My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 35 Cloze Questions

"After discussion at the Hanxia Central Academy Conference, with the aim of stimulating the recovery of Lingwu and accelerating the circulation of productive forces, it was finally decided that starting from this year, the undergraduate qualifications of all second-batch undergraduate colleges will be cancelled, and the undergraduate qualifications will be reduced to junior college assessments!"

The middle-aged man in camouflage uniforms on the podium announced with a serious face: "At the same time, Lingwu subjects will be established in a number of existing undergraduate colleges! All provincial key senior high schools will set up martial arts classes! The college entrance examination will add Lingwu subjects as an alternative! "

Yuan Ye: "Ah?"

Lao Tzu

Yuan Ye's mentality exploded instantly.

His original idea was not to get involved in the so-called mainstream. After all, putting himself on the table meant more unknown dangers. He just wanted to hide secretly to ensure his own safety.

When the sky falls, there are tall people holding it up.

If someone is not taller than him, he squats down.

Anyway, the main thing is to repair it and keep silent.

According to the idea, I would go to an average university and live this miserable life.

Then tell him now that he will not pass the exam!

It’s not that his grades are not good enough.

What the hell, the school is gone!

With such a decision, not only all domestic universities will be wiped out, but at least they will suffer a sharp drop of 60 to 70% in an instant.

Now, there were only two choices left before him.

One is to take the martial arts test.

The other one is to take an exam that includes spiritual martial arts, and he will get in based on his cultural background and not get involved in spiritual martial arts matters.

And Yuan Ye looked aside and saw Xie Ying looking at him with squinting eyes, a beautiful and charming smile.

Li Qihe looked on and sighed.

very nice! Brother Yuan is indeed worthy of being Brother Yuan! The new goddess just got it done and started flirting with each other. Look, Xie Ying smiled so happily at him. What does this mean? It represents love!

As expected, he made so many assists on the sidelines.

Brother Yuan, you must be happy in the future!

However, Yuan Ye looked at Xie Ying's smile and was gritting his teeth at this moment.

Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right? Just wait here for me, right?

OK! I'm taking the martial arts exam!


Yuan Ye turned his head.

Are you trying to trick me? Want to eat shit.

You think this will make me take off my vest, right?

I won’t pick it off. How should you respond?

Next, Yuan Ye was ready to do what he wanted to do and started making plans.

At the same time, he smiled.

Wait, then.

However, Yuan Ye's ability to stabilize his mentality does not mean that others can.

The announcement of these words means the investment of a bombshell.

In an instant, all the students in the school below the playground were in an uproar.


"do not!!!"

That must be an uproar. High school is originally the most important learning stage in life. After studying for more than ten years, I have reached this point. I am about to apply the knowledge I have learned so hard since childhood to prepare for my own future. A stepping stone in life.

Then, at this stage, I suddenly told them that all your efforts were in vain! Times have changed now!

Many students are counting on this, just hoping to get into a mediocre school.

Not because they want to, but because they can only get into these schools.

It is equivalent to cutting off all their escape routes at once. This group of students is equivalent to silver in the game.

And what he said in silver is actually equivalent to _______.

Because their results are very embarrassing. If you go up a level, you can get a bachelor's degree, double first-class, have some strength, and can get into a better big factory. If you go down, you can take a specialist, and you won't choose until the end. , you ask him to go to a double first-class course, but he can’t go to a junior college, and he feels that he is not worthy of playing with him, right? In their opinion, junior college is the most rubbish, but he wants to go up, but he can't, so this score is the most embarrassing. There is no way, he is stuck here.

He wanted to read a book, but he couldn't, so he decided to take a special book, but he felt it wasn't worth it.

This makes them not anxious.

"No. Why? Why should I make way for you guys in the Spiritual Martial Arts Department? Is this too much?"

"Isn't this clearly looking down on others? What about equality? What about fairness? Why do you have that?"

"Then if I don't have the talent to become a so-called spiritual warrior and I can't practice martial arts, then I'm inherently inferior to others? That's right? Then why? Tell me? This society can't function without you? That's it. Wasted?"

"Why is there still such a thing? Does the country completely ignore basic talents? What kind of decision is this!"

"Cancel two copies? I'll cancel your beep-a-beep-!"

"Why don't you, the spiritual martial arts class, make humanity extinct on the spot? The human world explodes on the spot? If you want to blatantly seek privileges, just say so. So everyone, hurry up and learn foreign languages."

There was a lot of discussion in an instant, and Yuan Ye naturally heard it, and he heard it clearly.

To be honest, he didn't feel anything.

Ha, it sounds like the situation will be different if you go outside. You should also study foreign languages ​​well.

Why, do you really think that the spiritual energy recovery will only revive their Hanxia? Then who can show Zhentiansi an official English name? Show it to ghosts? For the sake of being in line with international standards, it was still called C.H.D. Now it seems that all Blue Stars must have recovered.

As for why the official did this, Yuan Ye also knew the reason very well, because he had really been exposed to some things after the outbreak of Lingwu, the big man, and the riot. He knew very well that what happened that day was just A microcosm, including those monsters and the so-called weirdness.

You can tell with your toes that if the government does not come forward to control it and develop effective forces, the future will only become a mess.

Without supervision, it means pure chaos and no vitality. Facing those things, not to mention weird ones, even those unregulated and illegal spiritual warriors are a big problem that will cause headaches to death.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to strongly stimulate the generation of vitality.

it is necessary.

Don't tell me, without the Lingwu Department, humans would really have to explode on the spot and hit GG directly.

Do you think those civilizations that hid in the mass extinction of species before will make it easier for them? Do you think they will abandon Blue Star's homeland?

I really want to say that the history of existence on Blue Star is much longer than that of humans.

So privileges must be there, and they will definitely be there.

Soldiers who protect their families and the country have to enjoy first-hand ticket purchase priority and priority in medical treatment.

There are still many people who think this is unfair and feel that these military privileges should be revoked.

The next step for spiritual warriors is to protect their home and country, and even protect people's satellites. It is normal to have some privileges.

Even Yuan Ye has already seen that the officials have actually worked very hard to make checks and balances, to restrain them, and to prevent the status of spiritual warriors from growing wildly.

For example, banning the title of ‘transcendent’ and bringing them back to the level of ‘human’.

Also, they didn’t say they would give up infrastructure construction. Didn’t they not cancel it yet? If you major in arts and sciences, you can still get a bachelor's degree in culture, and it's a key undergraduate program, so your future will be bright after you graduate.

Yuan Ye sees things further than ordinary people because he has really seen chaos.

Believe it or not, the official government does not make these checks and balances, and will use the following form to create something even more outrageous than the caste system for you every minute.

As for the complaints of those students who were unable to get up or down, he listened to them expressionlessly.

Do you know why?

Because they are Bai Yin, and what Bai Yin said is like ________, he is already like this, why do you ______? You always have to _________ at someone else's house, right?

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