ye’s own experience, any normal human spiritual warrior can deal with more than ten Goblins of the same level.

Logically speaking, the titled level must not escape this setting.

But until they officially faced the opponent’s strong men, they found that it seemed that the Goblin titled strongmen, that is, these so-called God Lords, did not seem to be controlled by this rule.

Their strength is completely normal and belongs to the category of normal titled levels. What is the combat power of normal titled levels, they are what combat power.

The reason why they seem very weak is nothing more than that Yuan Xinyan’s personal strength is too strong, so they seem a little weak in contrast.

But are they really weak?

If you really think so, you are probably a fool.

So, why is this?

"Ask me later." Yuan Xinyan shook his head: "By the way, since you have woken up, you are now..."

Yuan Ye smiled: "Yes"

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