My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 362 Three Apologies

Yuan Ye's answer was very calm, as if he had no psychological fluctuations in the face of the two's provocation.

In fact, it is true. For other candidates, the martial arts exam is an important opportunity that can determine their lives. If they miss it once, it will be too late to wait for the next time. Now the Lingwu era has just started, and it is the best time.

If they enter the higher hall of Wuke University later than their peers, then they will be pulled down by others.

And after entering Wuke University, a better future will beckoning to them.

Just like the original college entrance examination, for most martial arts students from ordinary backgrounds, it is also the only way in life to change their destiny in the shortest time.

So they naturally value it very much.

But it is not the case for Yuan Ye.

It's just a martial arts exam. It is dispensable for him now. Even not only for him, but for anyone in his team, it is not a very important thing.

Otherwise, why can Li Qi and them do it? As long as Yuan Ye doesn't come out, they will withdraw from the competition on the spot?

Because whether or not they pass the martial arts exam is no longer enough to block or change their fate, they have already taken a step that others have not taken. Even if there is no Wu Wu exam, they are still in the core circle of Zhentian Division, and can even go to the Shangjing headquarters for further study and work at any time.

You know, the Shangjing headquarters of Zhentian Division is a place where countless top powerhouses are trying to squeeze in. After all, this is the strongest spiritual warrior organization in Hanxia, ​​without a doubt, and it is also a violent organization, with tremendous power and strength.

As long as you can enter the Zhentian Division headquarters, the achievements of a spiritual warrior in this life will not be low, which is equivalent to ascending to heaven on the spot. Not to mention anything else, even if you are in a miserable situation, you can still lead 90% of the winners of the martial arts exam.

Remember, it is the winners, that is, those who finally passed the martial arts exam and walked out of the single-plank bridge!

They are still like this, let alone Yuan Ye.

Yuan Ye has gradually begun to leave their generation and move towards the circle of the old generation of core powerhouses.

The reason why he wanted to take the martial arts exam was that he wanted to reminisce the past feelings, and that life without college would be incomplete after all.

He also wanted to experience the feeling of being a college student.

And even Haokong said that after he went to Wuhan University of Science and Technology, he did not really have nothing to learn, and he still had some things to absorb and learn.

The most important reason was that he and Haokong agreed to keep the champion of the martial arts exam in Hanxia and suppress the arrogance of other countries.

This involved many details of the game between major powers. It can be said that this martial arts exam between students was enough to involve the mutual game between several major powers.

And the other outstanding candidates from various countries were the pawns in this game between major powers.

But Yuan Ye was different. Yuan Ye belonged to Haokong who personally approached him and asked him to join the camp as a chess player and personally entered the game as a chess player.

This was the difference between him and the candidates from other countries.

So, he really didn't care about some things.

Let alone a seat, if it weren't for the promise with Haokong, he wouldn't even care about the martial arts exam.

Because Yuan Ye is not a person who cares about rules.

It's just a seat, so he just sits there.

Now he only cares about the follow-up of the virtual realm and some aftermath work.

According to the cheap sister's previous instructions, he needs to wait until the martial arts exam is over to meet Di Xing.

By the way, this should be the second title level of Zhentiansi that he has seen.

He has already met two of the three titled Zhitian Marshals.

"Let's go, there are some things I just need to talk to you about." Yuan Ye turned his head and said to the few people.

"Okay." Li Qihe looked at the two people opposite unwillingly, but because of Yuan Ye's order, he didn't say anything, just gritted his teeth and nodded.

Yuan Ye can do this lightly because his character has always been the kind of character that doesn't fight, doesn't grab, and doesn't care about anything.

In addition, his current realm is there.

But Li Qihe and the others don't have this realm, so they naturally feel indignant.

Fan Jian heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing this, and then sneered: "Ha."

In his opinion, Yuan Ye's behavior was undoubtedly no different from admitting defeat.

It was nothing more than that he had no confidence in being able to defeat him, so he simply pretended to be indifferent, and then tried every means to avoid the fight, and also found some ways that he could get away with it to tactfully say that he admitted defeat.

But let them just give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? How is that possible?

The two of them looked at each other and nodded.

No matter what they said this time, they must pull Yuan Ye down from this position!

"Leave? Just admit defeat? Is this the so-called captain of the national team?" Fan Jian sneered: "It's just an insignificant competition, and you avoided fighting. How can others be convinced by you, the captain of the national team?"

Yang Wei agreed: "Indeed, how about this, when you eat in the future, sit at the table with the children, be obedient and humble, don't raise your head to talk, what do you think? Because you don't have the qualifications at all! You don't even have the courage to fight, you are destined to not keep up with this era, now is a world of great contention, you don't even have the most basic invincible heart."

Today, Yuan Ye said that he would roll down from this position!


Yuan Ye was speechless after listening.

The invincible heart has come out? And the world of great contention? What kind of sequelae can only appear after reading too many fantasy novels?

Not to mention being angry, he even wanted to laugh a little.

To be honest, the threat that the other party can bring to him is not as good as those weak goblins, which really makes it difficult for him to raise any hostility.

But Li Qihe's temper is obviously not so good.

"I give you three seconds to apologize immediately."

Li Qihe's hand has been pressed on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and the aura in his body can no longer be suppressed, and began to overflow and steam.

Even Hong Yanpei and Xie Ying were no longer calm, and their eyes began to become sharp.


Boom --

A sharp sword light swept around the two of them.

Even the two who were at the peak of the Silver Moon level and thought they were unparalleled in their strength felt that they could not open their eyes.

Even the air seemed to carry countless blades, which could even pierce their souls.

This made their hearts gradually sink.

Because what they felt was actually an aura that was not weaker than the peak of the Silver Moon level.

But how could this be possible? This fat man was obviously only at the high level of the Silver Moon level some time ago.

Why can he improve so quickly?


Choke --

Li Qihe's sword had already been unsheathed an inch.


The moment the voice fell, Li Qihe rushed up. (End of this chapter)

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